Monsta X Imagines

By monbebe294

30.1K 445 30

Filled with Monsta X imagines, almost all of them are oneshots.. These are all x reader stories. So, use your... More

1. Sober-Jooheon
2. Under The Mistletoe-Changkyun
3. Something to be Meant-Kihyun
4. His Condolences-Minhyuk
6. Goodnight Nap-Changkyun
7. Hot Issue-Wonho
8. Aquarium-Hyungwon
9. Sing Me To Sleep-Shownu
10. Subway Stranger-Minhyuk
11. [30DWC - June 2020] Day 1 : Movie Night-Jooheon
12. [30DWC - June 2020] Day 2 : Champagne-Minhyuk
13. [30DWC - June 2020] Day 3 : Paris-Kihyun
14. [30DWC - June 2020] Day 4 : Horizon-Minhyuk
15. [30DWC - June 2020] Day 5 : Thunder-Kihyun
16. [30DWC - June 2020] Day 6 : Sunflower-Kihyun
17. [30DWC - June 2020] Day 7 : Established-Changkyun
18. [30DWC - June 2020] Day 8 : Crazy Ex-Girlfriend-Wonho
19. [30DWC - June 2020] Day 9 : Ferris Wheel-Hyungwon
20. [30DWC - June 2020] Day 10 : Funeral-Changkyun
21. [DWC - June 2020] Day 11 : Sushi-Minhyuk
22. [DWC - June 2020] Day 12 : Jealous-Jooheon
23. [30DWC] Day 13 : Stranger-Hyungwon
24. [30DWC] Day 14 : Sedate-Changkyun
25. [30DWC] Day 15 : Therapeutic-Shownu
26. [30DWC] Day 16 : Poetic-Minhyuk
27. [30DWC] Day 17 : Jacket-Kihyun
28. [30DWC] Day 18 : Competition-Wonho
29. [30DWC] Day 19 : Library-Changkyun
30. [30DWC] Day 20 : She's The One-Hyungwon
31. [30DWC] Day 21 : Demonic-Jooheon
32. [30DWC] Day 22 : Miserable-Jooheon
33. [30DWC] Day 23 : Drive-Hyungwon
34. [30DWC] Day 24 : Hero-Shownu
35. [30DWC] Day 25 : Bride-Kihyun
36. [30DWC] Day 26 : Never Have I Ever-OT7
37. [30DWC] Day 27 : Come On-Shownu
38. [30DWC] Day 28 : Scent-Changkyun
39. [30DWC] Day 29 : Monopoly-Minhyuk
40. [30DWC] Day 30 : I Like U-Wonho
41. Quarantine-Jooheon
42. Cruel-Shownu
43. Boba-Jooheon
44. Gwangju Oppa-Minhyuk
45. Your Lies Last December-Wonho
46. I'll Say It-Hyungwon
47. I'm Here Now-Kihyun
48. Paint Me-Minhyuk

5. Instagram-Shownu

926 11 7
By monbebe294

Well, today's his birthday

You got him this present that you're excited to give to him. It was 6:30 in the morning and you've just arrived. You set your bag on your chair and pulled out a blue themed box with a rectangular note stuck on it that says, "Happy birthday! -Y/N."

It was a great morning so far, you started having this cheery feeling as you approached his class with his gift in your hands.

You then took a peek inside and found him chatting with two other guys who you recognized as Wonho and Kihyun. You were honestly hoping for him to be alone, but "whatever," you thought.

You took a deep breath and exhaled. You then sauntered over to him with a relatively bright smile.

Your aura was spread almost everywhere around them which caught their attention and made them turn their heads.

"Happy Birthday!" you said in a cheery tone as you handed him his gift. And without hearing what he has to say, you're rushed out of that room out of shyness and head to your classroom.

As you sat down, you noticed that one of your close friends had just arrived. She, Solar, then walked over to you and sat on the vacant seat beside you.

"Hey, what've you been doing?" she asked.

You smiled, "Well..."

"What did you do?" She asked.

"Well, today's Shownu oppa's birthday, so I bought him something," you replied.



"And why would you do that?"

You sighed, "Isn't it clear? I have a crush on him. Unnie, were you even listening when I told you shits?"

"Yah! Of course I listened. It's just pretty weird. I mean, we're just sixth graders who managed to survive school. Don't you think it's a bit too extra to give a guy you have a crush on a gift? It would seem desperate."

You then said, "Welp, I did what I did. And I didn't regret it."

And right when you ended your statement the bell rang which indicates that class is starting.

"You do you, I guess," she said before walking off to her seat.

You then smiled as you remembered the one thing you did before school even started, thinking that this is gonna be one great day.


It has been a few days since his birthday and you chatted him once through Instagram.

Right. Instagram.

Instagram has been a great lifesaver to your mind, body, and soul. Not to be dramatic, but whenever you're not in school and you missed him, you would go to his account and look at his posts.

