Highschool Stories. (undertal...

By _DiamondDignity_

10.6K 481 289

This is my first story so I don't think It will be great. Anyway This is the story of mainly Classic and Red... More

A New Beginning Or End?
Hello Me no. 2
(A/N) List of Characters.
What an Injury...
Classic The mother of Au's
The Meeting.
Meeting Continued.
Our Special Day..
First Game. Never Have I Ever.
Second Game. Truth or dare.
Next game. 7 minutes in heaven.
The rest of the Party.
The Next Day.
New Students.
New Students Part 3
Tour of Section 6.
Tour of Section 6. Part 2
A Beautiful Confession.
The First Date.
Moving in Dorms.
Alphys's Laboratory
The News of the 2nd Meeting.
A lot more questions.
Trouble start.
Second Spoiler.
Planning Protection.
Getting Ready Before Battle.
A Virtual Battle.
A Virtual Battle Part 2.
Runaway Cowards.
Taking a break(A/N)
The cause of the glitch.
Welcome to my life.
The last Fight. Part 1
The last Fight Part 2.
The final outcome.

New students part 2

215 13 0
By _DiamondDignity_

Sans POV

Bijayeta- "First we are going to introduce you to Determined!Paps!
I would kindly request you to never say one word infront of him."

Before she said anything, she settled up the shield walls around us.
Then she said the word..


Immediately, he went hostile. Saying I am sorry over and over and over again. Then, his chest started glowing. He pulled out his soul. Wait. That's.. not a monster soul.. that's a red human soul!
Is that.. Frisk's soul. Why is it with him? What even happened?

Bijayeta- "I would kindly request all of you to never say their name infront of him. Now, I will allow you all to check him."

I didn't bother checking him again. I looked around the hall to see everyone's expressions. They were certainly shocked. Some were not. Some were smiling. I gave them a glare and they stopped and started looking at me with an apologetic face. I nodded at them.

Bijayeta- "Oh, and please don't force him to say anything. Specially about his past or anything like that. But you can ask him questions about his brother. Don't anger him either, he has the power to reset you see. Even if that will not effect anybody, I don't want him to forget everything. Oh, and don't hurt anybody in front of him. He is a new member in the nice section. Also, he has a very special power. But don't ask him about that either."

Special Power..?
I could already see Blue jumping out of his chair. But Honey kept him in his seat.

Bijayeta- "Alright, This is Semi. I will now let you check Semi."

Everyone was again shocked. Maybe because they knew that he was gonna go in the young section, his Stats were the highest in the young section by far.

Dust- "Not bad for a toddler I guess.."

As soon as he said that. He grew to the size of the lead monitor room. The Lead room was big. But the IMD room was 20x bigger than that.

"Well,.at least he not that big.."

After that, he growed again, This time big enough to touch the shield walls and the roof. Sh#t I said that out loud didn't I?

Semi- "Where is my 'funking' bottle?"


Immediately he got a big milk bottle. He began to sip the milk and soon enough, he was small again.

Bijayeta- "His growth will increase according to his anger. So.. you all know what I am about to say. Please don't make him angry. And don't call him little infront of him and even if you do, don't let him know."

Wow. Did he seriously went this angry when I called him he wasn't big enough?

Bijayeta- "Oh and if he gets hungry, you all should feed him with a bottle of milk. He is in the Young section."

I saw Little and SNASSSS waving at him. Suddenly Little was about to fall, when SNASSSS catched him. Wow, I didn't know SNASSSS can be a great friend.

Bijayeta- "Okay, and please, don't laught at him."

Red- "He grows?"

Bijayeta- "Alright, time for Vemoon and Velight."

Again, everyone was traumatizsed. Except for the Powerful section. Then the twins hugged each other. Then suddenly, their colours were seeming to come back! They looked like..

Dream and Night...?

Yea. They definitely looked like them. But they said that their AU were one of the no Papyrus timelines..

Bijayeta- "Alright, these are the Dreamtale Papyrus twins, Meet Vemoon and Velight."

I looked over to the guardian of positivity and Negetivity. They looked shocked as well. I then looked over everyone. Look's like everyone's jaw was dropped. Except, Omni.

Bijayeta- "I am assuming that you already have checked them. Okay. Now time for me to explain about them"

Red- "Dey are a god as well huh? Interesting. Don' cha think?


650 words.
Super Lazy
Peace out ✌
9th September 2020


Little young me just realised there are so many mistakes in this page.
*Angry baby noises*
I am so sowwy.

14th September 2020

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