
By pxneappleaf

38.5K 801 573

Everyone knows of the story of Harry Potter, the boy who lived. What do you know about the students that were... More

The Invitation
Platform 9 3/4
The Sorting Hat
The Way of the Snakes
Fame Isn't Everything
Born To Fly
Quidditch 101
To Be A Slytherin
A Stupid Plan
Unicorn Blood
The House Cup
Within the Muggles
Missing Page
Welcome Home
The Ghost In The Corridor
Whispering Halls

The Sorcerer's Stone

1.7K 37 9
By pxneappleaf

The next morning Sierra slept in, she had been so tired in her whole life, thankfully it was an off day at Hogwarts, you only went to class if you were failing or needed help with something. They always had some sort of activities for the students to do besides go about the school's grounds. 

Sierra stretched as she sat up on the bed her roommates were just getting up as well, she made sure she made her way into the bathroom first to get ready, nothing on the others but they took forever with no reason, they knew appearance altering spells that could fix their hair in a flick of a wand yet they always spent hours in the bathroom. 

Sierra had some trouble sleeping, the presence of that hooded creature still lingered in her mind. She still had to figure out who Voldemort was, clearly potter knew but he wouldn't tell her. She would have to figure things out on her own, she was planning on telling Kacey everything, perhaps they could both figure out what in the world was going on together. Sierra didn't know enough about the wizarding world to do this by herself. 

After breakfast Kacey and Sierra went to the courtyard sitting down by a tree. The rest of the courtyard was also flooded with students, the weather wasn't horrible. Sierra figured it would make more sense if she started from the beginning, she started to tell Kacey how she really spent her break, and how she had met Snyde. 

"Your mom went to school with Snape?! What did she look like!" Kacey chirped in excitement as she looked over at Sierra. 

"Well she kind of looked like me in the picture, her hair was much lighter than mine" Sierra explained thinking back upon the image of her mother with a faint smile. "Then Snape pulled out another book and showed me a picture of what I had seen in he mirror, its called an obscurus, told me not to worry about it, Snyde wouldn't tell me what it was either he just told me not to tell anyone" Sierra kept her voice down. 

Kacey let out a pensive hum as she furrowed her brows. "I haven't heard of that before either, but if it exists there is bound to be a book about it in the library, let's go find out!" Kacey replied as she stood up with hint of excitement in her eyes. 

Sierra stood up following her to the library, full of Ravenclaws as ever, but there seemed to be a few more colors here and there. "So what are we looking for exactly? I mean how are we going to know what book that information is in?" Sierra asked quietly looking over at Kacey. 

"hmm, well I'm not too sure, we could ask one of the elves but if Snape didn't want to tell you there was probably a reason behind it. I guess just any book that talks about dark creatures of anomalies? I don't know just bring anything that looks like it could have it and we can read through the indexes" Kacey said before disappearing off into the isle. 

That was easier said than done, Hogwarts had a massive book collection, Sierra went for the obvious route and looked at the books starting with the letter O, there was no books written on obscurus so she started to look elsewhere, her arms quickly filling up with books she brought them back to the table. Kacey had also made her way back with a huge book in her hands along with some others piled up on top. 

"Well lets started on reading the indexes" Kacey said as she sat down opening up one of the books. 

Sierra proceeded to do the same, it really wasn't the most relaxing way to spend the day off but she was determined to find out what was going on. Flipping through the index trying to make her way to the letter O. If only she would have paid attention to the name of the book Snape had showed her this would have been slightly easier. If Snape had the book maybe it had to do something with Alchemy or Potions? That was a thought she would hold on to for later. As the two continued to scroll through the pages of books, Sierra heard a chuckle behind her. 

"Didn't know you Slytherins could read"

Of course, Leveret. Sierra let out a small sigh pinching the bridge of her nose with her fingers. Before she could reply something Kacey had already beaten her to it. 

"And even without reading, we still have higher grades than you?" Kacey said with a small smirk on her face. It took Sierra by surprise, Kacey had said things before like when she called Pansy pugface, but that was in private. She hadn't seen Kacey call out someone in public yet. 

Sierra leaned her head back looking back at Dante with a smug look on her face. "You lost, Leveret?" 

