بواسطة lanniii_

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Bakugo x Reader // A young girl born with a incredible quirk gets accepted into U.A, trying to fulfill her dr... المزيد

CHAPTER 2: A Little Sidekick
CHAPTER 4: Lovesick
CHAPTER 5: Mind Tricked
CHAPTER 7: A Little Closer Together
CHAPTER 8: A Battle
CHAPTER 9: Two People, One Heart.. Who Will You Choose?
CHAPTER 10: Taken Again
CHAPTER 11: Why Won't You Let Me Save Her...
CHAPTER 12: Dabi's Connection
CHAPTER 13: The Big Three.
CHAPTER 14: Choice is Yours.
CHAPTER 15: Choice is All Up to You
CHAPTER 16: I'll Be Waiting
CHAPTER 17: The Final Make Up

CHAPTER 6: Fulfilled Moments

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بواسطة lanniii_


You woke up, feeling extra tired. You get out of bed, changing into your school uniform. Once you've finished getting ready, you started to brush your hair out.

You hear your phone buzz. You pick it up, noticing a notification from Mina.

sometimes, i can't understand her..

You laugh it off and finished up. You head down to the lounge room, seeing all the girls laughing.

Ura: "Y/n!!"
Mina: "Finally! It was getting boring without you!"
Momo: "Excuseee me!?"

You all laugh together. As soon as you sat down besides Momo, you all began to talk.

A few minutes later, the guys began to come down. You see Bakugo and immediately turn away.

"I'm gonna head to the restroom before class.."

You get up and started to walk away from the crowd. You were followed by Bakugo. As you both reach the restroom, he pulls you back.

Bakugo: "Why."

You push him away.

"What do you want?" You say in a cold tone.
Bakugo: "Stop this. It isn't you"
"How can you tell me?! You don't know me."
Bakugo: "What?! Don't even extra."
"You treat me like some princess, and you always ruin it with your temper!"
Bakugo: "I do not."
"Just get away from me. You'll probably kill me if you get too close. You always explode whenever you feel the need."

Bakugo stares at you in confusion. You walk past him, hitting his shoulder on purpose.

You made it back with the class, feeling relieved.

wait... You cover your mouth with both hands.


Mina: "You ok Y/n? You don't look so good..?"
"I'm fine, just a small headache"
Ura: "Maybe just sit down for a bit"

You rest for a couple of minutes before having to head back to the school.

Once you've sat down in your desk, you felt a chill down your spine. You begin to sweat. Mr. Aizawa walks in the classroom, talking to everyone about the upcoming assignments. You barely heard a word, you were so zoned out, all the sounds around you were gone. It was silent.

Mr. Aizawa: "Y/n.... Y/n... Y/N!"

You snap out of it, dripping in sweat.


Mr. Aizawa: "Focus. This is important, it'll help save lives in the future."

You nod and look down, using your finger to imagine drawing something on the desk. You slowly get out of your seat. Your mind was all fuzzy, so you didn't really know what was happening.

"Mr. Aizaw-"

You tripped against one of the students desk, you close your eyes, expecting to fall to the ground until you felt something keeping you from falling. Your head was pressed against a hard figure. You open your eyes, realizing it was a person who was holding you. You look up to see the face and see Bakugo.

"y-you.. caught me.."
Bakugo: "i did.." he whispers, he doesn't want people to hear him saying nice stuff towards you. Thoughts began to flow through your mind, you were instantly captured by Bakugo, you didn't know what these feelings were. All of sudden, your mind went blank and your body began moving on its own.

"ACK!" You push him away, he looks at you confused. Everyone was staring, yk even Mr. Aizawa.

"g-get away from me!"
Bakugo: "Y/n?"

Bakugo's face grew worried.

"I DONT LIKE YOU! I NEVER WILL!" You then turned around and sat down at your desk. Bakugo looks at you. He looks away and goes back to his seat.

what the hell is wrong with me..? why do i say so much hateful things to him.. i don't mean any of it.

After class, you went up to Mr. Aizawa.

"Mr. Aizawa.. you see uhm.." You look around, checking to see if anybody is near. Luckily, nobody was so you turned back to him.

"Do you know if Lovesick's quirk has any side effect..?"
Mr. Aizawa: "What do you mean?"
"Ever since Bakugo snapped me out of being in love with Dabi.. everytime i try to thank him, my mind goes all fuzzy and then i spurt out hateful things.. like what happened today.."
Mr. Aizawa: "Is that all?"
"A-and, whenever i walk away from him, i ended up forgetting what happened.. i mean I can remember what i've said, but i just always think the complete opposite"
Mr. Aizawa: "I'll talk to some others. Maybe there is a side effect, and there will most likely have a cure as well."

