Bloodline {On Hold}

By SuzzleH

449K 13.5K 5.9K

"I adopted Stefan, therefore I'm adopting you. You have no choice in the matter, just accept it." Damon na... More

||Chapter 1||
||Chapter 2||
||Chapter 3||
||Chapter 4||
||Chapter 5||
||Chapter 6||
||Chapter 7||
||Chapter 8||
||Chapter 9||
||Chapter 10||
||Chapter 11||
||Chapter 12||
||Chapter 13||
||Chapter 14||
||Chapter 15||
||Chapter 16||
||Chapter 17||
||Chapter 18||
||Chapter 19||
||Chapter 21||
||Chapter 22||
||Chapter 23||
||Chapter 24||
||Chapter 25||
||Chapter 26||

||Chapter 20||

12.8K 448 128
By SuzzleH


Chapter Twenty


"Gentle? Couldn't Be Me"

   Lorrie had just finished watching Avatar: The Last Airbender (the show. The movie... we don't talk about the movie) and after bawling her eyes out while Finn panicked over her distress, she wanted to see if she could make it look like she could do that. Fire would be easy because of her plethora of fiery spells. She could use her elemental spells to roughly airbend. For earth, she could use a levitation spell to at least lift a few rocks. Water, however, was something Lorrie didn't know how to do anything with. She could use her icy spells, but it wouldn't be the same. That wouldn't set her back, though. She was in the middle of trying one of those fiery spin kicks that she'd seen Zuko do when a voice rang out behind her.

   "Miss, please don't do anything too dangerous! Klaus will murder me if you got even a scratch on my watch!"

   Lorrie turned and saw one of Klaus' hybrids bouncing on his feet anxiously.

   "You're Dean, right?" Lorrie questioned the man, gaining a curt nod. "Well, Dean, you don't need to worry. I've trained for years. My fighting skills are pretty good, if I say so myself. My magic is also pretty okay. I'm not going to get hurt."

   "He gave me strict instructions, miss-"

   "Enough with that 'miss' shit," Lorrie interrupted. "Call me Lorrie."

   "Okay, m- Lorrie. I'm very sorry, but I can't go against Klaus' word," Dean mumbled.

   "Why don't I tell him to not be such a hardass."

   Dean's eyes widened and he threw up his arms, waving them rapidly. "No, no, no! It's okay. He's really not-"

   "What's this about me being a 'hardass'?" Klaus called out from behind them.

   Dean blanched and flinched when he made eye contact with the older hybrid. "I- it's nothing! Y- you're not a hardass, sir."

   "Nik, are you currently being a tyrant over these poor hybrids of yours?" Lorrie tilted her head. "That's not even close to how someone should lead. You need to be respectful to gain their respect. You need to not have them follow you out of fear. That's not true loyalty. Be nice to them, don't order them around like lap dogs."

   "Love, it's not that simple-"

   "Why don't we ask one of them," Lorrie cut him off and turned to Dean. "Dean. What do you think? Would you be more likely to stay loyal to him if he were kinder? More open to others ideas?"

   Klaus narrowed his eyes on the other hybrid. "Yes, Dean, why don't you share your opinion."

   Dean, bless him, looked like he was ready to have a heart attack. He glanced between the hard look on his sire's face and the encouraging look on the woman's. He really wanted to agree with Lorrie, but was terrified of the consequences his decision would have with Klaus. He knew that he couldn't defy Klaus' orders, so he just started talking.

   "I agree with Lorrie," he looked down to the ground, his voice small. "Loyalty shouldn't be demanded. It should be earned through mutual respect."

   "See," Lorrie motioned to Dean. "He gets it."

   The woman bounced over to Klaus and slid her hand into his. "Don't worry, I'll be there to guide you through the process of being an excellent leader and friend."

   "I'm well over a thousand years old. I should not need to be guided through anything," Klaus pouted, forgetting about Dean's presence entirely with his mate so close to him.

   "You may not need it, but I'll still be there if you ever want my help," Lorrie grinned up at the man.

   Klaus couldn't fight the smile that made its way onto his face. "I appreciate that, love, but I did come to find you for a reason."


