By svtluver

130K 3.2K 1.6K

No one wants to get tangled in with seventeen, the most notorious and ruthless gang in Seoul, but what's goin... More

Aha ha
Z e r o
O n e
T w o
T h r e e
F o u r
F i v e
S i x t h
S e v e n
E i g h t
N i n e
T e n
E l e v e n
T w e l v e
T h i r t e e n
F o u r t e e n
F i f t e e n
S i x t e e n
E i g h t e e n
N i n e t e e n
T w e n t y o n e
T w e n t y T w o
T w e n t y t h r e e
T w e n t y f o u r
T w e n t y F i v e
T w e n t y S i x
T w e n t y S e v e n
T w e n t y E i g h t
T w e n t y N i n e
T h i r t y
T h i r t y O n e
T h i r t y T w o
T h i r t y T h r e e
T h i r t y F o u r
T h i r t y F i v e
T h i r t y S i x
T h i r t y S e v e n
T h i r t y E i g h t
T h i r t y N i n e
F o u r t y O n e
F o u r t y T w o
F o u r t y T h r e e
F o u r t y F o u r
F o u r t y F i v e
F o u r t y S i x
F o u r t y S e v e n
F o u r t y E i g h t
F o u r t y N i n e
F i f t y
F i f t y O n e
F i f t y T w o
F i f t y T h r e e
F i f t y F o u r
F i f t y F i v e
F i f t y S i x
A small thank you and a possible sequel?

F o u r t y

1.2K 33 31
By svtluver

The morning sun peeked in through the living room windows as J stood in front of the stove, flipping the pancakes right on time.

"Goodmorning beautiful." Wonwoo rubbed his eyes as he walked down the stairs.

"Morning ugly." J looked away to hide her red cheeks.

She set the table as the rest of the members woke up and dug into their breakfast. Hoshi had suggested going out for breakfast but J declined since Mimi was coming over.

"I invited Mimi over today." J sat up on the counter watching them eat breakfast at the dining table.

"Why?" Coups looked up from his cereal.

"Just cause." She shrugged a little, heading over to the couches.

Her parents and Juni had left early in the morning and she could barely open her eyes but she had gone to the airport with them to say her goodbye. She tried to convince Juni to stay but she knew he couldn't. 'If you ever truly need me, I'll be here within seconds' he had said to her. She was grateful she got to spend the time with him that she did.

Mimi had come over pretty early but J smiled and had a positive attitude towards her, she felt bad for her for some reason. I mean, she was basically dating her future fiancé.

"So you guys just play video games all day?" Mimi asked looking at the controllers on the ground.

She had figured out that J lived here now and she surprisingly had no problem with it, or so they thought.

"Wonwoo's in his room, should I go up and talk to him?" Mimi asked enthusiastically.

"Uh yeah, go ahead." J smiled as she felt something in her heart. It wasn't jealousy this time. It was guilt.

J stayed downstairs with the gang as they told her not to read too much into the fact that Wonwoo and Mimi had been in the room for about 30 minutes now. So she tried, and she failed.

"Want me to go and see what they're up to?" Jun asked sympathetically.

"No no, just let them vibe....together." She whispered the last word.

So J sat, and she waited for what seemed like hours as Wonwoo and Mimi were still in wonwoo's room. She didn't understand why she felt this sudden splurge of guilt and sadness go over her body like tides crashing onto the sand, but she did.

After a couple more minutes, Mimi finally came out as her and J sat in the dining table talking.

"I really love him." Mimi took a sip of the juice that J had made for her.

J almost choked on the slice of cake she was eating, the cake Wonwoo had gotten her when they were coming back from the airport since she had a rough time with her parents leaving. She looked down at the double chocolate layered cake and suddenly didn't want it anymore. J didn't know how to respond to Mimi but she tired.

"Love? I thought you said you guys weren't close?" J croaked out pushing the plate away from herself.

"He doesn't know me, but I know him better than he knows himself." She chuckled a little.

And that's when Mimi started. "Like how he likes cold coffee over hot."

'He chooses his coffee depending on the weather.' J thought but just smiled and nodded.