Dante pulled out the chair next to Sierra taking a seat next to her. "I think I am just where I am supposed to be Barrows" He said picking up a book and examining it before glancing at the stacks of other books. "What are you two looking for anyways?" 

"Say Dante you wouldn't know what an obscurus is would you?" Kacey asked tilting her head slightly. 

It took everything not to choke Kacey at that minute. Why on earth would she just put that information out there like that! Especially Dante out of all people.

"Never heard of it, why?" Dante asked with curiosity basically pouring out of him.

"It's for an extra credit project" Kacey replied looking over at Sierra.

Sierra sighed in relief and continued to flip through some pages. "Well Leveret, there you go, since you say you aren't lost how about you go get lost." Sierra mumbled as she flipped the page on the book she was holding. 

"You know what? I think I'll stay, I'll help" Dante said as he picked up a book and started to flip through the pages. 

...Great... she thought to herself and closed the book not finding anything in it, tossing it to the pile that had the books that had nothing in them. The three continued to go through the books trying to find anything on an obscurus. They had gone through pretty much all of the books without being able to find something. Sierra put down the book she was holding and looked over at Kacey who also seemed to be done. 

"Did you find something?" Sierra asked

"Not a single thing"

The two looked over t Dante who was still flipping through the last book, he put it down shaking his head. 

"Maybe it has something to do with alchemy or potions? Snape- I mean its Snape's class anyways" Kacey said catching herself before revealing any more information. 

"We had an extra credit assignment in potions?" Dante asked furrowing his brows as he looked over at Kacey. 

"Yeah, maybe if you weren't too busy moping around you would have heard him" Sierra added in trying to be as convincing as she could. 

"I swear he never said anything about that" Dante replied crossing his arms.

"It was written on the board"

"Are you sure that was for our class maybe it was for the other years" Dante said

"Maybe, but hopefully he'll see we're up for the challenge" Sierra said looking back at Kacey "Lets go get some Alchemy books" she said as she stood up to go back to the bookshelves. 

After getting a good amount of books in Alchemy she got a side eye from an elf, looking back at the table she realized how many books they had taken out of the shelves, that they wouldn't be needing. Surely there had to be some magical way to put them all bak without making the elves do it right? Walking back to the table she sat down examining the books everyone had brought back. Dante seemed to be gone finally, she opened one of the books and began to make her way to the index when she heard the chair next to hers pull out she glanced over seeing Dante put some books down on the table. Why was he so set in helping out? 

She was in the process of reading through the index when she was startled by a loud inhale.

"Holy cricket!" Kacey exclaimed putting the book down on the table.

"Did you find it?" Sierra asked standing up and walking over next to Kacey looking down at the book.

"Even better, the sorcerer's stone!" Kacey said pointing at a page. 

"The what?" Dante asked confused as he walked over to look at the book, spotting a bookmark on the page he picked it up examining it. "Hey, I've seen this bookmark before, its Granger's"

Sierra and Kacey looked at each other for a second before turning their attention back on Dante. 

"If Granger read this book then the information is in here" Sierra said as she examined the book closer. "The ancient study of alchemy is concerned with making the Philosopher's Stone, a legendary substance with astonishing powers. The Stone will transform any metal into pure gold. It also produces the Elixir of Life, which will make the drinker immortal." Sierra read out loud pausing for a second. Why would potter want this stone, and why would he think Snape is trying to steal it. 

Kacey's eyes widened, taking the book from Sierra she began to read the next part. "There have been many reports of the Philosopher's Stone over the centuries, but the only Stone currently in existence belongs to Mr Nicolas Flamel, the noted alchemist and opera-lover. Mr Flamel, who celebrated his six hundred and sixty-fifth birthday last year, enjoys a quiet life in Devon with his wife, Perenelle"

"What does this have to do with an obscurus?" Dante asked curiously looking at the two. 

"Absolutely nothing, for some reason Potter is trying to steal the stone and frame Snape for it" Sierra said looking at Kacey. 

"Frame him?!" Kacey said as her mouth dropped. 

"Yes, its the only thing that makes sense, they were trying to convince Hagrid it was Snape trying to steal it" Sierra mentioned trying not to put much attention to Dante's stare. 

