A Knight Secret (Shidge)

By VoltronMoon

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{Discontinued} Pidge becomes a knight got the Garrison kingdom but Pidge has a secret, one she has to make su... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.

Chapter 13.

139 8 5
By VoltronMoon



"Something wrong" Shiro asked as he walked out of their shared bathroom, back in his night clothes and just finished brushing his teeth.

"Oh um well nothing wrong to say just I um, over thinking I think" Pidge rambled a little as she sat on the edge of her bed, in her night clothes and having an inner war over telling Shiro the truth. 

"Did the prince say something, I noticed you two were talking a little while you danced" Shiro asked with worry as he walked over to his bed, sitting on the edge and looking to her.

"No, actually he just complimented me on my dancing and hoped me the best in my future as a knight. He was rather nice, I really don't see how others can see him a cruel" Pidge replied honestly and Shiro smiled at her.

"So, what has you so nervous, you can trust me pidge" Shiro replied with a soft smile, honest eyes.

"What do you think over women, do you think they should have a chance in fighting like a knight. To stand as a knight beside the men" Pidge shyly asked as she placed with the edge of her grey tunic that she slept in, brown trouser shorts that ended just above her knees. 

"I really don't know, I don't think a women should have to fight when they fighting just to like without being beaten. I mean, they get married off and not always for love but just because it make their life easier or their parents life easier. Some marry for love but its rare during such times, its unfair for women and having to fight to kill is unfair to ask of them while they fighting to just to live a decent life" Shiro answered with a slight frown, running a hand threw his hair. He wore a white tunic with black short trousers that ended at his thighs.

"What if she could fight, she wanted nothing more then to be a knight and fight beside men as an equal not as a wife or slave to them. She could fight better then most basic soldiers and worked hard for her place, would you accept her" Pidge asked as she met with Shiro eyes.

"Everyone has a reason for where they stand, if she stood beside me threw her hard work just like everyone else around me then she's already one of us. No changing that even if she a man or women, she proved to me that she deserves to stand where she stands" Shiro answered with a gentle smile and Pidge let a relief breath out.

"Even though its a crime for a women to become a soldier let alone try being a knight. She would bring shame to her name and be punished for joining up" Pidge mumbled with slight fear.

"Not in the Kingdom, it may have been the rules long ago and other kingdoms may punish a women if she tried being a soldier or knight but since King Sven became king he changed the rules. He took away the law from punishing any women that tries to be a soldier or knight. If they can pass it proves they have a place as the kingdom protectors. Not everyone agree but if the women is found the worse that can happen is being kicked out" Shiro answered with slight pride and Pidge smiled.

"Garrison Kingdom truly is the best" Pidge smiled proud and Shiro nodded in agreement.

"So, why all the questions did something happen to your sister" Shiro replied with a small smile, concern in his eyes.

"How would you feel if you learned that my sister is actually me" Pidge answered with a weak smile watching the surprise take over Shiro face. 

"So, you are a women" Shiro spoke out carefully and Pidge nodded.

"I don't want everyone to know until I can prove myself but one day in the future I wish to stand as the green knight without hiding my gender. I want to stand proud as myself not as a fake" Pidge answered with a small smile and rubbed her arm a little.

"So the rule over never changing before another since only your mother or wife should see your body was a lie, you were just trying to not be found out" Shiro mumbled and Pidge nodded.

"I thought it might be best if we both kept our dignity, I wouldn't see you naked and you won't see me naked" Pidge muttered and Shiro gave a small nod.

"I was hoping I would this a little more cooler then I feel right now" Shiro sighed as he ran a hand threw his hair while Pidge giggled.

"Your not yelling at me right now so I give it a passing grade" Pidge joked making Shiro chuckle.

"Prince Kuro knew, didn't he" Shiro asked in slight shame. 

"Yeah, he met me in the past and well he cheering me on from the shadows" Pidge admitted and Shiro felt defeat that he didn't figure it out first. 

"Ok, well I'm not mad and I don't think less of you nor do I hate you. I want to say that now before you start to panic and try to kill me" Shiro spoke up as he raised a hand and Pidge rolled her eyes.

"Shiro, I wouldn't just kill you. If you didn't accept me then I would have given up since I knew you have a gentle and honest heart. You accept a lot of things and see the best in people, if you couldn't see past I was a women then I knew it wasn't my time to be a knight yet" Pidge replied slightly embarrassed.

"I accept you Pidge, you are you no matter your gender. Your fighting skills are amazing and your mind is brilliant. I know I can trust you with my life and the life of our friends along with protecting the kingdom until your last breath. I want no one else by my side" Shiro smiled gently as he met with her eyes, noticing her cheeks turn rosy.

"Thank you Shiro" Pidge smiled softly and Shiro nodded.

"So, is Pidge your name or your brothers name" Shiro asked with a slight smirk and Pidge let a laugh escape her lips.

"Fake name, Pidge Gunderson is a name made up but since I can't really give my last name out just yet to protect my brothers. My true name is Katelynn, Katie is what I prefer" Pidge answered with a sweet smile.

