murder // m.c.

By DaydreamAwayxx

86.4K 2.6K 939

"shouldn't you be fucking with somebody your age?" "you're only a year older than me, asshole." | m.c. + mult... More

extended description
character break down
zero; tko
one; oh, that boy is murder
two; confident
three; just like a bad joke
four; i'll do me right back
five; it takes a bit more
six; text me in the morning
seven; one more troubled soul
nine; don't you call me vanilla
ten; the coldest stare
eleven; tear in my heart
twelve; and you think of him
thirteen; we broke up
fourteen; things that your friends say
fifteen; cause i'm so fucking scared
sixteen; i gotta numb the pain
seventeen; i need some company
eighteen; recovery
nineteen; rush of blood
twenty; don't shoot, love
twenty one; we're gonna be alright
twenty two; obviously, she's outta my league

eight; how the mighty fall

3.3K 82 62
By DaydreamAwayxx

         eight; how the mighty fall


     It's been two weeks since Brianna and I started dating and honestly, it's been the best two weeks of my life, until today. I decided it would be a good idea to hang out with my asshole friends instead of Brianna. She had some family thing today so I thought, why not? 

It's just my regular group of friends, Zayn, Harry, Louis, Avery, Bella, Finn, Jack and Calum. We are just sitting around in my living room, because my dad isn't home (surprise, surprise), eating pizza, drinking, watching some movie and talking.   

Bella and Finn were back together, again, so nothing was awkward. They got back together last week when Bella went crazy and started crying to his doorman about how much she loved him. Jack actually found her and brought her upstairs to Finn, where they eventually made up.  

We've been sitting her all day and I'm so bored without Brianna here. Don't get me wrong, my friends are great and everything, but this is so boring. It's just another boring ass Saturday.  

"So this girl, huh?"  

I look up at Avery and shrug. "Yeah, what about her?" 

She laughs, leaning into Louis' side. "You seem to like her a lot."

 "And?" I ask, getting annoyed quickly. Honestly, I don't understand why Louis is dating her. She is always in everybody's business and treats Louis likes little kid. Harry tells him all the time that he should dump her, but he won't listen and Harry is his best friend. So if he won't listen to Harry, he won't listen to anyone else. 

 "Nothing, it's just I don't think I've ever seen you so submissive." 

"What the fuck is that suppose to mean?" I ask, sitting up in my seat, getting even angrier. I am not submissive. She shouldn't even be talking about submissive with the way she treats Louis. 

 "You haven't hung out with us in weeks because she always comes first," she tells me. 

 Louis rolls his eyes. "Ave, stop. Leave him alone."

 "Maybe it's because I'm sick of your annoying ass question," I rudely tell her, but I don't even care. 

 She rolls her eyes. "Don't get all bitchy because you know you've gotten all mushy and shit since you started dating her."

 "No I hav—"

 "Dude, you kind of have," Zayn says, cutting me off. "And you haven't even fucked her yet."

 "It's literally been two weeks. You people need to chill the fuck out," I tell them, fuming with anger. "Just because I have a girlfriend that I actually like, doesn't mean I've turned into a bitch."

 "Wow, chill, Mikey," Calum says. "We know you like her. They're just saying that's she's consumed all of your time and it's only been two weeks."

 I roll my eyes. "We're in that honeymoon-phase-shit people talk about. I like her better than you assholes."

 "I think it's really sweet that you really like her, Mikey," Bella speaks up. She leans back into Finn, who kisses her head. "She seems cool. You should invite her to eat lunch with us," she suggests with a smile. 

 "She wouldn't want to do that," I tell her quickly. 

 Honestly, she probably wouldn't mind, but I don't want her sitting with us at lunch. My friends talk about all this shit I don't want her to hear about. She'd find out stuff about me that I don't want her to. I want her to get to know me from me, not them. Plus, they'd just bother the shit out of her or hit on her and I don't feel like dealing with that crap. Brianna likes eating with her friends. Her friends wouldn't let her eat with me anyway. I'm lucky they haven't talked her out of dating me yet. 