"How are you so sure?" Kacey asked 

"I hard them say it the night Draco went out to the hut" 

"If the stone is at Hogwarts, where would it be?" Kacey pondered gently rubbing her temple. 

Sierra sat there for a minute trying to think before widening her eyes. "The forbidden corridor! Shortly after Draco challenged Potter to a duel I heard them talking about it"

Dante looked like all of the blood had been drained out of him. "Merlin's beard, they're going to get themselves killed"

"What do you mean?" Sierra asked looking at him curiously. 

"Neville, he's was frustrated because Harry was trying to get him to go someplace, they must be in the corridor now" Dante said running a hand through his blonde hair "we have to stop them before someone gets killed"

With a nod, the three sprinted out of the Library taking the book with them. They got some looks from other students here and there but no one had tried to stop them yet, thankfully the corridor wasn't that far from the library. As they turned to go up the stairs Sierra felt a hand grasp on to her arm and pull her back. She let out a yelp before looking back to see who it was. 

"Where are you running off to?" A pair of violet eyes stared at her from above, it was Snyde. 

Sierra blinked trying to decide what to say "nothing, I just have to go, let go"

The grip on her arm just ended up getting tighter. "you're lying"

"She said let go" Dante stepped in ripping Snyde's hand off her arm.

Sierra was a bit surprised to watch Dante step in like that, she thought he hated her. She looked over at Snyde and nearly swore to herself. It would probably be a good idea to bring him along, the corridor was deadly for a reason. "Its Potter, come on we have to go" Sierra said turning around and shooting Dante a thankful look. 

Finally getting to the corridor the four of them ventured down the hall, there was a wooden door that was closed standing in front of it Kacey was the one to open it as they all stepped inside. The room was pitch black, quickly fixed by all of them doing Lumos. 

"God it smells like dog in here" Kacey said covering her nose. 

"Thats because there is one... three?" Dante said but his voice was covered up by a deep growl. 

Snyde quickly pushed them to the side and yelled something while moving his wand in a zig zag motion. The three headed dog began to tumble, dropping to the ground and started to snore. 

Sierra took the book from Kacey and gave it to Snyde "go get Snape, just give him this and tell him that Potter has the stone" Sierra said looking up at him. 

"Fine, but you three stay here" Snyde said as he took the book and made his way out, 

"Psh, and wait until that thing wakes up? No way, come on there's a trapdoor" Dante said opening the door and making his way down the hole. 

Sierra and Kacey followed behind, landing on a bunch of roots Sierra looked around "What is this?" she asked picking up one of the vines to her surprise it started to wrap tightly around her arm. 

"Devils Snare, just take a deep breath and calm down" Dante shouted as he just let the vines wrap around him, he was soon swallowed by the vines. 

Kacey was the next to get swallowed, leaving Sierra up there by herself. She tried her best to calm down she wasn't moving but she couldn't help her heart that was beating a thousand beats per minute. 

"Sierra just let yourself go!" Kacey shouted from bellow. 

"come on just breathe" Sierra told herself feeling another vine wrap around her abdomen. She started to notice little black specks flying around, they landed on the vines and created a loud screeching sound, it looked like the specks were hurting the plant. All of the vines let her go and she fell to the bottom. 

"Did you do a spell?" Dante asked helping her up. 

"No... there were just... specks, black ones. I don't know where they came from but they hurt the plant" Sierra said as she caught her breath. That was definitely not the best moment to figure out that small spaces bothered her.

Kacey gave her a worried look before looking towards the next room. There were a bunch of keys on the ground and the door was opened. "They've definitely been through here" Kacey said picking one of the keys up. 

"Bloody Hell" Sierra said looking at the door, it had a bunch of keys stabbed through the door. She then stopped hearing a slight murmur. She looked back to Dante and Kacey seeing if they heard the same thing. 

Nodding, all of them took out their wands and proceeded to the next room with caution. The room was a mess, broken statues everywhere and the flooring looked like a chess board. Seeing movement out of the corner of their eyes they all pointed their weapons but lowered them when they realized who it was. 

