Highschool Stories. (undertal...

By _DiamondDignity_

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This is my first story so I don't think It will be great. Anyway This is the story of mainly Classic and Red... More

A New Beginning Or End?
Hello Me no. 2
(A/N) List of Characters.
What an Injury...
Classic The mother of Au's
The Meeting.
Meeting Continued.
First Game. Never Have I Ever.
Second Game. Truth or dare.
Next game. 7 minutes in heaven.
The rest of the Party.
The Next Day.
New Students.
New students part 2
New Students Part 3
Tour of Section 6.
Tour of Section 6. Part 2
A Beautiful Confession.
The First Date.
Moving in Dorms.
Alphys's Laboratory
The News of the 2nd Meeting.
A lot more questions.
Trouble start.
Second Spoiler.
Planning Protection.
Getting Ready Before Battle.
A Virtual Battle.
A Virtual Battle Part 2.
Runaway Cowards.
Taking a break(A/N)
The cause of the glitch.
Welcome to my life.
The last Fight. Part 1
The last Fight Part 2.
The final outcome.

Our Special Day..

364 10 18
By _DiamondDignity_

Sans POV

Man. It's morning already? Feels like I only slept for seconds. I looked over to look at the time. Still had half an hour left. Wait... Half and hour? Why didn't Papyrus wake me up? Well.. is he even awake now? I don't hear him bashing on the kitchen counter with whatever he finds today. He always makes a lot of sound.

I began to sit up from my bed. Wore my shirt. Now my Ja- wait. Where is my jacket? I remember putting it on the floor.. Oh. Papyrus must've cleaned my room. I don't see my bag of socks anywhere too. Yea, that might be it.

I went to check the closet. Instead of the blue Jacket I was looking for, I found a brand new one. It was blue too. The colour kinda matched with my eyes. And yellow designs too. Nice.

But why was this in my closet anyways? Wait-

I tried looking for sticky notes in the jacket. I indeed found one.


                        WITH LOVE
                - THE GREAT PAPYRUS!

Aww Paps. You didn't have too! Well this is great! I can finally carry some ketchup with me and not just hold them in my pockets.

"Your so cool bro..."

5 minutes later...

Gotta admit... this looks decent! I was kinda worrying to be honest. Not to be mean or anything, but he always likes to wear the 'reavealing' kind of stuff. Blueberry too wears that. But he is a bit more covered than Papyrus. I... Was not into those kinda stuff. I always liked to wear my blue hoodie. And this is just like an upgraded version of it.

Oh...... Sh#t! I forgot about school!

I should probably pack my books according to the time table first. It was. Uh.. oh yea Wednesday! Hmm.. SST, English, Maths, Maths, Break, MGT (Magic Training) Science, Discussion, Free Period and then Outside Experience. Nice. I packed my books and left to find Papyrus.

"Papy? Where are you? Were going to be late for school!"

No response? That's odd. I am gonna check in his room.


I entered his room.
Oh. Oh dear.

"Pap. Are you okay?"

Papyrus was lying on the bed. In such a position that I have never seen him sleep before. Is he alright?

Well I should wake him up and ask him first.

"Papyrus? You ok there bro?"


Odd response. There's definitely something wrong.

"You... Okay there bud?"

Then there was a sound. A sound I very well knew. It was the last sound I heard when I died. It was the sound of a monster taking damage.

"Papyrus! What was that!? Are you hurt somewhere? C'mon let me see it!"


He stretched both of his hands towards me. Indeed he was not injured in his hands..

"Huh. Maybe I was-"



He falled of. I managed to hold him and put him back to bed. That's when I noticed. His injury. He had the worst injury in his whole life. Two of his rib bones was broken. His right leg snapped into two.

"Papyrus! What the hell!! When did that happen!?"

"I... FELL IN The morning..."

Oh god his voice...

"Ya know what? You're not going to school today. I am pretty sure we're late. I will tell Toriel about you're absence. But still... What happened?"

"W-WELL I...-aa-...w-WANTE-d to GIVE YOU SOM-eth-ING. I THEN CAREFully PLACED I-IT ON THE CL-oset.. And.. SLIPPED OUT OF...the room.. and THEN THE LIG-Hts WENT ouT... I COULDN'T see... ANYTHING! SO.. I TRIED TO light... It... Up... BY THE COOL Trick... You... TOLD ME... A YEAR AGO... AND.... IT Blasted...me... OF THE second Floor......."


