Bloodline {On Hold}

By SuzzleH

472K 14.2K 6K

"I adopted Stefan, therefore I'm adopting you. You have no choice in the matter, just accept it." Damon na... More

||Chapter 1||
||Chapter 2||
||Chapter 3||
||Chapter 4||
||Chapter 5||
||Chapter 6||
||Chapter 7||
||Chapter 8||
||Chapter 9||
||Chapter 10||
||Chapter 11||
||Chapter 12||
||Chapter 13||
||Chapter 14||
||Chapter 15||
||Chapter 16||
||Chapter 17||
||Chapter 18||
||Chapter 20||
||Chapter 21||
||Chapter 22||
||Chapter 23||
||Chapter 24||
||Chapter 25||
||Chapter 26||

||Chapter 19||

12.3K 462 44
By SuzzleH


Chapter Nineteen


"Mah Heart, It’s so Dark"

   “I’ll be back, darling. I just need to go take care of something. I won’t be too long.”

   “And what would that be?” Lorrie leaned over the back of her chair.

   “Just something down in Denver. Nothing too important,” he leaned down to her height. “Could I have a kiss goodbye? To assure my safety, of course.”

   “Your safety?”

   “Indeed. Only if you’d like to-”

   Lorrie pushed herself up and placed her lips on his. It was a short and chaste kiss, but it meant the world to the Original. Her warm lips, plump and bold, encased his own in a moment of pure delight. Lorrie spun back around facing away from the stunned man. Before the woman could sit back down, Kol sped around and placed his hands on the back of Lorrie’s neck, swiftly placing his lips back onto hers in an unexpectedly gentle manner. Kol’s movements were slow and precise. He felt his mates hands graze up his sides at a painfully slow pace as her lips danced with his. They were enraptured in their own world, nothing else mattered in that moment.

   Lorrie felt the need for oxygen overtaking the pleasure. She leaned away from the man, making him whine in protest, as she breathed heavily.

   “If that’s what kissing feels like, then goddamn have I been missing out.”

   Kol gazed at her, his eyes twinkling with surprise. "Was I your first kiss?"

   "Uh, yeah…" Lorrie rubbed the back of her head, a bashful smile forming on her face.

   "I don't think you know how incredibly ecstatic that truly makes me, my gorgeous darling," he bit his lip, his mouth curving into a smile. "I may have been the last to meet you, but I will not be allowing my brother's to hold favor over me. As much as I'd love to stay with you all day and continue that, I must go now. Enjoy your day, darling. Don't miss me too much."

   He pecked her lips one last time before padding out of the room, a skip in his step.

   Lorrie sank down into the chair, contently brushing her fingers across her lips. They still tingled with the lingering taste of him. Those few moments of contact were incredible. They may have been short, but they would last for an eternity.

   "What has you in such high spirits, Elskan?" Elijah glidded in and sat on the armrest of Lorrie's chair. "Not that I don't want you to be happy. I will always want you to be happy, Astin."

   "I…" Lorrie gulped. "I kissed Kol."

   Lorrie heard a sharp intake of breath. "Ah…"

   "Are you mad at me?"

   "At you? Never. Not being the first one to do it? Slightly annoying, but I can cope," Elijah flashed a strained smile. "I only hope you will one day-"

   Lorrie grabbed the man by his tie and pulled him down to her, their faces level with each other. The woman kept her grip on Elijah's tie and caressed his cheek, much like he had to her many times before. She licked her lips before capturing the suited Original in a spell-binding kiss. It felt magical. Like one from a fairytale. A prince and his princess, rejoicing and relishing in finally finding their true love and sealing them into a loving kiss. They moved in sync, harmonically acting as though they were a perfectly played symphony. Elijah gravitated down closer to Lorrie, his hands traveled to her waist and he placed himself between her legs, pulling her flush against him. They slowly separated and breathed heavily, their breaths mingling between them in their silent seconds of sensual pleasure.

   "Elskan," he breathily gasped, his pupils wide with both intense love and hints of lust.

   "'Lijah," Lorrie replied. She felt the warmth radiating from his body, igniting a pleasant fire anywhere his skin touched hers.

   Elijah caught his breath and raised his hands to hold Lorrie's face. He placed a small and sweet kiss on her lips once more before sliding into her seat, pulling the dazed girl into his lap.

   "Wait a minute, I never said you could take my seat," Lorrie crossed her arms.

