false confidence. [original]

By shayslater

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EVERYONE HAS THEIR OWN SECRET Everyone has great confidence in themselves... but what really is the truth beh... More

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By shayslater

1 week later, There's going to be a school event in which a few of the students are selected and to compete for being the school representative.

Everyone was rooting for Cassie since she's the talk of the university ever since she transferred. She's mostly qualified with good grades, confidence, beauty, talent, and maturity.

But then of course, everyone knows the one and only Lily Chee always win. It's the one who built her reputation. 

It's important for her to stay on her platform. She wouldn't know what she'll do if someone takes her spot.

" Cassie." Oliver came with a smile as he opened his locker beside Cassie." Hi." Cassie greeted." What are you doing?" Oliver asked.

" I'm organizing my locker." Cassie said then she heard Oliver let out a little laugh before his smile slowly faded as if he remembered something.

" You ok?" Cassie asked." No, uhm... yeah.. you just reminded me of someone." Oliver said with a sad tone on his voice.

" Are you sure you're ok? You sound kinda sad." Cassie said." Oh... no.. it's nothing." Oliver denied." Oliver, you can't fool me." Cassie said.

Oliver just shook his head." Ignore it.. I-i just remembered someone. That's all." Oliver said." Well that someone must be really important to you to sound so upset." Cassie said.

Oliver flashed a small smile." Yeah." Oliver agreed." Cassie, can I get an interview?" Liv came holding her phone.

" Interview for what?" Cassie asked confused." On what you think about the people rooting for you as the school representative." Liam said.

" Well, I don't know." Cassie said going back to organizing her locker." At least give us something. Please." Liv pleaded.

" Liv, why would everyone want me to be a school representative?" Cassie asked." Because you're qualified. You're smart." Liv said.

" It's always been Lily.. but.. you know.. you're honestly... better than her." Liam said.

" Wow Liam. Keep talking trash about me.. I'll be fine. You're very lucky I like you." Lily spoke as she stood behind them.

Liam looked uncomfortable while Oliver and Cassie looked confused at Liv's slightly mad expression.

" Are you done flirting?!" Liv spoke." Relax Liv, as if he's your boyfriend." Lily said." Get out of my sight." Liv said. Cassie, Oliver, and Liam looked at her in surprise.

" Toodles." Lily winked at Liam before leaving. Liv looked over to Liam before walking away." What's her problem?" Oliver asked clueless.

Cassie shrugged." I'll see you later." Liam said leaving the two then Max arrived confused." Where's Liam going? And where's Liv?" Max asked.

" He must've followed Liv. Liv walked away a minute ago." Cassie said." Why?" Max asked then the both of them shrugged.

" What are you doing?" Max asked Cassie." Organizing my locker." Cassie said.

" Oh...ok." Max said the same expression Oliver made, the one when he remembered someone that made him slightly upset.

" Why are you too look so upset when I say I'm organizing my locker? Are organizing lockers not familiar here?!" Cassie asked.

" What?! No... You just.. reminded me of someone we know." Max chuckled. Cassie just nodded." Is this someone really important to you?" Cassie asked.

" Yeah... we were really close. We're like family." Max said." True." Oliver said." But that someone is not your sibling." Oliver said pointing at Max.

" I'll see you guys later." Oliver said before leaving." You need any help?" Max asked." No, I can do it on my own but thank you for asking." Cassie said.

Max just smiled." So... why is this person so important to you guys?" Cassie asked." She's very independent and very caring." Max answered.

Cassie stopped and turned to him." So it's a girl? Do you like her?" Cassie asked. Max couldn't help but smile.

" You could say that... but she's gone... she's been gone for way too long." Max said as his smile turned into a frown.

" Oh... I'm sorry to hear that." Cassie said." It's fine. Don't worry about it." Max said flashing a smile." I'll see you later, Cassie." Max said before leaving.

Later that afternoon, all the students went to the auditorium and sat down. Then principal Albi came to the stage.

" Good Afternoon everyone! I'm glad to see all of you for this afternoon. As you all know, we are picking one school representative for a quiz bee this coming weekend. So this afternoon, I call Lily Chee and Cassidy Steele to come up on stage." Principal Albi said then everyone cheered as the two glanced at each other before standing up and going to the stage.

" You two have the most nominations suggested by the teachers." Principal Albi said. Cassie glanced over to her friends as Lily gave her a glare.

