A White Lie

By RebeccaPratt836

987 104 3

"Run Cassy! Run Mitch!" I hear my Daddy yelling at the top of his lungs waking me up. I was always told that... More

Dead Night
Second Time Is A Charm
Blood And Tears.
Last Day
Plus One
Sneaking Around
Bright Lights
Bad News Travels Fast

Hide N Seek

31 4 0
By RebeccaPratt836

"Okay guys and monster let's play hide and seek. So Scar someone counts to 50 and we hide and first person found counts. Capeesh." Mateo says proudly. "Eye eye captain." Spencer says making Mateo get mad. "No it's capeesh. Oh kids these days don't know nothin." Mateo says making us laugh, making him madder.

"Hey where is your bracelet I gave you?" Parker asks leaning in, to whisper into my ear. "Oh I didn't wanna break it so I just took it off before coming down." I say lying. He smiles. "Zip it Mr!" Mateo yells at Parker. "Sorry captain." Parker says making Mateo smile. "You talked. You in." Mateo yells his order out.

"Okay. 50, 49, 48, 47." Parker starts yell out as we all run away. I love hide and seek my parents used to play that with Mitch and myself all the time. We would hide and they would be the bad people trying to find us. And if they did we would get into trouble. Cause bad people are not meant to find you. Okay so we can't go outside, only cause that will be to hard on Mateo.

"27, 26, 25, 24." I hear Parker's voice in the distance. Okay I need to get a move on. I run into the bathroom closing the door behind me. I drag Mateo's chair over and open the manhole. I put the chair back, I get up onto the sink and jump up pulling myself into the manhole closing the lid just in time. I turn my phone on to turn my torch on.

"Ready or not here I come." I can just hear Parker scream out. I hear foot steps walking around outside. I lift the lid just a little bit so I can see through. "Got ya!" He yells opening the door. I hold my laughter back not wanting to be found. He looks stunned, he can't work it out. He leaves closing the door behind him.

"Nice work mate but not good enough." Parker yells out making Spencer scream. "Oh I wonder where Mateo is." Parker yells. "I'm here!" I hear Mateo's little voice scream out. Making the boys laugh. "Shh she is in here." Mateo screams opening the door. "No mate she isn't I've already looked." Parker says. "But. But. I seen her go in here." Mateo says walking out closing the door behind them.

"Okay. Come out, come out everywhere you are. Riley everyone has been found." The boys yell out. I jump down closing the lid behind. I head out of the bathroom making sure no one sees me. I softly close the door behind me. I head downstairs to see all the boys sitting. "Where were you?" Parker asks smirking at me. "Yeah Riley we looked everywhere." Angus yells out hands on his hips. "Oh you know here and there." I say laughing at their faces.

"You know you can't go outside so if you were you are in." Weston says pulling a face. "I wasn't you guys are just rubbish." I say. "See I told you my monster is so good at everything." Mateo yells jumping up and down. "Okay so Spencer it's your turn!" Lane yells out beating this cheat making Mateo laugh and Spencer mad. "Yeah, yeah 50, 49, 48, 47, 46." He starts counting everyone runs to find a hiding spot.

"17, 16, 15." Spencer grumbles. I wait until no one is around and head into the kitchen. I look around for a spot and stop when I see the perfect one. I climb in and behind the fridge. Having to move it forward a little bit, hopefully no one pays that much attention. "Ready or not here I come." He yells marching his way up the stairs.

My phone starts ringing making me jump. I quickly grab it, flicking in onto silence. It's Jenny that's okay I'll call her back later if it's important she will leave a message. "Oh Mateo you are so hard to find. How do you do it?" Spencer asks as they come into the kitchen. "Oh you know I'm here and there and everywhere." He yells excitedly. "Where did she hide do you know?" Angus asks the others that are found. " I don't know but she is good." Weston says as they head out.

I sneak out pushing the fridge back that little bit and run into the lounge room I hide in the corner behind the lounge and wait. "Okay Riley. Come out. Again!" Spencer yells out, as they walk into the lounge room. I wait until they take a seat before jumping out. "Oi what's cracking?" I question, making them jump. "Oh man Riley I was about to curse in front of Mateo." Lane says grabbing his chest.

