By lanniii_

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Bakugo x Reader // A young girl born with a incredible quirk gets accepted into U.A, trying to fulfill her dr... More

CHAPTER 2: A Little Sidekick
CHAPTER 4: Lovesick
CHAPTER 5: Mind Tricked
CHAPTER 6: Fulfilled Moments
CHAPTER 7: A Little Closer Together
CHAPTER 8: A Battle
CHAPTER 9: Two People, One Heart.. Who Will You Choose?
CHAPTER 10: Taken Again
CHAPTER 11: Why Won't You Let Me Save Her...
CHAPTER 12: Dabi's Connection
CHAPTER 13: The Big Three.
CHAPTER 14: Choice is Yours.
CHAPTER 15: Choice is All Up to You
CHAPTER 16: I'll Be Waiting
CHAPTER 17: The Final Make Up


7K 123 136
By lanniii_

CHAPTER 1: A Battle Between the Worthy

IMPORTANT: Your quirk is called ELEMENTALS. You have control of every single element (AIR, WATER, EARTH, FIRE), but you can only use one at a time, but every time you use one.. you always have a 5 second cool down before you can use another element.
**Y/N POV**

"..hm.. where the heck is my class?..." You said as you wondered off in the massive hallways. You look down at the piece of paper you're holding, only to realize you've passed that class at least 4 times.

"ughh. you got to be kidding me right now!" You angrily stomp towards the direction you just walked in not too long ago. You finally made it to your classroom, feeling relieved.
"Finally.." You sigh as you enter the room, seeing a clean classroom, filled with some students. You were pretty early, even though you lost your way halfway through class.

"oooo~ another girl! come on!" You hear that from across the classroom as two people walk up to you.

"uh.. hi?" Your face turned slightly to the side in confusion... "may i help you..?"

"hiya! my name is Mina Ashido!! and this lovely girl right next to me is Ochako Uraraka! we just wanted to greet some of the students here." Mina said cheerfully.

"ohh.. well then hi.. i'm Y/F/N." You smile as you slightly see a man behind them, standing against the wall, ignoring everyone.
"Hey.. uh who's that?" You point at him.


Mina: "oh that grumpy guy, well his name is Bakugo. he hasn't been interacting with a lot of people, he's really rude when i tried speaking with him"
Uraraka: "i'm pretty sure it's obvious he doesn't like to be bothered"

You look at him, getting more thrilled by the second.
"That makes me wanna talk to him even more!" The girls stared at you and began to laugh. Suddenly, you hear the door open behind you, and everyone rushes towards a seat.

Teacher: "hi.. my name is Mr. Aizawa.. and i'll be teaching this class," his voice was so drained, "now class, everyone dress into your p.e uniform, we'll be doing training exercises."
What..? Training exercises? Pft... whatever..

Once the class has finished, they headed outside.

Mr. Aizawa: "ok.. for the first task, we'll be doing a 50 meter dash run uphill. You are allowed to use your quirks, but no causing damage to other players"

The teams started one by one, getting a better score each time. Suddenly, my duo was next, and it was Bakugo and I. You place your foot at the starting line, getting ready to use your wind power. You finally hear the echo of a whistle and you dash forward, the wind pushed your body all the way to the finish line, while you hear Bakugo's explosions zoom next to you. It was a close tie, but you got there just a few seconds before Bakugo.

Bakugo: "ack! who the hell does she think she is?!"

He snarls angrily as he walks back with the class, after that, the rest of the teams continued.

Mr.Aizawa: "The next task is going to be a ball throw, basically, use your quirk as a way to help you throw the ball the farthest."

Everyone nods and we all started. Once it was Bakugo's turn, he immediately reached the 700s in meters. Then next, was you. You prepare the wind power again, getting ready to use it. Mr. Aizawa calls your name and hands you a baseball. You held it in your right hand and leaned back. I threw the ball incredibly hard, using the wind to push it higher and farther. You managed to get 701.5 meters, which was a little bit behind Bakugo.

Once the class was over, You started to grab all your stuff, placing it into your bag.

Uraraka: "Y/n!! Come over here!!"

You look over and nod with a smile, once you've packed everything, you zipped up your bag. As soon as you turn to the side, you bump into a very hard figure, falling to the ground. You look up and see Bakugo and Kirishima (Kiri).

