Shoto's Twin Sister

By Glitter_Crazy

198K 6.8K 5.5K

NOT AN X READER AND NOT INCEST Might be a bit of an OC x Katsuki Make sure to check out the Scenarios book I... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Eimi Todoroki
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Clarification Chapter
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 24

3K 129 153
By Glitter_Crazy

Eimi's POV

After the movie, Shoto walked me home and said goodnight then left for his house. I sighed as I watched him walk back down the path.

"You would never guess how emotional he is from what he's like at school." I said while he walked down the street.

Once I couldn't see him anymore, I went back into the house and closed the door. I walked into the kitchen and got a glass of water. I was expecting Gramma to come in a second later to join me but she didn't. Then I remembered, she's staying at the hospital until Dokami can come back home and she can watch him here. Auntie and Uncle both know what happened and are coming home in two weeks, a week earlier than they were supposed to be gone. But they get to leave a week earlier because of what happened to Dokami and I totally understand that. 

Once I finished drinking my water I put the glass in the sink and left to go upstairs to my room. There I saw the drawing I started of Shoto and I before the sports festival. I smiled at it and picked up the drawing pad. I still only need to darken the lines and use colour but I think I'll do that another time. Putting the book down, I walked over to my closet and opened it to get an old sweater that Dokami gave me cause it was too small for him. It's fits super big on me, but that's why I like it. But when I opened the closet, boxes and other random objects fell onto my head making me fall down in a mess of things.

"Owwww!" I whined as I rubbed my poor head. I picked up an old looking box and threw it at the wall. "Stupid box! Why you gotta ruin the vibe!"

I folded my arms around my chest and pouted before something shined into my eyes. I looked back at the box to find that when I threw it, the tape broke off and spilled the contents inside, leaving them all over my floor.

"Great." I mumbled sarcastically while crawling over to the now open box. When I got closer, I realized this was a memory box. Gramma made me these so I could look back at them whenever I wanted to get a blast from the past. Quickly grabbing my phone out of my pocket I checked the time to see that it was only 9:30pm. 

"I can look through this a bit and then go to bed." I said while plopping myself in front of the box and stuff on the floor. I started picking up random doodads and trinkets, letting memories flow back into my brain that I forgot even happened. I then realized that this was the memory box that was made before I got my quirk. So I was 4 when I played with all these things. While going through the items of my childhood, one thing stood out the most to me. And that one thing was a small picture frame, I would say no bigger than my smallest canvas, which is a few inches bigger than my phone in both width and length.

I gently picked up the picture frame, making sure that the throw didn't break the glass keeping whatever picture was inside. When I turned the frame over, all sorts of memories came and punched me in the face like one of Bakugo's explosions. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Once I calmed down a bit, I looked closer at the picture and gasped.

"Wait a second!" I yelled as the memory of the day this photo was taken played through my mind.

~Flashback time, Third Person POV~

A short and small girl with a snowy white bob ran and jumped around a large backyard with her friend that she has known since she was 2. The two children laughed and played together almost everyday since they didn't have to go to school yet because they were too young. 

One child ran ahead and climbed up the play structure that was built by the adults that were currently watching them. The little girl tripped and fell face first on the ground and started to cry. The other child quickly slid down the slide and ran over to her side, making sure that she was okay.

"Are you okay Snowy? Are you hurt?" The child asked while helping the small girl onto her feet. She looked up and smiled at her friend.

"I'm okay Suki!" She called out to the child while wiping her eyes and looking at her knees. "Look! They're not even scratched up that bad! Only grass, see?" 

Her friend watched as she brushed the green grass of her knees and flattened her short pink dress that was covered in small yellow daisies. Her friend looked a little worried before one of the adults called out to them.

"Watcha doing there kiddos? Is everything alright?" A tall, beautiful young women came over. She saw her child looking at the small girls knees in slight worry and laughed. She bent down and rubbed both the kids heads, messing their hair up.

"Don't worry Katsuki, she's fine. Right Eimi?" The mother of the ash blonde said to the two small children in front of her. Eimi then nodded her head quickly and grabbed the boys hands to make him look at her.

"Let's go play on the swings now, okay?" She smiled up at the boy. His red eyes met her turquoise ones and he quietly nodded as she pulled them both towards the swing set his dad made for them to play on together. The girl quickly jumped onto the left swing, which she claimed as her own, before looking back at her friend with a sheepish smile.

"What are you making that face for?" The spiky ash blonde questioned with his hand on his hip.

"Could you push me before you get on your swing? I still can't reach the ground to push off yet." She asked quietly while swinging her legs around to prove that they couldn't reach the ground. The boy sighed and said okay, but he secretly liked pushing her on the swing cause it made her laugh, and he definitely liked it when she laughed. It was like music to his tiny ears, and he didn't know why.

While the slightly taller boy was walking to get behind the girl, his parents were watching lovingly at the pair. When Mitsuki realized that her son was going to be pushing the small girl on the swing she quickly hit her husband on the shoulder.

