A Knight Secret (Shidge)

By VoltronMoon

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{Discontinued} Pidge becomes a knight got the Garrison kingdom but Pidge has a secret, one she has to make su... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.

Chapter 11.

120 7 6
By VoltronMoon



Side Note...

So, they all will be wearing black formal trousers with shining black suit boots that have neatly tied white lace. Pure White tunics with an orange bow tie. They have long tail coats, all the same deign but each knight with have  different colour. These are the tail coats they will be wearing..


"So, three of us can't dance and the other two can. How about James, he'll be joining us once he got the king safely to his room" Pidge mumbled with a hand on her hip, the five coloured knights standing in the throne room where they pratice dancing for the small ball tonight. 

"James can dance, his parents loved dancing and taught him how too and let him enjoy while he was a child. It might have been some years since he done real dancing but he still dances a little in our room if we can hear the music from her dorms" Keith answered with his arms crossed over his stomach and Pidge gave a small nod.

"So, at least me and James can dance and we just need to teach you four" Shiro sighed as he rubbed his neck a little.

"Three, I can dance" Pidge corrected as she turned to Shiro who stood beside her.

"YOU CAN" Lance yelled in complete shock since Pidge disliked humans so much and yet she knew how to dance with them without a sword.

"You mean formal dancing not the strange thing Lance dose after a victory fight .. right" Hunk asked uneasy as he looked to Pidge who rolled her eyes.

"Shiro, mind dancing with me .. we can swap roles. I'll start at the girl and then end as the boy" Pidge asked as she turned her head to Shiro who nodded.

"Sure, I might not be the best girl partner but I'll try my best" Shiro smiled and offered his hand to her that she gladly took.

"Don't we need music" Hunk asked with a small smile.

"Not while we practicing, trying to move the beat while your learning will only give you pressure on your shoulders. First learn the dance then lead it to the beat of the music" Shiro explained as he and Pidge stood away from the others getting in a dancing position.

"What should we do apart from laugh at the height difference and Shiro having to act as the girl later on" Lance asked with a goofy grin while Pidge sent a slight glare towards him.

"Just watch us, then we pratice with one on one once James arrives" Pidge replied as she gave a small nod to Shiro letting him know to lead. 

"Even with a height distance, they got a good flow between them" Keith muttered impressed. 

The three males stayed standing back and just watching as Shiro and Pidge danced together in perfect harmony.

With such grace that the three thought they were watching a loving king dance with his queen, showing the world just how important she was. 

None of them noticed when James snuck in, watching the two dance in amazement and even as Pidge and Shiro swapped roles they still danced as one. It was a little awkward at first since Shiro clearly never danced as the girl before but he soon trusted in Pidge and let her lead with ease. 

Spins, twirls and any dips were skipping out due to Pidge not being tall enough or strong enough to do that with Shiro as the girl. Of course Shiro twirled, spin and dipped pidge while she placed the girl part and he did with such gentleness it was almost like she was made by glass. 

They came to an end, staring into the other eyes and holding a single hand as they stood shoulder by shoulder, their heads turned to their partner as they calmed their breathing.

"Wow" James breathed out as he looked to the two.

"Holy snack" Hunk muttered in shock, giving a single shock clap.

"That was brilliant" Keith smiled as he gave a full on clap for them. 

"How are they still single" Lance asked with wide eyes, people who looked so good and danced so well should not be that single. 

"You dance wonderfully, your teacher must be rather proud" Pidge smiled sweetly as she slip her hand back down to her side and taking a step back.

"My mother taught me but I must say, your very skilled as well" Shiro smiled gently as he stayed looking at her.  

"I was never much of a dancer before" Pidge muttered shyly and Shiro looked to her surprised.

"So, can we dance like that because watching felt like watching angels dance in peace .. I don't think I can do that" Hunk panicky spoke up as he pointed to them and looking to the others.

"You'll do fine, its a lot easier then it looks" James replied with a small smile.

"So, how do we team up" Keith asked as he glanced to James, wanting to have an excuse to pull his boyfriend close while keeping their dating a secret. 

"Why don't James teach Keith, I'll take Hunk and Shiro takes Lance" Pidge offered.

"Sounds good to me" Shiro smiled with a slight nod and they all partnered up before dancing, or teaching each other how to dance the best they could. 

Two fall hours passed and they came to a stop once everyone knew the basics and could dance without stepping on any toes or bumping into anyone else once all six danced in pairs at once to show how busy it would be when a group of people danced. 

All agreeing to stop since they needed to return to their rooms and wash before putting on their suits. Yes suits not armour, it seems they would be dressed in suits that match their amour colour. Their swords will be in their sheaths on their belts still since they were on duty and had to protect the royals over an attack but they be dressed formal for the ball too. 

