WHY DO I STILL? | stiles stil...

By -despressos

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ON HIATUS If there was one thing known about Haven Salazar, it was that she would do anything for Scott McCal... More



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By -despressos




"Stay safe, okay?" Haven told Isaac.

He leaned against the wall outside of Derek's lair, holding her to himself by her waist. Allison was parked outside, waiting to drive the two of them to Lydia's party.

"Of course, you should, too. Who knows if Jackson will show up at the party," he told her.

"I'm more worried about you and the other two," she said, glaring at him when he gave her a skeptical look. "Yes, Isaac, I am worried about Erica, too. It's the full moon, you guys had no idea how much it'll hurt."

"Yeah, well, I can handle a little bit of hurt, if you haven't noticed," he said, placing a kiss on her forehead. "You should get going. Don't want to disappoint Princess Lydia on her big day."


The two of girls walked up the driveway towards the Martin house, pausing to look at each other.

"For Lydia," they nodded, reassuring each other as they continued their walk to the house. 

"Did you ever have that—" Haven started, but both of them jumped as a voice yelled behind them.

"Whoo! Party!" 

They stopped for a second, blinking away the fear they felt as people passed them towards Lydia's house.

"—talk with your mom..." Haven trailed off, realizing that Allison had ventured towards the house ahead of her. Haven sighed.


"Your idiot got me a gift bigger than my front door," Lydia told Haven when she saw her and Allison.

"Of course he did," Haven laughed. "Thinking of my idiots, I'm gonna go find them. I'll be right back."

She and Allison shared a look, one that silently agreed that while Haven went to find Scott and Stiles, she would check if Jackson showed up or not.

"Seen Allison?" she heard someone ask, and she followed the voice she had knew was Scott's.

"No, but we should probably tell her and Haven what we found," Stiles's voice followed.

She turned a corner, seeing her two best friends. She smiled, walking over to them.

"Woah, nice dress," Scott said, looking at her with a smile on his face as Stiles just gawked at her. 

"Tell me and Allison what? What did you find?"

"I'm still not sure what we found," Scott admitted.

"I figured out it has something to do with water," Stiles explained. "You know, the fact that all the victims were on the swim team, the way the kanima reacted around the pool."

"So... whoever's controlling the kanima really hates the swim team?" Scott asked.

"Hated the swim team, specifically the 2006 team, so it could've been a teacher. Maybe like a student back then," Stiles explained as they walked through the back door of the house towards the pool.

"Mr. Lahey wasn't on the swim team?" she questioned, confused.

"Nope, but your boyfriend's dad did coach it," Stiles sighed. "Who are we missing? What haven't we thought of?"

Allison walked over with her awkward smile, saying, "Uh, Jackson's not here."

"Yeah, no one's here," Stiles emphasized. 

"Maybe it's just early," Scott said optimistically.

"Or maybe nobody's coming because Lydia's turned into the town wack job," Stiles sassed, earning a smack in the arm from Haven.


Isaac went flying into the wall, Derek huffing as he had just thrown the young wolf into it.


"SHE'S MY GIRLFRIEND!" Isaac yelled as he got up, looking confused why Derek was so mad, Boyd and Erica watching in amusement. "AND NOT THAT KIND OF SLEEP! We fell asleep while watching a movie—well, she did, I laid there listening to her heartbeat."

"That's... creepy!" Derek muttered, pretending to gag. "There are things I can never unimagine."


"Well, we have to do something, because we've completely ignored her for the past two weeks," Allison said, the four of them looking over to Lydia who was holding a tray of drinks.

"She's completely ignored Stiles the past ten years," joked Scott.

"I prefer to think of it as me not having been on her radar... yet," Stiles replied.

Scott and Haven shook their heads at their buzzcut best friend, turning back to Allison.

"We don't owe her a party," Scott said, shaking his head as he looked at the two girls who were now frowning. 

"What about the chance to get back to normal?" asked Allison.

"Normal?" questioned Scott.

"She wouldn't be the town wack job if it wasn't for us," Haven argued. "We withheld so much information from her that she felt like she was going crazy, yet we don't owe her just one night of just... being happy? Really? It's not like Peter didn't go to the school dance looking for you where she ended up getting almost killed or anything."