It took him two minutes say that. I was in utter shock of what happened.
Don't know how to react. Should I be Mad at the Main Power Station. Or feel bad for Papyrus... Or be mad at myself? Well Right Now, I should heal him first."

"B-BROTHER... PLease... Don't use.... ALL OF you.. MA-gic.. To HEAL ME..."

"K...  I'll be careful"

After 10 minutes of hard magic using... I somewhat managed to heal him. There was still the broken bones though... Gotta say. Those magic training classes were.. really paying off. When I looked at Papyrus.. he was asleep. Must've been really tired. How did he even get to his room? He can't teleport yet..

I left the house. Lucky the school was very close too our house. After all that magic... I don't think I can teleport anywhere. I stopped by at Toriel's school to tell her about Papyrus's accident. She got extremely worried. I managed to calm her down when I said that I did heal him a bit. She then lended me some of her magic so that I can teleport to school.

Then I noticed Dust. Oh yea. I was
supposed to ask Papyrus to heal him. Hmm. Let me ask Blue instead then. He is one of the good healer Sanses in here.

After talking to him, he instantly went to Dust and began healing him. And I just noticed something.. Was Dust... blushing?

I left them there. Better not interrupt anything.

I saw Red waiting for me at the gate. I... Was not expecting him to be there. I mean, yes he would wait for me at Toriel's school and then we came to the school together, but Today I was very late... Isn't the teacher going to be mad at him for being late?

"Took ya long enough.."
"S-sorry.. I was just healing Papyrus.."

"Cinnamon? Why? Wat happened to'em? And wats up with the new hoodie?"

"Oh. Papyrus gave it to me this morning. And he's okay now.. he just fell from the second floor.."

"Wat!? Is he alright? Did he-"

"Woah woah calm down Red! Don't look so chilled to the bone."

"Nat a pun time for telling puns.."
"Let's just go to class. I will tell you everything later.."

As I was walking towards our class. I had a phone call.

"Hello Sans. Honey here. I heard about what happened to Papyrus from Toriel. So me and Edge came over to look over him. I hope you don't mind?"

Thank goodness. Now I don't have to worry about him anymore.

"No no. Not at all! Just remember that the bathroom is in the third floor. Papyrus favourite cereal is in the counter. If he wants more that I am sure you can give him some. Their in the fridge. The milk is in the table. And please make sure he doesn't talk to much. His voice is really sore right now. Make sure he doesn't get up on his own too. He has a broken leg you see. Also see If Edge can heal him. And if he doesn't go to sleep than take 'The fluffy bunny went to a picnic' book and start reading from page 12. That's were I last left it. Can you do that Honey?"

"Uh... sure... we will take good care of him."


Man. Classic really is a mother.

"Ya done dere?"
"Oh. Yea! yea! Bye Honey. Thanks for taking care of my bro."

"No problem."

Sans POV

After I called off the phone I noticed something.

(I guess it kinda looks like that.)

"Hey Red. Is that a new collar?"
Red- "Ye. Boss gave it to me last night"

Somehow, I found it a bit odd. We both got gifts from our brothers at the same day? Oh who am I kidding. We are literally alternate versions of us. It's not that surprising that we both goth something today.

Hmm.. his  collar looked cool actually. It had some new design and yellow stripes. Oh. The designing is same too.

"K. Let's go now."

We were heading to our classes when suddenly a familiar voice called out from behind.

No one's POV

Bijayeta- "Ah! Morning you two!

Classic and Red- "Morning!"

Bijayeta- "What took you guys so long- Nevermind. Anyways I am coming to your house to heal Papyrus today!"

Classic- "Wait really? Thanks so much Miss!"

Bijayeta- "Ahh no problem. Anyways I wanted to say that today is actually a very special day."

Sans POV

There wasn't anything written on the calendar about any kind of special day. The school diary had none either... Then what kind of special day?

"Anyways, you can go to your class now. Here's a pass if your teacher asks where you two have been. She won't give you Detention then."
"Oh! Thanks Miss."

We then headed back to class. Red went on his way to the insane section. I reached the mature section and entered. There, we saw our SST teacher. She was called Bright. (She is an OC in Gacha club.)

Bright-"Where.... Were.... You....?"

I think Bright is actually an Au of Miss Bijayeta. She looks like her. But Miss never calls her sister.. And her actual name is Bijayetu anyways. Bright was just a nickname given by us.
She also really reminds me of Grillby and Napstablook.

