The Flower Shop [A Gaara Love...

By nobodyXthere

197K 9.4K 1.8K

The only flowers that grew in Sunagakure were that of the desert. True, they were beautiful, but they were th... More

1: A New Life
2: Settling In
3: Lord Kazekage
4: One Step Closer
5: Light Blue
6: The Flower Girl
7: Special Delivery
8: Opening Day
9: A Feeling
10: An Arrangement
11: Lunch?
12: Friends
13: Just Visiting
14: Quiet Mornings
15: How to Breathe
16: Welcome Back
17: Getting to Know You
18: A Crush
19: The Little Blue Dot
20: Its a Date
21: Normal
22: A Good Brother
23: The Roof
24: Time
25: Dinner With the Sand Siblings
26: Completely and Undeniably
27: Back In Konoha
28: Gratitude
29: The Next Step
30: Light
31: I Love You
32: Differences
33: To Living
35: Something Wicked This Way Comes
36: I'm So Sorry
37: The Endless Ballroom
38: A Cause For Concern
39: Men Like Him
40: Mercy
41: Calm Before the Storm
42: Lavender and Ash
43: Field of Dahlias
44: You're Here, Too
45: Burn
46: His or Not
47: So Much and Not Enough
48: The Flower Shop
Thank You!

34: A Long and Happy Life

3K 149 67
By nobodyXthere

After dinner had been eaten and thoroughly enjoyed, the real party began. The music that the live band played was a little old-fashioned, with a beautiful piano and a singer who had a voice of velvet. It was classy and reminded her of the old records her parents would play in the shop. The song right now was upbeat, the kind you tapped your toes to, and after a few too many drinks, Momoko stood from her chair with flushed cheeks and determination in her eyes.

"You guys wanna dance?" She asked the rest of the table, and Temari offered her a smile as she stood as well.

"I'm not very good at it, but I'll give it a shot." Maybe it was because she liked Momoko, or because she too had one too many glasses of champagne, but she let the other blonde girl take her hands and pull her to the dance floor.

"We're gonna have to carry those two home," Kankuro snickered, taking a bite of his second plate.

Gaara nodded in return, but there was a fond look in his eyes as he watched the two girls laugh over their clumsy steps.

"They're enjoying themselves," The Kazekage commented, taking a sip of his own drink.

Kankuo hummed in return, "Can't blame them- who knew weddings could be fun?"

"I think they're intended to be." Gaara replied, "The last one we went to wasn't as grand as this."

"Yours will have to kick this one's ass, though!" Kankuro grinned, "Can't let an old man like Daichi show you up."

"She's enjoying herself too much to let ours be anything less than a festival," He said, smiling slightly against his glass.

His words startled Kankuro for a moment, and Gaara looked up to see the baffled look in his brother's eyes.

"What?" Gaara asked, and Kankuro set his fork down.

"That's the first time you've ever entertained the idea," Kankuro said, and Gaara turned his eyes away again, "Something on your mind, buddy?"

Gaara watched the two girls, now holding each other's waist as they danced a silly little dance to the jazzy music. Despite the fact that they were both a little tipsy, it was clear they were having fun all on their own.

"It's...crossed my mind, lately." He admitted, a little quieter now, "Not any time soon, but maybe one day, I don't know..."

Kankuro watched his brother swirl the champagne in his glass, his brow knotted and eyes focused out to the dance floor. Despite the way his chest had grown a little tight, Kankuro offered him a smile and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I know you think you're not meant for these kind of things, but look how far you've come already!" He encouraged him, "Don't doubt yourself so much, Gaara. If you think you want something, you shouldn't hold yourself back from getting it."

Ironic, Kankuro thought, but he gave Gaara's shoulder a soft squeeze anyway. The Kazekage turned his eyes from the dance floor and back to his brother, who smiled his most supportive smile for him. As crude as Kankuro could be at times, Gaara appreciated these moments of sincerity.

"But don't rush yourself, okay?" Kankuro chuckled, taking his hand away again, "Just enjoy what you've got now, for as long as you can."