Kiri: "Oh! Y/n right? Here let me help you"
He reaches his hand out, but it suddenly got slapped away.
Bakugo: "Are you really gonna help this extra? She can get up by herself."

Who does this guy think he is to say stuff like that to me? Kiri punches Bakugo in the shoulder and still decided to help you up.

"Thank you.."
Kiri: "No problem!" He replies
Bakugo: "tsk. You had enough strength to do it yourself, you're probably just a chicken"
"What did you say to me-"
Before you could say anything else, Mina and Uraraka barges in.
Mina: "Haha... i'm terribly sorry for her.."
They pull you away from him, bringing you outside the classroom.


Ugh.. I got in this dumb class, but why is it taking so long to begin..
You hear the door open and started slowly turning your head. You saw a young girl, who was extremely pretty, taking your eyes right off.
Wow... who's that.. she's so gorgeous... ack.. what the hell am i thinking. it's just an extra.
You turn away, placing in your earbuds, listening to music.


I'm the best of the best, I can easily beat all of this dumb task stuff the teacher is making us do.
You waited for your turn. You heard your name get called, and another one.. Y/n. Once you stepped into the starting line, you look over. Oh, it's that girl. Ugh whatever, I so got this. You heard the whistle blown and you both dashed off. She made it slightly passed the line first, getting you absolutely furious. Who does she think she is?! Getting all in my way. Her stupid wind got in my face, pushing me back. She gets on my nerves now. Ugh.


You were talking to Kirishima. This guy is trying so hard to be my friend. I don't need friends, i wish he would get out of my goddamn face already. But having one won't hurt. It'll just distract me from being the number 1 hero. You felt something bang against your back, you turn around and see Y/n laying on the ground. You watch Kirishima reach out for you, but you slapped his hand away.
Bakugo: "Are you really gonna help this extra? She can get up by herself."
I honestly don't get by Kiri wanted to help this girl out. She can do it by herself, and I won't be bothered to help her.


"What the heck was that for!? I could've blown him away!!"
Mina: "What?! He was being so rude!"
"So. I can take him."

Bakugo: "Oh? Really now..?"

You get startled, hearing Bakugo's voice behind you sent shivers.. You slowly turn around.

Bakugo: "Fine then. Tomorrow we are training our physical skills and mental thinking. If we are on the opposing team.. I will beat you."
"Hmph. Fine. If you're so full of yourself, let's take a bet. If I win, you gotta back off, start being nicer."

Bakugo: "And if I win, you're forced to be by my side.. like a.. let's see.. servant or whatnot. More like a useless sidekick"

You both nod and he turns his separate way.

Uraraka: "Are you crazy?! What if you do lose?"
"Who said that'll happen, even if it did.. it doesn't matter. I'm not gonna be some house pet for him to boss around."
You felt a small tap on your shoulder, you turn around to see a guy with green hair, holding a notebook.

Midoriya: "U-uh hi.. uhm.. i was just wondering what your quirk is..? you see.. i-i'm studying different quirks, so I can have an advantage on how to either defeat them, or help them.. or learn from them.."

"My quirk is called elementals"

Everyone looked at you in shock.

Mina: "What?! I thought it was like only a wind thing or something?"
Uraraka: "That sounds cool!"
Midoriya: "What does.. i-it do?"
"Uh.. I can control all the elements, like earth, water, fire, and air. But the downside is that I have a cool down, meaning I can only use one at a time every 5 seconds."
Midoriya nods as he writes down in his notebook.
Midoriya: "T-Thank you so much..."
You give a sweet smile and he goes off, Uraraka goes with him.

Mina: "Wow! You're quirk is so cool! Mine is just like a some sort of acid thing."
"That's cool too yk!"
We both began to talk while walking down the halls, little did you know, Bakugo stayed behind to listen to your conversations.


huh... elementals? controlling earth, water, fire, and air.. hmph not so bad for a extra. she's probably strong, but I can use that 5 second cool down as an advantage to attack her and win the battle.