"Uh... Here's the Pass."

I felt the Pass slipping off of my hand. Then suddenly it was on 'her' hand.

Bright- "Hmmm.... I.... See... Okay... Sit... Down...

When I was going too. I noticed that Fell had come back to school. Well.. he has to ketchup a lot of work now.


As soon as I came in... I heard 'my' SST teacher's voice..

Medisa- "Where were you! I was waiting so long for you so that I can complete this chapter with all of you being around! Is that too much to ask for!? 3 hours of detention!"

I saw Dust smiling at me. But.. luckily.. today's not his day.

"But Miss. I 'ave a pass. 'Ere look!"

I saw Dust's smile fading away. Oh how I liked the way he does that. Not in a weird way though!

Medisa- "Hmm. Okay. Good enough! Now go to your seat or you will be sent to detention."

Medisa was just like a Fell version of Miss Bijayeta. Although she never says a swear word. Don't know why. She even gave punishments to those who swear in front of her. What a weird as#hole..

*Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding,*

Sans POV

Finally break. Now I have to check if there are any fights going on here...

I saw SNASSSS playing with Little. Epic and Cross are having a meme war again. I hope they don't blow up this place. Oh thank god. Ultra came at right time.

Ultra - "Hey! Stop that you two. You're not gonna blow up anyone here!"
Cross - "Awww. But this school is blast proof.. It won't blow up.
Ultra- "Maybe the school is blast proof. But are we? No! Now stop that."

Epic - "Aww C'mon Bruh..
            .. plz babe?.. just a little?.."

Ultra- "Fine. But you better not blow up anything!"
           (Btw, I ship Epic x Ultra)

Cross- "Dude! You didn't tell me you guys are a couple!"
Epic- "You never asked Bruh!"

I started walking ahead. I saw Killer playing with Nightmare's tenticles. Nightmare was allowing him too. Next I saw Dust and blue again. They were talking with Fell and Sci. There's Outer and Color. I saw Dream running towards Cross's direction. Suddenly he almost tripped.

"Be careful Dream. Also, no running in the halls."
(Reminds me of the principal from Baldi.)

"Sorry. I will be careful Mom!"

Then I say Ganz in a distance. He was talking with Sensy over there. And.. Maybe Mel too. Horror was with his boyfriend Lust. I can see Yandere berry and Unlust in a distance too.

Aaaand... Looks like that was the bell.

"Alright, break is over, plz go back to your classes."

In 2 seconds, everybody was gone. I also teleported to my next class. It was time for MGT. This and outside experience were the only classes were all of the Sanses, from Little to Omnipotent, everybody attended. Except, you know, the Problematic section. They 'barely' had a class with us.

Our teacher here was Crash. Another of Miss Bijayeta's Aus. Her original name is Bita. She looked 'baduss' as hell. Wait.. Can Fresh block swear words in my mind too? Damn, this guy really doesn't like bad words..
(Actually Bita can do that)

After 26 minutes of exercise, we finally got a break. You see, I still haven't recovered my full magic yet.

Oh. I forgot that after the break. We have some daily fights in here. Fighting was not actually allowded  in this class. Miss Crash just said that a 'tiny' bit of fighting won't cause anything.

Usually Miss would pick Fell to fight with Swapfell, or dust, or outer to fight first. But I don't think Fell is ready to fight after coming to the school two years later.

Crash- "Alright, Show me what you got Classic!"
Oh. Looks like it was my time to battle this time.

I.... have to fight... Oh man c'mon!

I had to fight Fell!Ink. Are you kidding me? He is literally a god! I saw Red saying something to the teacher. And he then went back to his place.

But hey! I just have to last long enough until the bell rings.

(Too lazy to right a fight.)

Okay... *Huff* it's been atleast 20 minutes. I have been dodging since 20 MINUTES. Can't the bell just ring already?

I don't have that much magic left either. Fell!Ink was looking annoyed. Because all I did was dodge and attack him in the right time. When suddenly, he summoned a big Gaster blaster. I was so tried that I didn't even notice that.

Looks like I am gonna lose.. Well I don't care about that. I just want to know if I could make it out alive.

Fell- "Classic! Watch out!"



When I opened my eyes... Let's just say what I saw.. was not pretty..