Scott sighed, "I guess I could use my co-captain status to get the lacrosse team here," Scott suggested.

"Yeah, and I also know some people who can get this thing going," Stiles added. "Like, really going."

"Who?" the two girls asked him.

"I met them the other night," he explained. "Let's just say they know how to party."

Haven gave him a questionable look, wondering when he had time to make friends amongst the kanima chases, angry lawyers and their sons, and the issue with his dad at the station. Though, then again, Haven managed to get a boyfriend during all of that, too. 


"You're here with us tonight?" Scott questioned, watching as Haven stuck to their side once the party took off. 

"Yeah, what Allison said is resonating with me," she stated, sitting down next to him. "We can get back to normal tonight."

"Thinking of Allison," Stiles questioned, looking over to where she was, looking at them. "Scott, are you going to apologize to her or what?"

"Why should I apologize?"

"Because you're the guy," the two of his best friends said together.

"It's, like, what we do," Stiles added.

"But I didn't do anything wrong," Scott defended himself.

"Then you should definitely apologize," Stiles said, leaning against a fairy light wrapped pillar, one of his hands in his pocket while the other was holding his drink. "See, anytime a guy thinks he hasn't done anything wrong, it means he's definitely done something wrong."

"I'm not apologizing," Scott shook his head stubbornly.

"Is that the full moon talking, buddy?" Stiles asked.

"You know, instead of my relationship with Allison, let's talk about the two of you instead," Scott suggested. He pointed at Stiles and said, "You are in love with a girl you can't have and haven't been able to get over it. And you," he said, pointing at Haven. "Have totally gone M.I.A ever since you made up with Isaac. And the both of you used to be joint at the hip to the point where everyone totally thought you were dating, and now you barely spend time with one another."

They both just stared at Scott, then at one another because of his last sentence.

"And you two had two spontaneous sleepovers without me this month," he concluded, scoffing as he spoke in a much quieter voice.

"This is the full moon talking, right?" Stiles reiterated.

"The full moon is like Scott's version of a period," Haven chuckled.

"Probably," he nodded. "I'm sorry for blowing up like that."

His friends just awkwardly rose their eyebrows, taking sips of their drinks.

"So, why do you care if he apologizes to Allison anyways?" Haven asked, deciding to change the subject.

"Because, Scott, something's gotta go right for us right now," Stiles pleaded. "I mean, we're getting our asses royally kicked, if you haven't noticed. People are dying, I got my dad fired, Haven's a witch who didn't have her childhood memories but now does have her childhood memories, you're gonna be held back from school, I'm in love with a nut job," Stiles glanced over at Lydia. "And Haven is in love with Isaac Lahey."

"Why was I added in that list twice? And why is Isaac and I's relationship in the list of bad things? And who in the holy hell said I was in love with him?" Haven asked, but was ignored. 

"And if on top of all that, I gotta watch you lose Allison to a stalker like Matt, I'm gonna stab myself in the face."

"Don't stab yourself in the face," Scott said, standing up.

"Why not?"

"Because Jackson's here."

Haven stood up, her small body fitting between the two boys as they all glanced at where Jackson had just walked into the party, looking a bit more intense than usual. Lydia handed him a drink, and Jackson hadn't said anything as he stared at the trio looking over at him. 


"How do you not feel this?" Isaac asked as Derek chained him up to a chair.

"I feel every second of it," he responded.

"Then how do you control it?" he wondered.

"Find an anchor," Derek responded. "Something meaningful to you. Bind yourself to it. Keep the human side in control."

"What is it for you?" Isaac asked.

"Anger. But it doesn't have to be that for everybody."

"You mean Scott?"

"Yeah," nodded Derek.

"So think of Haven?" Isaac asked him.

Derek just glared, but then nodded. "Alright, that should do it."

He stood up, before looking back at Isaac, how he looked calmer than Boyd and Erica would in his restraints. Derek wondered if he was indeed thinking about Haven.




· sorry for the long wait and the short chapter, it's midnight but i wanted to update before i slept.

· will be focusing on stiles and haven's friendship more since i have neglected them lately. and them + scott.

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