Saving Bennett Reid (Book 3)

By fictionowl

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[Jasper Falls Saga: Book 3] This book is part of a series and must be read in a specific labeled order. Pleas... More

Twist of Fate
Looking Out For Me
Ivy Rose
Anxiety Attacks
A Desperate Beta
Peace Offering
Shut It Down
Gaining Intimacy
Past is Past
All For You
The Date #SpookFest2k19
Strange Behavior
It Begins
Consequences of Officiality (Part 1)
Consequences of Officiality (Part 2)
Consequences of Officiality (Part 3)
Beta Mate
Phase One: Uprising
Phase Two: The Hunt
Cheesy Romance
Puzzle Pieces
Troubling Developments
Ready Or Not
Game Plan (Part 1)
The Mole (Part 2)
Game Plan (Part 2)
Woeful Descent
Raid and Rescue
The Mole (Part 3)
The Mole (Part 4)
Jaxon's Beta #SpookyFest2k20
Hope Unanchored #SpookyFest2k20
Unhinged (Part 1)
Unhinged (Part 2)
Man of Steel
A Slice of Normal
The Last Stand (Part 1)
The Last Stand (Part 2)
Iron Fist

The Fall of Black Rock Canyon

5.4K 219 487
By fictionowl


Dodging left, the blade narrowly missed my throat giving me the upper hand. Locking my grip onto the rogue's wrist and shoulder, I managed to knock the blade out of his grip, catching it before it toppled to the woodland floor. With a well-executed twirl of the blade, I jabbed it into the rogue's chest twice before shoving him away.

"B, behind you!" I heard Jax shout and immediately turned to find another rogue making a beeline for me. He brandished a large blade in uncoordinated swings as if demonstrating how he wished to slice me up.

Ducking down to escape the wild swing, the air around me shifted as the sound of a snarl and growl met my ears. Those vicious growls were shortly accompanied by the rogue's agonized screams of pain that barely drowned out the sound of crushing bones.

Scrunching my brows in disgust at the blood that spilled and splattered, recognition of the large wolf quickly dawned on me. With a shiny, healthy pelt of deep brown, an exact shade of his hair colour, his wolf form robust and charging the air around him with a dominating aura, my mate was truly a monstrous sight to behold.

I couldn't help the flutter of pride that went through me.

He was vicious and absolutely feral in his wolf form, moving his head in a side-to-side fashion with powerful jaws clamped down onto the rogue's neck, tearing and pulling at flesh until the rogue's screams died away amongst the sounds of growls, snarls, gunshots, screams, and yelling that surrounded us. The rogue fell limp, his body lifeless.

Carter snarled possessively; his wolf head lowered, and hackles raised. Slowly, he made a show of stepping back until his side brushed against me.

There was an incoming group of five rogues: two in human form and the other three in wolf form. It hadn't escaped my notice that Carter took a protective chance, ensuring that he was the obstacle between me and the rogues, acting as a physical shield.

For a split moment, I placed my hand against the scruff of his neck, my hold on the blade tightening ever so slightly as tiny, powerful electrical impulses shot up through my arm, leaving my palm tingling.

It never ceased to amaze me, our bond. Even though we were fully mated, our bond still continued to grow and deepen but even in human form, those electrical sparks weren't as strong as it was now.

Why didn't I feel the surge of those sparks when I had been in wolf form for the Hunt? Was it because we hadn't yet consummated the bond, or was Carter's animal side that more dominating now that we'd marked the other?

Carter growled, his body lowering to a stance of attack, one in which he was about to pounce on the incoming rogues. With them only meters away now, I swung the blade out and watched it fly through the air, catching one of the rogues in human form, right between the eyes.

From the corner of my eye, I saw the monstrous figure of my mate's wolf snarl and bark before pouncing forward, large, strong paws pushing back a rogue in werewolf form. His paw planted firmly at the dead centre of the rogue's chest; Carter barely gave the guy a fighting chance wasting no time in going for the kill.

Admiration for my mate's ferocity was short-lived as the air shifted near me and I turned my focus back to the fight in time to throw my arms up in a defensive position to block the rogue wolf pouncing my way. He jumped, his jaw clamping onto my forearm that drew an agonized growl from me, but I didn't let him take me down that easily, rather using the force of his collision to my advantage.

