Elizabeth Harrison's Hope For...

By symhere

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BOOK FOUR OF HARRISON SERIES. Elizabeth has been looking after her alcoholic and pathological liar mother for... More

1: Mourning For Mother's Death
2: Forgiveness Is Hard To Give
3: The Things She Left For Them
5: Doctors Are Not Gods
6: An Awkward Interaction
7: Her Savior
8: An Apology And A Slap
9: A Secret To Keep
10: The Pain He Is In
11: Like Mother, Like Daughter
12: Too Drunk To Think
13: The First Kiss
14: A Favor To Ask
15: The Key They Both Didn't Have
16: People Change
17: New Neighbors, Old Feelings
18: Slapped
19: Is It Too Hard To Get?
20: The Kiss They Shared Again
21: Elizabeth's Crush
22: A New Friend, Maybe?
23: The Housewarming Party
24: Just Him And Her
25: The Morning After
26: Breakfast
27: Asked On A Date
28: The Help Fay Needs
29: He Can't Resist Her
30: So Close
31: Screw The Rules
32: Can We Talk?
33: Who Is Mia?
34: I Like You.
35: Don't Be Sorry For How You Feel.
36: Mia And Elizabeth.
37: Suspicion.
38: Date Night.
39: Eliza.
40: In The Name Of Love.
41: A Bloody Night.
42: All Hell Broke Loose.
43: The One They Lost.
44: You Do.
45: Blur.
46: The Funeral.
47: An Unexpected Visitor.
48: The Truth.
49: Lost Her.
50: Moving On.
51: The Complete Truth.
52: Yet You Know.
53: The News.
54: Something To Remember Me By.
55: A Unique Friendship.
56: Leo Is Here.
57: Leo Knows.
58: Drunken Leo.
59: The Cold Night.
60: Leo Meets Fred.
61: The Unexpected Guest.
62: A Surprise Visit.
63: Ice Cream.
64: Elizabeth's Visitor.
65: Tattoos and Realization.
66: Unwanted Interruption.
67: Missing You.
68: Jen's Confession.
69: Wedding Planner.
70: Elizabeth's Realization.
71: Deal.
72: The Unexpected Guest.
73: Bonding.
74: Confession.
75: Jealousy.
76: Pain of the Past.
77: Breakfast And Kisses.
78: Ruby's Gift.
79: The Last One.

4: His Everyday Life

1.2K 35 0
By symhere

Attention: Code Blue, first floor, room number A21. Leo was about to change his clothes and go back home after a long shift when an automated code blue announcement is made while Leos pager goes off at the same time. He looks at it and cursed under his breath before putting on the shirt back and tried his best to run as fast as he could to one of his patients room. He hissed as he felt pain shooting up his left leg, but he tried to ignore it and each to his patients room as quickly as he could. He barged into the room A21 to see Mrs. Walberg lying unresponsively while she was surrounded by nurses. Emily, a nurse looked at Leo rushing to the unresponsive Mrs. Walberg, Cardiac arrest, She informed him while he gave her CPR. Another nurse placed a manual resuscitator over her mouth and pumped the oxygen – while another nurse scribed the code blue record. Leo stops the compression and turned his head to the heart rate monitor to check the rhythm. Looks like we need defibrillation, Emily said and Leo nodded his head. Yeah, defibrillate to 150 joules, He orders the nurse who nodded her head and started to charge while Leo places the paddles anterior lateral position. Everythings clear? Leo asked another nurse who was pumping the oxygen and nodded, Oxygens clear. She affirmed. Clear, Leo said and Emily defibrillated at 150 joules. Leo gazed at the monitor, Emily, go back to compression. Silvia, I need one milligram of epinephrine. He asked the nurse who was scribing down the code blue.

Shift her to the CCU and inform Dr. Pollard about Mrs. Walbergs condition, Leo instructed Silvia. Silvia nodded and walks away while Leo limped to Mr. Walberg. Mr. Walberg held Leos hand as soon as he halts – his eyes widened probably because he saw his wife in such away. Is she okay? Is she going to be okay? He questioned him. Leo nodded his head, She is stable now. We will be keeping her in the intense care unit for a day. Dr. Bale will talk to you in person about her conditions – she is okay right now. He informed him. Leo eased once he saw Mr. Walberg reassured. Leo walked towards the nurse station to fill in Mrs. Walbergs health progress and her recent code blue. He was scribing on her case file when he heard his name being called. Leo? I thought you have gone home. Leo turned his head around to look at his fellow doctor, Amanda Fletcher.