"Go get the camera hun! Quickly, before it's too late!"

Her husband nodded and ran inside to get the object for his wife. Once he got outside, Mitsuki snatched the camera from him and ran over to the children. She quickly started snapping photos, making sure to get all kinds of angles so she could find her favourite one(s). The children looked at her with goofy smiles and big wide eyes as she snapped a perfect shot of them.

She walked back with the camera, ready to show her husband when she heard a yelp then a fit of giggles. She looked back to find both the kids had fallen and were laughing on the ground. She turned around as fast as a lighting bolt and took some more pictures. She thought she was done with the picture taking but little did she know, there was one more chance she was going to get.

"Did you get any good ones?" Her husband asked her as she skipped over with a small smile on her face. 

"Oh you bet! Those kids are just so photogenic is crazy! I don't think there could be bad pictures of them!" She exclaimed as she sat down on a chair beside the man. They started to look over the photos when Mitsuki mother senses went crazy. She looked up and saw the cutest little thing, almost too much for her heart to handle.

There on the top of the playing structure, was Eimi and Katsuki, getting ready to slide down the slide together. Katsuki in the back, and Eimi sitting between his legs. Before a single leaf could hit the ground, Mitsuki was in front of the slide with her camera, ready for when the children would slide down. 

When the two went down the slide she snapped so many pictures and was surprised there was still room for more after she was done. The children laughed as they reached the end and fell off the bottom due to the momentum they were going at. Mitsuki picked up the two kids and smiled sweetly when both of them yawned at the same time. It was getting pretty late outside, so it was time for them to go to sleep.

"Masaru, come take Katsuki while I bring Eimi over to her house."

Masaru then came over and took his small son from his wife's arm and watched as the little girl whined as her friend was taken away from her. Mitsuki pet her head and asked quietly.

"Do you want to give Katsuki a hug before we go?"

The little girl nodded her head as she reached her arms towards the boy. Katsuki looked over and saw that she was reaching out to him and he nudged his dad to go closer to her. Masaru leaned over and let the children hug before they had to go their separate ways. Before they said their tired goodbyes, Katsuki reached his hands out and carefully held Eimi's head. He leaned down and kissed the top of her before leaning back into his fathers arms.

Eimi smiled and waved as Mitsuki started walking towards the side of the house to leave through the gate. And when she heard the sliding door shut she squealed and squeezed the small girl in her arms. She heard the girl wheeze before she loosened her grasp on her. She opened the gate and then shut it.

"I swear you guys are so cute! You gotta promise me that you two will always be together and get married in the future! I can't see it any other way." Mitsuki said while walking to her neighbors front door. The little girl giggles and pulled on the young women's shirt. She looked down at the girl when she started talking.

"I really like Suki! I'm gonna marry him for sure!" The little girl beamed before she got crushed again.

"I'll beat that brat if he doesn't." Mitsuki mumbled and Eimi laughed. 

Before Mitsuki could knock on the door, her neighbor opened it. The women smiled as she looked at her child.

"Mama! Mama! I'm going to marry Suki when I'm older and we'll be together foreeeeever!" The little girl exclaimed while opening her arms wide, while trying to show 'forever' with her arms. The two young women laughed as one handed the girl over to the other. They said their goodbyes and the white haired women took her daughter inside and shut the door.

~End of Flashback~

Eimi's POV

I smiled at the picture frame, now remembering why Bakugo sounded familiar to me. The picture that I had framed was the one of me and Bakugo going down the slide, well I guess I mean Suki. I looked at the time and found it was only 10:00pm. I cleaned up the mess that my closet made but made sure to keep the picture frame out. I carefully placed the picture frame on my desk as I heard a car outside. 

I quickly ran down the stairs and looked out the front window to see who it was. I squealed when I saw it was Mitsuki pulling up to the front of her house. I watched her park the car and gather her things. I ran back up the stairs and grabbed the picture frame off my desk and ran back down stairs. 

Unlocking the door, I pushed it open and ran outside. I ran down the path from my house and out the front gate.

"Mitsuki!" I called out and she stopped in front of her gate. She turned around and made eye contact with me. She smiled and waved.

"Oh hello there. Do I know you?" She asked and I slowed down in front of her. I panted and held my hand up, catching my breath. I nodded my head and smiled up at her.

"Would it jog your memory if I were to call you Auntie?" I asked as she stared at me in thought. She looked a little puzzled and I laughed. He eyes seemed to have widen for a second but went back to being normal.

"I'm sorry but I would have remembered you, especially with that hair of yours."

I smiled, knowing that it was a long time ago. I looked down at the picture frame in my hand and carefully handed it over to her. She looked at me and then at the picture frame, before gently taking it from my hand.

"I know it was from a while ago and I just now found this photo and remembered but I thought I should say hi. I knew Bakugo sounded super familiar to me when I heard it in class but I would have never guessed that it was Suki!" I laughed as Mitsuki's eyes widened at the nickname, she not so secretly loved, that I gave her son. I watched as she looked at the picture frame and gasped from the photo inside.