Dropping back, the rogue wolf whimpered as I got my legs up under his belly and propelled him forward. As he went rolling the other way, I rolled onto my stomach catching sight of a blade lying just inches away. Making a mad dash for it, I managed to roll onto my back once again just in time throw up my forearm to stop what would have been a lethal chomp to the throat.

Flesh tore and blood oozed as teeth sunk into my arm, but I gritted my teeth against the pain, driving the butt of the blade handle into the side of the rogue's head. Instead of letting go like I'd hoped, the rogue only growled in acknowledgement of the pain and clamped his jaws tighter, thrashing his head to the side. Grunting in pain because I could feel my flesh tearing more, the blade slipped from my hand and toppled to the ground.

Clamping my jaws tightly, I managed to pull the rogue's head closer within range to headbutt him. His death bite on my arm loosened enough for me to kick him away and slip free, grabbing up the blade once more and making a wild, uncoordinated swing at his neck. The rogue dodged low and the blade ended up nicking his left eye and much to my dismay, I didn't get the chance to finish him off as the wolf in front of me suddenly let out a strangled, panicked cry as a huge, deep brown wolf jumped onto his back.

Powerful jaws clamped into the scruff at his neck and in once swift move, the rogue was pulled away from me. I watched in awe and shock, the sight before me, as Carter ripped apart the rogue that had attacked me. I noticed now that the other three rogues laid up dead, their bodies mutilated and shredded. One rogue's head was twisted at a stomach-flipping angle.

My mate did this.

So...this was the ferocity he was capable of. And he appeared to be in his right mind, not having relinquished complete control to the animal instincts. I wondered what the outcome would be if he ever lost control.

The battle raged on for gods knew how long. It was past sundown now and darkness covered the woodland of Black Rock territory, yet the fight waged on and had shown no sign of wavering to a stop. It had become a challenge to seek out the trespassers now because they were smart. Using the darkness to their advantage and striking when our backs were turned.

I can't count the number of Black Rock wolves we'd lost this night and part of me wondered if there were any survivors left who were above the age of sixteen since we'd pulled a significant lot of upcoming warriors who were still in training under the rookie rank to fight. A shit move on our path and I regretted ever reinforcing into their minds that they were more than capable of fighting a war.

I'd lost sight of Carter and Jax in the midst of the fight. I had no idea where Jax was, but I knew that my mate was safe. If Carter had been hurt, I'd have felt it. Wherever on Black Rock territory he was, I knew he was cutting down rogue after rogue whilst looking for me.

I'd sensed his frustration and anger. I'd felt his fear, but the fight prevented him from getting to me when that bullet went through my right shoulder.

Injured and tired, wanting nothing more than to close my eyes, and with no Black Rock wolf in sight nor any ally wolf we'd called in, I'd taken to hiding to recuperate. Older wounds were acting up and blaring with white hot pain that forced me to grit my teeth against it. I'd blocked my scent too, preventing any of the rogues from finding me in my hiding spot, somewhere on the northern end of Black Rock territory, hidden under a tree.

The earthen floor beneath the roots had caved in creating a crater large enough to hold me. Once I'd stumbled across it, I'd slipped inside and had been there since, controlling my breathing and focusing on not passing out from exhaustion and pain.

I was so sick of fighting.

Letting out a puff of air, I focused on stabilizing my breathing to ebb the pain that reverberated through my body. I had new wounds, mostly scratches, bruises, and cuts from the fight but nothing as serious as the bullet wound in my shoulder, or the gashes on my arm where that rogue had bitten. Unfortunately, the bullet was still inside the wound and I knew I had to get it out.

Staying in my hiding spot until the blaring pain started to ease, I conjured a mental image of Black Rock's territory, thinking of my current location and calculating the distance to the nearest lookout booth.

It was close. About fifty yards away but the trick was getting there without running into any rogues. The woodland was somewhat quiet, in the distance I could still hear the ongoing fighting. Screams of pain, barks, growls, and snarls. Men and women shouting, orders being thrown to the wind, and gunshots piercing the night air that stunk of burned wood, gunpowder, and blood.