   "I hope you will take this as payment for your lost spot," he teased and placed a warm kiss to her lips.

   Lorrie fought away the smile that threatened to overtake her expression. "I guess I can accept it. For now."

   "And hopefully forever, Elskan."


   "Ow!" Lorrie jumped out of Elijah's hold.

   "What is it, Elskan?" the man jumped to his feet immediately, latching back onto his mates side.

   Lorrie groaned and rolled her eyes. "I think Kol got himself impaled. What in the world is he doing?"

   She raised her hands and a portal appeared in front of them. Elijah gazed at the floating mirror-like thing, it's purple embroidery lashing out in gentle waves. Lorrie took a few steps toward the portal, but was stopped by Elijah's hand.

   "Where are you going?"

   "I'm gonna go scold Kol for being a dumbass," she tilted her head at the scene through the portal. "He really got himself impaled."

   Elijah snuck a glance through and spotted his youngest brother lying limp on the ground, the splintered remnants of a wooden bat coated in blood protruding through his temporarily descated form.

   "Are you sure you'd like to go, Astin? You could always wait for him to come back later and scold him then," Elijah offered, wanting his mate to spend more time with him.

   "No, I'd rather make fun of him when he first wakes up. It'll be quite the shock," Lorrie smirked. She placed a parting kiss on Elijah's cheek. "I'll be back, don't worry too much, 'Lijah."

   Lorrie jumped through the portal leaving Elijah alone in the living room.

   "I will always worry for you, Elskan."

   A purple mass formed in the middle of a desolate batting cage in Denver. A woman landed in front of the 'dead' man. She crouched down and turned him onto his side. Her hand wrapped around the part of the broken bat that was still visible from his chest and ripped it out. She threw it to the side and laid the man flat on his back. He hadn't moved yet, so she smirked down at him and electricity crackled along her fingertips. She quickly jabbed him in the side, sending small volts of electricity through him. He gasped and his eyes snapped open, his body jolting into a sitting position. He went to attack whatever zapped him, but stopped short when he saw his mate giggling to herself.

   "You are a monumental dumbass, Kol."

   "Wha- now hold on just a minute. I am not a dumbass," the Original stated pointedly.

   "You just got impaled. Who did it? How young were they?"

   Kol paused. "Damon Salvatore. He did it."

   Lorrie's brows furrowed. "Damon? What's he doing here?"

   "Him and the doppelgägnger were looking for Jeremy Gilbert. He apparently knows where a woman named Rose-Marie is. They're trying to find out which of us they descend from. I am trying to stop them," Kol explained.

   "Rose?" Lorrie perked up. "Do you know where they were going?"

   "No, but I know where they would have ended up if they figured out who sired Rose."

   Lorrie stood and smoothed her clothes down. She offered her hand to the idle man. He gripped her hand as she pulled him into a standing position.

   "You need to go back home, darling. I don't want you getting harmed," Kol rested his forehead on Lorrie's.

   "I think I'll pass on that. Where are we going?"

   Kol sighed and decided it would be best to not argue with her. "Allow me to take you there, darling."

   "What do you mean by tha-"

   Lorrie was cut off when the man swiftly scooped her into his arms and sped away. Lorrie clung to the vampire like a koala, not loosening her hold on him for a second.

   Their journey felt like it was hours long to Lorrie, but that must have been because she wanted it over as quickly as possible. Her wish was not granted. They were going at break-neck speed for an extended amount of time and Lorrie felt bile crawling up her throat multiple times, but pushed it down.

   Lorrie sighed when she was placed back onto the ground.

   "That wasn't pleasant," the woman groaned into Kol's chest.

   "I told you, you should have gone home, but you didn't listen," Kol drawled.

   Lorrie looked up into Kol's mischievous eyes. "And accept defeat to you? Absolutely not."

   "I love you too. Now, I must go take care of business. Stay out of sight, darling. Don't want anyone to snatch you away," Kol stated, growling out the last part.

   "I don't know when you heard me say the first thing, but okay," Lorrie uncurled her arm from around him and gave him a thumbs up.

   "I still love you even if you don't return my feelings yet," Kol smiled crookedly at her. He leaned down and lightly pressed his lips to the tip of her nose. "Stay safe, darling."

   "I'll try."

