When a Monster Strikes

By TheSPNFriends

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Jessica Coleman used to have a normal life. She went to work and lived with her best friend Rachel...life see... More

Chapter One: The Pony Caper
Chapter Two: Rachel's Gone
Chapter Three: Pie and Magicians
Chapter Four: Motel Shenanigans
Chapter Five: The Dead Garden
Chapter Six: Monsters Are Real
Chapter Seven: The Hunt Continues
Chapter Eight: The Truth of it All
Chapter Nine: Research and Guns
Chapter Ten: The End of the Beginning
Chapter Eleven: A Monster Killed My Friend
Chapter Twelve: There goes my Burger
Chapter Fourteen: Worth a Shot
Chapter Fifteen: Brace For Impact
Chapter Sixteen: Surrounded
Chapter Seventeen: Too Late
Chapter Eighteen: Enter THE DEVIL
Chapter Nineteen: Sam, Interrupted
Chapter Twenty: Loony Tunes
Chapter Twenty-One: We Need to Go
Chapter Twenty-Two: Are you with me?
Chapter Twenty-Three: Swap Meat
Chapter Twenty-Four: A Demon's Importance
Chapter Twenty-Five: The Pickett's
Chapter Twenty-Six: Demon Summoning Time
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Something's Wrong with Sam
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Teenagers
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Sam and Dean's Past
Chapter Thirty: The Song Remains the Same
Chapter Thirty-One: Best Friend Bonding Time?
Chapter Thirty-Two: Demons in the Supermarket
Chapter Thirty-Three: Revelations and Forgiveness
Chapter Thirty-Four: Protection Against Demons and Angels
Chapter Thirty-Five: My Bloody Valentine
Chapter Thirty-Six: Hunters Gonna Hunt
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Sam Knows
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Talking it Out
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Famine
Chapter Forty: Safety Plan
Chapter Forty-One: Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
Chapter Forty-Two: More Dead than Alive
Chapter Forty-Three: What's Dead Should Stay Dead
Chapter Forty-Four: Dark Side of the Moon
Chapter Forty-Five: Reunion
Chapter Forty-Six: 99 Problems of No Return
Chapter Forty-Seven: The Other Brother
Chapter Forty-Eight: Brawls and Battles
Chapter Forty-Nine: The Witches Bond
Chapter Fifty: The Least Likely of Duos
Chapter Fifty-One: To Kill a Witch
Chapter Fifty-Two: Zombie Mob
Chapter Fifty-Three: Hammer of the Gods
Chapter Fifty-Four: Hotel of Death
Chapter Fifty-Five: We Gotta Get Out of this Place
Chapter Fifty-Six: Stream Ghostfacers Now!
Chapter Fifty-Seven: Two Demons Walk into a Bar
Chapter Fifty-Eight: The Devil You Know
Chapter Fifty-Nine: Two Minutes to Midnight
Chapter Sixty: The Deal
Chapter Sixty-One: Storming the Warehouse
Chapter Sixty-Two: Swan Song
Chapter Sixty-Three: The Tales of a Prophet
Chapter Sixty-Four: Endgame
Chapter Sixty-Five: Moving Onward
Chapter Sixty-Six: Author's Note PLEASE READ!! (Sequel Information)

Chapter Thirteen: Abandon All Hope

21 2 11
By TheSPNFriends

    The next morning was filled with lots of coffee and lots of lore. Jessica had managed to find a can of pears in the kitchen and helped herself. Apparently, the oncoming apocalypse was bad for consumer buying...or Bobby just never really ate.

    She thought she'd wake up and the three hunters would give a crash course in all things monster but Sam and Dean were adamant that Jessica stay at Bobby's as they went after Crowley and the magic gun to kill Lucifer, the devil. She didn't even know such a thing existed having been thrust in all this literally a week ago. Jessica thought she was handling it all rather well. 

    Two other hunters, Ellen and Jo Harvelle had shown up at the crack of dawn and were very eager to help the boys. Jessica talked to Jo before she left with the boys and her mother who stayed behind even more so. They were somewhat excited to see a new female face in the ranks even if she was brand new. Ellen Harvelle was a no-nonsense kind of woman, a quality that made even Dean steered clear of, lest he wanted her tanning his hide.

    Jo, her daughter was a few years older than Jess and she was excitable in the sense that hunting seemed to be the only thing she wanted to do or talk about. She seemed like she had a good head on her shoulders and was very nice but even Bobby was worried about her.

    "She lost her daddy a handful of years back. Ellen tried to keep her out of the hunting life but when the world's ending, it's a kind of all hands on deck situation." The old man had murmured as Jess watched Dean and Jo flirt.

    Jessica turned back to Bobby, the man was in the process of moving a ton of old books across the room. Jess immediately started helping him and asking all sorts of questions about Lucifer and the other angels. She figured she could ask Cas for the information but as he wasn't at the house at the moment that would have to wait. Bobby answered a few questions but then after telling her he wasn't the Search the Net, he threw a larger tome her way and told her to figure it out on her own.

    Jess gulped and sat, taking up the large book. She had flipped to a random page in the book and read the title. Reapers. 'Hmm, interesting.' Jess thought then a knock resounded on the wall beside her, she looked up and saw Sam gazing down at her.

    "We're gonna head out...you'll be safe here. Promise."

    She nodded and held up the book, "Yeah if Bobby doesn't throw a book at my head." She said and laughed. "Be careful, okay. Oh maybe grab some food while you're out. This place is dry." She said and he nodded before grinning at her and then headed out the front door. 