You nod and walk out the door. You spotted Mina and Momo on your way out. You wave and run over to them.

Mina: "Hey!!"
You hug them both and started to talk with them while walking back to the dorm.

"I have something to tell you guys."
Mina: "Tell us when we get back"
Momo: "Yeah! I'll set up my room for a meet with the girls, if that's fine of course"
"That'll be great, see you guys!"

You walk away in a hurry. You headed to your room and plopped onto your bed. You slowly close your eyes, embracing the darkness. You felt comfortable and relaxed. You ended up falling asleep.

Once you've woken up, you headed to Momo's room.

Momo: "Finally, we were getting worried"
Ura: "What is it that you had to tell us?"

You sat down on the bed and sigh.

Mina: "Y/n..?"

The room grew quiet as you begin to speak.


All the girls silently squeal.

"He.. makes me feel things.."

Momo: "Like...?????"
"I wanna be near him... everyday.. but... whenever i'm with him.. i snap.."
Asui: "What do you mean?"
"When i'm with him.. my mind just goes all weird and i become so mean to him.."
Ura: "You're in lovee.. you're probably just scared he doesn't have feelings for you.."
Hagakure: "just talk to him"
"I've tried, but it always ends up in a fight"

The girls reassured you that everything will be fine. They gave you some tips and ideas on what do to about it.


Mr. Aizawa: "Y/n and Bakugo, stay here."

Once everyone left, you went up to Mr. Aizawa.

"Yeah, what is it?"

Mr. Aizawa: "We're gonna experiment something.."

Some of the pros, like All Might, Midnight, and Principal Nezu came inside.

Principal Nezu: "We heard the conditions you're suffering Y/n.."
Bakugo: "Conditions?!"
"Yeah. Are you stupid?"
Mr. Aizawa: "Whatever she's been saying to you, her words say something awful, but her mind says the quite opposite."
Bakugo: "What."
Mr. Aizawa: "Look away Y/n and say what you're thinking of Bakugo right now.."
"i like h- uh.. he's not such a bad person"
Mr. Aizawa: "Now look and speak to him"

You look over at him, and your mood changes.

"Why is he here? He's a person I don't wanna be with right now."

(why is this funny to me // creator)

Midnight: "Kissss!!"

Bakugo and you look at Midnight, surprised.

All Might: "Not yet Midnight"
Midnight: "Awhhh..."

You scratch the back of your head, feeling nervous. Bakugo was a little uncomfortable.

Principal Nezu: "Let's just do it now."
Mr. Aizawa nods and looks at the both of you.

Mr. Aizawa: "We would like you to kiss."
Bakugo: "Really?! Kiss... her?!!"
Principal Nezu: "We believe if she kisses someone that possibly loves her with all his heart, the side effect will go away."
Bakugo: "Why me?!"
Mr. Aizawa: "Don't act like you don't treat her like a queen here."
Bakugo: "Whatever. I'll do this stupid stuff."
Midnight: "The challenge issss, whenever she looks at you- she hates you so like.. figure that out"

Bakugo: "I got this."

You turned to Bakugo and immediately step back. He pulls you in closely, holding your waist tightly.


He ended up pulling your face closer. Midnight was watching everything, smiling at this. Bakugo then presses his body against yours. He leans in, but you immediately turn your face.

"Wait.. w-what's going on..." You felt hands on your waist, you were blushing intensely. As soon as you turn back, his face was inches away.

Bakugo: "..pretty..." he whispers so none of the pros hear.

Bakugo pulls a strand of your hair behind your ear, his mouth slightly opened. His breath layered on your skin, making you get goosebumps. Bakugo then moved his hand in your shirt. It went up and placed it on the back of your bra. The teachers yk were just admiring the moment. Your eyes were focused on Bakugo's lips.

He uses his thumb from the other hand and swiped it in between your lips.

Bakugo: "..ive been waiting for this..." he whispers which sent shivers down your spine.

Bakugo pulls you closer, he puts his mouth against your ear and seductively whispers in it.

Bakugo: "you'll want me later... come to my room..."
Bakugo then comes back, he kisses your lips aggressively. You were shocked, but loved the feeling. His kiss was so soft, yet so rough. You kissed him back, gripping his spiky hair. The pros just looked away slightly, but Midnight watched the rest as she enjoyed what was happening.

