Senator and Soldier

By LeeraIvy

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Senator Riyo Chuchi is beginning to lose her faith in the Republic. After being the target of several assassi... More

Unwanted Protection
Friendly Faces
The Price
Dissatisfying Escape
Traitors Revealed
Justice Served
Delicate Gift
Into Our Own Hands
Heartfelt Interrogations
Deserter Ally
Republic Commandos
Uncomfortable But Welcome
Trying Meetings
Numerous Excuses
Embarrassing Endeavors
Festival of Light
Taking Chances
Double Sided Warning
Shattered Ball
Tick Tock
Illogical Reasoning
Uncharted Course
Healer's Touch
Alleged Conspirators
Resolved Resignation
Broken Trust
The Beginning of Change
Difficult Decisions
Gnawing Anger
Temple Bombing
Timid Steps
Take Two
A Likely Story
Suspects Renamed
Code Red
Social Calls
Traitors In Our Midst
Dark Clouds
Friends and Enemies
Multiple Dilemmas
Wonderful Turn of Events
The Unknown
Hardened Resolve
Growing Frustration
Dark Revelations
Hidden Plans
The Order
Burning Fears
Strained Loyalties
Darkness Calls
Mending Pains
Thank You
Broken Codes
Walking New Paths

Perilous Plans

2.6K 86 25
By LeeraIvy

Coruscant: 20 BBY
Senate Building
Riyo Chuchi

    Riyo glanced at Mairin, who was seated behind her, along with a few other handmaidens. Mairin drummed her fingers on the arms of her seat, absentmindedly. They had been in session for several hours now. Even she had to admit that she'd zoned out a time or two.

    Riyo glanced around the vast chambers. The Chancellor's committee was still giving their report on their ongoing investigation. Not that they had anything to report. Riyo sighed and rolled her eyes. She spotted Commander Fox seated a few levels up. He was likely waiting to rejoin her as soon as the session was over. She couldn't imagine that he found it anymore enjoyable than she did.

    "Therefore, it is our final conclusion that the Trade Federation is innocent of any claims of Separatist involvement," one of the committee members was saying. "They have retained their neutrality in the war."

    "Thank you," Chancellor Palpatine inclined his head. The seat holding the committee drifted back towards its socket. "I trust that the findings of this committee will be satisfactory to all and will ease any remaining suspicions." Riyo could feel his piercing gaze turn towards her seat. "This session is adjourned."

    Riyo let out a hiss of annoyance and quickly left the seat. Her guards and handmaidens followed close behind. Mairin fell in step with her. "Are you all right?" She kept her voice low.

    "Just fine. I haven't forgotten what that Nautolan told us. The committee is lying. I know it."

    "What will you do?" Mairin raised her eyebrows curiously.

    "I don't know, yet." Riyo spotted Fox waiting a short distance ahead. He joined the group as they passed by. Senator Amidala caught up to them as well.

    "Riyo, would you mind accompanying me to my apartments this evening? I'll be there alone tonight. My handmaidens are preparing for my trip to Naboo, and your company would be appreciated," Padmé said with a kind smile.

    "Of course." Riyo smiled back. "You're all dismissed," she said to her entourage. The guards and handmaidens bowed their heads respectfully and fell back. Commander Fox remained, however. Riyo stifled a sigh, knowing she likely couldn't rid herself of him.

    "Commander, I can assure you that Senator Chuchi will be perfectly safe in my apartments," Padmé said firmly, noticing her distress.

    "I don't doubt that, Senator, but I still have an assignment. She is under my protection until I'm told otherwise," Fox replied.

    Padmé gave Riyo a helpless look as they stepped out onto a landing pad and boarded a shuttle. A golden protocol droid was waiting for them inside. The flight across the city was blissfully short. They reached Padmé's apartments in no time.

    "You can change into one of my outfits if you like," Padmé offered.

    Riyo nodded and followed her into her chambers and massive closet. They each changed out of their formal attire and into more simple and comfortable clothes. Riyo left her hair pinned up, though, while Padmé removed her elaborate wig and braided her curly brown hair.

    "He really does take his job seriously," Padmé said at last.

    "Yes, he does."

    "So, you had something to tell me?"

    Riyo nodded and sat down on a bench, while Padmé browsed through her array of clothing. "I've been investigating the Trade Federation myself. I went to the Lower City and learned that are members of the Federation who are supporting the Separatists. I didn't get any names, but my informant said they're on Cato Neimoidia."

    Riyo grimaced a bit. "And?" Padmé urged.

    "I was kidnapped by a crime lord who was going to sell me to them. They didn't have me for long, thankfully. Commander Fox and a few of his friends were able to rescue me."

    Padmé raised her eyebrows. "You've had a long couple of days."

    "You're telling me," Riyo scoffed. "I'm not really sure what to do now. Since the investigation has ended, I'm sure no one will take my claims seriously. They wouldn't anyway because my informant was the one who sold me out to the crime lord."