It was quieter compared to earlier but the quietness shrouding the woodland did nothing to douse the growing fear of something sinister. Misery hung heavy in the air and what I felt in that moment had been easily, the most terrifying.

Fear of the unknown.

When the howl came in signalling an attack, all of us had left the interrogation room except for Hunter and Andre who stayed behind to secure the prisoner. Beta Chad had been on the phone almost immediately following the first howl, barking orders into the phone and demanding reinforcements arrive within the hour.

That was almost four hours ago, and I hadn't seen Beta Chad since I'd left the interrogation building.

Our numbers were stretched thin spread out through the woodland while most were focused on the heart of Black Rock's territory- where the residential area sat- fighting off the rogues of Tobias' faction that just seemed relentless.

It was either Tobias had turned his faction into some kind of super-soldier unit, they were juiced up on something, or he had somehow found a bunch of elite warriors to participate in his conquest.

They'd been hard to kill and hard to overpower. It was almost as if they had a complete upper hand and my time in hiding on the northmost borders of my pack's territory had allowed me some time to think things through.

The attack was planned. Everything leading up to this moment had been a carefully laid out puzzle piece in a larger game. Worse? This wasn't all Tobias.

He was the manpower, but not the brains behind overthrowing Black Rock. But it was a win-win to the muscle and the brains because...

My pack was dying.

The sorrow that overpowered my senses and hung heavy in the air spoke of a tragedy we fought hard to prevent. We were not strong enough.

We were not enough.

This had been their plan all along. Wear us out and weaken us to the point that our numbers stood feeble against a greater, opposing threat.

A howl suddenly echoed throughout the woodland, raising chills all over my body as it carried with the wind, emanating from the residential area of Black Rock. It was one that spoke of the ultimate heartbreak, the agony in that one howl rocking me to my core and bringing tears to my eyes.

A Black Rock wolf had found his mate's corpse.

They were killing us off one by one and here I sat, under a fucking tree hiding like a fucking coward! My pack was being slaughtered on its home turf.

Grief twisted my gut hard until I was sick from it. Tears trickled down damp skin that was coated in grim, dirt, sweat, and blood, dripping off the end of my chin. A tremble set forth throughout my body as sobs wracked me, beginning from deep within. A soulful sorrow that I knew would never heal no matter how many years passed.

Caught between screaming out from the injustice and the cold-blooded cruelty of the world to supressing my sobs to stay hidden, I clenched my jaw as tightly as possible- to the point of pain- and clutched the assault rifle closer to my chest.

The stench of death, sorrow, and agony lingered in my nostrils, rousing a fire within my soul born of vengeance. My grip on the rifle tightened until I was sure my bruised knuckles were blanched white.

How many things had gone wrong? How many lives had been lost?

How many lives had been put in jeopardy? I prayed that my grandfather was barricaded away and safe at the hospital.

I prayed that my family and my friends were safe and still alive.

Taking a deep breath, I leaned my forehead against the rifle's barrel and focused on regaining control, repeating a mantra for control, and giving myself a small pep talk.

You're stronger than this. You've maintained control for the last four months, maybe more. Don't let it slip away now. Mourn later. Cry later for those who we've lost. Cry until there are no more tears to be spent. You're not dead yet.

I prayed to the goddess for guidance. For strength. I prayed to the same gods, the same goddess I had turned my back on to fight with me.

Please goddess. Take my soul in return. Just please, let me save my family.

Rocking back and forth, my arms wrapped around the rifle and myself, I regulated my breathing and moved only when I possessed the strength to wipe away those tears. The night air was chilly as though nature itself was reflecting the foreboding, uncertain future that awaited me and the survivors of Black Rock Canyon.

A pack, once great in strength and number, crippled by a hidden betrayal. Decimated and torn apart by those same traitors.

I emerged from my hiding spot, keeping my footfalls light, and ignoring the lightheaded feeling that had assailed me for gods knew how long. I kept my ears and eyes peeled, careful to avoid stepping over twigs or small branches that would alert any potential threats lurking about the darkness, using the night to their advantage.