   "Would you accompany me to the 20s decade dance tonight?" he asked her hopefully. "Rebekah coerced me into going and it would be more enjoyable if you were there with me."

   "The last one didn't go too well," Klaus winced at Lorrie's words. "But I guess I can clear out time in my oh so busy schedule. Just promise me one thing."

   "Of course."

   "No more creepy song dedications."

   "It wasn't 'creepy'."

   "It really was," Lorrie scrunched up her nose.

   Klaus rolled his eyes in a playful manner. The two walked back to the mansion, hand in hand, leaving behind a gaping young hybrid.

   Dean had never seen his sire act that way before. The older man had always been stern and demanding, not caring about others emotions, but this was different. He had a feeling things were going to change for him and his fellow hybrids for the better. Maybe the sire bond wouldn't be such a bad thing anymore now that Lorrie was around. She seemed to hold an unwavering connection to Klaus and his brother's that couldn't be broken by anything.

   Was that the mate bond he'd heard about?

   He wasn't that knowledgeable about the whole mate thing. It sounded really stupid to him when he'd first learned of it, but he hadn't experienced it yet. He didn't know if he even wanted to. It seemed superficial to him, being tied to one person for the rest of his or their life.


   From outside of the decorated school, Lorrie had her arm wrapped around Klaus'. The woman attempted to smooth down the strange, old dress. The twenties may have had questionable fashion, but the music. The music is where it's at.

   "If something bad happens, I'm never going to another one of these dances ever again," Lorrie promised with a small shake of her head, the loose curls of hair swaying with her swift movement.

   "I should hope that by the time another dance comes around, we will be long gone and far away from this town," Klaus grinned.

   Lorrie looked up with a smile filled with amiableness.

   Klaus twirled Lorrie around and guided her into the school. The couple weaved through the crowds until they made it to a less populated part of the gym and Klaus began showing Lorrie random dance moves from the 20s. She tried, she really did, but it was no use. Lorrie was only good at ballroom dancing. Any other kind was out of the question. She tended to look like a flailing monkey when she attempted those other dances.

   "It's just not going to happen," Lorrie paused in her steps.

   "You can do it, love. I believe in you."

   "Well I don't, but what I do believe in is that food table," Lorrie eyed the table. "Can I go over there for a minute? It's tradition for me."

   "May I accompany you?" Klaus questioned playfully, knowing she would say yes-

   "Sorry, Nik, this is an intimate moment between me and the food table that is to be shared with no one," Lorrie placed her hand on Klaus' shoulder in faux sadness. She grinned widely and stepped away. "I'll be back in a minute. Don't get into too much trouble while I'm gone."

   He went to protest, but the girl melted into the crowd, lost in the sea of teenagers.

   Lorrie hummed along to the upbeat tune that resounded throughout the gym as she approached the table, not noticing the people talking next to the drinks. She was about to grab a pretzel when someone spoke to her.


   The woman froze as she was about to put the pretzel into her mouth. She slowly turned to the two blonds and closed her mouth.

   The brunette laughed awkwardly. "Hey, Care, Matt. So, how ya been? Good? Bad? A little in between?"

   "What are you doing here?" Matt glared at her.

   "That is a great question that I would love to answer," she pointed at him, but made a break for it. Caroline quickly caught the girl and pulled her back. Lorrie nervously smiled at the young vampire. "We can talk about this, right?"

   "Why, Lorrie, why did you do it?" Caroline questioned her sadly, not a hint of malice behind her crystal eyes.

   "I... I'm their mate. Apparently, every supernatural creature has one, and I'm all of theirs, minus Rebekah," Lorrie informed her.

   Caroline's eyes widened in shock. The blond remembered speaking to Stefan about that. He told her that it was rare for a supernatural creature to ever meet their mate and that they were sacred. Their mate meant the world to them and would always be their first priority. She also came to a startling realization.

   "Oh..." Caroline uttered. "So when we 'killed' Elijah and you-"

   "Yes. I already told Stefan this, but it affects me as well. Not everything you've done to them has fully affected me because I wasn't here the whole time, but it still took its toll on me."

