Elizabeth Harrison's Hope For...

By symhere

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BOOK FOUR OF HARRISON SERIES. Elizabeth has been looking after her alcoholic and pathological liar mother for... More

1: Mourning For Mother's Death
2: Forgiveness Is Hard To Give
3: The Things She Left For Them
4: His Everyday Life
5: Doctors Are Not Gods
6: An Awkward Interaction
7: Her Savior
8: An Apology And A Slap
9: A Secret To Keep
10: The Pain He Is In
11: Like Mother, Like Daughter
12: Too Drunk To Think
13: The First Kiss
14: A Favor To Ask
15: The Key They Both Didn't Have
16: People Change
17: New Neighbors, Old Feelings
18: Slapped
19: Is It Too Hard To Get?
20: The Kiss They Shared Again
21: Elizabeth's Crush
22: A New Friend, Maybe?
23: The Housewarming Party
24: Just Him And Her
25: The Morning After
26: Breakfast
27: Asked On A Date
28: The Help Fay Needs
30: So Close
31: Screw The Rules
32: Can We Talk?
33: Who Is Mia?
34: I Like You.
35: Don't Be Sorry For How You Feel.
36: Mia And Elizabeth.
37: Suspicion.
38: Date Night.
39: Eliza.
40: In The Name Of Love.
41: A Bloody Night.
42: All Hell Broke Loose.
43: The One They Lost.
44: You Do.
45: Blur.
46: The Funeral.
47: An Unexpected Visitor.
48: The Truth.
49: Lost Her.
50: Moving On.
51: The Complete Truth.
52: Yet You Know.
53: The News.
54: Something To Remember Me By.
55: A Unique Friendship.
56: Leo Is Here.
57: Leo Knows.
58: Drunken Leo.
59: The Cold Night.
60: Leo Meets Fred.
61: The Unexpected Guest.
62: A Surprise Visit.
63: Ice Cream.
64: Elizabeth's Visitor.
65: Tattoos and Realization.
66: Unwanted Interruption.
67: Missing You.
68: Jen's Confession.
69: Wedding Planner.
70: Elizabeth's Realization.
71: Deal.
72: The Unexpected Guest.
73: Bonding.
74: Confession.
75: Jealousy.
76: Pain of the Past.
77: Breakfast And Kisses.
78: Ruby's Gift.
79: The Last One.

29: He Can't Resist Her

985 36 0
By symhere

Mosa had to go with Ethan to a meeting and that left her alone with Fayette in the lab where Fay was occupied with work and Elizabeth was completely distracted. She was thinking of ways of talking to Fay about staying with her. Elizabeth knows that Fay will have tons of questions for her – for starter, how did she know that Fay had no place to go to? Sine Mosa asked her not to mention his name to Fay – Elizabeth has been brainstorming since she came back from lunch. Thankfully, Elizabeth was able to feed the lunch Mosa left for her – saying that Fay didn't look so good and that she should eat. Although Fay resisted Elizabeth was persistent as well – it was not only because Mosa asked her to but because Fayette didn't look too good. Elizabeth successfully talked Fay into having lunch and when Fay tried to pay her – Elizabeth didn't let her and asked her to pay for their next meal. She didn't pay for the lunch – Mosa got it for Fay, but even if she would have bought it with her own money – she would have never taken it from her either.

Elizabeth towards Fay and sighed before she called out her name, "Hey, Fayette." Fayette turned her head to look at Elizabeth with a small smile on her face, "Yes?" She asked. Elizabeth paused and thought about it one more time before she asked, "Hey, Listen." She said and put her pen down before she slowly stepped near to Fay, "Uh, since it is just the two of us here – I need to ask you something that has been bothering me since the lunch break," Elizabeth started. Fay knitted her eyebrows together and nodded her head, "Yeah, what is it?" She asked. Elizabeth sunk her shoulder as she continued, "So, when I came to you during the break and you were talking to someone on the phone," the smile on Fay's face dropped as Elizabeth mashed her lips and continued, "Well, I didn't mean to hear your conversation, but I did." she added.

Fayette was completely silent – she averted her gaze away from Elizabeth and pushed her blonde hair behind her ear. Elizabeth gulped, "Listen, I know we are not great friends, but I want you to think of me as a friend and talk to me if you are in any sort of trouble, okay? I promise I will never say a word to anyone else." Elizabeth said. Fay let out a nervous chuckle as she finally looked at Elizabeth in her eyes, "What? No, I am not in any kind of trouble." She replied. Elizabeth didn't smile back – she could see how uncomfortable Fay was being. It reminds her of her own time – when Freddie cheated on her and she pretended as if everything was okay even when her world was falling.

