Rebellious Raven

By bri3234

2M 53.2K 19.8K

All Raven has ever known is life with her abusive mother. It had always been just the two of them, or so she... More

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24K 659 284
By bri3234


The baby was due any day now. It has become a huge waiting game. One that I am totally sick of. The whole family was excited for her arrival and couldn't wait anymore.

Everyone has been trying to distract themselves so the time feels shorter.

My father got tickets to a huge basketball game for the family. I decided it was best I stay home and rest.

Jax immediately declined the offer too, so he can stay home with me. I didn't want him to miss out on the game, I know how much he would like going. I forced him to accept the ticket and go.

He was not changing his mind about leaving me alone. It was hard convincing him I would be fine but eventually he agreed.

Jax and I were in our room while he was getting ready. He was standing in front of the full length mirror as he put his shirt on.

"I think I should stay home" He looks at me through the mirror.

"No. You are going, it's decided." I shook my head. I sat on the send of the bed with my feet swinging a bit.

"But what if you need anything, or something happens, or you fall, or-" I cut off his rambling.

"I will be okay. If I need a single thing, I will call. Now get your fine ass downstairs and go" I slowly got off of the bed with my rounded stomach.

"You better call me if even the smallest thing happens" He looks at me sternly.

"Yeah yeah." I push him out of the room before guiding us downstairs.

The rest of the guys were waiting at the door to leave.

"Raven you have to call us if you need anything. We will come right back okay?" my dad kissed my forehead.

"I know. Now stop worrying and go to the game!" I laughed.

"Ok ok" He laughed.

I watched as the men got into their cars and pulled away from the large house.

Peace at last.

I can't even remember when the last time the house was this quiet.

I decided to take use of this time and head to the living room. I turned on the flatscreen tv with the remote that sat on the couch.

I clicked Netflix and clicked on gossip girl. I love this show.

It was so nice having time to myself for once. This house is always crazy with all the testosterone.

I was three episodes in when my eyes began to droop. I couldn't keep them open any longer and gave into the sleep.

I woke up from a thirty minute nap with pain in my stomach.

"What the fuck" I groaned. I went to standup to see if it was just the way I was laying.

I was wrong. My water broke.

"Holy shit" I quickly grabbed my phone and texted Jax.

me: My water broke, meet me at the hospital

I waited a moment to see if I would get a response.

Jax POV:

I couldn't calm down.

Every thought I had was about Raven home alone. What if something happens to her and the baby, what if she hurts herself by accident. Anything could happen. My mind was torturing me with all the possibility's.

"Man, this is Raven we are talking about. She knows how to take care of herself, even if we don't like to admit it" Ryan patted my shoulder in a bro way.

I knew he was right but it didn't stop me from wanting to protect her.

The boys and I found our seats and watched the warmups. Our seats were almost on the court.

The buzzer then went off, indicating the game was starting.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. I quickly took it out and held it in my hand.

Before I could read the text, a basketball came flying at me and knocked my phone out of my hands, into the bleachers.

"Shit" I quickly tried getting it.

No luck.

Raven POV:

I got no response.

My contractions were getting closer and closer together.

I grabbed my keys and made my way to my car. I quickly got in and buckled up.

"Fuck men. Who the fuck needs them?" I muttered under my breath.

I sped to the hospital and quickly got out.

I walked up the receptionist behind a large desk.

"How can I he-" I cut her off.

"Look i'm currently in labor and in a lot of pain. Mind helping?" I groaned as another contraction passed.

"Im calling someone now" She quickly buzzed another nurse and put me in a wheelchair. They pushed me into a cream colored hospital room with a large bed.

The nurse opened a clean hospital gown and told me to put it on. I quickly stripped my clothes before placing the ugly gown on.

They asked me questions once the nurse came back in. Like name, age, pregnancy stuff, and allergies.

The nurse helped me get into the bed as I almost screened from the pain.

A doctor then hurried as he ran into the room.

"So Raven we have to look how dilated you are. Can you put your feet here for me please?" The woman asked.

I quickly compiled.

"Oh my. Raven you have to start pushing" She looked surprised.


Jax wasn't here to help me.


After 15 long minutes I finally got my phone back.

It was Raven. Oh my gosh, shes in labor.

"Guys Ravens in labor" That was all I had to say to have us all running to our cars. We sped to the hospital and ran inside.

"Where is Raven Marino?" I asked a nurse.

"Right through there, she's about to start pushing"
The nurse pointed to a door.

We all quickly ran to it and rushed inside.

Raven POV:

I screamed as I pushed. I heard the door open behind me. Thank goodness I was faced away from the door so they couldn't see my lady parts.

Jax then ran next to me quickly taking my hand into his.

"Fucking bullshit! I texted you, you motherfucker!" I screamed as the doctor instructed me to push again.

"I know baby, i'm sorry" Jax kissed my forehead while Will stood next to me with a cold towel for my forehead.

Eli held my other hand as I pushed. I'm surprised I didn't break their hands with how much I squeezed.

It was push after push after push, like baby you have to come out.

"Ok Raven your doing great! One more big push"

I groaned, I didn't know if I could do it.

"You can do it my love" My dad whispered as he came from behind me.

That was all I needed to hear before I screamed one last time.

The sound of crying quickly filled the room.

"She's beautiful" Thr doctor brought her up to me. I held her in my hands as the nurse cleaned her off.

I had tears running down my face as she gripped my finger. I quickly rocked her a bit and kissed her forehead. She stoped crying and looked at me with her sparkling blue eyes, just like Jax. She had my brown hair and nose.

"lei è bella (she is beautiful)" Jason whispered.

"That's it." I smiled softly.

"What's it?" Logan asked.

"Her name, Bella." I looked up at Jax for his opinion.

"That's it princess" Jax nodded before kissing me briefly.

And the little girl was born.


Hi guys

I think there will be the epilogue after this....

what do you guys think?

Vote and comment.

On the other hand, I am trying to figure out how to describe my next book. I have the idea but I am figuring out the best way to explain. Ugh.

Hope you enjoyed

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