    "Who else knows what you know?"

    "My handmaiden, Mairin."

    "What does she think?"

    "I haven't asked her. There wasn't time." Riyo knit her brows, thinking. "What would you do?"

    "I would go to Cato Neimoidia and find them myself," Padmé replied. "The threats against you won't stop until they've been caught. Clearly, the Chancellor's committee won't do anything about it. I'm sure Commander Fox's presence will be removed soon as well. If I'm being honest, you'll be better off doing this while he's around."

    "That's the trick. He'll never agree to help me do this," Riyo sighed. "He almost wouldn't help me go to the Lower City."

    Padmé grinned and pulled her to her feet. "Luckily, I'm here to help. I'm sure the two of us will be able to persuade him."

    "It's worth a try," Riyo agreed.

Coruscant: 20 BBY
Senate Apartments
Commander Fox

    Fox groaned to himself, listening to Senator Amidala's golden protocol droid ramble on behind him. He stood out on the balcony, watching the sun slowly set. It had been a long day and the effects of it were catching up to him. Fox stifled a yawn and turned, hearing voices approaching.

    The two Senators emerged from an adjacent room and sat down in the living area. Senator Chuchi waved him over. Fox arched an eyebrow in surprise, but obeyed.

"Yes, Senator?" He asked.

"We have a proposal for you," she replied, gesturing to herself and Senator Amidala. "You won't like it."

Fox crossed his arms, already feeling frustrated. "How can I help?"

"I need to go to Cato Neimoidia," Senator Chuchi replied.

"Why would you..." he broke off as she raised a hand to silence him.

"Before I was kidnapped, I did learn something useful. There are Separatist sympathizers within the Federation still. I have to find and expose them."

Fox shook his head. "I understand you want to make sure you're going to be safe, but it's too dangerous. Besides, didn't you learn that information from someone who turned you over to Ralius?"

"Yes, but I don't think he was lying about that. He thought I'd be on my way to them already so what harm would it do to tell me?" She pointed out. "Someone has to do this. The Chancellor's committee isn't going to, like I told you."

"Then we can find someone else who can," Fox replied.

Senator Amidala shook her head. "If anyone is going to believe this claim, Senator Chuchi must secure the proof herself. I have an idea, actually." Senator Chuchi looked at her expectantly. "I can get you a meeting with Lott Dod. We can convince him to invite you to Cato Neimoidia. While you're there, you can take the opportunity to investigate."

    Fox shook his head. "No. I can't let you do that, either of you."

    Senator Chuchi let out an exasperated sigh. "What do you want me to do? No one else will bother to look for the truth. Soon enough, your services will be dismissed. Who's to say they won't try again? They could succeed, even. I thought you were assigned to protect me. This will protect me."

    Fox removed his helmet and pinched the bridge of his nose. At last, he nodded. "We need a more secure plan, though. I'm not taking you there unprepared."

"Let Padmé secure us an invitation first, and then we'll plan," Senator Chuchi replied. "We need to have everything set up first."

"I can speak with the Federation senator tomorrow. I'll get it taken care of, not to worry," Senator Amidala promised.

Senator Chuchi smiled at her gratefully. "Thank you, Padmé." She stood. "We should go. It's been a long day. I'll return this as soon as it's been cleaned." She gestured to the outfit she wore. Senator Amidala nodded with a grin.

Fox replaced his helmet and escorted the Senator out of the apartments and into a lift. He tried to ignore the stifling tension he could sense growing. At last, Senator Chuchi turned towards him.

"Thank you." Fox started at that. "I know you're uncomfortable with this. It's dangerous and not something most senators would do," she said. "But I have to. I hope you can understand that."

Fox swallowed, trying to think of a reply. "I suppose I can try," he said at last. The lift opened up and Senator Chuchi headed into her apartments. Fox waited until she was inside, before heading towards Clay's post.

He tugged his helmet off and tucked it under an arm as he approached. "I know that look," Clay said. "What now?"

"We're going to Cato Neimoidia," Fox replied.

Clay chuckled. "How did she rope you into that one?"

"She had Senator Amidala's help."

"They're both pretty persuasive, I suppose. Do you need my help?"

Fox shook his head. "I don't know, yet. I'm waiting to see how we're getting there, first of all. I don't know how this will work. Senator Chuchi wants to investigate, but if we're invited there, we'll have to be with the Federation Representatives and I don't know how we can be in two places at once."

Clay nodded thoughtfully. He opened his mouth to reply, then paused as another lift opened close by. Mairin emerged, along with Jairo. Fox stared at Mairin curiously. An idea began to form in his mind.

"What are you thinking?" Clay asked.

"We take doubles," Fox replied with a grin. "I'll fill you in when I've got the full plan."

"All right. Good luck," Clay replied. Fox dipped his head before moving away. He had plans to make, it would seem.

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