First I saw a red jacket, than I figured out It was 'Red'. Then I got the idea that he is really pi#sed. And then I saw what he summoned.

Yes, he did summoned a Gaster blaster. Just it was.. uh.. too big. So Big that we barely had a chance to stand and see it properly.

The blaster instantly broke Fell!Ink's blaster into pieces! Since, when did he become so strong?

And of course, he raged out.

Red - "What da 'Funking' hell is wrong with ya!? Are ya mental or wat!? Wat were ya even thinking, ya piece of 'shut'! Ya could've killed him bastard! Why the hell are ya called a god!? Yer worse den a demon!"

"Red! Please! Calm down! I am okay!"
Red- "Yer only ok now 'cuz I managed ta block his attack! What would've happened if the blaster did get ya?? 'Sides, ya only have 1 hp! Ya could've died ya-"

Fell- "Please... No more..."

Oh shit!

Sci- "Red please calm down! You know Fell doesn't like it when anybody shoutsin front of him! especially when you or Edge does!"


'Funk' I messed up.

"F-Fell I am so sorry. I shouldn't 'ave blasted like dat!"

Fell laughed at my Pun. Good.

Fell- No.. it's -ha- okay...

Sans POV

Just like that, our MGT class was over.. Red was still asking if I was okay. So did the others did. Fell!Ink apologized too. Red was still mad but I told him to let it go.

Miss Crash got a big scolding. I have the feeling she wasn't going to learn anything from the scolding.

All the other classes were the same as always. Today, in science we learned about reproduction.......... in plants. Then we discussed the possibilities of the timeline getting distorted. I will tell you what we discussed about later terms.. then we got a free period. Basically games period. It is called free because most of the Sanses take a nap at this time.Tgen the last class was Outside Experience. Today we came to know about different types of leaf structure. It was amazing. Later, we made a drawing with leaf prints! Ink's drawing was amazing. But I think that Lavender's drawing was the best. He was from NatureTale. So he knew about this kind of stuff.

Then I started to get ready to go back home. I was waiting for Miss Bijayeta. Then.. a few minutes later, Red showed up.

"Hey Classic, can I come to yer house too?"
"Oh. If you insist."

Bijayeta- "Hey Classic! I hope I wasn't late!
"No no Miss. It's alright-

We got teleported in my house.

I felt a bit dizzy. I wasn't ready for the Teleportation.
Well, I guess this is how Papyrus feels when I teleport him around.

Red- "So, were are the Papyruses?"

"They must be in his-"


Red- "Ya okay?"

"Yea.. but, don't you think it's kind of.. too quite around here?"

Red- "Yea.. you're right. The Papyruses always make a lot of sound. I understand why Honey and Papyrus won't make any noise. But.. what about Edge?"

"Let's get to Papyrus's room first."
Bijayeta- I will see the other rooms.
                 (Bruh. I ligit know what's  
                  gonna happen.)

2 minutes later.

"Did anybody find them? I have searched the whole house!"
Red- "I tried to search fer sticky notes. There's none anywhere!"

Bijayeta- Hey! I found something!
"What is it?"
Bijayeta- "It's some kind of note. Uhh.. it's written in Windings.."

Red- "Wha-what?"

Bijayeta- "Hey, it's rude to think about someone who is listening! Listen, did you forget that there are thousands of AU's in the surface? Most of the Sanses know windings right? It may be possible that some kind of Sans did it?"

Red- "Yea but, whoever it is, its strong enough to take boss and honey with him. Anyways, what does the note say?"

Bijayeta- "...................."   
"Maybe I am a god like creature but I still can't read windings."

"O-oh yea.. Let me see.."

Come on brother! I will lead the way there!
Wow, must've been hard to be the lead monitor
Stop being in the lead for once.
What is this? Is this were you lead to when you are very tired?

Red- "What das it mean?"
"The monitor room!"
Red- "Huh? How did ya know dat?"
"Just think Red. There's the word 'lead' in ligit every sentence. I remembered Papyrus saying the first line too me while showing me his Monitor room that time.
You said that next sentence in front of the Monitor room in our school!"

That next one was what I said when I first came to this school! and you were showing me around! We were very close to the Monitor room that time.
And, the Monitor room is where I go when I feel tired."

Red POV.

"Wha- why?"

Bijayeta- "Because we have beds for Sans to sleep in that room."

"Yea, maybe yer right. Let's check da moniter's room den."