" We'll do an impromptu quiz bee. Whoever scores the highest will be our representative." Principal Albi said." Of course with the help of our beloved teachers, they will be the one asking the questions." Principal Albi said pointing to the teachers in front of the stage.

Cassie looked at her friends confused like she doesn't know about this. They all just smiled and gave her a thumbs up while Oliver mouthed 'You can do it' with a confident smile.

Cassie slightly smiled before turning back to Principal Albi and the teachers." All you have to do is press the buzzers as fast as you can when you know the answer. Shall we start?" Principal Albi asked the two girls who nodded.

" Let's start of with science. Ms. Gina." Principal Albi called." Ok, for the first question, 

What weather phenomenon causes more deaths in the U.S. annuallythan any other except lightning?

L: Tornadoes!

Ms.G: Correct

 What is given to wood whose normal cells have been replaced withmineral deposits?

L: Petrified wood

Ms. G: Correct

What percent of fire-related deaths are due to smoke inhalationrather than burns?w) 10%x) 50%y) 80%z) 99%

L: Y- 80%

Ms. G: Correct

Lily glanced at Cassie with a smirk feeling that Cassie's way too nervous to answer and that she's on the leading score.

Everyone looked at Cassie confused on why she's not answering. Cassie looked at her friends who's looking at her in confusion.

They were mouthing that she can do it and relax. Cassie took a deep breath before focusing herself instead of worrying.

What is the better known name for the deadly poison prussic acid?

Cassie quickly hit the buzzer, everyone looked at her with a smile.

C: Cyanide

Ms. G: Correct!

Used primarily in fertilizers, which element is never found free innature even though it makes up about 2.5% of the earth's crust?

C: Potassium 

Ms. G: Correct!

The study of phenomena at very low temperatures is called:w) heat transferx) morphologyy) crystallographyz) cryogenics 

C: Z- cryogenics

Ms. G: Correct 

Lily looked at Cassie in shock while Cassie glanced at her with a smirk. As soon as Lily saw Cassie smirked, she became furious.

 What famous scientist and inventor participated in the invention ofthe Aqua-Lung?w) Thomas Edisonx) Isaac Newtony) Leonardo da Vinciz) Jacques Cousteau


Ms. G: Correct!

Who is called the Father of the Nuclear Navy?w) Edward Tellerx) Robert Oppenheimery) Hymen Rickoverz) Chester Nimitz


Ms. G: Correct

The science of weights and measures is called:w) metrologyx) meteorologyy) mineralogyz) morphology


Ms. G: Correct

 The following are the names of man-made structures in the UnitedStates. Identify the type of structure. Hungry Horse, Yellowtail, Dworshak, Don Pedro, Cougar,Glen Canyon, Grand Coulee and Hoover. Name the type of structure. 


Ms. G: Correct!

Everyone cheered for Cassie. Lily looked at the Elites in disbelief as some of them clapped for her. By I mean some of them are Maddie, Taylor, Brighton, Lilia, Bostyn, and Chloe.

" It's a close game. Both are tie." Principal Albi announced." Next is Mathematics with Mr. Harold." Principal Albi said.

Mr. Harold started the questions and Cassie and Lily were answering back and forth. 

After Mr. Harold, Mr. Herschel was the last one.

This man, as Public Safety Director of Cleveland, controversially ordered the burning of its shantytowns in response to the Cleveland Torso Murderer. This man co-wrote a memoir with Oscar Farleywhich was named for a term coined by Charles Schwarz. George Johnson appointed this man to heada group dedicated to prosecuting criminals under the Volstead Act. This man's inability to be bribedby the Chicago Outfit led him and his men to be labeled the "Untouchables." For the point, name thisProhibition-era crime fighter who helped bring down Al Capone. 

Cassie quickly hit the buzzer.

C: Eliot Ness 

Mr. H: Correct!

 A Maoist insurgency led by this country's two different Communist parties resulted in a period ofdramatic change called Krambhanga after the abolition of this country's monarchy in 2006. This country'sCrown Prince Dipendra killed several of his family members and himself in 2002. This country suppliesgurkha soldiers to the British Army, and this country's Sherpa people are part of its Buddhist minority.For the point, name this country on the Indian subcontinent where almost 9,000 people died in a 2015earthquake in its capital of Kathmandu.

L: Nepal

Mr. H: Correct

Lily smirked as she glanced at Cassie who looked like she doesn't know the answer.