    Jessica turned back to her book before shooting a glance at Bobby who was staring at her...apparently he had heard her brief conversation with Sam.

    "She's right you know." Ellen chimed in taking a break from arguing/saying goodbye to her daughter. Bobby's face scrunched but he didn't respond to Jess or Ellen.

    "Mom I'll be fine." Jess heard Jo say.

    The would-be hunter looked up from the stack of books for a moment to watch Jo and her mother. They had finally stopped arguing. Jo was to be bait so that the Winchesters could get into a demon's mansion...which sounded crazy but apparently, that was just another day at the office for the brothers. Ellen was wrapping her daughter in one last hug before sending her off with the boys who had already left for the impala.

    Jessica wasn't paying attention to what they were saying but the way Ellen held onto Jo reminded her of her own mother...when she was still alive of course. She used to pick Jess up when she was little, sometimes if Jess had fallen flat on her face or for no reason at all. It brought a warmth to the girl who had felt like she'd been drowning the last few days.

    She was brought out of her thoughts when Jo called back at all three of them, "Can't be all that hard right? It's just the devil after all."

    The girl sighed and reopened the book and got to reading. She read the chapter on reapers, which was quite interesting. They served death and took the recently deceased away from the realm of the living. She got major Beetlejuice vibes from it. The rest of the book was a few odds and ends as there wasn't the main theme. Different monsters and other supernatural creatures were accounted for in the next couple of chapters so she skipped ahead, not really looking for anything until she found something about Lucifer.

Many Christians believe the Devil was once a beautiful angel named Lucifer who defied God and fell from grace. This assumption that he is a fallen angel is often based on the book of Isaiah in the Bible which says, "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations."

The Devil makes various appearances in the Bible. The most famous being in the book of Genesis as a Snake who tempted Adam and Eve. The devil is also found in the New Testament Jesus and many of his apostles warned people to stay alert for the Devil's cunning enticements that would lead them to ruin. And it was the Devil who tempted Jesus in the wilderness to "fall down and worship him" in exchange for riches and glory.

Most other religions and cultures teach of an evil being who roams the earth wreaking havoc and fighting against the forces of good. In Islam, the devil is known as Shaytan and, like the Devil in Christianity, is also thought to have rebelled against God. In Judaism, Satan is a verb and generally refers to a difficulty or temptation to overcome instead of a literal being.

    Jessica heard the sound of the Impala's engine hightailing it out of the salvage yard.

    Just thinking about taking on Lucifer made the girl shiver.

    Of course, from what Jessica knew from the Bible was that Lucifer was a fallen angel...an all-around bad dude and that Sam and Dean were gonna try to take him out before he could take over the world.

    So the plan was to get the gun, kill satan, and save the world.

    It seemed pretty simple and Jessica had no qualms about it, except for the practicality of it. If Lucifer was anything like Cas, he would know they'd be coming and how'd they know that the gun actually worked? Jess looked over at Bobby and Ellen.

    "So this gun...it's magic?" She asked, having no desire to read more about Lucifer. She flipped forward in the huge book and settled on something called a Sylph.

    "Yeah, and it's the only thing that can kill any supernatural son of a mother permanently," Bobby grumbled clearly not pleased that she was bothering him with whatever he was doing.

    "How though?"

    "Well I figured it had to do with the bullets themselves, so I got to workin' on it and made more, but you also need the actual gun so that's why Dean and Sam are going after it."

    Jess nodded at Bobby's explanation. 

    The old man headed for the kitchen still grumbling about something as Ellen turned to her.

    "Jess, you'll find everything you wanna know in these books. Rule one, Read up." She said and Jess nodded...it was becoming achingly clear that no one here was gonna help her with any of this so she decided to can it on the questions and help herself.

    Hours had gone by, Jessica had zoomed her way through a few books and even taken a nap. There wasn't much else to do other than that. She desperately wanted to ask Bobby how to handle herself in a fight but she still didn't know the man well enough and didn't want to bother him too much seeing as her questions from earlier had only but annoyed him.

    So she stuck to reading and making as little noise as possible. She made it through the interesting stuff, werewolves and vampires and these things called skinwalkers that sounded kinda gross. Eventually, Cas had shown back up and told them the demon's house had warding on it so he couldn't get inside.

    "So is this guy some big shot down below?" Jess asked from her armchair. Cas turned to her and actually answered her question.

    "Just a crossroads demon, but paranoid. The question is, why does he have such a powerful weapon?"

    "Do you think he's hiding it for someone, his boss?" Jess asked but Cas shook his head

    "Demons are inherently narcissistic, looking out for only themselves. This demon must know something." He said and looked as if he were in thought.

    "Cas, I have some questions if you have time." She started which led them down the time-consuming path. The angel tried to answer all the questions she had. It may have seemed frivolous to be asking what kind of sigils she'd need to memorize or how to deal with the different ranks of angels right at that moment but there was no time but the present to learn all this anyway and they had time actually.

    Soon Bobby came wheeling in and effectively shut down Jessica's class time by asking Cas to help with weapon preparations. The angel having little knowledge himself, reluctantly agreed and followed the old man as he wheeled himself back out of the study.

    Jessica groaned and went back to the books. She wanted to help as well but where would she begin? A few days back, Sam had told her the process of melting down silver for bullets while they were cruising down the road and it didn't seem difficult but she was no alchemist.

    If she got anywhere near a pot filled with silver, she could potentially blow up Bobby's house and he hardly seemed like the forgiving type. It was obvious he didn't exactly like her so she wasn't gonna make the man hate her.

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