   "Lorrie... oh, I'm so sorry-"

   "Why are you apologizing? What does that even mean?" Matt cut in.

   "A mate, to a supernatural creature, is their everything and vice versa. Lorrie could feel the effects of what we did to the Originals stronger than a normal human would because she's not a normal human," Stefan explained as he walked up to Lorrie's side.

   "Oh, god..." Matt trailed off. "Lorrie, I-"

   "It's fine. Just don't bring it up."

   Matt sighed and looked past the group. "What's he doing here?"

   They followed his gaze over to Tyler.

   Lorrie's brows furrowed. "Is there a reason he shouldn't be here?"

   "He's Klaus' first successful hybrid. He wasn't supposed to leave town ," Stefan explained.

   "Of all the people to be the first hybrid, it had to be him," Lorrie muttered.

   "He changed. He's not the same jock asshole that you remember, Lorrie," Caroline tilted her head at the girl before marching over to the Lockwood boy.

   Lorrie glanced up at Stefan before turning back to the pretzels. "So, what are you doing here? Get roped in by Elena?"

   "I'm still mad at her, but she's better at manipulation then I gave her credit for."

   Lorrie hummed and was gently pulled into the dance floor by Stefan.

   "But the pretzels-"

   "Can wait. How about some family bonding. Mother-son dance," Stefan smiled down at her.

   "Ugh, fine. I guess since this is something I can actually dance to, I'll accept it," Lorrie agreed in annoyance, a small smile gracing her lips as the two synced up with the rhythm.

   "You're good at slow dancing, but not regular dancing? How does that work?" Stefan mocked.

   "Oh, shut up, kid. I didn't have those dances in Skyrim. Don't blame me, blame the old-timey stuff over there," Lorrie rolled her eyes.

   They swayed and glided across the dance floor. They accidentally bumped into Caroline and Tyler when they weren't looking.

   "Lorrie?" Tyler gazed at the formerly missing girl in confusion. "When did you get back?"

   "Hey, Tyler," Lorrie drawled. "I got here a few days ago. How are you? Good? Good. Lovely conversation, but I have to go-"


   "Shit," Lorrie mumbled. She swiveled around and faced the man behind her and Stefan. "Heeeey, Nik."

   Tyler looked at the Original behind Lorrie with wide eyes, but Klaus' gaze was focused solely on Lorrie.

   "You said you would be at the table for one minute. It's been 10 minutes. I'm starting to think you're avoiding me, love," Klaus stared at her with a hint of sadness.

   Lorrie moved closer to Klaus and immediately scooped his hands into hers. "I got distracted by my kid over there-" she motioned to Stefan who gave a meek wave to his old friend. "He kind of demanded that I have a 'Mother-son dance' with him. I would never avoid you... on purpose, at least."

   "Well, that's a relief," he looked at the onlookers of their conversation and stopped once he saw Tyler. His eyes narrowed at his first hybrid in suspicion.

   "Where've you been mate?"

   Tyler shifted under the burning gaze. "I just got back in town."

   "That's funny, I don't recall giving you permission to leave in the first place," Klaus turned back to Lorrie, still addressing Tyler. "I don't have the time to question you right now, but expect it soon."

   Klaus led Lorrie away from the three and out of their line of sight. He wrapped his arm around her waist and gently squeezed her hand in his, they swayed in place, the other couples feeling galaxies away as the pair danced to the slow jazz. Klaus dipped his head down, his lips brushing Lorrie's cheek.

   "I heard from Kol's incessant gloating that he got to take your first kiss. Mind if I'm the second?" he wondered breathily.



   "You can be the third. 'Lijah already got number two," Lorrie looked down.

   Klaus sighed and slid his hand out of hers to tilt her head up. "Love, as long as I at least get to be in your divine presence, I don't mind being first, second, third, or even last."

   Lorrie tilted her head and smiled. She began leaning up and their lips brushed. She went to place her lips on his when she was pulled away and behind someone.

   "One, your mom's back and she trapped us in the school, two, stay away from my mom, you have enough issues with your own," Damon glared at the hybrid.

