Dacre Montgomery Oneshots.

By woopy_doopey

143K 1.8K 264

Cute and possibly smutty little stories about our favourite Aussie actor and his characters. More

Halloween Fluff with Dacre Montgomery
Father Christmas' knee
The Thing In The House On Maple Street
Something from home
Little Family
Premier Night
What the hell is a Theo?
Fluffy Imagine
Sneaking up on Billy Hargrove
evil twin
Kiss and Shivers
Five Years PT 1
Five Years PT 2
Five Years PT 3
Not so secret enemies to lovers.
Imagine: Rita attacks you instead of Trini
Sweater Stealer
moving on
the unwilling ranger PT 1
the unwilling ranger PT 2
Lose It PT 1
Lose It PT 2
Lose It PT 3
Range Rover
Little Kiwi
slow dancing in the dark
until death do us part
trailer talk
Hargrove's Cookie
Only as Alone as I Wanna Be
the silent treatment
nubian queen
dinner with the law
True Colours
dancing with you
Don't lie. You want it as much as I do.
silent screams
I'm Annoyed
I am good.
My type of girl
crossover romance
spare coat (idk what to name this-)
you are my world
thank god for Australia's heat
you're always one my mind
trapped under ice
Thank You.
Not Her
I'll Always Think of You
Imagines Update
The View
Scouts Honour (1)
Scouts Honour (2)
stop by

You're So Good

5.3K 72 16
By woopy_doopey

You finished up putting on your light makeup and threw your bag over your shoulder. Rushing out of the bathroom, you hoped your father wouldn't see you. Unluckily for you, right as you grabbed the doorknob, he harshly grabbed your wrist and turned you around.

"Dad, please. I have to go. I'm going to be late," you pleaded, smelling alcohol on him. His fingers dig into your wrist. You could already feel the bruises forming. He finally let go after a few seconds of your squirming and went back to sit in his reclining chair he could always be found in. Often times he was enjoying a beer. Or two. Or ten. You awaited your fathers 'ok' for you to leave. When it didn't come, you opened your mouth to speak. He interrupted you with a, "take the makeup off. You look like a cheap whore."

"But, dad, I'm gonna be-" Yet again, he cut you off. This time, it was with him throwing a beer bottle at you with a loud yell, "I said take it off!" You put your arms in front of you as you blacked out slightly. Your blackout didn't last long as the bottle hit your arms and fell to the floor, shattering. Before he could do or say anything else, you bolted out of the door. Your feet had carried you all the way to school. The first thing you did when you arrived was head straight to your first period which you shared with many of the jocks and 'pretty girls.' Your least favorite one, though, was Billy Hargrove.

It's not his personality or the way he'd beat up anyone who looked at him even remotely in the wrong way. No. It was the way he looked at you. That was it. Most of the girls would kill to have Billy look at them, but not you.

You were different.

The bell rang and the class came flooded in. As always, Billy was the last one in. Every time he walked in, you could've sworn that the world moved in slow motion judging by the way the girls looked at him.

Everyday he sat somewhere new.

Never close to you, but close enough where he could still see your face.

Except for today, he chose to sit directly in front of you.

You scribbled your name down on your essay you'd just finished last night that was due today. Wincing at the pain in your wrist, your teeth instinctively gritted together. You sat the pencil down and sighed as Billy turned and looked at you. "Do you mind if I borrow your homework?" His voice was deep yet inviting. You sorted through your papers and handed him the sheet. "Thanks," he chimed with a smirk. A few minutes later went by until he handed the paper back. You put it back into your folder and continued scribbling notes down as the teacher spoke. Once he was back at his desk and was done instructing the class, you began to walk over to hand him your work. However, you didn't get far due to Billy's hand grasping your sensitive wrist. You hissed in pain and jerked away. "Watch it, Hargrove." He was in total shock at the way your voice had differed from its usual calm, sweet tone. Billy's mouth hung agape as you walked away. He quickly shut it as you turned back around and started towards your seat. After about thirty minutes, the bell rang and class was over. The day went on as it usually did for you.


