A White Lie

By RebeccaPratt836

988 104 3

"Run Cassy! Run Mitch!" I hear my Daddy yelling at the top of his lungs waking me up. I was always told that... More

Dead Night
Second Time Is A Charm
Last Day
Hide N Seek
Plus One
Sneaking Around
Bright Lights
Bad News Travels Fast

Blood And Tears.

38 4 0
By RebeccaPratt836

I lay in bed staring up at the ceiling thinking about the other day, when Parker came to my rescue again. It's like we have a special connection that whenever I'm in trouble it tells him. I can't help but think back to our kiss, if it  meant anything to him. Like it meant to me. Or if he feels the same way I feel. I hope he does. I've never felt like this about anyone ever.

I wish my Mum was still alive. I wanna know everything she had to tell me. About life, parties, families, love and well boys. I can't help but think about what we would all be doing right about now. Would we be out for a walk, or travelling around another place we haven't been to yet. Maybe even cuddling up watching a movie while eating junk food.

Or maybe organising my sweet 16th. It's not that far away but I haven't told anyone not even the Walkers. I don't want a party no more. Or any presents or a cake. That's not what I want. I just want my family. My tears slowly leave my eyes making their way down my cheeks and onto my pillow. I just lay. Thinking about what my life could've been.

"Hey Riley you're gonna be late for the bus." Travis says walking in my room. He stops when he sees me laying there, the only thing moving are my tears as they escape. He comes over sitting on the edge of the bed. He looks nervous, like he doesn't know if he should hug me and tell me it's gonna be okay. Or ground me and drag me to school looking like I do now.

We stay there in silence for a while not knowing what to do or say. Am I allowed to hug him. He isn't my real Dad. What happens if he doesn't want me too. I push all the thoughts aside and hug him. I hug him like he is my lifeline. Like my last breath of oxygen. I haven't been hugged in months.

He wraps his hands around me holding me, making me feel safe. For the first time since my family died I feel safe. I cry into his shoulder holding a little tighter making sure he won't let go. "It's okay Riley. I promise you will always be ours no matter what happens. We love you. And Mateo would hate us if you ever left." Travis says pulling back so he can look at my now red face.

I can't help but laugh a little letting a soft smile rest on my face. "Thank you." I say getting up to get ready for school. "Oh the bus left a while ago so when you are ready come get me and I'll drop you off." Travis says closing the door behind him.

I quickly get ready for school and head down stairs, my lunch still sitting on the kitchen bench. I read the little note Vada has left for me. 'Have a great day. Love Mum.' She always leaves a note but today is the first day she has wrote Mum. I grab my lunch and head out the door.

Travis is waiting out the front with his truck ready to go. I jump in smiling at him as we head off into town. "Thank you for this. And I'm sorry about this morning. I really hope I haven't stuffed up your day." I ramble on, making Travis laugh. "No don't be silly it's fine everyone as their bad days. And Riley if you ever wanna talk or just cry please talk to Vada or myself." Travis says looking at me for a second before focusing back on the road.

Travis pulls up at the front gates of the school. I've already miss my first two periods and lunch. Leaving me only with Maths and Sports, I personally wouldn't have went but I wanna do right but the Walkers. If that means getting dropped off to school late and getting embarrassed so be it. We exchange goodbyes the rush into school.

I quickly sign in at the office then head to maths class. "Sorry I'm late." I say to my teacher as I head down the back to get a seat. I feel Parker's eyes burning holes in me. I don't look up, it's not that I don't want to it that I can't. Seeing him will probably make me cry again, I can't do that, not in class. It's not long before the bells goes I quickly pack up and rush out the door before he can stop me.

I rush to Sports and get changed in the locker room, putting a green shirt and black sweats on. Mr Simmers explains that we will be running track today. There are a couple complaints but I don't mind, I love running. We all line up and get ready to go.

"Hey good looking, haven't see you around before." Some guy says matching my pace. I don't say anything, I don't even look up. I speed up leaving him behind.

"I'm James and you are?" James questions. "None of your business." I snap. Why can't he just leave me alone. "Alright you don't have to be a bitch about it." James grunts out, dropping behind.

Thank you. I put my head down and pick up speed. I do two more laps before the teacher yells out telling us to stop and cool down before the end of the session.

"Sir that new chick tripped me." James comes hobbling in pointing a finger in my direction. "Oh I would never hurt a girl." I spit out annoyed at him for the lie. "Alright that's enough I didn't see it so if it is true, just stay away from each other!" Mr Simmers yells out annoyed.

On the way to the bus stop I can't help but feel like I'm being followed, but every time I turn around no one is there. I think I know who it is. It will be that smart mouth kid from sports.

"Oi Riley wait up." I hear James yell out. I stop. "What?" I ask Turing around to look at him. I've never really noticed how attractive he is until now. His sandy blonde hair cut short. His bright big green eyes shine like the stars at night. His tan muscular body.

I'm to busy thinking about how attractive he is and how I didn't notice before. When he kicks my feet out from under me. Sending me flying into the hard rocky ground. His laughs ring in my ears, making me want to punch him where the sun don't shine. But I don't.

I get up wipe myself off and start walking away. "What you scared." He yells out making his mates around us laugh. I just keep walking trying to drown him and his mates out. "Oi I was talking to you don't walk away." He yells. I can hear his footsteps coming up fast behind me. I stop, spinning around really fast making myself dizzy.

"Oh look at that you have split your lip open. Poor baby." James yells in my face, spit going everywhere. I can taste the blood but I don't touch it. Dad always said if you are in a fight don't touch where they have hurt you it makes them happy.

"If you ever look at me, touch me, talk to me or even think about me again.  You will be sorry. That's a promise." I say before turning around. "Are you threatening me?" James asks grabbing my shoulder spinning me around.

Without really thinking my clenched fist comes in contact with his nose. I feel the cracking of his bones, making me happy at the sound of his pain. He screams out grabbing his nose blood going everywhere. "I warned you didn't I." I say running off before getting into trouble.

I reach the bus just in time before it leaves. I keep my head down so no one can see my lip. It can't be to bad cause I can't taste blood anymore. I walk past Parker and the boys talking. They all stop when they see me. I take a seat at the very back and sink down in my seat.

"Hey Riley wait up." Parker yells out as I make my way up the driveway to the house. I think about not stopping but I do. "Hey." I say back keeping my face down. I can hear the boys not far behind Parker. They all stop when they reach me. Now for the questions.

"Where were you?" "Are you okay." "Why weren't you at school this morning." "How did you get to school cause I didn't see you on the bus."

They all rush out at once.

"Okay well. I slept in Travis dropped me off. And I'm just great." I say smiling as I look up to finally see them. "Oh my god your face what happened?" Parker questions reaching my face to get a better look at it.

"Oh this is nothing you should see the other guy." I jokingly say. "What really who?" Angus asks excited. "Wait a guy done this to you?" Weston asks worried. "I'm joking I tripped running today and landed on a rock." I say trying to hide my smile.

They believe me laughing at how clumsy I am. All except him. "I know that's a lie. I will hurt whoever done this to you." Parker whispers in my ear so only I can hear. "Oh don't worry I broke his nose." I whisper back smirking. Leaving Parker shocked to the point of him stopping in his tracks, just starring at me.

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