Solar once asked, "Why do you even like him?"

And you not so simply explained.

First of all, he has this cute eye smile. Second of all, he is smart, like, really smart. Not to mention, he's super calm, and mature.

You feel like he would make a great boyfriend.

And not surprisingly, Solar unnie rolls her eyes at your cockiness. But you didn't care about it, why would you?

You then slides to his Instagram account only to see three words.

"No Posts Yet."

What the hell?

And with that you found out the truth. He blocked you.

"Holy shit," you mumbled as you processed this.

You then tried searching Minhyuk and Wonho Oppa's Instagram.

"No Posts Yet."

"WHAT THE FUUCK," you yelled in your head.

The next day, you walked to school with a gloomy face. As usual, you sat down on your appointed seat and stared at nothing.

Solar then walked in and placed her backpack on her desk and came to you.

"What's wrong?" she asked as she plopped down to the empty seat in-front of you.

You huffed, "He blocked me! How could this happen!?"

"I would say, "I've told you," but it doesn't feel like the perfect time," she said.

The whole day you stayed silent and just went to your classes normally. You didn't say anything if no one's asking, and you didn't even bother to go to his class and confront him.

You feel like a loser. You then began your session of overthinking in the middle of English class.

"What the fuck was that? I thought he's mature but what the shit was that reaction about? Why do I even like him in the first place? Well, I guess he's not that mature if he decided to block me," you thought to yourself.

Everything was so crazy until you finally felt done. All these years, all those crushes you had. "How idiotic were you?" you thought.

You then began to realize how stupid all of it was. All of them always led to one thing and that is a holocaust to your social life.

First grade, Mark. The whole class ended up knowing. It was embarrassing as shit. Fourth grade, Namjoon. The whole class AND the class next door knew. Fifth grade, Suho. Three classes knew. And last but not least sixth grade Shownu. Almost every sixth grader in your school knew. Not to mention, he blocked you.

You were so done with it. With love.


It has been three years since everything and as planned, your perspective about love did change. You totally lost contact with him and his whole group and now you couldn't care less. You were quite happy, honestly. Calmer, even.

You totally changed. From the cheery, warm, energetic one to something that's totally the opposite. You've become colder, ambitious, smarter, and a visionary.

You settled your academic goals and so here you were trying to achieve everything perfectly. And you couldn't let anything get in your way. Especially love. You hardly believe in it now. You only let it live between you and your family members and you and your closest friends.

And now, you're sitting beside one of them.

Seulgi whined as she found out that she didn't pass the math test that occurred about a week ago.

"Aigoo... What's wrong with this thing?!" she said, close to yelling.

You can only chuckle at her reaction. She then turned her head to you and said, "Y/N-ah. Will you please help me study? Your grades are close to perfect in maths. Please, please."

You then said, "Unnie! Cool it off! It's just a test. I'll help you study after school. Now, will you please let me eat my lunch?"

She nodded and placed her lunch box on her desk after putting away her graded answer sheet.

A few minutes later, Jihyo, Solar, and Moonbyul walk into the room with their lunches that they bought in none other than the school's cafeteria.

"WhaT'S uP BitChEs," Jihyo said with a charged tone.

You all then laughed at her way of greeting her unnies. The three of them then sat around you and Seulgi's desks. Solar pulled a chair next to you while the two others sat on the empty chairs in front of you.

"Have you guys heard about that youth award program from Jun seonsaengnim's class? Are there any of you that wanted to sign up for it? He said that it would help in our college applications," Seulgi spoke up.

You recognized the program since you were there with Seulgi when Jun seonsaengnim was explaining about it. It was an international youth award program and it would honestly look dashing in the credits section of your college application.

"Oh yeah, I did remember him stopping by our class to explain about that program. But I don't think I'll be signing up. I feel like I have a lot on my plate already," Jihyo said.

"Me too," Solar then said before letting in a spoonful of rice and chicken into her mouth.

Suddenly, Jennie entered the room and said, "YO!!"

Some of us then greeted her back, "Hey!", "Hi!", and others.

"So, what kind of tea were you guys spilling?" she asked.

"An academic one," you replied, "we were talking about that youth award program."

"Ooh~~ Right, I'm not in. I'd rather not," she said.

"Well, okay.. I'm planning on signing up, but I'm just waiting for my dad's approval," Seulgi said.

That conversation goes on until the bell rang and for short, Seulgi and your visionary self succeeded in convincing you to sign up. And there goes everyone.

Out of 6 of you and your friends, only you and Seulgi decided to sign up. And everything pretty much went well. You convinced both of your parents, and they let you sign up. You've paid for everything and everything was good for a few days.

Today, Jun Seonsaengnim's voice rattled out and all over from the school radio system, informing for the participants to excuse themselves from class and meet up in the library, where there'll be a meeting.

And as we were told to do, Seulgi and you excuse yourselves from the class and head to the library.

