More Than Magic

By tilldoomsday

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First star to the right, straight on till dawns light. In a magical world filled with stars, magic, unicorns... More

More Than Magic
Chapter 1: Ya I'm a bad ass wizard what's up?
Chapter 2: Could he be any gayer?
Chapter 3: Lost Girl
Chapter 4: Is it disrespect your Queen day?
Chapter 5: Resembling my biggest nightmare.
Chapter 6: How about not touching the Queen?
Chapter 7: One word. swoon
Chapter 8: Neverland of course!
Chapter 9: When did we get a pool?
Chapter 10: Remember I'm blonde
Chapter 11: In your bed?
Chapter 12: Worth growing up for
Chapter 14: Powerless
Chapter 15: Sure buddy ;)
Chapter 16: I am really worried
Chapter 17: Caution to the wind
Chapter 18: BloodShed?
Chapter 19: You love Tigerlily?
Chapter 20: I can't remember
Chapter 21: Chloe is here
Chapter 22: Mr. Pirate dude
Chapter 23: Tragic
Chapter 24: Just our General?
Chapter 25: Hypocritical
Chapter 26: Not your date
Chapter 27: Her amusement
Chapter 28: Princessa!
Chapter 29: Sparkly and Shiny?
Chapter 30: Apology accepted
Chapter 31: Feared the words
Chapter 32: Allergic to water
Chapter 33: To Kiss You
Chapter 34: I wasn't asking General
Chapter 35: Will you marry me?
Chapter 36: Queen Athena?
Chapter 37: Not your place
Chapter 38: Tell us! Tell us!
Chapter 39: A slow torture
Chapter 40: I was in love
Chapter 41: Everyones so happy
Chapter 42: Last breath
Chapter 43: I wanted to apologies
Chapter 44: Tinkerbelle
Chapter 45: We are the island
Chapter 46: Darling? Darling.
Chapter 47: Excuse me WIlliam?
Chapter 48: You were dead!
More Than Myth

Chapter 13: Messing with Mr. Smee?

81 8 0
By tilldoomsday

I look at the boys who are now dog piled on top of me. The twins are at the top with Chubby and Slightly on the sides. They are all laughing hysterically, smiling widely with happiness, I can’t help it but follow along with their contagious happiness and I laugh as well.


        “Lost Boy’s!” Peter yells in aggravation, clearly still a bit grumpy from our most recent conversation. Suddenly all the boys stop their laughing and quickly remove themselves from on top of me. Yay, I can breath, I was starting to get worried about that.


        Just as I am about to get up myself a hand is placed in front of my face and I grab hold of it, quickly being pulled up to my feet. I look down at my now dirty pajamas and sigh, whipping all the dirt off of me. Maybe I should change, after all Peter is hauling around my giant bag full of stuff.


        I look back up to see Peter scolding the boys for being reckless, or some boring thing like but none of the boys are paying attention to him, their minds are focused solely on me. How flattering!


        I feel the bottom of the back of my shirt get pulled down and I jump up in surprise, letting out quite the shriek. Looking behind me I see nothing, how weird? But then I feel the tug again and I look down only to see the cutest little thing ever. Standing at my feet looking up at me with big and expecting eyes is Tootles, dressed up in his little skunk onesie. He’s so cute my heart actually hurts when I look at him.


        He has always been a little different than the rest of the boys. For starter you will quickly notice that Tootles never talks, I know he can, but he chooses not too. And don’t mistake that for him being stupid, Tootles is actually a very cunning little guy. Another difference that stands out is that the other Lost Boy’s are between seven and ten, whereas Tootles is five. Yes five, the youngest of all who reside in Neverland.


        Bending down I scoped him up and rested him on the side of my hips, his arms quickly coming around me in a little hug.      


        So cute!


        Peter smiles at the sight and comes over to ruffle Tootles hair a bit, in a friendly manner. Then Tootles arms spread out towards Peter as an attempt to climb onto him but Peter picks him up and throws him over his shoulder so he’s giving his a piggyback. They both laugh, and the rest of the lost boys take that as a good enough reason to rush back over to me. But instead of attacking me to the floor in hugs they crowd around me waiting for me to talk.

        “What do you guys think about going and messing with Mr. Smee?” I ask them and I am immediately met by six mischievous smirks. Oh this will be fun.

After Peter planned out are operation of attack we all took our positions. Chubby and the twins swim quietly in the water near the ship as the rest of us wait in the clouds that float over Cannibal Bay. We stay and watch the pirates move about and wait for the perfect opportunity to strike.

We wait until we see Mr. Smee exit the Captains Quarters in his red hat and blue and white striped shirt. As he marched around the boat his crew noticed him immediately and stop throwing their pointy knives at a painted picture of him that rests on his door. They all give him annoyed glares, probably wishing he wasn’t their captain. I mean Hook may have been mean but at least he had a backbone. Mr. Smee is a complete pushover.

