Here For You - A WolfStar Fan...

By _furrylittleproblem_

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The Marauders are starting their fourth year at Hogwarts. Remus starts the year off with an odd dream and con... More

Part 1 - Journey to Hogwarts
Part 2 - Sirius' Boggart
Part 3 - The Great Portable Feast
Part 5 - Gossip in the Library
Part 6 - Picnic Blues
Part 7 - Holidays!
Part 8 - Christmas Comings Out
Part 9 - Common Room Kiss (1/2)
Part 10 - Common Room Kiss (2/2)
Part 11 - People Are Worried
Part 12 - In A Gay Way
Part 13 - The Monster is Back (1/2)
Part 14 - The Monster is Back (2/2)
Part 15 - Pictures of Me
Part 16 - I Promise

Part 4 - The bookstore

751 30 25
By _furrylittleproblem_

Time skip - Hogsmeade Weekend


Saturday! Such a glorious day. No classes. No homework...if you don't count Remus. And today is the first Hogsmeade weekend of the year! ...which meant something. Sirius couldn't quite remember what. Oh yeah! His date with Imogen. They were going to the three broomsticks and then they would walk around browsing the shops in the village. Sirius got up and started getting ready. He wore black jeans, a grey Gryffindor top and his usual leather jacket. His shoulder-length hair tied back messily into a ponytail. It was nice, but not formal.

Sirius meets Imogen outside the three broomsticks. She was wearing a pink dress that flowed over her perfectly. Her hair was mostly out, a small section braided beautifully on either side, meeting at the back. He remembers in third year when he was dared to have Remus do his hair for a week, he did that on one of the days.

"Ready?" She asks.

"Let's go," Sirius said, giving her his trademark smile.

After getting drinks, and having a wonderful conversation about Quidditch, they head out of The Three Broomsticks.

"Where do you want to go next?" Sirius asked.

"Can we go to the bookstore? I spilled a draught of living death on my potions book. It wasn't pretty."

"Sure," Sirius replied, his stomach doing a flip. Why did it do that? Was it Imogen? No. he wasn't like that with her. And it certainly wasn't the fact that Remus would be in the bookstore. Must have been old Butterbeer, that's all.

When they reach the bookstore, Sirius sees Lily and Remus in a corner talking. Are they on a date? Not that Sirius cares. He is only worried about James' reaction. Not that it matters, Remus wouldn't do that to James.

"Sirius?" Imogen asks. Sirius realises he zoned out, staring at Remus. His friend. "What are they doing that is so interesting?"

"Nothing." Sirius answers quickly. "Did you find the-"

"Then why were you staring? Do you like her?" Sirius is confused at first but then realises that she is talking about Lily.

"No. I like you. That is why we are on a date."

"Fine then." She responded, clearly not fine. She kept shooting Lily death stares. Lily and Remus were now whispering in hushed tones. They were very close to each other, and Remus was blushing redder than Lily's flaming hair. Did he like her? Why? What did she have that he- other girls didn't? Not that Sirius cared for any personal reasons. He's not gay or anythin-

"That's it we're done!" Imogen said harshly. "I'm not going to wait around while you stare at other girls!"

"Imi I'm not"

"I don't care! We are done."

And with that she left, leaving the whole store staring at him as he walked out a minute later. His head hanging in shame.


As he enters the bookstore, he spots Lily in a corner. Despite James' failed attempts at wooing her, Remus and she were good friends. They often met in the library and bookstores. He went over to her, his mind occupied with many thoughts. Many being Sirius. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stop thinking about his stupid cute face and stupid cute leather jacket and his stupid cute, well, self. He was stupid cute, Remus concluded as he approached Lily.

"What's on your mind?" Lily asked with a look of pure evil on her face. Last he saw that look she just played matchmaker with Frank and Alice. He swore that girl was a Legilimens. She knew everything.

"You are straight to the point today," Remus replied.

"Please! You can't weasel out of this one. I know that look. Who's the lucky one?"

"Sometimes I hate you, you know that?"

"Nah you don't. So, I repeat. Who? Is? It?"

"No one." He replied, he knew she would work it out eventually, but he could avoid it for as long as that would take.

"You know it won't take long for me to figure out" He did know this. Nevertheless, he stubbornly persisted.

"Let me know when you do..." He trailed off, looking for a book. Just at that moment, Sirius and Imi entered the store. He didn't mind that Sirius had a girlfriend. Well, he did. He really did. But he knew that he should be happy that she made Sirius happy. He was just annoyed that he didn't make Sirius happy the way Sirius made him feel. A tiny part of him said that 'We are in fourth year. It won't be long before his single again' but he knew that Sirius was straight.

