Senator and Soldier

By LeeraIvy

100K 3.3K 1.6K

Senator Riyo Chuchi is beginning to lose her faith in the Republic. After being the target of several assassi... More

Unwanted Protection
Friendly Faces
The Price
Dissatisfying Escape
Perilous Plans
Traitors Revealed
Justice Served
Delicate Gift
Into Our Own Hands
Heartfelt Interrogations
Deserter Ally
Republic Commandos
Uncomfortable But Welcome
Trying Meetings
Numerous Excuses
Embarrassing Endeavors
Festival of Light
Taking Chances
Double Sided Warning
Shattered Ball
Tick Tock
Illogical Reasoning
Uncharted Course
Healer's Touch
Alleged Conspirators
Resolved Resignation
Broken Trust
The Beginning of Change
Difficult Decisions
Gnawing Anger
Temple Bombing
Timid Steps
Take Two
A Likely Story
Suspects Renamed
Code Red
Social Calls
Traitors In Our Midst
Dark Clouds
Friends and Enemies
Multiple Dilemmas
Wonderful Turn of Events
The Unknown
Hardened Resolve
Growing Frustration
Dark Revelations
Hidden Plans
The Order
Burning Fears
Strained Loyalties
Darkness Calls
Mending Pains
Thank You
Broken Codes
Walking New Paths


1.8K 62 60
By LeeraIvy

Coruscant: 20 BBY
Riyo Chuchi

"It was towards the beginning of the war," Archer began. "It was Jairo's third mission after being deployed from Kamino. His squad was tasked with escorting a Republic ambassador to a meeting somewhere. On the way there, they were all captured by Separatists."

Archer paused and glanced back at Jairo and Mairin. Sorrow flickered through his gaze. "Jairo never told me where they were taken or how long they were there. He just told me that he remembered hours of torture and interrogation. He said that one day, they did something different. Instead of droids, a woman came. He later found out it was Ventress. Ventress...used the Force on him. She made him tell her everything. Jairo didn't know what had happened until it was too late. It cost the lives of his entire squad and the ambassador. Jairo was found before Ventress had the chance to kill him."

"He spent months on Kamino, where he met me. It was a while before Jairo and I actually became friends, but when we found out that we'd both be coming here, we decided it'd be a good idea to stick together. Jairo told me what happened by writing everything down and having me read it. He was mute before I met him." Archer noticed Riyo's confused look. "He can talk, but he chooses not to. He told me that as soon as he reached Kamino, he made a vow to never speak again. He hopes that by doing this, he won't be able to betray his brothers or the Republic ever again."

"That's awful," Riyo said when it seemed Archer had finished.

"It is, but he's recovering."

"So he's been mute for three years, then?" Clay asked.

"Nearly," Archer replied.

Riyo thought for a moment. "Does Mairin know?"

Archer shrugged. "Jairo asked me not to tell her and said he'd tell her himself. I don't know if he has or not yet."

She rested her chin in her palm and glanced across the room. Mairin and Jairo were nowhere to be found. Riyo furrowed her brows, but moved her focus back to the new conversation at hand.

Coruscant: 20 BBY
Mairin Elis

Mairin pulled her dark blue hair back into a bun, following Jairo. They stopped outside of the cantina and ducked down a deserted ally. She tilted her head curiously. "So why did you want to leave?"

Jairo held up a small datapad. She quickly read what was displayed on the screen. I wanted to tell you something.

"All right?"

Jairo swallowed hard and began typing. She moved around beside him and rested her head on his shoulder. Mairin read along as he wrote. She glanced up at him, suddenly, realizing what he was telling her. He jerked his head back towards the screen. She consented and kept reading.

    Mairin wrapped her arms around Jairo's waist after a few minutes. "I'm so sorry," she murmured. He rested his cheek atop her hair. "Why tell me now?"

    Some more typing. I wanted you to know. Besides, I think Archer might tell the others soon and I wanted you to hear it from me first.

    "Thank you for telling me." She moved in front of him, meeting his gaze. "Although, I do have one request." He raised his eyebrows. "Someday, I want to hear you laugh." Jairo smiled at that and nodded. Mairin cupped his face in her hands and pulled him down. She brushed a gentle kiss over the scars on his forehead, then the ones on his cheeks. Finally, she brought her lips to his and hugged him tightly.

Coruscant: 20 BBY
Commander Fox

    Archer and Clay had left once again, leaving them to ponder over the story. Riyo seemed deep in thought. Finally, she shook herself out of it and smiled. She slid out of the booth and held a hand out to him.

    Fox narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "Come on. Let's dance," she urged.

    "I don't really..."

    Riyo grabbed his hand and pulled him towards her. "I think you can try just once." She smiled softly. He relented, closing his hand around hers.

    They moved onto the dance floor as the song changed again. Fox swallowed nervously. "I don't know how to do this."

