In Love With A Cowboy( Interr...

By JustTheWriterOk

2.9M 116K 54.9K

" I've had it!" I screamed at him." I have had enough of you cheating on my for the last four years of our ma... More

Chapter 1- Not Suprised
Chapter 2- I Will Find You
Chapter 3- New Responsibility
Chapter 4- New City, New Life
Chapter 6- Jace Meets Hayden
Chapter 7- Dinner Date
Chapter 8- New Daddy?
Chapter 9- Getting Worse
Chapter 10- Ruined Date
Chapter 11- Woman to Woman
Chapter 12- Getting my Cowyboy Back
Chapter 13- Jace and I
Chapter 14- Save Me From Insecurity
Note To Readers
Chapter 15- Found You
Chapter 16- Oh God
Chapter 17- Valentines Day Gone Wrong
Chapter 18- Truth Comes Out
Chapter 19- Real Liar
Chapter 20- Building My Case
Chapter 21- Last Chance
Chapter 22- Fighting Dirty
Chapter 23- Suprise Guest
Chapter 24- I Want You Back
Epilogue- 15 years later

Chapter 5- Next Step

135K 5K 2.3K
By JustTheWriterOk

* William*

I'm currently speeding down the high way to my mothers house. I mean I'm going so fast I'm surprised I haven't crashed or got pulled over yet. I pull into her driveway and knock on the door quickly.

She opens the door and looks at me with confusion as her hair is still in its curls and she has a robe on. " William?"

I rush past her and up to Jace room.

" Jace!" I yell walking into his room. His bed is empty is empty and his backpack is gone. " No no! Jace baby?!" I run through the house and outside. " Jace!" I scream on the verge of busting out in tears.

" Hey what is going on?" My mother yanked my shoulder. When she noticed my face she frowned. " William? Didn't you know she came and got Jace last night? Shouldn't they be home?" She asked.

I fell to my knees and cried. My wife is gone and now my son is gone.

" She left me." I managed to say as I try to stop crying.

" Le-left you? Why would she do such a thing William?"

" She found out about my affairs. I didn't mean for it to go this far at all."

" Or you weren't expecting her to find out?" She spat. " William have me and your father taught you nothing? I loved that girl William and here you go messing things up."

" I'm sorry mom."

" Its not me who you should be crying to. Damn it now she's gone with my grandson. You better find her William I'm so disappointed in you."

She walked away slamming the door.


" Come on Peter I didn't call you over for nothing." I pressured my friend as he continued to search for any signs of my dear Alexis.

" William I can't find anything man! She's gone...and she's smart too. She made sure she wiped everything and left no trace."

I sigh and flop down on my sofa.

"  Is there any possible way we will find her?" I wipe my tired eyes.

" Yeah Jace is three so she's going to put him in school man maybe that will be help. Look man I'll keep looking but Amy says you don't deserve help." Peter glared at me.

" We were best friends before you got with her! Bros before hoes! Where's your loyalty." I question him.

He clenches his jaw and stands IP rather quickly and grabs me by my colar.

" You don't refer to my wife as a hoe? My loyalty is with you but my wife is always right. You don't deserve any help you slept with many different women when you had a beautiful wife at home that was ten times better than the hoes you were sleeping with. Your such a pig."

He jerks me back letting me go.

" You have a lot of room to judge right mate? Especially at your bachelor party when you slept with that stripper. Oh no wifey doesn't know about that? Don't judge a book by its cover."

I push him away from me.

" Look Peter if your going to sit here and continue telling how much of a mistake I made you can just get the hell out! I don't need all of this going on when my wife and son are gone! So just get lost."

A seconds later I hear the door slam of the door.

I grab a bottle of wine and start drinking my sorows away. An hour later my phone rings and I instantly pick it up.

" Hello?"

" William it's Marianna."

" Marianna I don't have time alright I'm not having sex-"

" I'm pregnant.." This day couldn't have got worse.


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