A White Lie

By RebeccaPratt836

988 104 3

"Run Cassy! Run Mitch!" I hear my Daddy yelling at the top of his lungs waking me up. I was always told that... More

Dead Night
Second Time Is A Charm
Blood And Tears.
Last Day
Hide N Seek
Plus One
Sneaking Around
Bright Lights
Bad News Travels Fast


43 5 1
By RebeccaPratt836

I actually make it to the bus stop on time today. Only because Parker practically dragged me out of bed. To be honest I really didn't wanna go, I don't feel like facing James today or any day really.

"So why did you hit him?" Parker questions taking a seat up the back away from the boys. I don't want them to hear because I told the Walkers that I tripped. "Because he was being a smart ass." I say back pulling my bag closer to me, like it's going to save me.

"Really. So how did you get a busted lip?" Parker asks running his finger ever so softly over it. Sending a spark through my body. "I tripped." I say bluntly. "Riley I don't believe you. I've seen you run, and there are no rocks on the track." He sighs out turning away from me to look out the window.

I can't help but feel a little sorry. I don't wanna lie to anyone but I have to. My whole life is a lie. "Fine. He kicked my feet out from under me on the way to the bus. I told him to stop he didn't, he grabbed me. I punched him and they all lived happily ever after." I say sarcastically. "Okay cut the crap. Was it really that hard to tell me that?" He asks finally looking at me. I shake my head.

"Please don't tell anyone." I say as we walk into our first class of the day. We take our normal seats up the back and get ready for maths. It drags on only because I've done algebra before. "Hey Riley if you need me at all today. Just ring me okay." Parker says before going in the opposite direction.

I get to sports class and get changed, my tummy doing flips worried about seeing James. I head out and wait for Mr Simmers. "Okay class we will be playing a game of soccer today. This side is team red. This side is team blue." He says handing out our colour shirts. "Okay so rules. No frights so keep hands to yourself. You must pass the ball to a girl before you can score. Let's go!" Simmers yells out as we get ready to start.

Yes I'm on red team, my favourite colour. "Sorry I'm late Sir." James says running in with his two black eyes. Everyone starts whispers amounts themselves. "Your blue team James. Do I even wanna know how that happened?" Simmers asks passing him a shirt. "I deserved it. That's why I'm not angry at the person." James says smirking at me.

I stand in the back corner of the field hoping no one seeing me. It's not that I don't wanna play or don't know how to. The fact is that I hate soccer and all the boys are idiots. "Riley get the ball." A chick yells out as the ball comes my way. I grab the ball and run. "Go Riley, go Riley!" She yells out running behind me.

I run past the blue team, managing not to get tagged and get a touch down. My team yells out in excitement. "Omg girl you got some moves." The chick says patting my back. "I'm Riley by the way." I say. "Yeah I know. Oh right I'm Jenny." She says as we walk back to my corner. "So how do you know my name?" I ask Jenny. "Oh sorry I'm Parker's twin." Jenny says running up to catch the ball.

I can't  believe no one told me Parker is a twin. I can't believe he never told me. Or the fact that I've never seen her around. "Riley heads up." Jenny yells out passing me the ball. I take off up the field passing anyone that gets in my way. Scoring another touch down. I get a couple of high fives on my way back to Jenny. I look up to see James staring at me with a cheeky smirk.

"Omg he can't stop watching you. He so likes you he is very attractive except for them black eyes." Jenny says laughing. "No thank you he is gross and a creep and I would punch him where the sun don't shine if I could." I say as we walk to the change rooms. "Hey Riley can I see you for a second." Mr Simmers says packing up his stuff.

"What would you like to talk to me about?" I ask. "You are really good. Would you like to join my girls soccer team?" He asks. "I've never thought about anything like that. Can I think about it?" I ask. "Yeah of course. Just remember you are really good. And if you decide no that's still okay." He says before walking away, leaving me standing there.

It comes out of no where. The pain shots up my arm, I spin around in shock. "I said I would never hit a girl but you are a freak not a girl." James says before punching me in the stomach. I crumple to the ground gasping for air. He lets go of my arm and grabs my hair pulling it back so I can look at him. "Never let your guard  down. Hey Cassy." He whispers in my ear before slapping me across the face.