Gaara offered him a small smile in return, his eyes turning back to the girls as Kankuro let his smile falter for just a moment. Finally, the song had started to change to something a little slower, and the girls came back with flushed cheeks and wide smiles. Temari took her seat across from Gaara and Momoko turned her attention to him, offering him a pretty smile of her own. She held her hands out for him, and though he took them, he didn't stand.

"Will you dance with me, my love?" She asked sweetly, and Gaara couldn't help but smile at her words.

"I'd like to, but I don't dance." He replied, and Temari snickered across the table at how Momoko pouted.

"Not even for me?"

"I'm afraid not."

Momoko huffed, but he could tell her feelings weren't genuinely hurt and it was more for a joke than actual offense. She gave his hands a soft squeeze, and he pressed a kiss to the back of her knuckles.

"You'll have to make it up to me," She mused with a smile, and Gaara nodded in return with a sparkle in his eye.

"Of course."

Momoko turned her attention away from Gaara to over his shoulder, where Kankuro had made it a point to avoid her eyes. A little grin crept onto her lips, and Kankuro cleared his throat in an uncomfortable way.

"I guess that means it's your turn, Kankuro!" Momoko grinned, moving around Gaara to grab Kankuro's arm.

"I don't dance either!" He protested, but she pulled him out of his seat anyway.

"You do now!"

With a groan, he reluctantly let Momoko tug him away from the table and to the dance floor, the sounds of Temari's laughter following them as they did so.

The song was slower now, more a lazy waltz than the upbeat tune that she and Temari had danced to. Momoko took one of his hands into hers and placed the other on his shoulder as Kankuro hesitantly laid his free hand on her waist.

"You can dance, can't you?" Momoko teased as they started to sway.

"Of course I can!" He huffed, "And judging by what I saw before, way better than you."

The words made Momoko laugh, and he relaxed a little at the sound of it.

"You're probably right, I'm not a great dancer," She admitted with a little shrug, "But at least I'm not as bad as Temari, that poor girl."

Kankuro laughed this time, and Momoko chimed in too. They swayed to the slower beat, their hold on each other loose and comfortable as the band continued to play. He let himself stare at her while being this close, at the way her eyes sparkled under the lights and her painted lips pulled into a beautiful smile, even as her eyes were fixated on the bride and groom who still sat at the front of the room.

"They look so happy," Momoko sighed dreamily.

"They've been together for a long time," Kakuro commented, "Since they were teenagers, I think."

"And they're just now getting married?" Momoko asked, looking back to Kankuro with a raised brow.

"She moved away for a while to take care of her parents in Iwagakure and didn't come back until about a year ago. They reconnected, and the rest is history."

"How romantic," She swooned, "To still love each other after all this time."

Kankuro just grunted in return, and Momoko raised a brow at him.

"Don't you have someone special, Kankuro?" She asked, keeping in sync with the way he swayed them to the slower beat.

He gave her a small smile and tried to shrug it off, but his obvious dismissal had Momoko smiling widely. She perked up a little, the excitement clear on her face.

"You do!" Momoko exclaimed, "That's great!"

"It's nothing, really." He shrugged, "She and I are just friends."

"The strongest love always comes from being friends first," She mused, thinking of how her own relationship had started, "Does she know you're in love with her?"

"Woooah there, don't go throwing around the 'L' word," Kankuro laughed, "I don't know her well enough to love her. Besides, even if I did, I can't really do anything about it. "

"Why not?" Momoko asked with a tilt of her head, and Kankuro had to turn his eyes away from her and to the other pairs that swayed around them.

"She's with someone else." He sighed, "It wouldn't be right."

"Oh, phooey!" She dismissed him, "If you really like this girl, you should go for it!"

Kankuro seemed to pause, his gaze turning away from the reception and back to her. Her eyes were dazzling and her crimson smile was confident, and Kankuro couldn't help but stare.

"You think so?"


He allowed himself, for the first time ever, to entertain the thoughts that had tried to plague his mind these past months. He wondered what it would be like to hold her closer than this, to hear her laughter in his ear, or feel the warmth of her kiss. Kankuro imagined a life of flowers, of being looked at the way she looked at the man she loved now. To be touched by her, known by her, loved by her- Kankuro's heart pounded in his chest at the thought of it. If by some small chance she did feel the same, he could have her entirely.