As Mimi went on about how much she thought she knew Wonwoo, J corrected her, in her head of course.

"Wonwoo hates school, he thinks it's stupid."
'He likes to learn new things, that's why he reads often.'

"He loves pizza over any other food."
'His favorite food is hamburgers.'

J then stopped to think about how she even knew all this stuff, sure they were dating but was it normal for her to know him this well?

Mimi left and J was sad and everyone could tell. Even though everyone asked her what was wrong and if she was okay, she just shrugged it off telling them she was fine.

J sighed for the 12th time that night as she laid her head on wonwoo's chest with an arm wrapped around him.

"Maybe we just weren't meant to be." J spoke as Wonwoo played with her hair with his free hand that wasn't under her head.

"Mm? Where's this coming from?" Wonwoo looked down.

"She loves you, it feels wrong." J shook her head against his chest.

"Maybe to you, but to me it feels like we were made for each other." Wonwoo chuckled a little.

J shuffled around a little in his arms. "Give her a chance."

"Why are you saying all of this?" Wonwoo felt himself start to get mad.

"I-I don't know." She spoke softly.

"I like YOU, I wanna be with YOU. You can't control who your heart wants." Wonwoo put the emphasis on the word you as he patted down her hair.

"Can you at least try to be friends with her? It'll make her really happy and-"

Wonwoo quirked his eyebrow as he cut her off.

"Stop worrying about other people, just for a second and think about yourself please."

"You said she's loves me, don't you?" Wonwoo teased a little but was expecting something, he just didn't know what. Yet.

J had heard what he said loud and clear but she just mumbled as her heart rate picked up before they fell asleep feeling each other's warmth.

This continued for a while, J telling her boyfriend to try and get closer with Mimi because she knew what it was like to be in love and it be one sided but Wonwoo refused.

It was Saturday night but J and Wonwoo decided to stay in today and hang around with the gang. Both of them volunteered to get snacks from the convince store that was right around the corner from their house, they were on their way back, J struggled holding all the shopping bags as Wonwoo piled on more for her just to tease her.

"YAH! You better hold some of these." J shouted at him when they left the store.

Wonwoo just laughed as he walked a little faster leaving her holding everything. She ran after him only to fall and drop the snacks everywhere. Wonwoo quickly went back and picked her up.

"Why are you so clumsy." He laughed.

"This is your fault, who makes their girlfriend hold all the bags?" J hit him on the arms while dusting herself off.

Wonwoo started picking up the bags and smiled a little. "Girlfriend huh, that's one of the first times you've referred to yourself as that ya know."

Wonwoo finished picking everything up as he held all the bags in one hand while talking J's hand with the other and intertwining their fingers. They rarely ever showed skinship out in public besides the times that Wonwoo would hold her hand under the table at lunch or squish her face at school when no one was looking, but that didn't feel the same as this. The way it felt to walk hand in hand with the person you love as the slightly cold wind blew on you both.

And that's when it happened, it came out differently but it all meant the same thing.

"I'm glad it's you." Wonwoo spoke looking directly to the side of J's face.

"Mm?" J looked at him and they were now making full in eye contact as Wonwoo smiled and J looked confused.

"I'm glad it's you. Thank you for making my life so much better, and for coming into it." Wonwoo repeated.

"Eww." J scrunched her nose and started laughing to hide her blush. "You're the best."

Wonwoo smiled even more because he knew that she laughed when she got nervous or too flustered.

Wonwoo quickly took the chance to kiss her on the forehead to try and convey the three word, 8 letter phrase that he couldn't say to her.

They walked into the house forgetting they were still holding hands, and oh boy was that a huge mistake. As the two came in fingers intertwined and holding shopping bags their eyes laid upon Mimi who was sitting in the couch right across from the front door. Mimi and Wonwoo's eyes met as hers trailed down to their hands. J tried to let go of wonwoo's hand but he held on tighter.

"Wonwoo, let go." J spoke with a lowered voice.

"Why should I?" Wonwoo raised his voice enough so that Mimi could hear him.

It was like something clicked in him and that's when he said it.

"Can't I hold my girlfriends hand?"