If only words could describe how surprised you were when you found Shownu and Wonho chatting with Man seonsaengnim who's setting up the projector.

Ugh, him.

But you thought, "Whatever," since you're going to do this for the better future and you were great in adapting to the feeling by not interacting with each other.

A few minutes went by, and now, Jun seonsaengnim and Man Seonsaengnim were seated in a relatively huge table along with the other participants.

Them who joined can be counted with your fingers. Maybe seven or eight people.

And so the meeting began. Jun seonsaengnim started talking about all these things related to the program. Turns out, participants have to do volunteer work and work on two other skillset.

And you thought, "Okay, this is pretty easy."

The teachers then started making a table in a document that has four columns. On for your names, one for your skillset 1, one for your skillset 2, and the last one for your community service.

The participants then fill in the boxes they can fill and soom after, the teachers reviewed it.

And finally one of them came up with a conclusion.

"Okay, so, since most of you are still not sure on what to fill in the community service column, we'll help you appoint some things you can do around here. We'll share the schedules and activities in the group chat that will soon be created. I guess that's it. Dismissed," Man Seonsaengnim said.

And with that the students stood up and bowed as teachers walked out of the room.

Seulgi and you then started walking back to class. And to sum everything up, everything went great and normal.


School finally ended and since it's Thursday, you had nothing to-do after school and so, you walked home.

You took off your shoes as you closed the door and went to your room. You placed your backpack and laptop case on your bed and went to take a shower.

And after that, you felt fresh. You sat on your chair and decided to finish some school work.

A few minutes passed by, but then your notification went off. The school program. The group chat was made and the schedule was shared.

You opened the file and read it. You searched for your name and where you found it made you feel like mother nature was seriously against you. It was next to Shownu's in the same box.

You two are scheduled to work together on helping the library for the next six months. You were surely okay with the library part since remembering how invested you can be in one book, but Shownu? Seriously?

You felt like you didn't mind at all but at the same time you felt like the world was really against you. Just how it is when you felt like the world was really against you. Just how it is when everything started.


Today's the day.

It's the second break of this week Monday and you're walking to the library. You then walked in quietly and greeted the two librarians.

"Annyeonghaseyo, Seaseonim," you said to them.

"Annyeong!" one of them said.

The other one then said, "Y/N, I've heard from Jun Seonsaengnim that you're here to fulfill the community service column for the next six months with Shownu. Come, I'll tell you what to do."

And with that you learned everything. Everytime it's your shift, you would be on desk duty. You'll be handling the book loaning datas and making sure the books are in the right place. So, you'll be sitting with the librarians.

The rest are Shownu's problems. He's the one who'll have to summon the students who haven't returned the books they've borrowed.

And you thought it was fair since you prefered walking around the library instead of running around the building to chase culprits who haven't returned their books.

So, you sat down on the empty chair and stood by the counter in-case a student visits. And some of them did. Some came to read, some came to sleep, some came to use the internet, and some came to borrow the books.

You were beyond fine. Excited actually, being in a quiet space with no distraction, As you noticed that no one's going to visit for the next few minutes, you opened up your novel and read.

But after a few minutes, the doors open up and reveal Shownu standing there.

He walks in to see you reading your book behind the counter. He then walked up to the counter and greeted the librarians.

The librarians then started to teach him things but you couldn't care less. You didn't even lift your head up to see him, you just knew it was him.

You then continued reading and not caring. But, what you didn't notice was his eyes that kept stealing glances to you.

"Speak up, speak up, speak up," he whispered in his head.

He noticed everything, from your personality traits changing, you being smarter, and even to your physical glow up.

And as his wishes came true, both of the two librarians said, "Kids, we're gonna get lunch for a moment okay? If the bell rings, just remind the students to get to class and just leave the counter."

We both then said, "Okay," and stood up to bow as they walked away.

You then plopped down and continued reading. And this time, you did feel the air getting awkward between the two of you. You weren't able to focus on your novel and so you decided to speak up.

"Look," you said, gaining his attention.

"Of course you haven't forgotten about 3 years ago, so, I'm sorry. But, we're cool right?" you asked.

He stayed silent for a while, "Y-Yeah."

He went nervous for a split second. Maybe it's because he wasn't expecting you to have the balls to speak first.

"Okay," you responded before shifting your gaze back to your book.

And for a few shifts, it was pretty normal for you. But not for Shownu. He was pretty confused himself. Maybe he missed the old Y/N who's clingy and cocky. But, she's pretty much dead.

And so, he went along his shifts with figuring out the answers to his own questions.

"Was blocking her a mistake?"

"Am I having a crush on her?"

"Did she change because of me?"

Truth be told, he was the one who changed her point of view about love.


Word count: 2.560 words

A/N: HIIII SORRY IM LATE, OK. So, First of all, Happy (early) Birthday, Jooheon!! And for the rest of u guys, thankyou for reading!!! Leave a vote and comment if u want to! It's Monday, I know, hold on!!

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