But in having her, he would lose so much. Kankuro's gaze drifted over heads and bodies until he saw red, and he stared at the hesitant smile and seafoam eyes of someone he loved now. He knew he would lose him, probably also the woman who sat across from him. As much as he wanted to be loved by her, he was loved by them now. He couldn't lose the bonds he had waited his whole life to make, especially not for a girl he was never meant to have.

Besides, she was happy. He saw the way she looked at her lover even after he turned away, how her face lit up when he entered the room and dropped when he left it. They were both so in love with each other, that was obvious in everything they did. Kankuro would be damned if he tried to come between them now.

So he would sit silently, watch them love and live and hope that he could find someone that made him feel even half of what she did. He would ignore the way her smile made him falter, how his cheek still burned from her kiss, and how his heart raced at the mere mention of her name. Kankuro would watch them be happy, and he'd ignore every desire for a life full of flowers and full of her.

"No," He finally said, "I don't think I will."

"Why not?"

"Because as much as I want her love, I want her happiness." Kankuro replied, an odd look in his eyes, "And she's happy now."

Momoko stared at him for a moment, at the way his smile had weakened and a bit of tenderness came to his gaze, and wondered just who in the world could make him look this way. She must have been wonderful to reduce even Kankuro to bittersweet smiles, and Momoko sent a silent wish up to the heavens that she would come around.

"She's a lucky girl, whoever she is." She said with a small smile, leaning her head on his shoulder, "You're wonderful, Kankuro."

"Thanks, Peaches," He replied softly, resting his head on top of hers.

For a moment, he held her just a little closer.

Once the song was over they made their way back to the table, and Kankuro excused himself. Momoko took a seat next to Gaara, who had finished off the last of his champagne as well and seemed a little more relaxed than he had been before. She offered him a wide smile, which he returned with a smaller one of his own. Momoko leaned back in her chair, her curls tumbling over the back of it as she tilted her head to look at the stars through the glass ceiling. It was a clear night, and they twinkled above them without a single cloud in sight. It was the perfect sky for a wedding, and a small part of her couldn't help but envy the two proud people who sat at the front of the room.

She moved her eyes to Gaara, who was watching her with that warm look in his eyes that he only ever had for her. Despite the thoughts from earlier today, and the worries that this may never be them, Momoko couldn't help but smile. She was happy with him now, that was all that really mattered.

"Lord Kazekage, Miss Akiyama."

The sound of Daichi's voice pulled their attention to where the newly wedded couple stood, and Gaara and Momoko rose to do the same.

"Mr. and Mrs. Nakano," Momoko greeted with a bow of her head, which they returned with bright smiles.

"The flowers are beautiful!" Yuki commented, her aged face glowing with happiness, "So many people have asked about them!"

"I'm so glad you're happy with them!" Momoko exclaimed, a wide grin coming to her lips, "Thank you again for letting me be a part of your special day!"

"It's our pleasure," Daichi reassured her, "You did a wonderful job, Miss. Akiyama."

"She's very talented," Gaara added with a small smile, and Momoko felt a blush rise to her cheeks.

"I wouldn't expect anything less from the Kazekage's sweetheart!" Yuki giggled, and Momoko offered her a bashful little smile in return.

"If I may be so bold," Daichi spoke up, "It's nice to see you in love, Lord Kazekage."

To Momoko's surprise, Gaara didn't bat an eye.

"It's nice to be in love." He nodded in agreement, the look in his eyes just a little warmer.

Through the rest of the conversation, Momoko could only stare at him with wide eyes and pink cheeks. He stood with a hand on the small of her back, entertaining the couple for a little while longer as though he hadn't just said such important words. She could hear her heart hammering away in her ears, and she tried to keep track of the conversation but her eyes just kept slipping back to her partner. Finally, the newly-weds bid them farewell and made their way to the other tables to greet more of their guests.

"You're awfully romantic tonight," She couldn't help but comment.

"It's a special night," Gaara replied nonchalantly, "For everyone."