   Kol drifted away into the house, leaving Lorrie to her thoughts. That, however, didn't last too long. A car pulled up, it's headlights shining through the darkness. Lorrie hid behind a large bush and watched the scene unfold before her. She was too far away to hear anything they were saying, but she couldn't just hop out any say 'hey bitches. Do you perhaps forgive me for completely running your plans yesterday? Yes, no, maybe?'. Damon and Elena walked into the house giving Lorrie her opportunity. She silently made her way out of the bush and over to the driver's side door of the car. Did she know what she was doing? No. Did she really care? Hell no.

   She swiftly opened the door, ignoring the growls that emitted from within the vehicle, and jumped into the driver's seat, closing the door behind her. She locked all of the doors by accident when she moved to the side, but didn't feel like unlocking them.

   "Who the hell are you? If you don't tell me in five seconds, I'm going to rip your head off of your shoulders," a familiar voice snarled from the back. Trevor.

   "I was expecting more of a warm welcome than that, but I guess it's not the worst I've received," Lorrie sarcastically mused, turning around and leaning on the center console.

   The four who sat in the back stared at her in shock.

   "Lorrie?" they all questioned in sync.

   "Hello," she flashed a large smile as she waved at them.

   "Where have you been? It has been well over three months. Three months! What happened?" Trevor spoke up, not being able to move much with Jenna situated on his lap. The backseat was small, so Lorrie didn't understand why they were all there, but that's their choice.

   "That's a really long story, but I was taken back to Skyrim-"

   "I knew it!" Jenna exclaimed. She awkwardly looked to the other occupants of the car. "Sorry…"

   Trevor rubbed the woman's arm and smiled up at her. He glanced back to Lorrie. "Continue."

   "Okay. I was there for a while. Didn't do too much. Got sent back here by a witch who wanted my blood-"

   "Why did she want your blood?" Jeremy quietly questioned.

   "To kill her kids."

   "Well that's lovely parenting if I've ever heard it," Rose commented with an eye roll.

   "I know. She's a complete wack-job. An absolute nut-case," Lorrie nodded.

   A fist wrapping on the window behind her caused her to jump. She saw… Kol standing with his hands on his hips, looking ready to scold Lorrie like she was a child.

   "Speaking of nut-cases…" Lorrie trailed off and went to roll down the window, but Jeremy stopped her.

   "No, wait! He's an Original!"

   Lorrie sighed. "I know."

   She only rolled the window down a small sliver making the man outside roll his eyes.

   "A little bit more, darling."

   "No, I think I'm good," Lorrie stated in a high pitched voice.

   "Fine," Kol crouched down and made eye contact with Lorrie. "What did I tell you to do?"

   "Stay out of sight."

   "And what did you not do?"

   "... Stay out of sight," Lorrie looked at him with an awkward smile.

   "Unlock the door," his hardened gaze softening way too quickly for his liking.

   "Um… no, I think I'm good."

   "Darling," Kol gritted his teeth. "Would you please unlock the door."

   There was no getting out of this. Lorrie could hardly remember how to drive safely. Finn could attest to that. She reached for the unlock button, ignoring the protests coming from the back. Once he could, Kol opened the door and leaned in, hovering over Lorrie in a playful manner. The people in the back, however, didn't know it was playful.

   "Listen here, asshole," Jeremy leaned forward, gaining Kol's attention. The man raised a brow at the young boy's way of addressing him. "I don't care if you're an Original vampire or god himself, I will kill you if you even try to hurt my sister. I just got her back, I'm not about to lose her again."

   "I would never harm Lorelei, human," Kol spat.

   "What are you doing with her then?" Jeremy questioned, his agitation obvious.

   "Am I not allowed to spend time with my mate?"

   "Your what?" Jeremy questioned, not knowing what that meant. He looked to the others in the back seat and was confused by their mortified expressions. "What? Is it something bad?"

   "Another one, Lorrie. Really?" Jenna wondered, exasperation present.

   The girl just shrugged. "Changing the subject. What are you all doing in Denver?"

   "Elena got one of the Salvatore's to compel Jeremy to leave for his own 'safety'," Trevor answered.

   "Seriously? Do I need to threaten to kill her again? Better yet, actually go through with it?" Lorrie angrily grumbled.


   "Are you sure? Because I'd be more than happy to-"

   "It's okay, Lorrie. I'll deal with it," Jeremy stopped the woman.

   "Fine, but if you ever need me to rip her soul from her body, I'll do it," Lorrie flashed an overly cheerful smile that sent shivers down their spines.

   "You just continue to get more and more terrifying, don't you, little savior?"


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