John Wesley Dobbs led this city's Sweet Auburn neighborhood, which was devastated by a1917 fire in its Old Fourth Ward. Joseph Terrell ended this city's namesake 1906 race riot, afterwhich M. Hoke Smith disenfranchised this city's black voters. Eric Rudolph detonated a pipe bombduring this city's 1996 Summer Olympics. A Confederate monument outside this city is the largestbas-relief in the world and was the site of the founding of the 2nd KKK. Stone Mountain is in asuburb of, for the point, what capital and largest city of Georgia.

Lily glanced over to Cassie who's hesitating to answer so Lily pushed the buzzer.

L: Atlanta

Mr. H:  Correct!

Everyone applauded. Cassie glanced over to Lily crossing her arms and smirking. 4 questions passed and Lily was getting all the scores.

Cassie was anxious as her friends are starting to look worried.

John Wesley Dobbs led this city's Sweet Auburn neighborhood, which was devastated by a1917 fire in its Old Fourth Ward. Joseph Terrell ended this city's namesake 1906 race riot, afterwhich M. Hoke Smith disenfranchised this city's black voters. Eric Rudolph detonated a pipe bombduring this city's 1996 Summer Olympics. A Confederate monument outside this city is the largestbas-relief in the world and was the site of the founding of the 2nd KKK. Stone Mountain is in asuburb of, for the point, what capital and largest city of Georgia.

Cassie quickly hit the buzzer before Lily can.

C: Jewish people

Mr. H: Correct!

Lily looked at Cassie. Mr. Herschel continued asking the questions and Cassie was answering all of it and getting it correctly.

What is an illegal organization called that is still running businesses all around the world especially in Italy and America?

C: Mafia

Mr. H: Correct!

Lily looked at her in disbelief, so does everyone. They don't know such thing about a Mafia.

Last question, where did the Mafia originally came from and what is about?

Cassie hit the answer as Lily obviously doesn't know the answer.

C: La mafia proviene dagli antenati italo / americani. Deriva dalla parola mafia siciliana o conosciuta come Cosa Nostra che significa "cosa nostra" La mafia è un sindacato della criminalità organizzata e una società criminale originaria della regione Sicilia, risalente al XIX secolo

Everyone looked at her in shock.

C: It means, Mafia is from the Italian/American ancestors. It came from the word Sicilian Mafia or known as Cosa Nostra meaning " Our thing " Mafia is an organized crime syndicate and criminal society originating in the region of Sicily, dating to the 19th century

Mr. H: Correct

When Mr. Herschel announced Cassie was correct, everyone cheered meaning Cassie won." That proves that Ms. Cassie Steele will be our school representative. Very impressive Cassie." Principal Albi said.

Lily crossed her arm and scoffed as she saw Cassie looked at her with a smirk. Lily rolled her eyes and stormed off.

" Congratulations Cassie. You really prove that you deserve to stay in Quinton." Principal Albi said." Cassie, how did you learn to speak Italian fluently?" Mr. Herschel asked.

" My family is required to learn how to speak many languages, and I also lived in Italy for 3 years." Cassie explained.

" Well, congratulations Cassie. We'll do trainings in the afternoons after your classes. Is that alright with you?" Mr. Harold asked.

" I'll have to ask my grandfather first. He's really strict in time." Cassie said." Of course, if he doesn't agree, we can just go to your house to tutor." Ms. Gina offered.

" No need Ms. Gina. He'll understand the situation so, there's no need to bother you on going to our house." Cassie said.

They all nodded before leaving, then Max, Oliver, Liam, and Liv came up on stage to congrats her.

" You crushed the game!" Oliver said enthusiastically." And the fact that is impromptu is unbelievable." Liv said.

" You speak Italian fluently. Wow." Max said." It's not a big deal if you live in Italy at the age of 5 until 8." Cassie chuckled.

" You're definitely getting the front page for the school's news paper again." Liam said.

So...Create with Tate//The live experience. It was such an amazing experience. 

I honestly thought I will never get it but here I am shaking as I just interacted with Tate for the first time... well not really because of her liking my comments on her tiktoks- TimToms I mean.. If you follow Tate on tiktok.. you know ;)

Here are some photos I've taken, it's not hd I'm sorry

I love it so much and Tate was so adorable and a freaking genius.


I love her so so so so so much. As you can tell. I have more pictures but yeah, I recorded everything on my phone so I can rewatch it over and over again.

Aaaaand she said Bad Bitch without hesitation. Which she is and I was in shock then like I was like you go girl!!

I will never forget this day and next Saturday will be my birthday and Johnny's releasing the ep so I'm super duper excited!!!!

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