Fayette realized that Elizabeth wasn't buying her lies – she heard her talk on the phone, after all, so she dropped the act and let out a sigh before she rubbed her forehead. She loosened her hands on her sides and mashed her lips together as her eyes glossed, "Okay." She said. Fayette never really speaks about what she is going through in her life – therefore it is hard for her to open up to Elizabeth. "Uh – I don't know how to say this," she chuckled humorlessly. Elizabeth stepped nearer and put her hand on Fay's shoulder, "You can tell me anything, Fay. I will always be here for you." Elizabeth ensured her.

Fayette felt the ounce of warmth by Elizabeth's nice gesture so she continued with heavy heart, "I got kicked out of my apartment yesterday," She told Elizabeth. Even though Mosa already told Elizabeth that Fayette doesn't have a place to go – she still felt her heart drop, "Where are you living now?" Elizabeth asked. It was fairly cold in Chicago – it must have been so hard for Fayette to find a place in such short notice. Fayette smiled shakenly – she felt embarrassed to tell Elizabeth that, "I didn't have anywhere to go," she choked as tears fell from her eyes. She snuffled and wiped off her tears immediately and bowed her head down, "I was on streets all night long," She added difficulty.

Elizabeth genuinely thought that she would have crashed at somebody's places but to know she spends the whole night on street was painful for her. "Fay," Elizabeth whispered and embraced her in a hug and it was all that took Fay to break down. "It was so cold and I didn't have enough money to get into a motel," She said as Elizabeth closed her eyes. Her own eyes filled with leashed tears. Fayette – the poor soul, it must have been so hard for her. Elizabeth pulled away while both hands were on her shoulders, "Why didn't you crash at someone's place? Wasn't there anyone? A friend maybe or anyone from the family," Elizabeth couldn't help but ask. Fayette snuffled and wiped off her tears – she had stopped crying. She shook her head softly, "No, I don't know many people around and the ones I knew didn't let me stay." She replied. "God, it was so humiliating to go to their doors and ask them to let me spend a night only for them to decline. Some didn't even answer their doors or phones," She added as she rubbed her face.

Elizabeth was so shocked to know how heartless people can be. "Why didn't you come to me? You know that I live alone and I have space for you to stay." She asked. Fayette bit her lip and shrugged, "We don't know each other for that long and I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of you," she replied softly. Elizabeth rolled her eyes skywards, "Well, that's a very stupid reason." She told her. "Do you know how dangerous it can be to be alone all night long and talk about the cold – God, Fay – I can't believe this," Elizabeth added while Fayette stayed silent. Elizabeth sighed, "Alright, you don't have to find any place now – you can stay with me as long as you want." Fayette looked at Elizabeth as soon as she said that. "Just a night would be great," Fayette replied. Elizabeth shook her head, "Not just a night but as long as you want," she replied.

Fayette mashed her lips and did what Elizabeth never thought she would do – she hugged her, "Oh, thank God – I will be out of your apartment as soon as I find a new one. I will just have to wait for a week. Once I get the salary – I will look for another place – I swear," she gushed. Elizabeth let out a chuckle and pulled away from Fay, "Don't worry about it. And I live alone anyways – it can be boring, quite honestly. I would love to have a company," she smiled. Fayette smiled back and held Elizabeth's hand, "You have no idea how thankful I am to you," she said. "Don't be – that's what friends are for," She replied. Elizabeth badly wanted to mention Mosa. She wanted to tell Fayette that Mosa is the one she should be thanking, but he asked me not to say anything to her, so she isn't. Elizabeth could see the relief on Fayette's face once she told her – it made her happy to help her. Maybe they can be friends – Elizabeth would love to have a friend who isn't rich and spoiled. She loved to be around the self-made and hardworking people.

Once they went back to work – Elizabeth remembered that she has to meet Leo after work, but she has to take Fay to her apartment as well. She still had an hour before she takes off from work, so she turned to Fayette who was working on some samples, "Hey, Fay." She called her out. Fayette turned her head to look at her with a smile on her face, "Yes?" She asked. "Can I ask you for a favor?" Elizabeth asked. Fay chuckled, "Seriously – anything." She emphasized. Elizabeth smiled, "Actually, I have to be someplace after work hard for an hour." Elizabeth started to say and Fayette completed her, "Don't worry, I will wait for you. I have to work a little late anyway," She replied. Elizabeth grinned, "That's great. I will be back in an hour," She told her and soon they both went back to work.

An hour passed painfully slow for Elizabeth. She couldn't stop thinking about what Leo had to talk about. Often she would smile thinking maybe he just misses her, but then she would worry – what if he doesn't want to continue to be with her? She was having different thoughts with each passing minute and it was making her even more anxious and impatient. When finally the clock stroke five – Elizabeth took her phone out and texted Leo, "I am done – where do you want to meet?" She didn't expect such a quick reply, but hardly a few minutes later her phone buzzed and it was Leo who texted her back, "Can you get to the café I took you to the other day or do you want me to pick you up?" his message said. She remembered that café from where she stormed out angrily – she clearly remember that day. With a smile on her face she replied, "Yes, I can get there – when do you want me to be there?" Elizabeth asked. Almost instantly Leo wrote back, "I am on a break. Can you come right now?" he asked. She smiled and replied, "Yes, I can. I will be there in fifteen minutes." She wrote him back before she went to the restroom to freshen up. She made sure that she looked good before she went to see him. She never thought meeting Leo would excite her so much.

