A White Lie

By RebeccaPratt836

1.2K 104 3

"Run Cassy! Run Mitch!" I hear my Daddy yelling at the top of his lungs waking me up. I was always told that... More

Dead Night
Second Time Is A Charm
Blood And Tears.
Last Day
Hide N Seek
Plus One
Sneaking Around
Bright Lights
Bad News Travels Fast


36 3 0
By RebeccaPratt836

"Hey Riley what time is Jenny and Parker coming over? Will they be here for dinner?" Vada asks coming into my room. She sits on my bed patting next to her for me to come over. I sit down next to her knowing where this conversation is going to go. "They said 7 and they will have dinner before they come. Thank you for letting them stay over." I say hugging her.

"Riley are you and Parker. You know." Vada asks her nerves taking over. "Oh no never. I promised to wait until marriage. Like what Mum and Dad done. And I really want to keep that promise." I say smiling at the thought of waiting making my parents proud. "Okay that's good. Well it's not. You know what I mean. If you need anything please let me know." Vada says brushing her pants off like they are dirty. "Don't worry I will." I say heading out with Vada to help with dinner.

"Boy! Dinner!" Travis yells getting his sons attention. They all rush in taking a seat. "Are you boys forgetting something." Vada says making eye contact with all of them. They get up rushing to the sink to wash their hands. "Mummy they are pushing me." Mateo cries out stomping his foot, pouting his lip. "Just wash your hands and come sit down before dinner gets cold." Vada says passing the salad.

"Mum poo poo head is in my seat." Mateo scream slapping Lane. "Mateo Robert Walker you do not use naughty words in his house. And we certainly do not hit." Vada yells at Mateo getting up him. "Spencer can you please sit over here so Mateo can sit next to Riley." Travis asks kindly. Spencer moves so Mateo can sit down. "That's not her name. Her name is Scar. And she is mine!" Mateo yells sitting down.

"Mateo use your inside voice and please be nice until after dinner then do whatever you want." Travis yells out making me jump at the outburst. Mateo looks down trying not to cry. "Mmm your food looks so good. If you don't eat it I will." I say pretending to reach for his food. His giggles starting to eat. I look up to see Vada and Travis smiling at me.

"Riley your friends are here." Travis yells out. I rush downstairs to see that James has tagged along. I hate having to keep the truth about us a secret and always act like we hate we other it's getting old. "Hey guys come on in." I say helping them carry their stuff down into the basement.

"The boys are already down here. We just need to keep it down, Mateo things we are studying." I say closing the door behind us. "I hope you don't mind that James has tagged along." Jenny says placing her sleeping bag down. "No the more the merrier." I say walking over to the boys who are lounged out on the couch watching a movie. "Yeah well I think he shouldn't be here is he a jerk. Oh wait that's why you guys make a great couple." Parker says grabbing a beer from the fridge. Jenny pokes her tongue out at her brother making us laugh.

"Okay guys I was thinking we could play a game called truth." I say dragging a bean bag over to sit on. "Yeah sure sounds good. I would love to know all your secrets." Weston says doing an evil laugh. "Okay so we can ask whoever we want and that person can either tell the truth and only the truth or we make them do something." I say smirking knowing well how this is going to go. "I'll go first." Weston says sitting up looking around at all of us.

"Mmm, Riley do you like living with us?" Weston asks. "Really mate you had to start on that. Look I don't wanna hurt your feelings." I say with a straight face. "Oh." Is all he says looking a little hurt. "Of course I like living with you guys." I say laughing, making him smile. "Parker do you actually like me?" I ask staring him right in the eyes. "Yeah of course babe." He says not making eye contact with me. "Jenny have you slept with him yet?" Parker questions his sister. "Nope."Jenny says smiling at Parker making sure to rub it in.

"Riley why did you break James's nose?" Jenny asks me. Great how did I know this was going to come up. "Cause he was pissing me off." I say laughing. It's not like it's a lie it's just not the whole truth. "Spencer do you have a crush on someone?" I ask giving him an easy question. He nods his head going red in the cheeks. "Angus do you like girls?" Spencer asks his brother. Everyone looks between the two boys not knowing what to do. "No." Angus says proudly puffing out his chest.

Wow okay I never knew Angus was gay. I wonder if his parents know or we are the first people he has told. "Lane how many girls have you slept with?" He questions his older brother eager to find out. "Only 6 mate." Lane says winning five highs from the boys, even Parker. "Riley is it true you like someone else as well?" Lane asks smirking at me. That boy really knows how to push my buttons. Well I know how to make you hurt mate and it's super easy.

"Nope." I say making sure to pop the p smirking back at him. "James only cause no one has asked you. How many girls or guys have you slept with?" I ask getting a look from him at my question. "Do you really want to know." He says looking at me. "Oh but I do." I state grinning. "Only 5 but you are going to be my lucky 6 baby." He says planting a kiss on Jenny's cheek.

I didn't want to know how many people my brother has slept with but what else can I ask him. We can't give anything away and no one has asked him anything. That's probably cause he can be a jerk and they really don't like him. "Jenny how many people have you slept with?" James asks watching her every move. "I don't know like 10 or so." Jenny says pulling a face at her brother. "James do you love me?" Jenny asks him, making the whole room go awfully quite.

"Yes I do." James says blushing making Jenny blush too. "Parker why do you dislike your sister?" James asks grabbing Jenny's hand. "It's called brotherly love. If you had a sister you would know." Parker says getting annoyed at the question. "I do." James says making me choke on my drink. He did not just say that. I must have been hearing things. No one has said anything, maybe I am hearing things. "Riley you okay?" Lane asks looking worried. I nod my head not wanting to answer and draw anymore attention to me. "Riley do you love me." Parker asks.

"No." I say having no emotion when I say it too. It's the truth I don't love him. How can I love someone that lies to your face day in day out. Anyways we have only known each other for a couple months. You can't fall in love that fast. Can you? Everyone is quite, I guess not knowing what to say after my blunt answer. "Don't worry I don't either." He says smirking, if only I could wipe that smirk off his face.

"It's not worth it." James says leaning in to whisper into my ear. Knowing what I was thinking about doing. "I promise I won't hurt anyone tonight." I whisper back holding my laughs in. "Lane do you have a crush on anyone?" I ask returning the favour from before. "Yeah I do and she knows it." He says, before quickly changing the topic. "James you said you had a sister before, I didn't know that, is she good looking?" Lane asks making me roll my eyes.

Of course he had to open his big mouth. "Um yeah well I did but sadly she passed away." James says sounding very unsure. "Oh I'm sorry to hear that. What happened?" Angus asks, all eyes on him now. I could save him but he got himself into. "Well she isn't actually dead." James says looking around at everyone. Oh my god you are a complete idiot, are you really that stupid.

"What, you just said she is dead and now she isn't." Lane says confused. I get up and go get a drink not being able to listen to his rubbish. "She ran away from home. So that's why I said she is dead. Because she is dead to me. And my Mum gets way to upset about her so if you ever see her don't say anything. Yeah." James rushes out leaving everyone looking confused, but I think they believe his rubbish story.

"Hey Riley can you get me one please." James yells out looking back at me. "Nar come get it yourself." I say closing the fridge. He comes over opening the fridge. "I'm sorry I panicked." He whispers sticking his head in to see what drinks there are. "Oops sorry I panicked." I whisper slamming the door into his head, making him yell out in pain.

"Omg Riley why did you do that. My poor baby are you okay?" Jenny questions running over to James as he holds his head. "Oh. Whoops. I didn't see his big head there." I spit out heading back over to take a seat. All eyes are on me now. Great.

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