You head into class, grabbing your notebook. You begin to write in it. Hm... all I know is that Bakugo has explosives as a quirk.. but what else... from the tasks done yesterday.. i would say he's pretty full of himself.. but that doesn't help me in how his combat skill is.. Explosives are pretty useful for close combat.. so I guess I can do that.. ugh I have no clue how he fights, but my only clue is how he thinks. I'm personally gonna say he's kinda dumb bc he's so self centered, but does that help me to win a battle against him..

Mina: "Whatcha doing?"
You get startled due to the fact that you were lost in thought.
"Just studying Bakugo.. he wanted that 1v1 fight.. so I have to know his ideas, and his attack base."
Mina: Uh.. maybe throw him off with a few words, i heard that he hates that Midoriya kid, and usually calls him Deku as an insult.. but i think Deku sounds pretty cute yk."
"Yeah ig.. but he's so self centered, that he'll want to win, so his attention will most likely be on the fight."
Mina: "Just wait, you don't even know if Mr.Aizawa will make you guys opponents"
"You're right.." You sigh as you close your notebook. Mr. Aizawa walks through the door, clearing his throat.

Mr. Aizawa: " *says in a tired voice* alright class.. today we'll be working on combat and strategy.. but i won't be your supervisor today.. that'll be-"

With no other words, a loud bang came from the door.

All Might: "WITH ME OFC! I am here."

Everyone was shocked, but soon went back to their normal state.


All Might: "Okay! I will be pairing you guys in a duo. You will be labeled by letters, and you'll be going against another team. There is a fake bomb, but pretend it's real ofc. You'll be in this building, doing inside fighting. You have to work together to claim that bomb. One team will be heroes, the other will be VILLIANS! If the heroes touches the bomb first, than they win, but if the time runs out (15mins) the villian team wins! If you step out of the building, you're eliminated. Now let's announce the teams."

He started to pair people up, and Bakugo got paired with the zooming fast guy, named Iida Tenya. I got pretty lucky and got paired with Mina, who was already my friend, so I guess we had some ideas up our sleeves.

All Might: "All right, now we will start off with Team A, and Team D"


Bakugo and you stared intensively at eachother.

Mina: "Ok y/n, it's ok.. I can beat Iida, but you go and have that 1v1 fight with Bakugo ok..?"
You nod and you watch Bakugo and Iida walk inside, they hid the bomb. Once the 5 minute countdown ended, you and Mina rushed in quietly. The hallways were pretty empty and dimmed. Mina took a left, while you kept guard and went straight. You both had a plan, but it was hard to do if Bakugo found you.

*BOOM* You flew across the room, hitting your back on the wall.

Bakugo: "Found you. Now let's end this."

Wow.. just my luck

You stand up, going up to him.

"Fine. That bet is still on, so come on.. come at me!!"

Bakugo charges in first, using his explosive attacks at you, you managed to dodge him plenty of times, but one of them finally hit you.

Bakugo: "COME ON! FIGHT ME!"

He shot a explosive towards you, but you managed to use that wind power to blow it right back at him, like a boomerang. The clash between him and that bomb had a huge explosion. He got up, ready to fight again and managed to fail all his shots. Before he could do an explosive attack, you use the earth, and rise up the ground to block the explosion from hitting you, instead of busted through the rocks and blasted you back.

Bakugo: "Is this all you got?!"

You get up immediately. You started to do attack, instead of defense. You charged in, using water  to drench him, causing his clothes to become drenched, making his speed decrease. You then charge small rocks at him, he dodged most of them, but got down every time he had impact with them. He then got tired off the force pulling him back, so he used his quirk and got a faster, heading straight towards you. I couldn't use any power since I stopped, so I couldn't block him, and fire is useless against explosives, and water can't stop him bc he'll just go right through! All i can do is dodg-
Thinking took a lot of time, so you went left, but he still charged to you, he punched you in the stomach. He flipped over you and pulled you down, you tried to escape using your quirk, but the time was still going. He dragged you out of the building in a matter of 2 seconds, once your power came back, the time was up.

Bakugo: "Times up. Guess you gotta be my little sidekick huh."
"AISH! You little-"

All Might: "Congratulations Team A wins!"

Mina runs out.
Mina: "IM SO SORRY! Iida was so fast, i couldn't even hit him! I thought i had the chance."
"It's ok. I lost too anyways.. so.."

You look at Bakugo as he grins to you.

Bakugo: "Better luck next time, but that next time better be with everything you got."

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