   "One, bullshit, two, no," Klaus stated simply, swiftly sweeping Lorrie away from the adolescent vampire.

   "Try and leave if you're so sure," Damon snapped, holding out his arm in the direction of the exit.

   "We will. Come, love, I'm not so sure this dance will hold any more amusement for us," Klaus wrapped his arm around Lorrie's waist and led her away, but a shout behind them stopped the pair.

   "Mom!" Damon exclaimed, uncertainty covering his face. "What about our mother-son dance? You had one with Stefan, now it's my turn."

   Lorrie gazed at the adolescent vampire in confusion. He still wanted to be around her?

   "Um..." Lorrie glanced up at Klaus, who didn't look pleased with the interruption, and locked her gaze back onto Damon. "One dance, kiddo. That's all."

   Damon held his hand out to the woman, his emotions well-hidden by his cocky smirk. Lorrie let go of Klaus, the man was very anxious about letting his mate stand any closer to the older Salvatore, and slid her hand in her son's. Damon placed a shaky hand on Lorrie's waist as if something horrible would happen if he even touched her.

   "Why did you really want to dance with me?" Lorrie questioned.

   "Whatever do you mean, mother dearest? Can't your disrespectful son want to dance with you without having ulterior motives?" he sarcastically drawled. Lorrie gave him a pointed stare and he sighed, his smirk slipping from his face. "Are you happy?"


   "Are you happy? With them? Do they treat you right?" he mumbled as he avoided making eye contact with the woman in his hold.

   "Yeah, I am," Lorrie informed him. "I would be a lot happier if you would stop trying to kill them for a few minutes and catch up with your dear old mom who just returned from her forced vacation that wasn't even a good vacation."

   Damon sighed. "I just- I don't know how to process that you, Lorelei Gilbert-"

   "Romanei. My name is Romanei. I didn't have a last name," she interrupted.

   "You'll always be Lorelei Gilbert to me," Damon stated. "Like I was saying before you interrupted me, I don't know how to process that you are mated to not just one, but four Originals." He paused. "I don't want to hurt you, but they can't keep going after Elena."

   "Stefan came up with a plan to remedy that, but I have a feeling none of you wanted to hear it."

   Damon hung his head. "No. I- I don't want anything to happen to you, but Elena is dead set on killing Klaus."

   "She shouldn't have this much of an influence over you. Unless..." Lorrie trailed off. "Is she... your mate?"

   "No. I don't know why I'm so willing to do so much for her," Damon faltered. "I guess I just still have a thing for Katherine even though she clearly doesn't feel the same. Elena may be different from Katherine, sometimes worse than her, but I can't let it go."

   Lorrie untangled her hand from his and pulled him into an unsuspecting hug. "Everything's going to be okay, kiddo. Someday you'll find someone who will love and cherish you like you should be. You'll find that one person you can confide in, that one person who'll be there for you no matter what. They'll love you for who you are and not just small parts of you that they like."

   Damon didn't respond, he just tightened his hold on the woman.


   Lorrie was sandwiched between Klaus and Damon, Stefan standing behind her, in a classroom with Bonnie, her date Jamie, and Jeremy. Jeremy was surprised to see her, but it made his night. This dance wasn't going so well for him and she always made him feel better when he was low. That was a contributing factor as to why he was so close with her. She also never babied him or accused him of anything, she was just there for him. Even when he didn't know he needed her, she was there. Bonnie, however, held her qualms toward the girl. She didn't trust Lorrie like she once had.

   Bonnie stood in the middle of the classroom, her arms slightly outstretched as she chanted.

   "She does this all the time, right?" Jamie asked no one in particular. His question fell on deaf ears and Klaus' voice rang through the room.

   "What's taking so long?! All boundary spells have a loophole."

   Bonnie glared at the hybrid and gazed at Matt as he entered the room.

   "People are walking right out of the dance, past the barrier," he sent a fleeting glance to Klaus as he passed.

   "Matt, Lorrie, and I can leave, we can stop Esther ourselves. We just gotta find out where she is," Jeremy informed them.