The next day, Billy say in front of you yet again.

This time, he turned around to face you again. "May I borrow a pencil? If you have one, that is." "Yeah, sure. You can keep it," your voice was low and shaky as you handed him your pencil. Little to your knowledge, your sleeve had slid up and Billy saw the bruises that painted your arm. Multiple shades and shapes of black and blue painted your arm. Billy took note of it. He decided to agreed it. "Hey, hey, hey," he whispered. You stopped your movement and looked up at him through your eyelashes and he continued, knowing he'd gotten your attention, "Your arm. What happened?" Your heart raced and your face went completely pale with fear. "Nothing! I just tripped the other day when I was cleaning up my room," your voice shook yet again. "No, that's not...that's not that kind of bruise," he spoke, eyebrows cocked up. "Drop it, please, Hargrove," you pleaded with both your voice and eyes. So he did exactly that. He dropped it. For now, at least.


Days passed and Billy continued to sit in front of you.

Everyday, he'd have some reason to speak to you. Eventually, the next week rolled around. It'd been exactly a week since your first encounter with him. And a week since he'd noticed your bruises. Everyday, you tried less and less to hide your bruises from him. The new ones and old ones.


Lunch rolled around and you slowly limped your way over to your usual eating area which was outside in the field.

It was quiet there.

You had the peace you'd always wanted. You never actually ate, but it was a nice time for you to relax and work. You pulled out your sketch pad and a pencil and began to draw. Ten minutes into lunch, you felt a hand tap your shoulder. Jumping slightly, you turned around and locked eyes with the familiar baby blue ones. "May I?" He motioned down to the spot in the grass next to you. This time, his voice wasn't deep and inviting or even soft.

No, his tone was unrecognizable.

"Yeah. Sure." He sat down as you closed your sketchbook. "Why don't you have food," he questioned, pulling out a cigarette, lighting it. "Lost my appetite," you mumbled. "Don't give me that. You never eat lunch." "How do you know, Hargrove?" You'd caught him by surprise. He took a long drag of his cigarette before puffing out the smoke. Quite frankly, he wasn't sure how to answer. He knew because he's watched you everyday since the first day he was there.

Something about you radiated teenage innocence and he liked it. You were different than most girls.

You never threw yourself at him or anyone else and you were quiet and reserved and he admired that about you. His mouth was slightly opened as he threw his cigarette to the ground and his eyes paced the grass as if the ground would give him an answer.

"Wow. Billy Hargrove watches me. I'm sure if I were any other girl, I'd be creaming my pants right now," you smirked. Once again, you'd managed to shock him. Never would he have thought to hear anything like that from you.

But he liked it.

It was unexpected and boy did he love the unexpected. Billy let out a chuckled and lightly smacked your upper arm, careful to watch that he didn't hit any sort of bruise or cause you any pain. But you still flinched. He immediately retracted his hand, noticing your little jump at his touch. You two sat for a few seconds before he spoke up again, "can we talk? About last week? Please."

Your head was telling you to say no and tell him to fuck off, but the way he spoke made your heart give in and put some sort of trust in him. "Sure, Hargrove." "The bruises. I know they're not from you falling. I know. Just, trust me." Your face reddened and you scanned his face, "Look. I'm fine, okay. Please just...drop it."

"Y/N, we both know that's not true. Those bruises are ones I've seen one too many times. They're practically burned in my brain. Just tell me who did this to you," his voice was low, careful not to frighten you or cause you to go back into your little shell and hide yourself from him again. "Hargrove. Knock it off. It's nothing. You don't know shit-" He'd cut you off this time by unbuttoning his shirt and sliding off his jacket.