    She laughed. "You're a natural at all sorts of things. I'm sure this is no different. Here." Riyo took his hands and placed them on her waist. She draped her arms around his neck and stepped closer as they began to dance.

    Fox stumbled around a bit, before finding his footing. At last, they were moving with some rhythm. "You know, this is the first time I've come here," he admitted. "Archer and Clay come a lot, but I've never really felt at ease here."


    "I'm not sure. Maybe it's just hard for me to loosen up? I'm used to responsibilities and pressures that make having fun an impossible task."

    "What made you change your mind this time?"

    He smiled to himself for a moment. "I thought I'd get the chance to spend time with you just as myself." The song ended and they stepped apart.

    "It's crowded in here. Let's go for a walk?" Riyo suggested. Fox nodded and led the way out into the streets.

    It was surprisingly quiet outside. Several stores and cantinas had neon signs lit up outside. People walked to and from, but there wasn't a clamor as Fox had expected. They paused a short distance form the cantina.

    "Riyo," Fox said suddenly. "What would happen if I broke a rule?"

    She raised her eyebrows, confused. "I suppose you'd face the consequences sooner or later. Why do you ask?"

    "Because there are so many rules that apply to me as a clone," he replied. "It's not really fair or right. I've never once stepped out of line, but lately, I've been thinking about it more and more."

    Fox looked at her finally. The soft moonlight and neon lights washed over her pale blue skin in a rainbow of colors. He met her golden gaze and leaned towards her. Gently, Fox brushed some hair out of her face.

    "What...rule have you been thinking of?" Riyo asked quietly.

    "You know which one."

    "And what have you decided?"

    Fox searched her gaze intently. "I want to kiss you, Riyo."

    "All right." She scooted closer to him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

    Fox hesitated for only a second, before bringing his lips to hers. He deepened the kiss as her hand drifted up to his face, cupping his cheek. Riyo pulled away after a moment and leaned her forehead against his.

    "And now?" She asked. Her cheeks were still flushed.

"Forget the consequences. I just won't get caught," he replied, before he kissed her again.

    "Are you certain? I don't want anything to happen to you," Riyo said.

    "Nothing will. I promise." He pulled her to her feet.

    He was about to say something else, when a thunderous boom split through the air. "What was that?" Riyo asked.

    He grabbed her hand as they ran back towards 79's. Archer, Jairo, Clay, and Mairin met them outside. "What's going on?" Fox demanded.

    "There's been a bombing at the Senate Apartments," Clay replied. "I don't know which apartments were targeted. Everyone has been ordered to the Senate Building. We need to get to the apartments."

    Fox nodded. "Find a speeder. I'll join you shortly." Clay and Archer obeyed immediately. Jairo paused to kiss Mairin's forehead, before chasing after them. "Will you two be all right?" Fox asked.

    "We'll be fine. We'll join the others at the Senate building," Riyo said. "Be careful." She squeezed his hand, then let go and headed towards a speeder close by. Mairin was right behind her. Fox waited until they took off before joining his brothers.

Coruscant: 20 BBY
Senate Building
Riyo Chuchi

    It didn't take long for them to reach the Senate Building. They landed the speeder and headed inside. "This worries me. If someone is trying to target us, this puts everyone in one spot," Mairin said.

    "I know, but what else can we do?" Riyo turned down another hallway. She spotted a familiar figure up ahead. "Padme!"

    The Naboo senator sprinted towards them. Riyo hugged her tightly. "Are you all right?" Padmé asked.

    "We're fine. We weren't even close to the apartments, remember? What about you?" Riyo took in her friend's soot covered clothes.

    "The explosion was a few levels above our apartments," Padmé explained. "The fire spread quickly and the building started to cave in. As far as I know, everyone made it out all right." She paused as Bail Organa and Mon Mothma approached.

    "It was the Trade Federation's apartments that were hit," Bail said. "The reports are coming in now. I'm afraid the whole building is on fire though, and several stories were collapsed."

    Riyo scrubbed at her face. "What are we going to do?"

    "Chancellor Palpatine has called for an emergency session soon. He's giving us all some time to check up on one another and calm down," Mon Mothma replied.

    Mairin tapped Riyo's shoulder. "Where's Asha?"

    Riyo's eyes widened and she switched on her wrist comm. "Asha, Captain Tere, can anyone hear me?"

    Static crackled for a moment. "Senator, thank goodness you're all right. We managed to get everyone out. We're all joining the other attendants and guards in the lower levels of the Senate," Captain Rye Tere reported.

    Riyo let out a sigh of relief. "Good. Check on everyone and make sure they're all right. I'll come find you as soon as I can."

    "Yes, M'lady."

    Riyo switched the comm off and squared her shoulders. "Let's go. I want to get to the bottom of this as soon as possible."

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