You both pulled away and went back into the kiss almost immediately. You've been wanting this for a while, and it finally happened.

As you pull away, you saw your saliva on Bakugo's lips. It drips down.

Bakugo: "..ah.. such a wet kisser.." he smirks and pulls you away.

You then look at him, having all your thoughts rush to your mind. You then hugged him tightly.

"I'm sorry for all the mean stuff i said.."
He hugs you back with a slight smile.

Midnight: "AWHHH! Wasn't that so steamyyy..?!"

You and Bakugo turn over and immediately remove hands from eachother.

What.. i forgot they were here..


They want me to kiss her?! I'm not complaining.. but really?! How'd did this dumb pros be able to know that i had some sort of feelings for her...

You look at her, admiring her beauty.

Wow.. i get to kiss her. Ugh, what are you thinking? You aren't suppose to be nice to others.. everyone saw you as important just bc of your power, imma prove to them that i'm more than what i seem.

You looked away and agreed with the kiss. You turned over and pulled her in. Aish.. how much i've wanted to kiss those lips..

As you were seducing her, you completely forgot about the pros.


You both shy step away from each other as all the pros looked at you both.

Mr. Aizawa: "Enough, we fixed the problem so i think we've settled here."
All Might: "Now head back to your dorms!"

We head back to the dorms building, with all the classmates staring at Bakugo. You look over at Bakugo and see a bit of lipstick smeared below his lips. Everyone was giggling as they looked at you both. You turn to Bakugo and see what was the issue, you saw his lips and immediately pulled his arm. Your bodies pressed against eachother as you place your thumb on his lips.

Bakugo: "W-what are you doing?! Not in f-front of these e-extras.."
"shh.. you just have my lipstick written all over your face.."

You wipe it off with your thumb and move away. You go over to your classmates and sit down. The girls were pushing you and giggling. Bakugo just stared and looked at you. He winks and tilts his head, indicating that you go to his room later. You look at him and nod.

I'm crazy.. we're not gonna do it.. is that what he's thinking?! he's insane. no imma watch a movie and cuddle with him... yup.. better idea..

You were mumbling under your breath, everyone looks at you.

Mina: "Earth to Y/n..."

You snap back to reality and looked at everyone.

"Uh.. i'll be back"

You go up to Bakugo's room, hiding from everyone. You knock on his door and it opens. He smiles brightly and pulls you in.

Bakugo: "I've been waiting for this." He leans in and gives you sweet kiss. Much less aggressive than the last one.
"Bakugo..." You smile and hug his body. He hugs you back and throws you on the bed.
Bakugo: "Don't worry... i'll hold myself back for now.."
You sigh and pull him down on the bed, letting him
lay beside you. He removes his shirt and throws it on the ground. You place your hand on his abs and felt flustered.

Bakugo: "Lets watch something ok..?"

You nod and pull him close. He opens a laptop and places it at the end of the bed. He selects a romance movie and then begins to watch it. You stared at him for a little longer before watching the movie.

Bakugo: "Like the movie yet..?"
You look at him as he hit his tag necklace.

"I love the movie already."

You both cuddle up and began watching the move together. You both kissed a few times, but you watched as he fell asleep. As you play with his hair, you slowly drift off to sleep as well.


You woke up, confused on where you were. You turn to the side and see Bakugo sleeping.

(kitties... 😊😊😊)
"he's so cute..." You play with his hair and bring his body closer. You rest his head on your stomach, and covered him in the blanket. Snuggling close to him.

He slowly opens his eyes, his arm wraps around you.

Bakugo: "Y/n..."

You lay out a soft giggle and smile. You kept playing with his hair as he slowly gets up, hugging a pillow and looking at you.

His eyes were a little drowsy since he just woke up. You look at him and smile.

"morning katsuki"
Bakugo: "heyyy.. you haven't earned the privileges to say my first nameeee" he groans and you smirk.

You take his pillow away and pin him down on his bed. You get on top of him, your hair flows down beside his face. You get payback and go close to his ear, whispering sexily.

"katsuki... katsuki... katsuki..." You felt his body shiver as he grabs your body. He pulls you down and kisses you.

Bakugo: "..dont play with me like that.." He pouts and you hug him. You then move next to his body, still hugging him. You then close your eyes, enjoying the moment. You soon fell back asleep in his arms. Class hasn't begun yet, so you stayed asleep for a little longer.

(i want this.)

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