Mimi along with the gang who were now standing were all shocked.

"What?" Mimi asked coming up to the two.

J finally let go of wonwoo's hand and spoke quietly. "I'm sorry."

"Why are you apologizing?" Wonwoo looked angry for some reason as he turned to Mimi. "Nothings ever going to happen between us."

"Backstabbing bitch." Mimi turned to J.

J had no words, she knew she was in the wrong but she really did have good intentions. She just stood there watching as Mimi stuck around a little longer, no one noticed when she pulled off one of the many Polaroids off the fridge. She looked down at it to see a picture of J on hoshi's back doing tiger hands. She smiled slyly as she tucked it into her bag.

"You shouldn't have done that." J spoke the words that were on everyone's mind as Mimi left.

"Why? It's my life." Wonwoo rolled his eyes.

"You're an idiot. Weren't you the one telling me to be careful around Mimi so she wouldn't figure it out?" J smacked him on the head as the gang laughed.

Wonwoo rubbed the spot she hit and pulled her into his arms as they all sat on the living room floor in front of the tv. "That was before, I changed my mind."

"Ew." Seungkwan made a grossed out face.

"Besides, she won't tell anyone. Trust me." Wonwoo reassured before continuing to watch the movie, eating.

"Whyd you tell her?" Jun asked when J quickly got up to get the ice cream but the rest of the gang ran to beat her there to try and get the good ones for themselves leaving just him and Wonwoo.

"I just wanted too." Wonwoo shrugged in response.

It seemed like Jun's eyes turned dark for a second as he stared at Wonwoo. "I'm telling you this right now, if she gets hurt because of it, I won't hold back."

"I'd never let her get hurt." Wonwoo smiled cheekily.

J zoned out as their ten minute break between classes began when Wonwoo came up in front of her putting something on her desk.

"Chocotart, your favorite." He smiled handing her two spoons.

"Cute." J whispered as she smiled at how cute Wonwoo was. "You're the best wonton." She gave him two thumbs up. "But why are there two spoons?"

"One for me duh." He sat down pulling his seat closer to hers and loud groans could be heard from the girls behind them.

"I'm not sharing." J took the spoon out of his hand.

Wonwoo rolled his eyes, being used to her childish antics, he took the tart from her desk making her reach for it. "Uh yes you are."

As the two continued to fight for the dessert, Mimi appeared in front of wonwoo which was enough to stop J and make her return to her own seat.

"I also like choco tart." Mimi bit her acrylic nails as she swayed back and forth.

Wonwoo rolled his eyes sighing. "And I should care because?"

"Whatever, it makes you fat anyway." Mimi started to walk away before she stopped at J's desk. "You should really slow down on the tart."

J smiled a little because she still felt bad about what had happened at the house, so no matter what Mimi said to her J would just smile and take it.

"Mmm can I have some?" J and Wonwoo heard from behind them.

Jun left his seat and stood in front of theirs with his mouth open. J laughed as she held a huge spoonful of the dessert to his mouth as he difficultly chewed. It had been a while but Wonwoo was starting to feel the jealousy bubble up in him again. He had never been jealous of her with the members because he knew they were all super close, they play fought and even bit each other sometimes. He thought back to that time seungcheol had bitten J on the arm so she bit him on the shoulder as he screamed a little, besides, he knew that jun and her were very close. Always had been. 'So Why now?' He questioned himself.

Nam Joo had stopped being around J and the gang so much, to their relief. He always observed from a distance but he never made any moves now a days. J and the gang along with Chan, felix and nabz  were doing the greatest they could be. J looked around the lunch table thinking about how much she loved seventeen and how amazing they were to her as she smiled feeling Wonwoo hold her hand under the table.
"So this is the girl that's been making my princess so upset lately?" He took the Polaroid from her hands as he let a grey cloud of smoke escape his lips.

'Yes daddy, I want her gone. Now.'

It's 5:17AM lmao
Any questions?
Y'all confused or nah y'all good?
Ahhhhhhh I'm so excited to write the next chapter. You're gonna have to wait tho
Yeah uh one more thing, I'm in love with Kim doyoung AND this picture of Kai hehe

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