"Gross, Hargrove. I'm not into you like that. Put your damned jacket back-" "Just- wait a minute, please." His shirt came unbuttoned as he laid his jean jacket down beside him and pulled his sleeves up. Your eyes scanned his chest and arms, noticing the big bruises that coated his chest and arms. You sat there, staring. The only word you could muster up was, "You..?" He nodded ever so slightly, "Me." Tears formed in your eyes, threatening to fall. Your breath hitched before you let it all go and they tears streamed down as you whispered, "I'm so sorry," over and over again.

Billy was stunned.

He'd never seen it before. Someone was crying over him because of something that happened to him that wasn't even close to being their fault. His mind caught up with his body and he pulled you into his chest, arms wrapping around your figure. He rubbed circles onto your back as you sobbed into his chest. He found himself making small shushing noises as he hugged you closer to him.

"It's okay, it's gonna be okay. I promise you. I'm okay. You're okay," his voice was hushed as he continued to try and calm you down. Once he'd finally managed to do so, he let you go and had to catch his breath at the sight of your face. Your eyes were red and puffy and your lips slightly swollen from trying to muffle your own sounds.

And yet, to Billy, you were still beautiful.

"Hey, lets get out of here, yeah? You need to eat and calm down," he said as he buttoned his shirt back up. You managed to nod as he grabbed his jacket. He noticed your shaking body and wrapped it around your shoulders. He stood up, offering you a hand and a small smile. Your hand reluctantly took his and the two of you started for his car.

He opened the passenger door for you. You climbed in and watched him shut the door quietly and get in on his side. He started the car and began to drive off, occasionally making sure you were okay. He pulled into a diner which happened to be your favourite one. He escorted you in and the pair of you chose a booth.

Not even a second later, a waitress came and took your order. Billy smiled at you and reached out to rub your upper arm. You flinched at his touch again. "My dad," you sighed. His eyes widened slightly at your words. He was filled with shock. How could anyone do such a thing to such a beautiful being as yourself, let alone your own father. He didn't understand. In an attempt to comfort you, he whispered, "mine too."

Your eyes trailed up to meet his. He was the first person you'd told. And you were the first person he'd told. Ever since he saw the bruises the first time, he knew he could open up to you. And when you saw his, you knew you could at least trust him enough to tell him what happened. But that didn't mean you weren't still scared of him. Or any other man. If your own father could hurt you like that, why wouldn't he? Your food came and you made small talk with each other as you took small bites. He, however, scarfed the burger down in only a few bites which made you giggle. It was music to his ears. Your giggle. It was a breath of fresh air.

He smiled, "what's so funny?" "Nothing, Hargrove. I've just never seen someone eat a burger so fast." His smile faded as his eyes twinkled at your continuous giggles. You were absolutely breath-taking. The two of you made jokes and exchanged smiles the rest of the time you were there. You checked the nearby clock and saw it was 15 minutes after school had been let out. Your heart stopped and you tuned Billy's voice out. "Billy, Billy. I have to go," you panicked. Billy picked up on the fear in your voice, recognizing it immediately.

"Okay, okay. Calm down, okay? We're gonna get you home," he spoke, throwing down some money from his jeans. He held the door open for you and you both got into the car. You showed him the way to your house and once you stopped in front of your house, you sighed. You knew what was going to happen. And your weren't going to like it. "Hey. Here's my number. You call if you need it. Just, wait until after 8:30, okay?" He scribbled his number down on your arm with a pen from his bag. "Please, be careful. Be safe," he said, putting the pen back. You turned to look at him and giggled, "Hargrove. It's okay. I'll be fine. He's probably passed out. I should be okay." He scanned your features and found himself unable to control his body. He moved his face towards yours, lightly pressing his lips against yours as his cheek cupped yours.

