Daughter of the Gods (Gilgame...

By zaczenemiji

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"But we were destined to cross paths even by the hands of the gods." Born with royal blood, sister of a fine... More

Chapter One: Fruit of the Myth
Chapter Two: Amiable Ruler
Chapter Three: A Fine Day
Chapter Four: Al-Simr
Chapter Five: Chains of Heaven
Chapter Six: People of the Desert
Chapter Seven: No Place Like Home
Chapter Eight: Turning Point
Chapter Nine: Mark of Existence
Chapter Ten: Beyond the Desert
Chapter Eleven: Country to Conquer
Chapter Twelve: Damsel in Distress
Chapter Thirteen: Ten Dawns
Chapter Fourteen: Lion's Den
Chapter Fifteen: The Lioness' Pride
Chapter Seventeen: A Dangerous Game
Chapter Eighteen: Show of Facade
Chapter Nineteen: One a Great King
Chapter Twenty: The Greater Good
Chapter Twenty-One: An Equal
Chapter Twenty-Two: The Contrary
Chapter Twenty-Three: Two-man Parade
Chapter Twenty-Four: Remnant of Kindness
Chapter Twenty-Five: Minute of Arc
Chapter Twenty-Six: Prejudice
Chapter Twenty-Seven: His Highest Majesty
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Watchful Eyes
Chapter Twenty-Nine: A Daughter's Mourning
Chapter Thirty: Mysteries Unearthed
Chapter Thirty-One: Vermilion
Chapter Thirty-Two: Ominous Provocations
Chapter Thirty-Three: Unprecedented Home
Chapter Thirty-Four: Golden Ruby
Chapter Thirty-Five: Evil Pursuit
Chapter Thirty-Six: The Eleventh Dusk
Chapter Thirty-Seven: The Afterglow
Chapter Thirty-Eight: The Crown's Cost
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Sacred Enthronement
Chapter Forty: A Heroic Task
Chapter Forty-One: The First Moon
Chapter Forty-Two: Catalyst for Change
Chapter Forty-Three: Ethereal Glow
Chapter Forty-Four: Old Wives' Tale
Chapter Forty-Five: Butter Cake
Chapter Forty-Six: The Execution
Chapter Forty-Seven: The Sacred Mountain
Chapter Forty-Eight: Misfire
Chapter Forty-Nine: Scorching Darkness
Chapter Fifty: Overwhelming Force
Chapter Fifty-One: Empty Shell

Chapter Sixteen: Cold Waters

1.2K 70 7
By zaczenemiji

You woke up to the light that shone behind your eyelids. As you slowly opened your eyes, you were greeted by the morning's flash of light illuminating every corner of your chamber. Its warmth kisses your face good morning as you pull yourself away from sleep. This was the first time you were greeted by sunlight the moment your eyes first open. 

Slowly, you lifted your upper body, bringing you into a sitting position. Your blanket slides down your shoulders, exposing your soft skin into the warm air. With eyelids still heavy, you let out a yawn. Much the same as your lids, you also felt a certain heaviness below your eyes and you certainly know the reason for it. 

You shook your head in an attempt to rid of the sounds that haunted your ear last night before drifting to sleep. You swear you know you weren't the only one who heard those cries of pleasure. Perhaps even the entirety of those who reside in this ziggurat have. You couldn't help but wonder if that situation happens all the time. Nevertheless, you couldn't care less but you care about yourself and your sleep schedules.

Before standing up to get on with your day, you remembered Enkidu offering to assist you in a tour around Uruk. You wouldn't want yourself to appear in front of the people looking like this: haggard and with dark circle under your eyes. You don't look convincing nor queen-like at all. You needed at least one night of good sleep to make yourself look presentable once more.

SIghing, you stood up and made your way towards your storage chests. You bent down to get yourself a piece of cloth you'd use to wipe yourself dry and a change of clothes. You craved a good bath right now. 

"Your highness!" You heard a soft feminine voice. Turning around, you saw a pair of feet below the curtains of your doorway. "Breakfast is waiting." You pushed yourself off the ground and headed towards the doorway.

Swiping the curtain aside, you were greeted by Siduri's lovely smile. It was so contagious, it made your lips curve up as well. "Good morning, princess!" She greeted. 

"G-good morning!" You replied, a little flustered. At the back of your head though, you remembered how Ajamu's greetings used to make your morning a lot better. You kind of couldn't help yourself but wish that Siduri was him.

On mornings when you wake up early, you'd first have Ajamu accompany you to the oasis to take a bath. Afterward, you'll have breakfast with the queen. On days you wake up a little later, you'd first have breakfast with Nefera; bathing comes after that.

"My lady?" Siduri asked, bringing you back from your thoughts. You shook your head quickly before looking at her. "I'd like to bathe first before having breakfast," you said.

"Are you not hungry yet, my queen?" She asks, her eyes gleam with a hint of worry. You gave her a reassuring smile before you answered, "I'm fine."

She took a step back to give way for you as you walked out of your chamber. "This way," she said as she led the way. You followed closely behind her. 