He glanced at her before resuming writing down the patients condition, Yeah, there was a blue code. He told her. Amanda knitted her eyebrows, Blue code – for whom? She asked. Mrs. Walberg. He answered short. Oh, she exclaimed. Is she okay? She asked him. He nodded his head and returned the file to the nurse before putting the pen down at the station. He turned around to look at Amanda, Yeah, she is alright. I have shifted her to ICU. He informed her. I should go home now. He said to her before he started to walk towards the locker room. Amanda noticed him limping and walked along with him, Is it hurting again? She asked him. Leo sighed, It is not so bad, He answered and walked in the empty locker room with Amanda on his tail. Amanda twisted her lips and leaned against one of the lockers. She folded her arms on her chest and chuckled, Please dont tell me that you are going to drive when your knee hurts, She said. Leo ignores her and collected his belonging before closing his locker and turning around.

I am okay. I can drive. He told her. He had his shirt in his hand. He went behind the curtains and came out with a changed blue Henley shirt. Amanda rolled her eyes, You shouldnt. It can be dangerous – not just for you but for other people on-road as well. She insisted. She heaved, Let me drive you home. She offered. Leo looked at her and tilted his head, You dont have a ride, do you? He asked her. She scoffed and narrowed her eyes and spoke after a small paused with her eyebrow rose, Why did you ask when you already know? She said. Leo chuckled and shook his head. Amanda pouted, My stupid brother has my car. Come on, Leo – lets help out each other. I will drive your car. I live near your building – I can walk home from there. Please dont let me take a bus or cab so late at night. She pleaded. Leo sighed, Fine, but I am driving – you are an awful driver. He said and limped his way out of the locker room. Amanda gasped and followed him out, I am not. I just drive cautiously. You see Leo, I dont want to die soon, and have you seen the road accident rates in Chicago lately? It is scary. She told him. Leo sighed out loud and halted in front of the elevator and turned his head to look at Amanda. Amanda pressed her lips together, Thats right, I will shut up now and change. Wait for me in the car – if you leave without me – I swear I will make your life a living hell. She narrowed her eyes before turning around and rushing towards the girls locker room. Like it already isnt, Leo whispered to himself once she was gone.

Leo started to practice medicine much later than usual – almost four years later. After completing his education – he enrolled in the army and served in Afghanistan for almost four years – he cut himself off from his family and stayed in the warzone as long as he could before he was sent come back to America after his injury. But the wounds were deeper than they looked, the trauma was impossible to heal. What Leo has seen, what he has felt – what he has been through – no one knows – no one will ever know. Leo doesnt share his distress with anyone because he knows that no one will understand. When he started his residency – he was much older than his colleagues. He didnt befriend anyone of them except for Amanda – who forced herself in his life. Leo still doesnt interact with many people in the hospital – he only has one good friend in the hospital. Most of the doctors of his age already have command in their specialty and him – he is still working and training under his friend, Gavin, to be a Neurologist.

He gets in his car and waits for Amanda to come back. It rained a few hours ago and therefore the night was colder than usual. He switched on the heater and rubbed his cold hands together while waiting for Amanda. He leaned back to his seat when his phone goes off. It was Mia. He answered it immediately, Hey Mia, everything okay? He asked concernedly. She chuckled from the other side, Yes, everything is fine. Where have you been? You didnt visit in the past few weeks. He questioned. Leo sighed, Yeah, I am sorry about that. I went to see my sister in New York and after that, I was busy at work. My shifts these days are hectic. He answered her. Mia hummed, I get that. It can be hard – uh – why dont you visit us soon? We miss you. She said. Leo curled his lips into a tiny smile, I will come by as soon as I can. He replied. Alright, I was just checking if you were okay. See you soon, Leo – bye. Mia said before she hangs the phone.

Just when he hangs up the phone – someone knocked at his window – startling him. He looked out to see Amanda standing with a grin on her face. She changed into her regular clothes and had a bag on her shoulder. Leo signaled her to get in the car and she shook her head and directed her to lower the window – which he did. What are you up to? Get in the car. He said to her. I am sticking to my words. Let me drive. She said. Leo rolled his eyes and was about to object when she cut him off. I know I drive too slow, but it is better to drive slower than to let you drive when I know how your leg trembles when you are in pain. She added. Now, get to the passengers seat and let me drive. She ordered him.