   Klaus moved closer to Lorrie and whispered down to her, "No way in hell will I let you go and face mother. I won't allow any harm to come to you."

   Lorrie huffed as Stefan spoke up. "It's suicide, Jeremy."

   Klaus placed a quick kiss on Lorrie's temple and rushed toward Jamie. He wrapped his hand around the boy's throat and gave Bonnie a menacing stare. "Suicide would be disappointing me! Now work your magic, witch, or I'll start killing people you fancy."

   Lorrie's eyes widened and she pulled Klaus off of Jamie. "Don't try and kill people yet. It's not going to help. She doesn't seem to like many of us here, so don't kill the only leverage we have."

   Klaus sighed and moved back over to his original place, but Lorrie didn't follow.

   "If you're going to threaten someone, do it right," Lorrie grabbed Jamie's arms and twisted it, making the boy cry out in pain. Klaus smirked at Lorrie's actions. "Hurry up, Bonnie. Or your little boy toy is in for a world of pain."

   The Bennett stared at Lorrie in terror and disgust. "What happened to you? You aren't the Lorrie I remember."

   "She's still there. Just mixed in with my past self that you never met. But believe me, I'm a whole lot more fun," Lorrie grinned sinisterly. "Now, chop-chop, Bon Bon. We don't have all day and my patience isn't as solid as it used to be."

   She squeezed Jamie's arm and the boy let out a whimper. Bonnie gasped.

    "Okay, okay, fine! Just let him go, please," the witch begged, but noticed the woman made no move to let the boy go. "Lorrie, I know my friend is still there. Please, let him go."

   Lorrie sighed and pushed the boy towards Bonnie with an eye roll. "I was just getting bored. That's all. Hurry up with the spell."

   Everyone followed her out of the classroom, minus Bonnie and Jamie. After a few minutes, they were informed of Elena's location causing Lorrie to stop in her pacing and create a portal that opened outside of the Salvatore tomb.

   "Wow... since when can you do that?" Jeremy gazed at the purple tinted window.

   "Since I got back here. Now, get ready and let's go, we've got a witch to kill," Lorrie smirked at the humans.

   "No!" Klaus growled. "You will not be coming in contact with my mother ever again."

   "You can't stop me from my murderous tendencies, Nik."

   "Maybe I can go through with you then," Klaus stated while walking toward the portal, but was pushed back by an unseen force. "Love, mind letting me through."

   "That wasn't me. You can't go through, but I promise I'll be fine, trust me," Lorrie reached over and squeezed his hand.

   "Once I get out of here, nothing in this world or the next will stop me from getting to you," Klaus declared, looking deeply into his mates eyes.

   "We're ready, hurry up with your lovey dovey moment," Jeremy rolled his eyes. "I never want to see that again."

   "How do you think I felt when I saw you and Bonnie practically eye-fucking before I left," Lorrie raised a brow and turned back to Klaus. She made a quick decision and placed a short and sweet kiss on his lips, freezing the hybrid in place. She slipped into the portal, pulling Jeremy and Matt behind her. She lifted a finger to her lips, signaling the two to stay quiet and move to opposite sides of the small clearing. She quietly shuffled around a tree directly behind her and just in time as the doors to the tomb opened and out walked a calm Esther. Matt and Jeremy made the stupid ass decision to walk out into the open and aim their weapons at the 1,000 year old witch.

   "Don't move!" Matt shouted at the woman.

   "Where's Elena?" Jeremy questioned.

   Elena stepped out of the tomb, her features distraught. "Jeremy!"

   "Let her go," Jeremy demanded.

   "How foolish of you, to risk your lives in defense of those who will kill you. But if that is your choice," Esther announced and raised her hands in the boy's direction's. The two's arms began shaking as their aims locked onto each other.

   "Matt! Matt drop your gun!"

   "I can't! I'm not controlling it!"

   Elena looked on frantically. "Esther stop it!"

   Lorrie decided it was her time to shine. She readied her spell and fired. A large fragment of ice cut through the night air until it impaled the old witch. Esther gasped and fell to the ground in a heap. Alaric burst out of the tomb just as the witch hit the ground. He looked at the woman's dead body in confusion along with everyone else. Their gazes locked onto Lorrie's relaxed figure that rested on the same tree she stood behind seconds before.