 I like our routine we have now too much to change it. I wait for her outside of her class and then we make out for a perfectly extensive amount of time before I go with her to get lunch. After we get food, I walk her to her table and then go off with my friends. We agreed to eat with our own friends because the rest of the school day, we are always with each other, so it's only fair. 

 "Why not?" Calum asks.

 "Because she wouldn't, alright?"

 "Then how are we supposed to get to know her?" Harry asks. "I mean Jack brings Audrey around all the time and she likes us. And from what I know, she's, like, best friends with Brianna," Harry points out. "Plus, she's in gym with Calum, Louis and me and she talks to us all the time!"

 Jack laughs. "Yeah, I'm sure she'd be fine with it," he says to me. 

 "I think I'll pass." 

"We're not even that bad," Harry whines. 

 I make a face at him. "Are you kidding me?"

 "You're the worst out of all of us, so if she likes you, then she'll like us," Zayn tells me, before taking a sip of his beer. "I think you're just scared she'll leave you for one of us," he says, smirking. 

 "No, I'm not. She wouldn't even go for any of you."

 "She almost dated me," Calum says proudly.  

"No she didn't," Jack says to him. "All she did was complain about you for a month."

 Calum smirks. "She never complained to me," he says suggestively, wiggling his eyebrows. 

 "Calum, you're sucha fuckboy," Avery tells him, rolling her eyes. 

 "You're just jealous," he retorts. 

 I smirk, stifling a laugh. "Finally, someone said it." 

Calum glares at me. "I'm getting more ass than you, so I don't even know why you're talking," he says, trying to prove his pathetic point.  

Zayn laughs, throwing his head back, like it's the funniest thing he's ever heard. "It's so funny because it's so true."

 "Aw, shut up, Zayn! Just because he's waiting with her doesn't mean he's not getting anything! Some people actually give a shit about other people's feelings, you assholes!" Bella says, directing her comment at both Zayn and Calum. Finn doesn't add, but he laughs at Zayn and Calum. 

 Avery sits up and smirks. "I didn't know you had feelings, Mikey. That's so sweet!"

 I glare at her, really getting annoyed with her stupid comments about shit that isn't even her business. "You know what Avery? You can su—"

 "Alright! That's enough!" Finn says, stopping me. "It really doesn't matter what he does with his girlfriend, so why don't we move on? You're all so fucking annoying, holy shit." He groans in frustration and Bella laughs and kisses his cheek. 

 I roll my eyes. "You all fucking suck," I tell them as my phone vibrates in my pocket. 

 "Is it your girlfriend?" Avery asks in a sing-song tone, batting her eye lashes. 

 I groan and fish my phone out of my pocket. I look at the screen to see a message from, yes, Brianna. 

                         literally her sister is sO annoying i'm going insane sAVE ME

 I laugh to myself. She told me earlier that she was going to her step-mom sister's house for the first time. She said they met at the wedding, but it was brief. Apparently, she's a horribly annoying and boring women; even Connor can't stand her. 


 "What did she say?"

 I look up from her second message, holding back my laughter. "What?" I ask, completely out of it. 

 "What did she say?" Bella asks, again. 

 "Um, she's at her step-aunt's house and she's being annoying, that's all," I tell her with a smile. 

 She smiles back. "Aw! You should tell her how annoying Calum and Zayn are, I'm sure she'll be grateful she's there and not here," she says, glaring at them. 

 I smirk. Bella has always been my favorite friend. "I think I will tell her."

 "And tell her I said hi!" She adds, excitedly, making me laugh. 

                         I'M SORRY PRINCESS :(  JUST PUNCH HER OR SOMETHING but if it makes u feel better Calum and Zayn are being dicks and Lou's (pain in everybody's ass) girlfriend is really pissing me off and i learned that I can only tolerate like 4 of my friends (like bella lou's sister who says hi btw)

 "So," Harry says after a few minutes go by, "are we all friends again?"