The encounter now felt like it had shifted the mood of the night a little, and Momoko debated going to grab another drink before sitting again. Now that she had danced and socialized her little heart out, Momoko felt like her social clock was starting to tick away. As much fun as this all was, it was a little draining. Though she was still in high spirits, Momoko couldn't help but wish for a smaller crowd.

"My social skills are stretched thin, I'm afraid." Gaara asked, noticing how she had started to trace the embroidery of her dress, "Are you ready to go?"

Momoko sighed in relief, offering him a little smile, "You know me so well."

He smiled in return, pressing a quick kiss to her temple before going into the crowd to try and find Temari and Kankuro so that they could say goodbye. Momoko tried to clean up her and Gaara's places as well as she could, putting the glasses all in one spot and tucking in their chairs as well. She hadn't brought any purse or bag, but she still scanned the table one more time before turning to seek out the three siblings.

She ran face first into someone, and nearly fell right on her ass if they hadn't grabbed her shoulders to steady her.

"My apologies," The man said, his voice smooth as he steadied her.

"It's okay!" She laughed softly, and straightened out her dress, "I should have watched where I was going!"

The man chuckled, and the cackling sound of it made her nerves immediately stand on edge.

"You really are lovely, Momoko," He commented, "Such a pity that it should go to waste."

The words startled her, and she raised her eyes to look at his face but stopped short at the sight of the small sprig of lavender that was pinned to his chest. Her eyes widened, immediately feeling her heart pick up, and his hands on her shoulders tightened to the point of hurting.


She startled at the sound to her name, finally tearing her eyes away to look at the siblings as they approached. Just as she turned her head, the grip on her shoulders vanished and she didn't get a chance to see the man's face as he turned and disappeared into the crowd. Momoko turned right back around when the touch left her, and she tried to pick out any retreating forms in the crowd but could see none.

"You okay?" Kankuro asked as they got back to the table, "You look a little shook up."

She stared after the man for a moment longer, and it wasn't until Gaara placed a hand on her shoulder that she finally came back to reality. Momoko turned to look at him, how his brow was knotted and concern obvious in his eyes, but she just shook her head and tried to offer him a smile.

"It's nothing," She reassured him, "Just bumped into someone."

Momoko remembered the missing flowers from her shop, and now seeing the sprig of it reminded her that she needed to tell Gaara. But...was this the right time? The night had been so wonderful, and if Gaara's mood was anything to go off of, it wasn't over just yet. Maybe she should just tell him tomorrow, when they had the time and a more private setting to talk about it.

The thoughts left her mind as they said goodbye to Gaara's siblings, and then in turn had to say goodbye to everyone else they passed on their way out. It must have been another hour until they reached the doors, bidding the newly-weds a goodbye last before they were finally left alone in the hallway. Arm in arm, she and Gaara left the hall and made their way out into the cool night.

"My place?" She asked, but Gaara replied with a shake of his head.

"There's one more thing I'd like to do tonight, if you don't mind."

Momoko couldn't help the excitement that bubbled up inside of her at the sight of Gaara's little smile, "Lead the way!"

They walked for a while, enjoying the cool desert night and the pretty stars overhead, and Momoko hardly realized where they were heading until they came to a stop in front of the building. She turned her attention from the sky to the Kazekage Tower, raising a brow in obvious confusion.

"Your office?" She asked, and he shook his head before pointing up.

The gesture made her smile, and she took a step closer to him as the sand swirled around them just as it had the first time. This time, though, she wasn't afraid of it. Instead she watched in awe as it soon fell away and they were left standing on the roof.

It was just as it had been last time, but even more beautiful now that it was dark. She could see the twinkling lights of the whole village and felt even closer to the stars at this height. Despite being night time, the buildings around them shared enough illumination that she could see Gaara just fine in the warm light. The only thing that was different, though, was the small radio that had been sat beside the railing. Momoko looked to Gaara with a raised brow, and he offered her an almost nervous little smile in return.

"I knew you'd want to dance at the wedding, and I knew I'd say no. But it's just the two of us up here, so I thought I'd indulge you."

He moved over to the radio, fiddled with the buttons and knobs for a second before a pretty song started to play. He looked back at her, and Momoko watched the light of the village bring a sparkle to his eye.