Cassy. Cassy. Cassy. I get up pushing through the pain and chase after him. He knows my name. He knows who I really am. HOW! I grab his shoulder spinning him around. Before I can do anything his fist comes in contact with my face, sending me flying to the ground. I can't help but let out a scream.

And just like that he is gone. I race to the change rooms and get changed. I look at myself in the mirror my eye already a shade of black. I change my hair so it is covering my eye. Just. I rush to lunch already late for meeting Parker.

"So I met Jenny today, she seems nice." I say taking a seat next to him under the tree. "Great she is back." Parker says grabbing my apple taking a bite out of it. "Oh what you don't like her?" I ask confused. "Long story. I'll explain one day just stay away from her. She is trouble with a captain t." Parker says moving my hair before I can stop him.

"Riley what the hell happened. Come on we are going to see the principle. Whoever done this I'm going to kill." Parker says dragging me with him. "No Parker it's fine don't worry." I say trying to stop him. "No Riley it's not fine!" Parker yells out. "STOP!" I scream. "Don't do this please I'm begging you." I plead tears running out of my eyes. "Tell me why I shouldn't do this?" He questions me looking hurt.

"He knows who I am. Like the real me. The me I was before I moved here." I say falling to the ground in a messy heap. "That's more reason to tell someone Riley. Who is he?" Parker asks scoping me up in his arms holding me. Before I can tell him the bell goes. We get up off the ground and head to class. I make sure I cover my eye back up.

The halls are busy with people rushing to the next class. My heart stops when I see him walking towards us. Don't say anything. I repeat over and over in my head. It feels like forever but it's only for a second. "Hey James nice black eyes. Who gave them to you?" Parker asks making James stop. "Yeah she had a great arm." James says winking at me.

"Oh man, she must have a great arm." Parker says before trailing off. "Parker come on let's go, we don't wanna be late." I say grabbing his hand trying to pull him away.

"It was you wasn't it." Parker states. It feels like time stands still. "Man I don't know what you are on about." James says trying to walk away. But Parker grabs him. "You hit her. You gave her that busted lip and the black eye." Parker says slamming him up against the lockers.

"Parker just let it go okay." I say trying to pull him off. He pushes me away making me trip landing on the floor. This is so not my day. "Don't you know that hitting a girl is not on. So how about I do the same thing." Parker says punching him in the stomach.

The boys lay into each other. Throwing punch, after punch, after punch. James pushes Parker on the ground. Punching him in the face. Parker is struggling. He is getting thrown around like a rag doll. "Get off of him." I yell at James dragging him off of Parker. Before I can lay a punch into him, two teachers rush out of near by class rooms pulling the boys away from each other.

"Principle's office now. All of you." A teacher saying walking with us. Oh I'm going to be in big trouble. "Parker. What will the Walkers do? What happens if they kick me out?" I rush out anxiously. "Don't worry you will be fine." Parker says giving my hand a small squeeze.

"Oh Riley." Vada yells out when she sees me sitting in the waiting room. "Oh honey who done this to you?" Travis asks angrily. "I'm fine don't worry. I'm really sorry. I understand if you wanna kick me out. That's okay I would do the same thing." I say crying. "Oh no sweetie don't worry we will never do that no matter what. I just wanna know who done this so I know what chick I'm dealing with." Travis says taking a seat next to me while Vada hugs me.

"Hi Mr and Mrs Walker, I'm very sorry to call you in but James and Parker got in a physical over Riley. Because apparently James has been bullying her. Parker said that's how she got the back eye and busted lip." Principle Anders says. "Wait you are telling us that a guy done this to our baby." Vada states. Before Principle Anders can say anything Travis jumps out in rage. "What are you doing about him. Will the police be getting involved?" Travis yells out.

"No I don't want that, it's okay. I promise, I'm fine. I don't want anyone getting into to much trouble. I gave him a broken nose." I ramble on crying. "Oh baby it's okay don't cry. It was self defence." Vada says rubbing my back.

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