Just as she said, after fifteen minutes she reached the café. She drove to the café so it hardly took her five minutes to reach there as it was close to her office. She was still feeling a little nervous to see him – even after so much happened between them – this guy causes knots in her stomach. She blew her cheek out and walked into the familiar space. It didn't have many customers – just like the last time. Elizabeth didn't have to find Leo – he was sitting right where they sat before. He was busy typing on his phone with a frown drawn on his face. Elizabeth mashed her lips together and walked towards him. As she got near, Leo lifted his head and their eyes met. The whole weekend ran through Elizabeth's mind – the steamy night they spend together to the time they spend together the morning after – it all came back to her. She briefly closed her eyes as she didn't want to think about it right now – her thought were distracting. Leo stood on his feet when he saw her coming, "Hey," he said softly. Elizabeth smiled at him even when he didn't, "Hey," she replied softly and sat on the chair in front of him. She placed her handbag on the floor beside her feet and wait for him to say something. After a discomforting few seconds pause, Leo asked, "Do you want to get something?" He asked. Elizabeth shook her head, "No, I had lunch late – you can order something if you want." She said. Leo shook his head, "No, I don't have much time anyways. I have to get back to the hospital." He said.

Elizabeth's eyes went on his hospital scrub – he could have at least changed – maybe he didn't get the time. She nodded, "So, what do you want to talk about?" She asked him. He glanced away before he sighed, "Maria called yesterday," Leo told her. Elizabeth smiled, "Did she tell you about the baby?" She asked excitedly. Leo nodded his head and Elizabeth grinned, "Isn't it exciting? I can't believe they are going to have a baby," she added eagerly. Where Elizabeth was so excited – Leo didn't show much of the excitement. When he didn't say anything back, Elizabeth knitted her eyebrows together, "What is it?" She asked him. "Aren't you happy for them?" She asked him. Leo sighed and looked at her, "How can I be happy for them when I know that the baby is Silas's ex-girlfriend's baby? How can I be so sure that it isn't Silas's baby?" He asked back sourly. Elizabeth brought her eyebrows together, "What?" She said. She shook her head, "No, it isn't – didn't Maria tell you?" She asked.

Leo leaned back to his chair and sniggered, "How can I be so sure Silas isn't lying to my sister? Look, I know this is what Maria wants as well, but I can't ignore the fact that the baby belongs to his ex." He replied to Elizabeth who silently listened to her with a frown on her face. "This was Silas's idea to adopt the baby – with the past still fresh on the mind – I can't stop wondering if the baby is Silas's." He added. Elizabeth came here with a hope to have a delightful conversation with him – but maybe he doesn't know what that is – all he ever does it argue and try to bring her brother down. She pressed her lips together, "Is this why you asked me to see you?" She asked. Leo didn't reply, but she got her answer. She twisted her lips before she spoke, "Alice cheated on Silas with another man. She fell pregnant and asked if Silas wanted to adopt the baby and my brother didn't put any sort of pressure on Maria – he would never do that. It was both of their decision in the end." She replied firmly.

Before Leo could say something – Elizabeth continued, "And, when will it be when you will stop interfering in their lives, Leo? I have already said it a thousand times before and I am saying this again – I know what we did was wrong. The Harrison made a mistake, but that doesn't mean Silas or any of us would hurt Maria ever again. You need to pull yourself out of this bitterness and come out and see how happy she is with Silas." Elizabeth added furiously. She slammed her hand on the table, "And this is going to be the second time I will be storming out of this café because you are such a jerk." She stood on her feet. "I believed that we will talk about us – but I guess it isn't possible with you." She added and picked up her bag before she walked out – again. Leo couldn't concentrate at all at the hospital – he felt like a jerk. He should have talked to Maria directly, but instead, he went to talk to Elizabeth.

It doesn't matter what he believes – he had no right to take it out on her, so after his shift was over he drove to her apartment. He doesn't know what it is, but he doesn't want to mess it up with her. With a thought of apologizing to her – he rang her doorbell. He heard shuffling from the other side of the door before it opened – there she was in short shorts and a loose t-shirt – her hair was tied in a top knot. She knitted her eyebrows together, "Leo?" She asked bewilderedly. Leo didn't give her a chance to say another word and pressed his lips to her. She put her hand on his chest while he kissed her briefly yet fiercely – he knows they agreed not to kiss or sleep with each other before their date, but he couldn't wait. He slowly opened his eyes and slowly pulled away from her only to be halted in midway. Leo's eyes widened when he looked behind Elizabeth's shoulder and saw a girl sitting on the couch with her eyes widened as well – looking at them. Only if he knew she had company.    

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