A few minutes of walking led you into a chamber that contains a big rectangular pool. Above it was an open space for a ceiling, allowing the sunlight to reflect upon the waters. For a moment, you wondered how deep this pool was. 

"Excuse me as I fetch some of the necessities you might need," Siduri said. 

"Wait," you spoke stopping her in her tracks. She turned around to hum in response. "How deep is this water?'"

"Nothing you'd drown in, my queen," she answered. It was now her turn to give you a reassuring smile.

"I see," you replied, turning your back from her. She takes it as a sign to leave. Once you no longer felt her presence within the chamber, you slowly stripped yourself off your clothes. Before removing the final pieces of fabric, though, you turned around towards the entrance to check if someone is there. Luckily, there wasn't. 

The moment you were as naked as the day you were born, you carefully stepped towards the edge of the pool, looking down at the water. It was as clear as day as it reflected your appearance. Just as expected, you don't at all, look good.

Ahead of your feet was a small staircase that leads to the floor of the pool. Cautiously, you stepped down, allowing your feet to make contact with the water. You shuddered for a moment as it's coldness caused shivers to run up your spine. 

You continued to make your way down until you're feet reached the bottom of the pool. The water embraces your legs up to your waist. You made your way towards the side to lean on the wall. As your back touched the stone surface, you slowly slid down into a sitting position to dip your whole body.

It felt relaxing now that you've lasted a few moments in the water. It was only hard to get into it at first because of the cold but before you knew it, your body had already adjusted to it. That's how things are, anyway: difficult at first. You hoped it goes the same way to your life here at Uruk. Although bringing the king into the picture, it seemed like it would be long before you get used to living with him.

You closed your eyes and held your breath as you slid further down to dip wet your hair. You stayed for a few moments for as long as you were able to hold your breath in, and slipped up again to catch some air.

In that instance, Siduri has returned. She knelt behind you as she laid down the things she assumes you needed. You didn't bother turning around to meet her. You only mumbled a small thank you before she left. 

Unbeknownst to you, while she was laying the things down, she couldn't help but admire the back of your head. Your golden strands gleamed brighter now that they're wet. Who wouldn't stop and stare when they see you?

She left right after she was done. On her way back to the royal hall, she came across Shinaku. "Good morning, Siduri!" She greeted. 

"So much for a good morning," Siduri thought. "Where are you headed?" She asked as she walked past Shinaku.

"To the bathing chamber, of course!" The girl in question answered as she turned around to face Siduri. Siduri, with wide eyes, immediately turned around to stop Shinaku. "You can't go there!" She said.

"Why not?" Shinaku replied, her eyes getting a bit watery to gain pity. 

Siduri staggers to get an answer out of herself. The public is yet to know about you and it will be so bad if Shinaku is to be the one to spread the news about it.

"It's..." Siduri answered. "...out of order, now go and hurry back to your home." Siduri gently placed her hands on Shinaku's shoulder and guided her to the exit. "Surely you have a bathing room at your house as well, knowing that your father is one of Uruk's nobles."

As they passed the royal hall, they came across Gilgamesh. "Siduri, what are you doing?" he asked, his voice still has it's morning grumpiness on it. "Good morning, Gilgamesh!" Shinaku greeted, earning a side glance from the king.

"I do not recall giving you permission to address me in that way," he said.

"Oh, my bad," Shinaku chuckled. "Sorry."

"I believe I also asked you something," Gil said, looking at Siduri.

"O-oh," she stuttered. "I was leading her towards the exit, my king."

Gilgamesh, already knowing what Siduri is up to and the reason behind it, "I see no reason to do so, let her be," he said. He is no fool to not know Shinaku's feelings for him. He kinda wanna see what happens once she and the princes collide. Another entertainment, indeed.

Siduri, left with no choice, let go of the girl. "See? I knew it's fine!" Shinaku said. "Besides, I've been here often enough to know that nothing's wrong with the bathing chamber." She gave out a smile, one insincere, and reeking of fakeness.

"Well then, I'd better make my way now," Shinaku added. Siduri could feel the change in the girl's emotions and it almost felt too scary to be true. None of them knew her true self and what she is hiding beneath that cheerful facade. That is one thing the high priestess is wary of.

Shinaku eventually disappeared from their sight. As she made her way towards the bathing chamber, she held no restraint in frowning. "Damn Siduri," she muttered. "Always getting in my way."

She was about to turn a corner when she almost bumped into you. Both of you were shocked knowing that you were both unfamiliar to each other. "You scared me," Shinaku said.

"I can say the same to you," you replied.

"Who are you?" 

"I don't see the need to tell you."

"Oh wow, do you know who I am?"

"I also don't see the need for me to know."

"Well then, I'm Shinaku, King Gilgamesh's woman," she proudly stated; chins up and hands on waist.

"Hmm I see," you said. "So you were the loud one."

She nodded for a while before your words sunk in. "What did you say?!" She asked but unfortunately, you've already walked past behind her.

"Nothing, have a nice day!" You said.

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