"Eimi?" She mumbled.

"Yup that's me! I know it's a big surprise from my hair and all but this is what I really look like!"

I heard some things fall to the ground and when I went to look at what fell, my vision was blocked by a warm hug. I was pulled into Mitsuki's chest as she held me tight. I wrapped my much smaller arms around her waist and hugged her back.

"It's been so long! I haven't seen you since a week after your 5th birthday!" She squealed into my hair. I laughed and took in this moment. I missed Mitsuki's hugs. And her smell too, it's always been so calming. I thought as Mitsuki squeezed me a bit before pulling back. She smiled at me and I smiled back.

Mitsuki's POV

I pulled away from the short girl and smiled at her.

"Do you have time to have a cup of tea? I know that brat son of mine is already sleeping but it would be nice to catch up a bit yeah? I know Masaru would also join us." I asked as Eimi thought for a second.

"I would love too! Though I can't stay too long since I have school tomorrow." She answered and I nodded.

"Oh yes of course, come on, lets hurry it up then!" I said while starting down the path to my house after I picked up my belongings that I dropped. I walked up to the door and grabbed my keys while Eimi took back her picture frame. I quickly unlocked the door and walked in, holding it open for Eimi. She smiled and thanked me as she took off her shoes. 

Not a second later, I saw my husband walk into the walk way.

"Hello honey, how was work- who's this?" He asked as Eimi stood up fully.

"Hi Uncle Masaru! It's been a while hasn't it?" She called out to him as she handed him the picture frame as well. He looked over at me before I smiled widely and nodded.

"Go on look at it!" I basically yelled and he quickly looked at it. He looked at Eimi, then the picture, then back at Eimi.

"Eimi?" He asked and she nodded smiling.

"The angel is still here!" I squealed as I hugged Eimi from the back. She giggled and we went into the dining room to talk. Masaru went and got us some tea from the already boiling water since I always like to have tea after I get home from work so he boils water for me. Not soon after did he come back with three cups of tea as well as some honey and milk. We all fixed up our tea and started talking.

"So Eimi, why did you stop being able to play with Katsuki when you were younger? I got something about you getting your quirk and needing to hide it from your father but that's pretty much it." I said while Eimi blew on her hot tea.

"Well yeah, I guess that's the most simple way of saying it. You see, the reason I had to wear a wig and contacts was because my father didn't know I was alive and my mom and gramma had to keep me a secret because they didn't want anything to happen to me."

"What do you mean, 'didn't know you were alive'" Masaru asked while I nodded, also being curious as to what she meant. She sighed and went on to tell us of basically her whole life story up until now. We have long finished our teas and were now just sitting at the table. I wiped some tears that had found their way out of my eyes while Masaru gently patted my back.

"That's so sad, I had no idea that's what Rei and you were going through at the time. I wish you could had known about your siblings and father, even if he was and still is a bitch." I said while Eimi laughed when I called her father a bitch.

"I wouldn't change what happened at all! Cause if I didn't have the life I did then, I wouldn't have met you guys! And besides, I have Shoto with me now and the rest of my siblings too! So you don't have to worry!" She said as she waved her hands around. I smiled then thought of something.

"Hey, I know he's a bigger brat then he was back then. But do you remember what you promised to me the day that picture was taken?" I asked while pointing to the picture frame. Eimi looked down at it then blushed. I'm taking that as a yes then. She nodded and Masaru looked confused.

"Do you still thinks that's gonna happen?" I asked her while wiggling my eyebrows. Her face seemed to get redder just thinking about it and I couldn't help but smile.

"I mean, I donno. He doesn't remember me at the moment but I guess we'll have to see? I mean, he's definitely different from what was was back then, but I bet I could change him back a bit! It shouldn't be too hard right?" Eimi replied and I almost died. She didn't say no! That means my life long wish can come true! 

"That's great to hear!" I looked at the time. "Oh dear, you better get home now and go to sleep. It's pretty late." I said while Eimi looked at her phone and smiled sheepishly.

"Okay, well it was nice speaking to you guys again. And I'll make sure to make it a regular thing to visit you." Eimi said while getting up from the table.

"I'll walk you out." I offered while Masaru started to clean the table. She nodded and we both made our way to the door. I watched as Eimi pulled on her vans and looked up at me.

"I'll also make sure to fix Katsuki up a bit too." She smiled. I laughed and pet her head like I used to back when she was young. I opened the door and handed her the picture frame.

"Thanks." She said sweetly as she walked out the door. She started to walk down the path and I quickly yelled out to her.

"I will literally kill for our little promise so I hope you can make it come true!"

A/N. Haha! Did any of you remember when she said Bakugo sounded familiar? Well this is why! Any wayyyyyysssssss I guess this gives insight into what MIGHT happen in the future. PFFFTTTTT Who am I kidding, of course this is where it's going but ya'll gonna have to see how it happens. I have a heck of a lot planned for this and I literally can't stop thinking about all the ideas in my head so stick with me guys!

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