   "That was a lot easier then I thought it would be," she shrugged and pushed herself off of the tree. She walked closer to the group causing Elena and Alaric to tense up. Alaric held out the dagger embroidered in elegant lines of silver.

   "Stay back," he seethed, pointing the blade in her direction.

   Lorrie completely ignored his attempt at being threatening. "That's the last dagger... wanna hand it over, Ric?"

   "I'd die before I give this to you."

   "Then perish," Lorrie smirked, lightning crackling along her fingertips.

   "Woah, woah, woah! Lorrie, no," Jeremy scolded his sister causing her to pout and lower her electric hand.

   "Why not? He said he'd die and I'm willing to kill him. What's the problem?"

   "No killing Alaric," Jeremy pointed at her and reprimanded her like she was a child. This happened way too often, not the death threats, but her being scolded like a child.

   "You guys are no fun," Lorrie sighed and held her hand behind her. She created a small unseen portal and reached through it, ripping the dagger out of an unsuspecting Alaric's grip. She unveiled the stolen blade from behind her and took in the mortified expression that formed on Alaric's face. "Guess you don't have to die... not yet, at least." She gazed at the dead woman. "I'll also be taking the wicked witches body, so move."


   Lorrie flashed a grin that reminded the group of Klaus. "And just what made you think I was asking permission?" She held up the dagger and dropped it, though it disappeared in thin air. "Just in case you had any funny ideas."

   Everyone, even Alaric, moved out of her way. She hauled the witch onto her back, the ice spike digging into her side, and created a portal. Just as she was about to go through, she stopped and turned to Jeremy.

   "See you around, Jer." As an afterthought, she turned to Matt. "And I guess you too, Matt."

   Lorrie hopped through the portal leaving most of the group in the cemetery in shock.

   A thump resounded around the living room gaining the three present Originals attention.

   "What's this, Elskan?" Elijah wondered as he looked at his mother's impaled corpse.

   "I had to go on a bit of a witch hunt. She trapped all of the vampires, including Nik, in the school. I portaled myself, Jeremy, and Matt to wherever Esther was and hid. They, however, decided to face her head on and almost killed each other, but I, as you can see here-" she motioned to the spike protruding from the older woman's chest. "-had the true element of surprise and got to her before she could cause them any harm."

   "That's very dangerous, my love. You could have been hurt," Finn expressed tenderly. He made his way over to her and placed a tentative hand on her cheek. "And before you begin another tangent about you being able to protect yourself, believe me, I know. That won't stop me from worrying, but I know."

   The woman felt warmth travel up her neck. Before she could respond, a crash sounded through the house as the front door was slammed open.

   "Lorelei has gone after mother with two insolent humans and I cannot find her-" he paused in his worried rant as he spied Lorrie standing with her hands on her hips over his mother's corpse. "Oh..."

   "My murder was a success, are you proud?" Lorrie smiled a wide and insane grin. She really needed to stop having such long-winded conversations with Cicero. His personality was beginning to rub off on her.

   Her expression didn't faze Klaus in the slightest. He ran to her, pushing Finn away in the process, and wrapped her into a protective embrace. He buried his head in her neck, loving the feeling of having her safely in his arms once again.

   "Thanks for that, brother, I really appreciated that," Finn grumbled as he pulled himself off of the floor and back into a standing position.

   Klaus just ignored him and continued to indulge in his mate.

   Lorrie paused and slightly separated from Klaus. "Goddamnit, I never got my pretzels!"

   The inhabitants of the room chuckled at their mate. She was a handful and they loved her for it.

   "Don't laugh at me." Lorrie glared at the four half-heartedly. "Assholes."

   "What was that, darling?" Kol tilted his head. "Not you attempting to insult us I hope."

   "Me? Insult you?" Lorrie questioned sarcastically. "Never."

First of all, thank you for the 10k

Second, I'm still working on writing these chapters, so I'm sorry this was late, but I am trying!

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