"Katie, a lovely name. I look forward to the say I can call you such name without you having to hide it" Shiro smiled and Pidge gave a small happy nod.

"Well, time for bed we've got an early start and all that dancing at the ball tired me out" Pidge spoke up and wiggled into her bed, pulling the cover over.

"Goodnight .. Katie" Shiro smiled as he blew the candle out before laying in his own bed.

"Night Shiro" Pidge whispered back, closing her eyes as sleep took over.

Skip to the next Morning..

"Are you actually pouting" Kuro smirked as he glanced to the knight beside him while they stood in the hall, glancing to the castle private guard.

"Why didn't you tell me" Shiro snapped back as he glanced to the prince. 

"Why should I tell you its not my place to give away knights secrets unless they threaten the kingdom or royal family. But an answer you may like more is that I only found out yesterday, before she left to pratice dancing with you and your friends" Kuro answered with ease, a straight face on his lips as he looked to the clear sky.

"You knew that long and still didn't try telling me, she my knight and one of the coloured knights that represent the kingdom. You had a right to tell me since this could damage the kingdom image If leaked to the wrong person" Shiro huffed back and Kuro rolled his eyes.

"What are you actually mad about, the green knight being a girl or that the boy you grew to find special was found out by me first to be a women .. huh brother" Kuro replied with a slight smirk, turning to his younger twin.

"I'm not mad, I just don't want you taking away her chance at being a knight just becuase you don't agree with her being a women and don't call me such a title when anyone could listen in" Shiro replied as he looked to his older twin who just laughed.

"The prince who gave up his title to be the black knight, look at us brother we have the same body built and face. The only difference is that I don't have a scar over my nose, the only reason no one matched us up as twins is becuase no one would think a prince would be given a scar or have such strange hair" Kuro grumbled back as he glared to his brother a little. They were the perfect reflection of the other until Shiro gained the scar over his nose and his hair turned white at the front after their mother death. Kuro kept smooth black hair, keeping the perfect image while his brother became a new face. 

"I will be the prince if I'm needed but I wouldn't be the prince this kingdom needs. I can do more as a knight then as their prince, look at me brother. I'm not the perfect prince and I'm no longer chaining you to me. Your kuro now not just Takashi twin brother, we both found places where we can live freely" Shiro sighed as he looked back to the flowers below them. 

"I am thankful that you chose to be the black knight instead of the youngest prince but I do miss you brother. So dose our older brother, he wants to stand beside you as our big brother not as your king. Make time for him, he much enjoyed dancing with you last night. As for the green knight, I met her long ago and I could never betray her" Kuro spoke up In a clam voice, a content look on his face as he looked to the sky once again.

"Never betray her, don't tell me you" Shiro started to say in surprise and Kuro soon waved his hand in dismissal.

"I think, she and I might be one of the same in this fight against the cruel world. She became my first and only friend who has hope for me. Its not love I hold for her but a great fondness. So, if I had to give her hand to anyone in this universe, I'll give her to a man who love her for her and won't chain her up as a women. I would choose you my brother, take care of her for me and maybe man up a little to ask her for a date one night" Kuro smiled as he placed a hand on Shiro shoulder, smirking near the end as he noticed Shiro blush a little.

"I was not looking to marry Pidge, we just partners. Stop trying to set me up with women" Shiro pouted with a blush while Kuro chuckled.

"We both know your been seeing the green knight as someone special since you fought with her that day. You were captured by her even when you thought of her as a him. I'll wait for the wedding bells, I better get a good seat in that church" Kuro mumbled with a slight grin and began to walk away. 

"Your enjoying this, aren't you brother" Shiro sighed with a slight smirk as he glanced to his elder twin who chuckled.

"You know me well brother" Kuro replied making Shiro smile. 

"So, my brother made a friend in his life. I should truly tell big brother so we can team up to tease him over it" Shiro muttered to himself before walking onwards knowing he had to get back to his shared room and get in his armour. 

With Pidge..

"Am I going to die" Pidge asked in slight fear as Keith hugged her.

"Not while I'm around, I'm just thanking you for what you did last night" Keith smiled, not breaking from the hug just yet.

"I was only being a good friend, plus I got sick of not being asked to dance by anyone even when I'm such a good dancer" Pidge replied with ease with Keith chuckled.

"James is grateful, he doesn't know you did it on purpose but he thankfully you got us all dancing" Keith muttered and Pidge let a laugh escape his lips.

"Oh, I got the sir Griffin to be thankful to me .. damn, I missed something good" Pidge joked making Keith chuckle before he finally broke the hug.

"You did but don't worry I took the kiss for you" Keith smirked smugly as he placed his hands on his hips.

"You weren't even going to let me have that kiss, we both know it" Pidge grinned as she placed one hand on her hip and Keith nodded.

"He mine and mine alone, you can have a semi hug or high five but no more" Keith replied like he was a king making Pidge laugh.

"Understood my prince, I'll remember that rule" Pidge teased as she bowed to him.

"You better peasant or it be off with your head" Keith acted before they both burst out laughing. 

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