 "It depends if Mikey has his balls back yet," Calum says, crossing his arms over his chest. 

 "Really? Because I don't remember yours ever dropping," I tell him and he glares at me. 

                         I CANT JUST PUNCH HER MICHAEL OH MY GOD

                        :( aw baby i'm sorry tell them to leave! but tell Bella i said hiiiii! and tell Calum that i'm gonna kick his stupid ass on Monday :)))))

 "Bells, Brianna says hi," I tell her and she smiles. "And Calum," I say and he looks at me, "she said she's gonna kick your ass on Monday."

 "Can't wait," he says happily with a smirk, just to annoy me. 

                         SURE YOU CAN THATS WHAT I WOULD DO 

                        he said he can't wait he's such a piece of shit why am i friends with him 

 "So this is it, huh?" Zayn asks, crossing his arms. 


 "This is how it all ends?"

 "What the hell are you talking about?" I ask, getting even more annoyed than I already am. 

 "This is how you fall from your high horse," he clarifies. "You fall in love."

 "I'm not falling in love," I argue. 

 He rolls his eyes. "Bullshit. You've already fallen for her. You obsessed over her for a month before even doing anything about it!"

 "That doesn't mean anything. I just thought she was hot."

 "You almost killed me when I told you I wanted to ask her out," Calum scoffs. 

 "No I fucking didn't," I tell him. "I told you that she would never date you because she already put your horny ass in the friend zone, and it's true."

 "Bullshit! She likes me!" Calum argues back. 

 Harry laughs. "Calum, no she doesn't," he tells him. 


 "She's only your friend because she feels bad," Louis tells him. 

 I smirk and check my phone while Harry and Louis double team Calum. 

                         literally michael next time i see u i'm going to hit u sO hard bc i am not going to assault this woman & calum is always annoying af so just ignore him

 "I met her first!"

 "You knocked her to the ground!" Harry yells at Calum. 

 "She literally bitched you out in front of the whole gym and you really think she would've dated you?" Louis asks. 

 "Yes I do!"

 I roll my eyes. "No she wouldn't have," I tell him. 

 "You have no say in this," Calum retorts. 

 "Fine, whatever," I tell him going back to my phone.  

                        hit me where? ;) 

 "Calum, seriously, she had a thing for Mikey since the party, even though she didn't admit it," Jack tells him. 

 "Yeah, but who was she hanging out with while she waited for him to ask her out?" Calum asks, cocking his head to the side, waiting for an answer. "Which he technically didn't even fucking do!" He adds. 

 "Yeah, but the whole time, you know she was just trying to make him jealous," Jack says. "And you happened to be the best friend and the easiest way to get to him," he adds. 

 "No!" Calum argues. 

 I roll my eyes. "It really doesn't matter now because she's mine and not yours. I won, whether you like it or not, so grow the hell up and shut up about it."

 He glares at me. "Whatever."

 "Don't worry Calum, we'll find you a nice girl to whip your ass, too," Avery says, smirking. 

 "I'm not fucking whipped," I answer, getting really annoyed again. 

 "Sure you're not," she says, shrugging her shoulders. 

 "As I was saying before," Zayn interrupts, "can I have your throne when you're knocked off it?"

 "You better shut the fuck up because you're not getting anything. You're lucky I don't beat the shit out of you for being a pain in the ass," I threaten. 

 He smirks and crosses his arms, amused. "You say that now, lover boy, but when she finds out about you violent hobbies or even about your dad, she's not going to stay with you or she'll make you stop. And when that happens, I will gladly say I told you so."

 I glare at him. I stand up and Calum grabs me before I can lunge at Zayn. "You better keep your fucking mouth shut."