Pidge laid on her bed, frowning as she would have to have another bath thanks to have hot the hall was making her sweaty. She was a nervous sweater anyone but with the room hot temperature and Hunk sweating she was not feeling icky. Shiro was having his bath first and while Pidge would go for her bath he would get dress in his suit. Once he was done he would wait outside to let her change in the room since it wouldn't feel as special to dress up formal inside the bathroom.  

Drying her hair was easy, getting out of the bath and placing her underwear on and binding her chest with a binder that Antok her adopted brother and child of Thace made in a strange tight stretch fabric. He sent it over to her in the castle with a note she soon had to hide up to keep her gender secret from anyone who might try reading the note. 

She glanced at her body, wondering when she should at least tell Shiro she was a girl. She knew she could trust him with her secret, he was a good friend and became someone special to her as they became a team. She hated hiding it from everyone, she wished she could tell Keith, Hunk and Lance but she still knew not to tell everyone just yet. The more who knew the more lazy she would get and she'll clearly be found out if she didn't keep her guard up. 

Plus Hunk was awful at keeping secrets and Lance just talked way too much for her to be able to trust him with a huge secret. He would keep important ones just like Hunk would but it be awkward at first as they tried to keep the secret at first learning it. 

Keith, Keith would support her and feel rather happy she shared the secret with him. He would help keep her gender hidden and work to find a way for her to be a female knight without hiding it. But he was dating James, James was a good guy but he followed the rules too much. Keith would have to lie to James just to keep her safe from being thrown out and shame brought to her name, she couldn't let Keith suffer that guilt. 

So, Shiro was her only option right now. The head knight, the black knight that every women wished to marry. That every guy wished to be and a hero to all children. If he didn't accept her as a knight and as a women then she'll live with that shame and give up. Shiro was a good man and he saw a person as they were, that how she knew if he believing in her skills enough that he'll help keep her secret. 

"Pidge, all done" Shiro called outside, waiting to walk back in and tie his sword to his belt. 

"Done, just not sure if I give the right image" Pidge mumbled as she stood by her bed, glancing to Shiro as he entered the room closing the door behind him while her mouth slid open. 

"Yeah, it feels rather strange being dressed so formal but at least we all have matching suits just with different colours" Shiro mumbled as he finally turned to her noticing her just staring at him with her lips parted and rosy cheeks. (Shiro wearing a midnight black long tail coat.)

"You urr looking rather handsome" Pidge muttered as she quickly glanced away, embarrassed for just staring at him for son long. (Pidge is wearing  a dark green long tail coat.)

"Thank you, your looking rather smart yourself it suits you well" Shiro smiled kindly as he walked over to his bed, tying his sword to his belt while Pidge quickly did the same with her sword. 

"Thanks, we better meet with the rest before going to meet up with the royal children and lead them to the ballroom" Pidge mumbled as she tucked some hair behind her ear.

"Here, let me" Shiro smiled softly as he walked over, gently pulling her hair back before tying a lime green ribbon around the bundle he held making a small pony tail. 

"Its gotten longer" Pidge admitted surprised as she looked into the mirror on the back of the door, just looking at Shiro handy work.

"Well you have been here for a good couple months now and don't worry we don't need to pick up the royals. They'll be entering together, making their own wow entrance to catch all eyes. We would only get in the way" Shiro smiled and Pidge gave a small nod in understanding. 

"Well shall we my good sir" Pidge grinned as she bowed to Shiro who chuckled.

"We shall my good knight" Shiro grinned back as he offered his arm to her and the two were soon leaving their rooms and walking down seeing the others waiting for them.

"Oh my, who knew Pidge could smarten up so well without killing the person trying to get him in the suit" Lance smiled as he placed his hands on his hips looking to the two who came to a stop by the group. (Lance is wearing a dark blue that shines a lighter blue in the light long tail coat).

"You both look great, Its a little nerve whacking to be out of our amour but worth it to look like this for a night" Hunk smiled sweetly as he patted invisible dust from his clothes. (Hunk wearing a sun yellow long tail coat).

"I must agree with Hunk, normally I'm not one for dressing up but we looking rather good tonight" Keith smirked as he slipped his hands into his pockets. (Keith is in a blood red long tail coat).

"Well lets be smug about how fine we looking and walk into the ballroom with pride. We'll show just how good us knights can be" James smirked, the others nodding in agreement as they all started walking. (James is wearing a white long tail coat, an orange tunic shirt and a white bowtie. He got the same trousers and boots as the others and still have his sword tied to his belt).

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