A twig suddenly snapped somewhere off to my right and I scowled, immediately jetting behind a tree, and clutching the rifle closely. My body blared with pain, in my torso, arms, and legs. Closing my eyes and resting my head back against the tree trunk, I listened closely, focusing past the distant screams, blazing fires and crackling of wooden structures and trees that had caught fire from like gusts of wind that carried embers toward the treeline. I listened past the scampering woodland animals and the flapping wings of night birds seeking refuge from the coming danger.



This rogue is not an experienced tracker. I can tell. He's too noisy.

Yes, he since he is unaware of the first basic rule of tracking. Mask your scent. How else could you catch your prey if it sensed you from a mile away?

The footfalls approached and by now I could tell he'd grown wary of where he stepped. I could smell his struggle and hesitance to continue forward and he was some meters away. Opening my eyes, I surveyed my surroundings deciding it best to conserve what little energy and strength I had left to fight off a worthy opponent.

This rogue was inexperienced, and it felt wrong to waste valuable time on picking off the easy ones. Who is to say that on my trek to the nearest guard booth, I didn't run into a much more experienced, menacing opponent?

My eyes landed on a rock that would easily fit in my palm since it was slightly smaller than that. It had a nice round shape too which meant it might fly quite nicely through the air. Peeling my hearing once more- as best I could- I grabbed up the rock, crouched low and listened for anymore footfalls.


The rogue cursed softly under his breath and despite the desolation roosting and festering inside me, I couldn't help but roll my eyes in distaste. These were the rogues who had invaded my home and killed of gods knew how many of my pack members?

It angered me like no other! The audacity they had when they couldn't even tell their own ass from their face!

Crawling around the tree a few inches, I caught sight of the rogue armed and carrying an assault rifle similar to the one I cradled.

My finger slid over the cool moist surface of the rock. I had one clear shot and so, it had to count. Angle and aim. Do not miss.

Glancing down to the earthen floor once more, I saw another rock, this one smaller and lighter. It might go further so it would work perfectly as a diversion while I set my real plan into motion. Swiping it up and ensuring to stay hidden, I quickly surveyed the darkness shrouding me for any incoming threats that may have escaped my sight or hearing.

Nothing. Good.

I moved back the few inches, returning to my initial spot before peeking around the tree trunk once more. The rogue's head was tilted down as he carefully examined the woodland floor to avoid stepping onto any twigs and small branches or kicking any small stones that would sell him away.

Too fucking late. I'd heard him and was pissed to high heaven, hell, and back.

I clutched the smaller of two stones tightly, sending a silent prayer to the goddess that my aim was accurate. I launched it in the direction from which I had come, and the small stone went zipping through the air, smashing against a tree trunk some meters away but still, not far enough.

Good thing I had made my initial plan my contingency.

The sound caught the rogue's attention, his head immediately snapping up as he moved closer in that direction, assault rifle at the ready as he sought to investigate the source of the uncharacteristic sound. This was my chance.

Carefully, I stepped away from the tree and quietly placed the rifle against it, barrel pointed upward. I pulled my arm back, angling my body for the perfect throw while clutching the larger stone in my palm. Breathing in and out, I monitored the rogue's movement and when he was far enough, squinting into the darkness, I let the rock fly.

He yelped and grunted a heartbeat later when the stone connected with the back of his head, the force of the throw knocking him out cold. He fell face-first into the cold dirt, the assault rifle falling harmlessly from his grip.

Thirty more yards to the guard booth.

With that thought in mind, I grabbed the rifle from its place near the tree and made my way, trekking through the dark woodland. Footfalls light and careful, steering clear of anything that would crunch, or snap beneath my weight. Ears and eyes were peeled for incoming attackers, rifle loaded and at the ready to fire.

Fifteen yards away, I spotted the guard booth almost fifteen feet off the ground but that wasn't the challenge. I would have trouble getting up there because milling around below were three rogues of Tobias' faction.

Slinking around the tree to the next one, and advancing another two yards closer, the toe of my shoe kicked against some small rocks making me curse myself mentally. I shot back, pressing against the trunk, and listening for any movement.