Sans POV

We teleported to the monitor room.

After 3 minutes of searching.

Red- Hey! I see a clue!
"Really? Where?"
Red- "Up.. dere..."
"Wha- how are we gonna get to the ceiling?"

Bijayeta- "Oh you did not just forget that I have a pair of wings!"

Oh yea. Actually I did forget.

Miss then got the paper.

The next clue.

Some times you gotta cross the lines to reach your dream..
And try not to do anything to reach your nightmares..

Red- "The Tree!"
"There's no trees in here Red."
Red- "Nat dat! I mean Dream an' Nightmare's Tree!"
Oh yea. That does make sense. I understand what the line means now. Nightmare crossed the line, to reach his dream. To 'become' like Dream! But he did something that turned into his worst nightmare..

We teleported towards the Main garden. Because. After, everybody got out, Dream and Nightmare brought the tree to the surface. Flowey was a big help in this task.

There we saw a note under the tree. I got the note this time.

Hey! Be careful! your drunk!
Aww.. Epic and Ultra looks so cute together!
Ah.. what good memories.. where can we find them again?

Me and Red- The PunBar!

PunBar was a place where all of AU's went there to drink. It was a pretty big place. Dance, Food, Music,.. Everything you could think of. The bar was opened by DR! Sans. (Can you figure out what DR means?)

We all teleported to the bar.
For the first time in life, This place lookes darker then usual. There were no lights. As soon as we walked in. The door closed from behind. We could just teleport out of here, but we need to find the Papyruses first.

"Wow, look at this place.. it looks way uh.. not bright than what we last saw."

Red- "That's because the lights are turned off. There are no windows in this place and the door behind us just closed."

Oh... Yea. I was just thinking that.

"Hey Miss! Can't you just use your eyes to light up this place?"


When I turned back. She was gone. I tried to look over every direction. She was not with us anymore...

Red- "Wha-.. Okay. Ya know, this is kind of getting scary.. Did she teleport out of here?"

But Miss was not the kind of Person to do that! Something is definitely wrong. ("...")

"I don't.. know.."

Then suddenly, we heard a countdown.

"1..... 2..... 3....."

"Uh Red, what is happening?"
Red- "Don't worry, if something happens we will just teleport outside."

"4.... 5.... 6...."

"But what about the Papyruses?"
Red- Aw- 'funk' I forgot about that..

"Let's try calling him out!"

We both screamed in what look like a void with a single source of light. But still no response.

Red- "They are definitely not here"
"But what about Miss?"

But then suddenly we heard a 10...

And in front of ourselves was a big Gaster blaster. We didn't even have time to react when it fired."


I slowly opened my eyes.. to see..

A cake?..

Then- suddenly-__

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy Birthday dear


and Red/BROTHER/Friend/Bro..

Happy birthday to you..

Everybody started clapping.

Abyss- "Happy Birthday you too."
Asylum- "We got them good"
Bijayeta- "Yea. We did."

Oh shit. I totally forgot. Today.. was my birthday.. Well. Looks like I wasn't the only one who forgot. Oh man! I should've realised when Red's swear got censored.

Honey- "Judging by their faces, I think they forgot that their birthday was today."

Oh. There's Papyrus. Looks like he is fully healed. Just.. there were still some marks left on him. I looked at Red. He just stared in shock. Looks like he didn't know what reaction to give.

"Aww, guys.. You didn't need-"
"Wait. How did you even know that today was my birthday anyways?"

Ganz- "We were planning this party for quite a few days actually. I heard Cinnamon taking about how your birthday was coming and he wanted to give you something. Egde said that Red's birthday was also at the same date. Cinnamon then later saw me. I told him that we could celebrate both of your birthday's with all of the Sanses. Cinnamon then came up with a cool idea on how to set up the party. Then the rest of us decorated and planned an entire lit party."

"Papy planed all this?..."

Indeed it was very lit. There were all sorts of balloons in all different colours. Maybe Ink painted the balloons. There were all sorts of games in a corner of the room. A little playground for the Young section I guess. And there were different varieties of food. I could see Papyrus's spaghetti, Fell's and Red's chocolate. Ketchup, mustard, Tacos, hot dogs, apples, fruits, shakes, alcohol.. uh... brains?.. and many more.

Ganz- "Don't just stare everywhere! I am dying for this Party to start!"

Alright let's get the party started.

4054 words.
3rd September 2020.

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