"You could not have been hiding there the hole time. Could you?" Spencer questions scratching his head. "Yep." I say popping the p, smiling at him. "Okay well Weston is in." Parker says getting ready to run. "Yeah. So get ready cause I'm going to find you first." He says pointing a finger at me. "50, 49, 48." He counts out.

I rush off upstairs opening the bathroom door making it look like someone is in there. I head down the hall and head into Lane's room. It's a complete and utter mess, oh and the smell is disgusting. I open up the cupboard and climb up the top. I move some boxes out of the way making a space for myself. I pull the boxes back in front. The door opens making me jump. I stay quite not making a sound. I have to win. They can't find me.

The door to the cupboard opens I can hear the coat hangers getting slid across the metal bar they hang on. The door closes. I pull out my phone and call Jenny back. "Hey what's up?" I whisper into my phone. "You okay why are you so quite." She asks sounding worried. "Yeah no I'm fine just play hide and seek with the little ones." I say making her laugh. "Anyways I was just ringing to see how Vada liked your dress." She asks. "Yeah she did. Anyways I have to go they are calling me again." I say before hanging up and climbing down.

"Oi you guys are hopeless you know that right." I yell out walking down the stairs. "Yeah you have to be breaking rules you can't keep winning." Parker yells out sounding mad. "I guess some people are just better then others." I say sarcastically. "Big bros in." Mateo yells out running off. Lane sits down and starts to count. I take off upstairs and head into my room. I open my window and climb out I stand on the ledge while holding onto the railings. I reach around and close the window.

Lane comes into my room and looks around. He leaves closing the door behind him. I climb back in closing the window behind me. I make it to my door but not quite in time. Lane busts in closing the door behind him. I can't help but jump getting caught, scaring myself half to death.

"You play dirty don't you." He says closing the gaps between us. "Don't you know it." I say walking closer to him. "I have waited to long for this." Lane says reaching my face. His hands soft against my cheeks. It sends a shiver down my spine. "Me too. Don't you worry." I say reaching up to plant a soft kiss on his lips. He reacts right away our lips moving with each other, like we are are perfect match. He pulls away letting the cold air hit my now swollen lips.

"I better go find the others wait until I call out we can't have them questioning us." He says giving me one last kiss. I wait in my room locking the door after him so no one can come in. "Okay Riley come out we give up." I hear his voice. I head down to where all the boys are sitting with a smirk on my face. "So who's in this time." I state proudly. "It's me. I'm so good no one can find me. Ever." Mateo says with an evil laugh.

"1, 2, 3, 4." He yells out as we all run away. I head into the kitchen and crawl under the table. "28, 25, 30, 39!" Mateo yells out making me giggle. He is to cute for his own good. "I'm coming!" He screams out running into the kitchen. "Found you." He whisper poking his head under the table with a smile on his face.

I sit in the lounge room waiting for him to find the others. Apparently he didn't need my help cause he is to good. "Oh Mateo you are just to good." Parker says roughing up his hair as the boys walk down the stairs. "I'm the winner I found her. You are the losers." Mateo chants running around the room.

"Okay go hide. 50, 49, 48!" I yell out. Hearing them all run off the stairs creak as they all head up them. I can hear them all talking. "31, 30, 29." I say quieter now so I can hear them and what direction they go. "Ready or not here I come." I yell out heading up the stairs. I head in my room first I look around seeing Mateo peaking out from under my blankets.

"You guys are just to good." I yell out making him giggle. I head out of my room and down the hall to the bathroom. "Really Weston you hide in the shower where it's glass and anyone could see you." I say walking out of the room. "Hey wait up everyone else took the good spots. It's not my fault." He yells out annoyed. "Okay how about you don't hide all in the same room you guys make it to easy. No wonder why Mateo always wins." I yell out making sure Mateo can hear.

No answer. "Okay Mateo you win come out." I yell out walking back to my room with the boys in toe. I open the door quickly and poke my head in to see if he is still in there. "Shhh!" I whisper yell at the boys. "Why?" Lane asks not at all quite. I point at my bed where all the sheets are messy in a pile and underneath lay Mateo curled up asleep.

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