Peter nudged my shoulder and I know it's time. Looking down I watch as Peter yells out strange native sounds and glides right down to their deck, swiping a sword from an unsuspecting pirate. He points it at Mr. Smee with an evil smile “You're not much like Kilian Mr. Smee, maybe we should change that!” Peter points his sword to the Captain's right hand, oh boy this will get interesting.

Mr. Smee looks just about ready to wet his pants but he puts on a pathetic looking scary expression and puffs out his chest “I’d like to see you try Peter Pan!” And just like that all the pirates take out their swords and surround Peter.

“Oh no you have surrounded me with swords like you do every single time I come here, how in the world will I escape for the millionth time!” Peter mocks and throws his hands up in false fear.

Show time.

We charge the ship, yelling and screaming as we do. I find a sword on the ground and pick it up, standing behind it for protection. I run and fly around the ship, laughing and screaming as I go. After a few minutes I look for Peter and I finally find him standing on the crows nest taunting Mr. Smee as he climbs up after him. Drawing in as much courage as I have I fly up, heading towards them. Peter sees me and yells at Mr. Smee capturing all his attention, as he's looking away I fly by and grab his red floppy hat, beanie if you will. Peter follows me as I fly into a cloud and start laughing my butt off.

He lays down beside me, his head leaning towards mine in a comfortable position “That was some risky stuff you were doing down there. I can’t believe you got his hat!” He boasts excitedly. I smile as well thinking about all the fun I have had.

“I love it here, I wish I didn’t have to go back,” I mumble, playing with the ratty old hat in my hands. I don’t want to look at him because I already know what he’s going to do, he will give me a sympathetic smile and say something about me at least getting the chance to visit.

But what he actually says takes me completely by surprise “Chloe, you don’t have to leave,” He states, turning his body towards mine and resting his head on his hand.

I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion “But I thought this was goodbye?” I explaining, mimicking what he’s doing and turning my body towards him.  


        Peter looks shocked at my words, almost offended “I don’t believe in goodbye and you shouldn’t either, I never want you to say that again, got it?” He turns serious “Never say goodbye, because saying goodbye means going away, and going away means forgetting!” I watch him as he goes on his rant and it reminds me of our earlier conversation.


        “Peter can we play the question game?” I ask, thinking about something I really wanted to know. He hesitates for a second but then nods, looking intrigued as to what I wanted to know “What happened to that girl you grew up for?”


        And just like that a solemn expression returned to his face, masking his sparkly eyes “She was forced to say goodbye, and for a while she forgot and I thought that was the way things were going to be for a while. But then she started to remember, falling in love with me all over again a little each day.”


        “So what are you going to do about it?”


        “I already did it, I brought her back,” My eyes widen at the news, if she’s back then where is she? Peter moves his hand towards mine just as a voice interrupts us.


        “There you are Pan! I have been looking all over for you!” A girl with a blonde bun on top of her head and a tight lime green shirt wrapped around her torso appears in front of us, I look at her up and down and realize something a smidge awkward… It not a shirt, it’s a dress. Ewe. The girl’s eyes travel to me and her face goes from a smile to an evident frown “Oh. You’re here.”


        What did I ever do!?


        Peter stands up and makes a disappointed face at the girl “Tink be nice!” He demands, his features softening a bit when he sees the false scared look in her eye. Can he not tell that she is completely faking it? Wait a minute, one of the only girls in Neverland is Tinkerbelle and the girl standing in front of me is Tinkerbelle. Is she the girl Peter had an epic romance with?


        “I thought you couldn’t talk? And that you were… well smaller?” I say questioning the girl in front of me. I guess you could call me jealous but come on you would be too if there was a curvy, and busty girl standing in front of you that has the heart of a guy you have loved since childhood.


        She glares daggers at me from my comment, her face all but turning red with rage “Well I can, and I am so get over it,” To be perfectly honest, I always thanked my lucky stars that she couldn’t talk, and now this? Peter opens his mouth to scold her again but she cuts him off “The sun is going down and you told the Indians you would celebrate some weird thing with them.”


        Of course! Princess Tigerlilly my favorite princess of all! I turn towards Peter grinning at him. He smiles back and sends a nod Tinks way. Before anything else is said we are flying to the Indian Camp.

****Heyy if you liked this chapter please turn the star yellow... or white depending on the device your using! And be sure to comment your favorite or maybe least favorite parts? I welcome criticism!

Picture ^ or > is of the lost boys... I'm going to be honest I have no idea who is who so if you do know please comment down bellow their names in order, I know for a fact that the girl Chloe is based off of would know but if I ask her she will yell at me.

Any way stay classy

TDD <3

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