You were stunned before you pushed his hand off, pulling away, "Don't, Hargrove. I'm not one of your 'girls,' okay? And I never will be." He fucked up. He knew he did. "Please. Let me explain-" "Explain what? How you only tried to gain my trust to get in my pants? Don't- just...don't," your face was red with anger and disappointment but not because of he kissed you. But because you didn't believe anything you were saying. You knew it wasn't true deep down, but the little voice in your head was mad at you for even putting the slightest bit of trust in him. 'He's just like the rest. Just like your father. Just like his father. Like all of the other boys who shouldn't even be allowed to be called men due to the things they do. They hurt. That's what they do- all they do. They hurt,' is what you'd managed to convince yourself. You quickly got out of the car and quietly opened the front door. Lucky for you, your father was passed out in his recliner. There were so many bottles and cans surrounding him that you could practically make a throne for him to sit on top of.

Tip toeing up the stairs and making your way to your room, tears threatened to fall down your cheeks. You gently opened and shut the door to your room. Locking the door behind you, you didn't bother to change out of your clothes. Instead, you plopped down, shoved your face into your pillow, as you allowed the tears to flow. Eventually, you'd fallen asleep.


You quietly left your house after a quick change of clothes. Your dad was still sleeping. Usually, he'd be up. But not today. Once you made it to school, you did your usual and went straight to class. Butterflies twisted in your stomach at the thought of seeing Billy after yesterday. Would he be mad? Or upset? You brushed it off as the bell rang and you pulled out your book and began to work. Awaiting Billy's arrival, you kept looking at the door and around the room. The bell rang, dismissing class. He still wasn't there. Billy Hargrove, for the first time since he'd moved, was a no show.


The end of the day came slowly. But once it did, you began walking home. A gentle tap on your shoulder caused you to turn around. "Oh! Hi, Veronica," you smiled. You'd met Veronica a few weeks ago in your third period. She was one of the few people you spoke to. "Hi! I was wondering if you'd like to go to the party I'm having later," she chimed. You thought for a minute before realizing it was Friday and you had nowhere else to be. "Yeah. Sure. Just give me your address and I'll be there." She did so, writing it down on a graded paper you got back earlier that had stayed in your pocket all day. She smiled at you and you returned the smile before heading on your normal route home. Once you got there, you opened the door to find your dad. Awake, this time, holding a beer and watching TV. Much to your surprise, he completely ignored that you'd walked in, so you carried on going up the stairs. You opened your bedroom door and shut it, smiling softly before turning on your radio. You danced around your room and began to search for an outfit. You'd settled on a black skirt that came to your mid-thigh and a long sleeve blue shirt that just barely touched the waistband of your skirt. After a few minutes, you decided to put on light makeup and pull your hair out of its usual ponytail, letting it fall into its natural place. Until around 8:30 o'clock, you decided to watch TV. Once 8:30 came, you slipped your shoes on. You'd be about twenty minutes late which you quite liked. Not much attention would be on you since it'd be fairly crowded already. You tip toed your way down the stair and out of the door. On your way to her house, all you thought about was Billy and how his lips felt on yours. But you'd ruined it.


Almost twenty minutes after your arrival at the party, alcohol had helped you loosen up a little. You'd only had a small little cup full, but it was enough to take you off edge. You sat on the kitchen counter, listening to the almost headache worthy loud music. Your feet swung back and forth as you took more sips from your drink. Eventually, your eyes closed and you let your head hit the cabinet as thoughts of Billy filled your head again. You huffed and took another long swig.

"Hey, princess. You should slow down."

Billy. Your heart fluttered and your eyes instantly opened to meet his. He chucked at your shock and jumped up on the counter with you. "Miss me today?" Though he was joking, color rushed to your cheeks. "Pffft. Yeah right," you slurred, causing him to chuckle. "You know you did," he smirked, beginning to place his hands on your hips. "Hargrove. Don't you dare," you warned. He didn't listen, though. He began to tickle your sides as you laughed loudly. "Say it! Say you missed me!" He chanted, still tickling you. Your alone time was interrupted by Tommy coming over and tapping Billy. "Hey, man. We need the new keg king to show off his skills," he spoke, eying you. He then leaned over to Billy's ear and whispered something you couldn't hear. But it wasn't something Billy liked. He turned away from you and threw a punch at him. He fell to the floor and Billy got on top of him, continuing to punch him. You froze in shock before rushing out of the house and sitting on the sidewalk as tears gathered in your eyes. You'd never actually seen Billy he so angry and violent. It sparked something in you. A mix between fear and disbelief. After about thirty seconds, you heard the door shut and feet shuffling towards you.