 "Don't worry, she'll find out eventually without any of us tell her," he smirks. "And then it'll tear you apart."

 Calum holds me back when I try to hit him. "Mikey, stop," he warns. 

 "Go ahead hit me and I'll make sure to tell her what you did," Zayn threatens. "I'm sure she'll love to hear all about it."

 I groan and break away from Calum's grip. "Fuck off," I spat. 

 "What's wrong? Can't hit me? Think she's going to break up with you when she finds out you're not who you say you are?" Zayn torments. 

 "Shut the fuck up!" I yell at him. 

 "You better get use to this because it's just going to get worse, asshole."

 I glare at him. "And how do you know?"

 "You think all those people who look up to you at school are going to think you're so cool when you walk around the halls holding her hand and kissing her and shit? No! They're already saying shit and if you think they're all going to bow down and kiss your feet, you're very, very wrong," he explains, jabbing my chest with his finger. "So you better man the fuck up because otherwise, you're going to hear shit like that all the time if your little fling lasts any longer."


 "And imagine what's going to happen when your dad finds out," he says in a low voice. 

 I push him to get him to shut up. "Why don't you mind your own fucking business?"

 He puts his hands up, surrendering. "I'm just trying to help you, man. I don't want to see my friend get hurt."

 "You don't anything about my life or my dad or Brianna, so cut the bullshit, got it?" I tell him, pushing him again. 

 "Whatever you say," he says, keeping his hands up and smirking.

 "Well!" Jack says, standing from his seat. "Looks like it's time to go, Finny," he announces. 

 Finn nods. "Come on, Bells, I'm hungry," he tells her, getting her to stand up. 

 Bella agrees. "Lou, mom wants us home for dinner, so we should get going," she tells him, kicking his side.

 "I can take a fucking hint," he groans, standing up from the floor and pulling Avery up with him. 

 Avery rolls her eyes. "I guess we have to go."

 Harry rolls his eyes and groans. "Let's get out of here," he tells Zayn. "I think you've caused enough trouble for one day."

 Zayn smirks. "Great day then. I'll see you at school, Mikey," he tells me. 

 I roll my eyes. "Get out of here, bastard."

 He chuckles. "Later, you shithead."

 I smirk, "See you Monday," I tell him, before doing our handshake. 

 He grins at me before he leaves with Harry following him out. Everybody, except Calum, leaves after them. I walk him to the door and lean against it as I wait for him to leave. 

 "Listen, don't listen to Zayn, he was being a prick. Brianna obviously like you a lot and nothing bad is going to happen," Calum tells me. 

 "I know."

 Calum rolls his eyes. "Just don't do anything stupid to fuck it up."

 "Do you not know me at all?" I ask him, punching his shoulder playfully. 

 He laughs. "Whatever, I'll see you Monday," he says as he walks out the door. Before he can start down the stairs, he turns on his heel. "And do me a favor and tell Bri not to kick my ass because she's a badass and I know she could," he says quickly and nervously. 

 I laugh. "Fine, but you better stay in your lane, Hood."

 "Don't worry, Clifford," he says before walking down the stairs and waving goodbye.

 I shut the door and go back over to the living room. I grab my phone from the spot where I left it and check my messages. 

                         bYE ur a dick 

 I laugh at her reply. Honestly, I'll be fine, we'll be fine. Zayn is completely wrong about us. He has no idea what the hell he's talking about. I'm not submissive, I'm not whipped and I'm not fucking falling in love, so they can all suck it. 

                         yeah addicted to u princess ;)


fun fact, i actually planned to have calum and brianna date and i wrote part of a chapter on how they broke up

anyway, what do you guys think of mikey's friends? do you think they're right? what do you think zayn was talking about? do you guys like lou's girlfriend (personally i don't, oops)

but comment, vote and fan, i reaaaallly wanna know what you guys think :) xx

btw, i'm probaby going to go through every song on save the rock & roll by fall out boy, so don't be surprised 

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