Merlin! He was staring again. He looked back to Lily, who he was hoping hadn't noticed.

"So...Remus" She had most definitely noticed.

"What! No. Of course not. I don't like him. No definitely not. Not Sirius. No. Fine. Maybe a little. But just a little. Definitely not a lot. Maybe definitely-" Remus blushed.

"Remus!" Lily interrupted.


"I said nothing about Sirius. That doesn't mean I didn't guess, but thanks for the confirmation."

"You didn't?" Lily shook her head. "Ugh. Well yes. I may be smarter than you, yet I am still dumb enough to out myself." He blushed.

"Okay, I have three things to say. One. You guys would be cute. Two. You didn't out yourself, there are many sexualities that like guys. And three. You are not smarter than me." She said the last point with a smirk.

"One. He has a girlfriend Lily! Two. I'll come back to that. And three. You keep telling yourself that." He replied.

"I tell myself that because it is true. Also, you sure he has a girlfriend?" Remus turned around to see Imogen storm out of the store.

Once Sirius had left, Remus went on to say, "I don't think he would want us to talk about it, so let's move on from that." Lily nodded in agreement. "I said I would come back to number two," Remus said a minute later. He was a little nervous. Why was he nervous? Lily already would have said something if it bothered her. Right? "So, umm. I'm bisexual. A bisexual werewolf. Whoop-de-do" Remus realised his mistake too late. Lily didn't know about his furry little problem. He froze in place, unable to do anything.

"Remus I al-" he cut her off.

"Please don't tell anyone." He muttered with wide eyes before running out of the store. Lily hot on his trail.

"Remus wait! Remus I already knew, and I don't care! Not like that! It doesn't change who you are!" Lily yelled running behind him.

Remus stopped, finally having taken in what Lily had said. "How did you know?"

"When my good friend says he is visiting relatives and comes back with cuts and bruises, I get worried! Okay! But then I met your parents on the platform, and I couldn't imagine them doing anything like that. Anyway, one night I went out after you left. I was really worried and needed to calm down from homework stress. I saw the full moon and it all clicked into place." Lily explained.

"When was this?" Remus asked not meeting her eye.

"Last year." Remus looked embarrassed. "Remus, you know I don't think any differently of you. You're my friend."

"How could you not? I'm a werewolf. A monster-" This time she cut him off.

"No, you're not. Neither of the things you revealed to me today changes the fact that you are a great friend. I still want you as my friend. Okay?"

"Thanks, Lily."

"Do any others know?" She asked.

"James, Sirius and Peter know about my furry little problem, the name was James' creation. You're the only one who knows I'm bisexual. Or about stupid Sirius." Lily laughed.

"You have it for him really bad don't you. How did I not see it before?" She laughed. "One question though. How long have you had a thing for him?"

"Well I don't know how long, but I realised on our first night back this year. James was talking about you and I was like 'oh that's me with Sirius'" Lily blushed and looked down, smiling to herself. "No way!"

"I don't like James!" She quickly stated, very unconvincingly.

"Mhm sure you don't, and I'm straight." Remus laughed.

"Please don't tell him."

"You know most people want their crush to like them back. You do realise he likes you, right?" Remus said, still very amused by the situation.

"Of course, I know that. He has been asking me out for years. It is just I thought he was over me. He hasn't asked me out since last school year."

"Yeah no. I don't think he will ever get over you. He stopped asking you because the rejection was starting to get to him."

"Oh" Lily looked down, feeling guilty, but a hint of joy sneaked onto her face.

"You should ask him out."

"What. No, I can't."

"Are you saying you can't do something James has been doing for years? He isn't going to ask you again. Why don't you give it a try?"

"What if he says no?" She asked looking serious. Remus had to stop himself from falling on the floor laughing.

"The only reason he would say no is that he is under the imperious curse. And even then, he may fight it." Lily blushed.

"Come on you really like him obviously."

"I'll do it in a week or two. Maybe." Lily muttered, obviously still worried. "He has liked me for years! What if he built up an image in his head of what it would be like if we dated, and I disappoint him?"

"You are hopeless," Remus replied. "You could never disappoint James. Trust me on this one."

A smile crawled across Lily's face. 

// Ayyyyy! Sorry I love Remus and Lily as friends. I have a strong belief that she is one of those people who knows all the tea in the castle. Unless it is about her. which she convinces herself she is wrong about. I hope you like this part. Please comment and vote if you do :)

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