"Hey, hey. Princess, look at me. Please," Billy cooed into your ear. His hand was then placed on your upper arm. You pulled away, "please don't touch me. That's what you do. That's what men do-" "What do you mean, Elia?" You collapsed onto his chest, tears flowing as you punched his bare chest multiple times, careful not to hurt him, "They hurt. You hurt." For the first time since he was a little boy, Billy's eyes filled with tears. He felt like he'd been shot a billion times over and over again in the chest. Did you really think he'd hurt you? Did you think he'd ever do anything other than protect you? He let out a strangled sob and began to shake. You pulled away, shocked to see him crying. His body shook as he let it all out.

"H-hey. I'm sorry..," you trailed, sliding into his lap. He pulled you close to him and stroked your hair. He sobbed and sobbed into your hair and you began to rub his back. "I'm not like that. I'm sorry. Im sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm a good boy. I promise I am," he cried. You felt your heart break at his words. You hummed in response. The two of you cried together as he rocked you both back and forth. Soon enough, he stopped crying and as did you. He pulled you back and looked at your face, still sniffling. "He was uhm- Tommy, I mean- he said something about taking you home and how you were a 'hot piece of ass.' It just...I couldn't listen to him say that about you. You don't deserve to be talked about like that," he said, hands placed on your cheeks as he stroked them with his thumbs.

Your lips turn pressed against his forehead to show that your understood and appreciated him. Because he was, in fact, a good boy. "Let's get you home," he whispered with a smile.


Billy pulled up to your house and waited for you to get out. You glanced out of the window and noticed your dads car wasn't there. "You think I'm letting you go home with all those cuts and bruises, Hargrove? Nuh-uh. C'mon. Let's get that handsome face fixed up," you grinned, opening the car door. His brows folded together, his face forming to show sheer confusion, "but, your dad-" "Isn't here." Once you got out of the car, you heard Billy following you.

You walked into your home and went straight to the kitchen. First you grabbed the first aid kit and then some ice packs from the freezer. He sat in the chair that you placed a pillow in for him to sit on. Your eyes slightly widened as you, for the first time, noticed the cut on the side of his head. He needed stitches, no doubt. "What the hell, Hargrove? Does the guy have claws or some shit," you giggled. He smirked back and responded with, "no. But he had a beer bottle in his hand. It didn't feel good against my head." You chuckled at him and proceeded to clean up his face and ice the bruises on his face and knuckles. You then cleaned out the cut and began to stitch it up. He jerked back slightly, causing it to be more painful.

"Jesus Christ, Hargrove. Watch it," you said quietly. "I'm still sorry. I'm so sorry," he spoke again. You cut the remaining thread and wiped your thumb over the small tear that had fallen. "I know you are. I appreciate you sticking up for me. It's just that. Every man I've ever known has hurt me," you whispered in response. "I would never. I know it's hard but please...trust me, Y/N." Your forehead rested against his and you moved to sit in his lap. Your hands connected and your fingers intertwined. "Y/N. I have to tell you something." "Go for it, Hargrove." He furrowed his brows. He'd always wondered why you never called him Billy.

It confused him.

But he brushed it off. "I like you. A lot. You're the only one I think about. You're the only one I've been able to open up to. You make me feel good..you make me feel like I am good." Your heart fluttered again. But this time, you felt something different. Love. He leaned forward, never losing eye contact. "Can you do something for me," he said. You hummed a 'mhm,' and he spoke again, "can you tell me I'm good, please?" "I couldn't hear you," you said. But you did hear him. You just wanted to make sure you heard him right. That was the most vulnerable thing he's said. "Just...it was nothing." You whispered, "Can I..?" He nodded and then your lips connected with his. One of his hands stayed laced with yours and his other slid onto your hip. He massaged your hip as he continued to kiss you.