"May I have this dance?" Gaara asked, holding his hand out to her, and it took everything in her not to gush how much she loved him right at that moment.

With a gentle smile, Momoko placed her hand in his and allowed him to pull her closer. He intertwined their fingers and placed his other hand on her waist, and Momoko placed her free one on his shoulder. Slowly, they started to dance. He was a little awkward with his steps, held her hand and waist a little too tightly, but Momoko didn't mind. The stars were bright, the moon was full, and he was hers.

"I didn't think you would ever ask," She said, her eyes never leaving his.

"There's very little I wouldn't do for you," Gaara replied, his tone like velvet and words like honey.

"I know," She breathed, a warm smile on her lips, "You're so good to me, Gaara."

"I try to be," He admitted, a hesitant little smile on his lips, "Though I fear I may fall short at times."

"Never," She laughed softly, "Not even once have you been anything less than perfect."

"I'm glad."

They stayed like that for a while, the music around them light and beautiful, and their steps in sync with the gentle beat of it. Momoko could feel her heart hammering in her chest- though she knew there was no need to be nervous around him any more, she couldn't help it. It was just a radio and some stars, but this was the most romantic thing anyone had ever done for her before. He really was perfect, she thought fondly as she stared up at him, in every way he could possibly be.

Momoko laid her head on his chest and Gaara let his own lean on hers. He pulled their intertwined hands closer to rest on his chest as well, and Momoko's heart fluttered at the intimacy of this moment. She loved him, more than she had ever loved anyone, and this beautiful display was just another point that proved that Momoko would love him for the rest of her life.

"I've been thinking," Gaara finally said after a while of just swaying, and Momoko gave a soft hum in return, "That I may have spoken too soon in Konoha."

Her brow knotted, "What do you mean?"

"When I said that I wasn't sure if I could ever see a future beyond this, what we are now. Every moment since saying that, I've felt ways that have contradicted it completely." He said, holding her hand a little tighter.

Momoko's eyes widened, and she pulled away a bit to meet his gaze again. Gaara's eyes were fond, a little hesitant, but they shown with a love that made her knees go weak.

"I'm not asking you to marry me now, or even a year from now, but I want you to know that I will ask." He spoke, softly, just barely above a whisper.

"A-Are you sure?" She asked, her heart pounding loud in her ears, "Don't feel like you have to just because I want it."

"I'm sure," He reassured her with a small nod. "I want this, too."

He had never imagined, in all his life, that he would be here. Swaying in the moonlight with a woman that meant the world to him, talking about a future that he had never even considered was in his reach. His younger self wouldn't believe for a moment that he loved and was loved in return, but here he was. Momoko was his in nearly every way she could be, and had already confirmed that she would be so for the rest of their lives when the time came.

"Now that I know you love me, I can't imagine my life without you. Not tomorrow, or ten years from now. Every time I think of the future, you're always there." He said softly, "You have captivated me entirely with your love and your kindness, and I know that I will never feel for anyone again what I feel for you now. I've never thought of myself as a husband, or a father, but I would do anything for you, be anything for you." Gaara breathed the next words lightly, tenderly, "Because I love you, Momoko. And I want nothing more than to give you a long and happy life."

The words took her breath away, and the tears that had welled in her eyes finally fell. She stared at him, wide-eyed and with her heart hammering in her ears.

No matter how many times he whispered it against her lips as he kissed her, or spoke it into her ear as he took her that night, Momoko would never tire of hearing those words. He loved her, he loved her, he loved her. And she loved him, too- God, did she love him. It brought her to the point of tears, how strong his hold on her heart was.

It's unexplainable: the medicine it is to be loved by someone. He had spent his whole life waiting for her, for a love like this that healed him so completely that he could hardly remember the pain in the first place. All of the years spent without a healthy relationship had been worth it so long as she came to Gaara in the end. They would do it all again, the lifetime they had spent apart, if that was what it took to be together now. Every moment of suffering, every heartache, and tear shed were dust in the wind.

From now on it would be just Gaara and Momoko, and so long as they were together, they would live a very long and very happy life.

But fate is such a cruel thing.

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