Blue Angel (Mystreet Fanfic)

By The_Amber_Fist

5K 136 18

After Katelyn is killed during the battle against Michael, it seems things will never be the same. But when s... More

Chapter 1: Loss
Chapter 3: The Gut Feeling
Chapter 4: Different
Chapter 5: FC
Chapter 6: She's Alive
Chapter 7: Different Pt.2
Chapter 8: Answers
Chapter 9: Testing
Chapter 10: Tea
Chapter 11: Sisters
Chapter 12: Memories
Chapter 13: The Cannon
Chapter 14: Hugs
Chapter 15: Compromised
Chapter 16: The Sunrise
Chapter 17: Into the Basement
Chapter 18: Escape
Chapter 19: Nana
Chapter 20: Into the Jungle
Chapter 21: Garte
Chapter 22: Senior Year
Chapter 23: Picture This
Chapter 24: The Past
Chapter 25: The Past Pt. 2
Announcement 2
Chapter 26: Home
Chapter 27: Relics
Chapter 28: Her Wings
Chapter 29: The Demon
Chapter 30: Aftermath
Epilogue: Snow

Chapter 2: Hold My Hand

243 4 0
By The_Amber_Fist

"S-sorry, wrong room..." She said in a small voice, closing the door behind her. It was, in fact, the wrong room. She had been trying to find Mrs. Cove's room since she'd just been in a surfing accident. That's who the flowers in her hand were for. But she'd stumbled upon someone much more important, in her eyes, at least.

That man...He was familiar. She'd seen him before, with the blue haired girl, Katelyn, the girl currently being treated for a stab wound in her basement, though she still didn't understand why.

As she walked, she thought more about that man. She'd met him when he and Katelyn first arrived on the island. Back when she still worked as a tour guide, she'd given them a tour of Starlight. He was Katelyn's boyfriend, she had assumed. But why was he here?

It made sense that he was wounded, given the state they'd found Katelyn in two days prior. But why would he be here in the hospital while she had to be found by a local woman and treated in her basement?

"Stella!" She was startled out of her thoughts by someone calling her name. She turned around to see Tristan Cove, her best friend of 10 years, and the person she'd come here for in the first place.

"Tristan!" She exclaimed, running and hugging him, "How's your mom doing?"

"Better. The doctors are saying she should be free to leave in a couple of days! Come on," Tristan said, taking her hand. Stella followed him down the hallway to the room his mother was in. She gave Mrs. Cove the flowers she'd brought, along with a big hug.

She'd known Tristan and his family since she'd moved to Starlight years ago, and they'd always been close. His mother treated her like her own daughter.

After ten more minutes, she said goodbye, gave Tristan and his mother one last hug, and left the room. She knew she needed to get home soon, but kept thinking of the white haired man. She still had one flower, a single, small blue one she'd tucked into her pocket just in case. After some debate, she decided to go back.

Opening the door to the man's room, she realized how dark it was; the only light coming from the hallway. He must be asleep, she thought. There was a small table by the door with flowers, chocolate, and other gifts on it. Stella decided to place the flower there, and took out a small slip of paper along with a pen.

She didn't know his name, so she simply wrote 'get well soon' and placed it next to the flower. Quietly closing the door, she started for home, feeling a little better. Still, something was eating at her.

Should she have told him she knew where Katelyn was? Did he know she was alive? Did she know he was hurt? She still hadn't woken up yet, as her wound was pretty bad and she needed time to recover.

Stella just hoped she hadn't made things worse by not telling him. After all, she didn't really know them, but it seemed like the couple had been through a lot.


Two days earlier, Elizabeth stood on the shore. She looked up at the Celestial Cannon, hovering high in the sky. Michael hadn't followed the plan. He'd failed to take the ultima as a relic and instead took the souls of everyone else on Starlight.

She wasn't sure he could succeed with an error like that, but all she could do was look up at the sky and wonder what was going on.

She heard screams and saw someone fall from the side of the cannon into the ocean below, followed by the firing of the cannon. Curious, Elizabeth began walking towards the docks. She took a small boat, not bothering to pay. No one could stop her anyway.