"Hermione" Dante said relieved, "Are you alright?" he asked approaching her. 

"I am but Ron isn't... why are the Slytherin's here" Hermione asked as she looked over at Kacey and Sierra. 

"They figured everything out, what you guys were up to... I got to say I expected more from you Granger, trying to frame a teacher." Dante said as he looked over at Ron who was sitting up against a wall. 

"What?! No, you don't know what you are talking about Snape is trying to steal the stone!" Hermione yelled. 

Sierra glared at Hermione "Snape wouldn't do that, you can't seriously think that, and here I thought you were the smart one, you three tried to get Hagrid to turn against him, and he told you it wasn't Snape, so now you're taking matters into your own hands" 

Hermione looked shocked "How did you..." 

"So Barrows is telling the truth then" Dante said clearly irritated. "Where is Potter"

"Dante, it's not what it looks like I swear, all of you" Hermione pleaded. 

"Where, is, Potter" Dante repeated himself and Hermione pointed down a hallway. 

"I'll stay with them,  they need medical help I know a spell that can help while Snyde gets Snape" Kacey said walking over to Ron and taking her wand out. 

"Don't you all understand! Snape isn't coming, because he's already down there taking the stone!" Hermione yelled out in frustration. 

"Hermione" Sierra said as she got close to her. "Snape isn't in there, he's been hosting practice lessons all day for potions class" she said with a harsh tone, Hermione's expression changed, you could see she was conflicted with the information. They were just wasting time trying to get her to see she was wrong. "Very well" Sierra said looking at Kacey, "let's go Leveret" 

The two began to walk down a series of hallways, after walking for a couple minutes the faint smell of smoke began to fill the air. They started to quicken their pace following a faint glow of light. Both Dante and Sierra stopped dead on their tracks after hearing a scream, suddenly a cloud of gray smoke started bolting towards them. The smoke had a horrid face, she took a couple steps back wanting to run the other way and ended up bumping on Dante making them both fall on the ground. The smoke went over them quickly heading out the way they had came from. 

"What the hell was that" Dante breathed 

Noticing the voice from bellow her Sierra quickly rolled off of Dante, "Did you see it?" Sierra questioned looking over at him. 

Dante sat up rubbing his head "It was like a ghost but... smoke?" He questioned and stood up offering Sierra a hand. 

Sierra nodded taking his hand to get up, continuing to walk they made it to a big room that had flames at the entrance, she could see Harry laying on the ground on the other side. "Harry!" Sierra yelled seeing if he was responsive, but he didn't move one bit. "You wouldn't happen to know an extinguishing charm would you?" Sierra asked looking at Dante.

"Nope, but if we sprint through it we should be fine" He said looking over at her and taking some steps back. 

"Have you gone mental?" Sierra asked and went to stop him but it was too late, Dante sprinted and jumped through the fire. 

"Its fine! come on jump" Dante yelled waving Sierra over. 

She took a deep breath and a couple steps back before sprinting running through the flames. Dante quickly smacked her shoulder putting out a small flame. Both of them made their way to Harry who was out cold. Sierra spotted the stone in his hand and took it holding it up. All of this for the tiny little rock. 

The flames disappeared and standing on the other side was Snape followed by Kacey. 

"What happened" Snape said approaching them raising his brow. 

"We don't know, we heard a scream and a vapor cloud with a face came rushing at us, we came in and Harry was out cold" Sierra said and put the stone in Snape's hand. "Potter said you were trying to-" She was cut off by Snape. 

"Steal the stone, yes Snyde informed me" He said placing the stone in his pocket. "Both you and Potter were wrong, I wasn't trying to steal the stone but neither was Potter" Snape walked over to some robes on the ground "You three should head back to your common rooms, for trying to defend my honor I will pretend that you three weren't here, but next time, come to me instead of going off on your own" 

With a nod the three made it back out of the corridor they had been silent the whole way out. Once they got back to the main part of the school Sierra looked over at Dante. "We should probably get some rest then talk about everything tomorrow. Thanks... for your help, you're not so intolerable Leveret" 

"And I guess you two aren't bad for Slytherins"  He said with a small smile. 

Sierra laughed a little, "See you around Gryffindork"  

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