His tongue slid across your bottom lip so gently almost as if he were trying not to break you. You allowed him entrance as his tongue danced with yours. His hand slid up and landed on your breast and he kneaded it through your shirt. You let out a small moan into his mouth and you felt him smirk. He pulled away and caressed your face with his other hand. "God, you're fucking gorgeous, princess." You smiled at him and allowed your hands to rest on his shoulders before saying, "you're beautiful. You're so beautiful." He smiled as you got up and guided him to you room. He wasn't your first, no. But he'd be the first you'd make love with. It wouldn't be just sex. You knew that. You sat down on your bed and allowed Billy to shut and lock your bedroom door behind him. You reached over and turned on your radio. The volume was perfect. flooded the room as Billy climbed onto the bed, positioning himself on top of you. He placed his knees between your legs and peppered kisses all over your face. He then slowed down and pulled away, staring into your eyes. His eyes switched between your lips and your eyes. It was then that you noticed how soft and full his lips were. You smashed your lips against his as his hands went back to your waist. He squeezed lightly as your kiss deepened. Billy's hands travelled up your body and stopped at your chest. He, again, began to knead your breasts with his hands as he kissed you.

One hand stayed there as the other one went down to your thigh. He waited for you to protest. When you didn't, he began to rub and squeeze at your inner thigh. Billy somehow managed to deepen your kiss, making it more passionate and needy. He then disconnected your lips and pulled your shirt off. He looked at you for permission before pulling off your bra. When he stared at your chest, you felt yourself get more nervous. You quickly moved to cover your chest. Billy frowned and placed his hands on your arms, "Princess. C'mon. Let me see you again. You're perfect." You reluctantly moved your arms. He growled and gently pinned them above your head, muttering a, "stay." Billy began to kiss down your chest, attaching his mouth to one of your nipples. His tongue swirled around it as he sucked and nibbled on it. Once he heard you moan, he moved and did the same to the other. Instinctively, you began to buck your hips up into his. He let your arms go as he continued. He kissed his way down to the waistband of your skirt. You didn't stop him as he pulled your skirt down and threw it off the bed. He rubbed you through your panties as he kissed you again. You let out a loud moan into his mouth as he pushed your panties to the side and slipped a finger between your wet folds. He inserted two, pumping them in and out as kissed his way down to your neck. He began to kiss your neck until he felt you clench around his fingers. You whined when he pulled his fingers out, delaying your orgasm. "Patience, baby. You're gonna get to cum," he whispered against the shell of your ear. He pulled your panties off and you instantly closed your legs. He looked up at you, clicking his tongue. "Baby. What did I say? You're perfect. Spread your legs for me so I can make you feel good." Slowly, your legs spread. Truth was, you were nervous.

You'd never let a guy eat you out or even finger you. They'd usually just fuck you and leave. He kissed the inside of your thighs and let his breath hover over where you needed him. You cried out when his tongue swirled against your clit. "Fuck, Hargrove." Your hands went into his hair as he continued to pump two fingers in and out of you and suck harshly in your clit. You felt yourself getting closer as you moaned out. "Hargrove. I'm gonna-" You were cut off by him pumping his digits in faster. He removed his tongue and looked at you before saying, "Cum, princess. You can cum for me now." With that, you let out a final moan as you came around his fingers. "Good girl," he sighed, pulling his fingers out. He placed them in his mouth and swirled his tongue around them. "You taste better than I could've ever imagined, baby." You then flipped him over and straddled him. You pulled his shirt over his head and pulled his pants down. Rubbing his bulge through his boxers, you gave him a small kiss. You pulled his boxers down and his cock sprung up, hitting his stomach. His tip was red and leaking with pre-cum. Your eyes widened slightly at his size. Then you gently grabbed him and licked up his shaft. Your mouth was placed on the tip of his cock and you began to lick it gently. You felt his hips buck up into your mouth as his breathing hitched. He let out a deep sigh as you began to move your head up and down his member.