She got in the boat and started sailing over to where the person had fallen. A minute or two later, she could see that it was a woman with powder blue hair not unlike her own and a Guardian Forces uniform. But not a uniform she'd seen before.

Looking closer, Elizabeth realized she had been stabbed all the way through her torso, just below her heart, so the sword stuck out of her back.

"How unfortunate," Elizabeth said to herself, "You must have died following that fool, Michael. I pity you, child." Just as she was getting ready to turn the boat back to the shore, she realized the woman was still breathing. Impossible!

Curious, she grabbed a life jacket and slid into the water. Swimming over to where the woman floated, she placed the life jacket around her cold body.

Eventually, she managed to drag the woman back onto her boat. Gasping for breath, Elizabeth moved the hair out of her face, revealing the her identity.

She gasped. It couldn't be. She wanted to throw her right back into the ocean, but something stopped her. This was Katelyn, the daughter she'd abandoned over twenty years ago. She recognized her despite her being so much older now. While she felt no connection towards her, she did have a forever potion in her blood...

This meant she could prove useful, especially if Michael failed. Elizabeth decided to bring Katelyn back to shore and give her first aid. From there, she'd have enough time to determine whether Michael had succeeded and whether to keep her alive.

After giving her first aid, it became apparent that Michael had indeed failed. The Celestial Cannon had fallen from the sky not long after they reached the shore. She sighed.

He should've just taken the soul of the Ultima. He would have succeeded had he just listened to her. But no matter, she was still here, and now she had a plan B. Picking Katelyn up, she carried her first born daughter back to her beach house.

When she arrived home, she was met by a worried looking Stella. By now, everyone's souls had returned to their bodies, further confirming Michael's defeat. The only reason he hadn't taken Elizabeth's was because she was useful to him.

"What's going on?" Her other daughter asked, "And who...Why is she here?"

"This is Katelyn," Elizabeth answered, pushing past her and heading towards the basement, "And she needs immediate medical attention." She quickly elected not to tell Stella that Katelyn was her sister, at least not yet. She wouldn't tell her anything about her or how she found her until she felt it was important.

"O-oh." Stella replied, closing the door. She followed her mother down to the basement, wanting to know what was going on. But she had also recognized Katelyn; she knew exactly who she was, and she liked her. She didn't trust her mother with someone so kind.

As Elizabeth tended to Katelyn's wound, Stella held her hand.

"You don't need to do that, she isn't conscious, and even if she were it wouldn't matter," Her mother told her. She said nothing. She knew how painful Katelyn's wound must be, and it made her feel like she was helping in some way.

She knew if it were her in that situation, she'd want someone to hold her hand. So she did just that.

Stella spent a large majority of the next two days in the basement with Katelyn and her mother. Since the wound was so bad, her mother needed to pay careful attention to it to make sure it wasn't infected. Still, it was very lucky it wasn't worse. The sword hadn't touched any of her vital organs, miraculously.

But then Stella received a call from her best friend, Tristan. His mother had been in a surfing accident and she felt she needed to visit them. She knew she shouldn't leave Katelyn, but Mrs. Cove was important to her. She had to go.

So she did.


Now Stella stood outside of her house. She'd only been gone an hour, at most. But she felt bad, as if she'd abandoned a family member in their time of need. Of course she hadn't known Katelyn very long and didn't think she was related to her, but it bothered her.

Plus, she wanted to tell her that she'd seen her boyfriend in the hospital, and that he seemed like he was going to be okay. She couldn't though, because she wasn't awake yet.

As Stella came inside, it occurred to her that it may have been a good idea to tell someone, anyone that her mother was tending to a girl with a stab wound in her basement. But knowing her mother, she most likely wouldn't live long enough to finish her sentence. Elizabeth had eyes everywhere, especially when it came to her daughter.

She put it out of her mind, pressed a button, walked down the now revealed stairs to the basement, and held Katelyn's hand again as her mother continued treating her.

A/n: So that was chapter two! In case it wasn't clear, the second part was a flashback. Elizabeth found Katelyn after she fell of the cannon and brought her home to treat her wounds.

Also, what do you think about the introduction of my OC, Stella? She's Elizabeth's daughter, like Katelyn. I can't reveal anything else about her backstory yet though.

Until next time!

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