Back in New York, Elizabeth was clearing up her wardrobe. She received her mothers belongings a few days after she found out about the luggage. It was still standing in the corner of her room. She didnt open it nor does she want to – yet. She has been ignoring it for days and she will till can. She received all her mothers other belongings and decided to donate them to the charity. Her expensive clothes and accessories can be used to help in need. She was folding one of her mothers shirts when her phone goes off. She picks up her phone from her bed to see that it was Dr. Griffiths calling. She sighed and answered the call, Hello, Dr. Griffiths. She greeted him. Hello to you too, Dr. Harrison, how are you? He questioned. She sat on the edge of the bed and glanced towards her wardrobe and nodded, I am well, how about you? She asked. I am waiting for your answer, Dr. Harrison. It has been a while since I offered you the position in our research facility. I have read your report on the Zika virus and I and my team are very interested to welcome you to our company. We think you are suitable to work in our Pharmaceutical Company. What did you think about our offer? He asked her.

Elizabeth has been thinking about her father said to her a few days ago. Where she wants to be with her father and be with him when he is struggling, she wants to achieve so much for herself. She wants to go out, work where she feels like it, make new friends, travel and have a normal life, but since she was the one looking after her mother – she never got the chance. She thought days and nights about it before she finally decided what she wants to do. She sighed and curled her lips into a small smile. I would love to work with West Valley Pharma. She replied. Dr. Griffiths chuckled from the other side, You sure took your time, He commented. Welcome aboard, Dr. Harrison. We will be delighted to utilize your Pharma expertise. He said. Elizabeth laughed and shook her head, You dont have to be so formal, Ethan. She replied at which he laughed. Alright – alright, He said. After a small pause, he sighed, How have you been holding up? He asked. Elizabeth mashed her lips together, I am okay now. I am moving on. She replied with a smile on her face.

Elizabeth first met Ethan Griffiths back in London. He first offered her a job almost seven to eight months ago, since then he has been in contact with her. That time Elizabeth was more concerned about her mothers fading mental health and wanted to give her full attention to her mother, therefore she rejected. Ethan was very impressed with her research work and wanted her in his team. It was a dream for Elizabeth to work for such Pharmaceutical giants, so when Ethan asked her to visit Chicago when she visited America for Charlies bachelorette trip – she could help but see what he had to offer. It was all that she ever wanted. The offer was perfect for her. She could pursue her research in the lab and maybe introduce an effective vaccine, but she also had a mother that needed all her attention, therefore she delayed till she realized that she has to move on and search for her own better tomorrow. Ethan and Elizabeth become friends during all the meetings in London and America.

After hanging up the call, Elizabeth stood up and looked at the luggage in the corner, I will see what you left behind for us before I go to Chicago, mom. I want to leave every tragedy and bad memory behind – and that includes you as well. She said before she walks back in her wardrobe to clear out her mothers belongings.

Leo came back to the empty apartment. His father was in Chicago with his sister. He cant help but miss his old man. He calls every morning to make sure that he had his medicine because he knows how irresponsible his father can be when it comes to his health. Leo has always been against his sisters choice to go back to the guy that hurt her so bad – but cannot force her to get back or to stay away from the Harrison family. She can make her own choice, but there is one thing that he knows – if Silas every tried to hurt her in any way – Leo will not let it be. He is the brother who could hunt anyone down for the sake of his family. He has been away for so long – his guilt of abandoning his family for four years pushes him to every extreme. Leo put his belongings on the couch and sat down with a thud before taking off his shoes and socks – he was exhausted. It has been a long shift and all he wanted was to rest his eyes and that he did. He didnt care if he hadnt changed or took a shower. He lay on the couch while his feet dangling out and went into a deep slumber.

The next morning, Leo woke up early as usual. He checked his pager before he went to take shower – since he smelled bad. After a shower, he put on his sweat pants and a plain grey t-shirt and gulped down a couple of painkillers before he went to the gym. He isnt supposed to put so much pressure on his knee, but that doesnt stop him from going to the gym. He tries to put as less pressure as he could on his left leg and workout till he physically cant anymore. After the gym, he took another shower before checking his pager. He was supposed to be on a duty after eleven in the morning – thankfully he didnt receive any pager which means Mrs. Walberg was doing fine now. He ate breakfast – since he was starving, changed into fresh clothes, collected his belongings, and took his apartment and car keys before he walked out of his apartment.

He checked his phone for messages and calls while he waited for the elevator. He received a message from Mia and Maria. He answered both of them as the elevators door slide opened to reveal that Rene, his neighbor was already in it. Leo quietly slides in and pressed the button for the ground floor. There was an awkward silence in the elevator – it has been like that during every encounter they have since Rene and Paige came back from Charlies bachelorettes trip. Maria told his brother that it wasnt Renes fault, but he could feel that she somehow blames herself and Leo never tried to correct her.

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