"Baby, you're amazing," he growled as you continued to hollow out your cheeks as you sucked. His hand tangled in your hair and you continued with your actions. Billy's hand reached down to pinch your nipple. You moaned against his cock, sending vibrations that he'd never felt before but now felt like he couldn't live without. "Baby- Baby do that again," he demanded. You complied, continuing to moan on his cock. You were shocked when he pulled your mouth off, causing it to make a popping noise. Your eyebrows knitted together and he sighed, "You're great at that, princess. But I don't wanna cum in your mouth tonight." You nodded as he flipped you back over, him being on top of you again. His fingers grabbed your chin and pulled your face towards his. Lips and teeth collided as his hands

rubbed up and down your soft skin. He softened his kiss and pulled away. His forehead rested against your own again and he traced your bottom lip with his thumb. Voice soft and quiet, he asked, "can I make love to you?" Your heart did summersaults in your chest and your stomach filled with butterflies. "Please," you whispered back. He rubbed the tip of his cock up and down your folds and gently pushed into you. He captured your lips in a kiss. Billy began to slowly thrust in and out, catching all of your little moans and whimpers in his mouth. "You feel so good around me, princess," he breathed out. Billy began to kiss your neck, paying special attention to a certain moan you'd released when he bit on a particular spot. He chuckled, "that's your sweet spot, huh?" He continued to kiss and lick over it as your hands tangled in his mane. Billy rested his face in your neck and kissed your collarbone. Your fingers tugged at his locks, causing him to let out a loud groan. His chest rumbled when you did it again. Billy Hargrove liked having his hair pulled and tugged on. Who would've guessed? "You like how my cock feels in you, baby?" His words come out of his mouth in a growl. When you hummed, he grabbed your chin between his fingers, "answer me, baby." Not managing to do anything else, you moaned out a, "yes. Yes I love it." "Tell me who owns this pussy, princess." "Y-you do. Fuck. You do." You licked your lips as he continued to fuck into you. After a few seconds, his hand travelled down and his thumb rubbed your clit. You released another whimper at his touch. "Fuck, fuck- I want you to cum in me," your voice was high as you continued to moan. "Anything for you," he smiled. Even when doing the most sinful of things, he still managed to be charming. You felt yourself getting closer and the coil in your stomach tightened. "You're so good, Billy." He looked up at you. Billy knew you weren't talking about the sex. And you'd finally said his name. Tears brimmed his eyes and he brought his lips to meet yours. He thrusted into you faster as he left his mark right on the sweet spot on your neck. Your walls clenched around his cock as you came. You rode out your high as he continued to thrust. With one more tug on his hair, his cock throbbed inside of you as he released himself. Billy collapsed on top of you, careful not to hurt you, and hugged you close. He eventually pulled himself out of you and laid down next to you. "You said it," he smiled, looking at you, "my name. You said it." "I did." He pulled your body flush against his, arms wrapped around you as he pulled you close to him. He then let go, causing you to look up at him. "I meant it, Billy. About you being good. You're a good boy, Billy," you said, caressing his cheek. You noticed a small tear fall so you wiped it away. To your confusion, he pulled your arms towards him. He sat up again, getting back on top of you. Billy kissed each and every individual bruise your father had given you before pulling your

knuckles to his lips and kissing them gently. "I'm never going to let him hurt you again," he promise as he pulled you close again, running his fingers through your hair. The words had meant more than life itself to you. Placing a chaste kiss on his chest, your hands rested on his chest. He laid on his back, patting his chest. When you placed your head on his chest, his fingers went straight back into your locks of hair. "I love you, princess." "I love you too, Billy." Ever since then, Billy had snuck out to go to your house every night to tend to you and make sure your father couldn't hurt you anymore.

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