A White Lie

By RebeccaPratt836

988 104 3

"Run Cassy! Run Mitch!" I hear my Daddy yelling at the top of his lungs waking me up. I was always told that... More

Dead Night
Second Time Is A Charm
Blood And Tears.
Last Day
Hide N Seek
Plus One
Sneaking Around
Bright Lights
Bad News Travels Fast


30 3 0
By RebeccaPratt836

"Okay guys you are here because you want to learn how to defend yourself. If not leave!" I yell out, interrupting Jenny and James having a make out session. "Yes boss!" Mento yells out standing up. "Look I'll just sit out and watch you guys. I already know what I'm doing." James says sitting down. "If you knew what you were doing you wouldn't have ended up with a broken nose. Or your head getting slammed by a fridge door. And by a girl too." I say smirking making sure to rub it in.

I'm only doing this because he needs to learn how to defend himself and get away from someone, when need be. If it was just me teaching him they would be asking questions. Anyways Vada asked me to teach her boys the right way. "Okay get into fighting position please." I say watching them all get into position. "Nice work." I say winking at Lane as I walk over to him. "Me. Me. Me!" Mateo yells out with excitement.

"Spencer remember we don't want jelly arms." I say hitting his arms making them move. "Yeah okay." He says fixing them up. "Nice work boys." I say walking past Angus, Weston and Mateo, making sure to high five Mateo. I walk over to Parker stopping in front of him. "Your form is good. But not good enough for this." I say. "Not good enough for what?" Parker asks letting his guard down. I softly kick him in the stomach making him trip backwards. "Never let your guard down." I say walking past him.

I nod and smile at Jenny and James who are holding their positions well. "Okay who wants to go first. You have 5 minutes each to fight me. There will be no head contact at all. To win you must pin me down and make me tap out, before I make you tap out." I say setting the mats up. "Miss Monster, Mummy said I have to wait until I'm a big boy to fight." Mateo says looking all sad. "It's okay we will still practice." I say winning a smile from his cute little face.

"Okay James your first." I say happy with how easy it's going to be to smack him around. "How about you pick someone other then me." He says digging his heels in. "Nice try." I say getting ready as Jenny drags him up. He puts his padding gear on getting ready. "One, two, three. Fight!" Mateo yells out.

James looks at me with desperation in his eyes. I kick him in the side throwing him backwards. He comes back arms swinging. The look in his eyes gives me a cold shiver. I duck his punches, he throws a good fast punch right into my side. The air gets knocked out of me, but I can't stop now. I stay hunched over waiting for the right moment to strike. He comes running at me, just when he is in my reach I punch him in the stomach. He curls over in pain, the sweat running off his forehead. I quickly kick his feet out making him fall to the ground. I pounce on top pining him down. "And his out." Someone says as James taps out.

"Spencer your up." Mateo yells out. He puts the gear on and stands on the mat. His body shaking uncontrollably. Poor kid. I guess I can go easy on him. "And fight." Mateo yells outs voice full of excitement. Spencer's fist are up but they are shaky. "Hit me." I say. "What no I can't hit a girl." He yells out nervously. Oh well I gave him a shot. I walk up to him and stop in front. "Riley please don't hurt me." Spencer cry's out. "Okay." I say I turn around so my back is faced to him.

I hear this feet hit the mat as he runs towards me. I stick my arm out hard and fast just in time for Spencer to run straight into it. He falls hard landing with a loud bang. I turn around to see his body lay there on the mats not moving. "Spencer are you okay?" I ask bending down next to him. Out of no where his fists comes up making contact with my jaw. I get knocked backwards landing on the grass.

"Riley I'm so sorry I was aiming for your stomach." Spencer yells rushing over to me. "Yeah I'm fine don't worry." I say getting up moving my jaw so it don't go stiff. "Spencer that was a head hit. You are out!" Mateo yells out. "Up next we have Lane." Mateo screams out trying to sound manly. "Riley you should have the gear on." Lane says passing me the stuff. "Nar I'm fine." I say pushing his hand out of the way.

It's not my fault we could only find one set of the gear and I never used to train with any. So why start now. Lane throws the padding to the side as he makes his way onto the mat. "Go!" Jenny yells out beating Mateo to it. I throw the first punch but he blocks it. I throw another taking him by surprise, he cops it right in the ribs. He stumbles back a step or two, quickly getting into position again.

I gotta give it to him he is good. He has been doing really well out of the sessions so I'm not that surprised. "Go Riley go!" I hear Parker yell out. I'm to busying looking at Parker that I didn't see it coming. He kicks the back of my knees in making me fall forward. Before I can get up he has pinned me down. He rolls me over sitting on me so I cannot get away. My arms pinned above my head. I move about trying to work myself free but I can't.

"Why didn't you just tell me you wanted me like this babe." He bends down whispering into my ear. "Oh Lane I was just to scared." I say sounding scared. He relaxes at my voice making it easy for me. I kick my legs up kneeing him in the back. He holds strong groaning at every kick but he doesn't let go. "Stop smiling." I whisper yell annoyed that the situation Parker got me into. "Nar I have you right where I want you." Lane says. I tap out. "Okay you can get off of her now." Parker says coming to pull him off. "Mate put the gear on. Cause she is going to whoop your ass." Lane says patting Parker on the back.

He doesn't making my job a lot easier. "Go!" Mateo screams. I hold my position strong. Parker runs at me I swiftly move out of the way spinning around kicking him in the back. He jumps back up spinning around coming in contact with my fist. He drops like a sack of potatoes. I jump on top pinning him down. I hold his hands above his head with one of my hands. With my free hand I punch him in the side, again and again and again. With each punch I make sure I put more force into it. After about 6 or so punches he taps out, I jump off standing up watching him crawl away in pain.

"Guys it's dinner time. Come wash up you can all stay for dinner." Travis yells out. We pack up and head inside. "I didn't get a go." Jenny wines as we wash up. "That's okay. I know you can fight. And you would be able to kick my ass." I say. "Yeah true we really need to work on that. What about late at night when no one is awake?" Jenny whispers making sure no one else can hear. "Sure thing say 11pm tonight out by the willow tree." I say just in time as James makes his way over to us.

"Riley why do you have a bruise on your face?" Vada asks taking a seat. "Oh it's nothing. It was a little slip up. But everyone done good. I think Mateo was definitely the best." I say looking at Mateo to see him puff his chest out. "Well that's good that it went so well." Travis says, filling his plate up.

I get changed into some comfy clothes and wait. 10:45pm I read the time on my phone. Time feels like it's going so slow, why did we have to agree to it being so late. 10:55pm. I slip my shoes on and climb out my window. I get to the willow tree and wait for Jenny.

"Hey you ready?" Jenny asks coming up to me. "Yeah I really need this." I say warming up. "So we will go punch, bloke, punch, kick and then jump." Jenny says getting ready. "Okay let's go." She says blocking my punch.

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