Onset Distrust

Galing kay Nameless_Project

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This is before everything went down. It was a normal party like every other one they've hosted in the past, b... Higit pa

Read before the Prolog
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30 Part 1
Chapter 30 Part 2
Chapter 30 Part 3
Chapter 30 Part 4
Chapter 30 Final

Chapter 29

61 4 0
Galing kay Nameless_Project

Monday, early morning.

Clay/Dream's POV

"Today is the day! The day i will finally confess my feelings to them!" I told myself and got ready, even tho it was the early morning.

Texting DreamTeam

"Morning! Quick something! Can you two meet me at the big woodreln tree today at 12pm? Please come! It's important! Thank you!"


I was so happy and excited.

"Oh sure. Seems like someone has something big to tell us." from Sapnap.
"Really seems like it." George.

It made me even more happier. I just hoped they would say yes. We've know eachother for so long! They must've picked up on it already! I know they love, even tho it seemed weird at first and think they also founded it weird at the moment. It'll be fine!
"You'll get rejected"
I flinched.
"Who was that?! Hello??" i didn't see anyone.
"You can't see me."
"What do you want?!"
"I'm just telling you that they'll reject you. They don't love you the same way."
"Shut up! You are lying!"
"Why would i lie~"
"You'll see.."
"What is this shit?!" it didn't respond anymore. Now i'm feeling... no.. no no. Just get ready and you'll be all good.

George/Georgenotfound's POV

Me and Sapnap were talking on the phone about what Clay wanted to tell us later.
"What do you think he wants to tell us Sap?" i asked.
"Hm..  maybe he will confess his feelings~" Sapnap giggled.
"Oh for sure. As if he didn't say that many times already Sapnap." and smiled.
"Maybe you should tell him tell him that you love him? Hm?"
"I already said it tho!"
"George, for real now."

"Don't you think that Clay actually means it?" i was a bit confused.
"What do you mean?"
"Think about George."
I thought for a little and ...  he isn't really wrong now that i thought about it.. why is it so warm?
"Oh my god-!"
"Did you finally realised it now?"
"He .. loves us both-" i said and we both were quiet for a moment.
"This is... uhm... awkward..." Sapnap  said.
"Do... you feel... the same Sap..?"
"I-i don't know... you?" he asked.
"Maybe ... same..?"


"I'll see you at 12"
"Yup." and hung up.

I just sat there in disbelief. Clay loved us both... not only me... not only Sapnap... but us both. I should've realised it sooner! I'm so dumb! I flopped down on the ground and did nothing.., but waited.

12pm, at the big woodreln park tree.
Clay waited patiently and happily.

Sapnap and me talked and slowly walked to the tree. Clay noticed us, waved and shouted hello.
"Hey Clay!" we both said.
"So..  what did you want to tell us?"
He tapped his fingers together. He seemed nervous and so were we aswell actually.
"I... oh my god..." and covered his face for a moment. "I... "
"What is it Clay-" i got cut off.
"I LOVE YOU TWO! I LOVE YOU! NOT ONLY AS FRIENDS!" he blurded out and was shaking badly. He looked so nervous.
"... Clay.." seemed like Sapnap was actually right.. "This is a bit surprising.. and.. " i looked at Sapnap for a bit of help.
"Clay we-" but before Sapnap could continue Clay ran away.

Clay/Dream's POV

I'm so dumb! How could I believe that they would ever love me! They only see me as a friend anyway...!
I ran further and further into the forest.
Tripping and falling over at times, since it wasn't a very save place. Many sharp things are laying in this forest, that could hurt anyone who goes in here. My legs already hurt from running.
I can't look them in the eyes anymore!
"Clay wait! Stop! -----" I heared them yelling very loudly, because they were really far away.
Where is it! I want to get away from everything!
As i was running so quickly, i tripped on a medium-sized rock and fell down on many sharp rocks and glasses. Real hard. "Ouch! Aaah... my leg.." even tho my left leg hurted so bad i still kept on trying to run. The stinging pain was so unbearable.

I arrived a few moments later at the place, quickly walked up the stairs, with the pain of my leg. Felt like my leg cracked with ever new step i took.
It was high, very high. Climbing up the big rock building and standing there.

"CLAY!" they yelled out.

Won't have to suffer this anymore.

I was shaking and crying.


I took a step closer.

They don't love you

Another step.

I was so out.

So out of Character.

It's not me.

Another one.

. . .

. . .

  . . .

"CLAY STOP!" they screamed. "Don't. Move."
I didn't turn around.
"... W-why.. n-not-t.." i stuttered.
"Clay listen to us."
"... it's not.. w-worth i-it a-anymore.."
"Clay. We weren't finished. Please don't jump and listen." George slowly said.

I slowly turned around, they could see how bad i was crying and shaking very bad. I could even barely stand, because of my leg.
"Tell me why i shouldn't jump.. right.. now.." i said.
"Clay you shouldn't jump.. cause... who are we without you..." George said slowly.

"Our lovely..." they slowly walked to me.

They are gonna say friend anyway.
Just jump.

"Boyfriend..." they both said.

I started crying histaricly and felt a gust of wind flying by.
"Please... come slowly back to us."

. . .

"I don't want to lose you all either...but..
I don't know if i can keep living with all of this.." My leg gave up and-

. . .


. . .

. . .

  . . .

It was warm, soft...
I was still shaking. Crying. Blaming myself.

"It's okey Clay." a voice softly spoke.
"We got you."
"You are safe now."

I was still alive?

Clay, George and Sapnap were sitting far away from the edge. They caught him at the very last second, by grabbing him by his legs. They were all shaking, crying, but happy Clay was still here. They all stayed there for quite sometime, but decided to leave after awhile. Helping Clay. He also insisted that they would treat his leg at his home rather the hospital, since he didn't want to go there and had a first aid kit at home. His leg was in a bad conditions and probably should have gone to the hospital, but didn't. Clay also said that he would explain everything that has been going on later at his home.

"And that's everything..." i said.
They were in utter disbelief.
"Jacob did WHAT?!" George yelled out.
".. so Jacob was also the one who almost killed Zak and Darryl.." Sapnap said and i nodded.
"Don't worry Clay.. we'll find a way to get out that." Sapnap continued.

Vincent is calling

Huh...? I picked up my phone.
"We are coming over."

I should have said it sooner, but every drawing/photo you see here are made/taken by me. Just wanted to put it out there.

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