Their voices blended together in conversation over the distant screams that sounded like background noise far, far away now that I was at the end of Black Rock's territory to the north. They continued to talk, perhaps too immersed in their conversation to have heard me or even sense that they weren't out here alone.

The wire fence that barricaded the pack's territory stood only feet away from them and a plan quickly formulated in my head. Careful to stay hidden, I swiped up three of the small stones and moved two yards closer, hidden behind another tree.

Ten yards away and still they hadn't picked up on something being slightly wrong. How could they not tell that they were being watched? Were the rogues of Tobias' faction truly that inexperienced and untrained? Then how the fuck did they manage to get this far? To wage an attack that had finally brought Black Rock tumbling to ground from its barely stable crutches.

Inhaling deeply, I took the first stone and threw it into the air, the small object making a clinking sound as it collided with the wire fence. It drew the rogues' collective attention, bringing a halt to their conversation as I shot back into my hiding spot. One of them ordered the other two to go check it out but I could tell he was only tossing about orders because he was easily the most spooked of the three.

As the other two went off to investigate, I peeked around the tree to the other side on my left. The rogue who had been belting orders a moment ago, appeared skittish as he nervously surveyed his immediate surroundings, sticking more to the beams that supported the overhead booth.

Letting out a quiet puff of air, I launched the second stone.


The rogue jumped, gasping softly.

For real?

Seeing this petrified rogue filled me with such raw rage and anger. And for once, it was not at myself but at my pack. The subordinate ranks whom the higher ups and I have begged time and again to train harder. To allow us, my grandfather the chance to whip them into the perfect killing machines. The best warriors they could be.

But no!

They were stubborn and refused to take training from the best of the best because of rumours and well-crafted lies. Years of brainwashing and manipulations, of false promises. They refused to see logic and understand sound reasoning. They refused to believe in what was carefully laid out before them, blaming our pack's suffering on Tobias and faction.

He was not entirely to blame. He had not led an attack against Black Rock so many years ago that crippled our pack. That began when my father took his place as fourth-in-command of Black Rock. They allowed by father, his wife, and daughter to cloud their judgements and ate up their fabricated lies like loyal minions, refusing to think for themselves.

They refused training from the best because the best was not the fourth-in-command.

And now they had paid the price. I could tell so without having to go back because from the sorrow that stifled the air and suffocated me, I knew that many lives had been lost this night. My only prayer; let my family be safe.

I would weep for my pack if I weren't so angry with them. Their stubbornness had cost us and now, I didn't know if there'd be enough Black Rock wolves left to consider ourselves a pack. Would we share the same fate as Blackwater? Or perhaps, one worse? One so bad that we'd be forced to disband? Seek refuge in another pack's territory or go rogue?

What about the future of the pack's children?

Did they ever stop to think about that? Were they so blind to Vince's neglect and their misplaced hatred of my mother and the bloodline from which she'd been born that they'd neglect their basic duties and let us fall so far?

We weren't a pack at all. We were beyond broken. That was why we had been so easy to cripple. We were already treading on thin ice the moment Vince became fourth-in-command. And with my mother out of the way, he'd gained all the support he needed from his wife to consistently hack at that thin ice until it completely shattered.

He'd betrayed us. Before we even knew it. Maybe even before he himself knew it.

How long had he been in cahoots with Tobias?

Shaking my head and stuffing down the anger, I glanced over and realized that the skittish rogue had moved a few steps toward the fence where the stone collided with it. In the cover of the darkness, I moved closer to another tree and now, I was about eight or so yards away and still, they hadn't realized that they were being watched.

I launched the last stone and it smashed against the wire fence, lower down from where the second one had hit. The rogue gasped again, and from where I stood, I smelled his fear. In a voice he tried to keep steady, he called the other two and they went on to investigate the sound.

All three of the rogues.

Their backs turned and vulnerable, I dashed out from my hiding place and sprinted the short distance. My heavy footfalls drew the attention of one rogue, and he turned about only to have the butt of the assault rifle collide with his forehead.

He dropped, unconscious. By now, the other two had surrounded me. Skittish Rogue brandished a large blade, giving it a few twirls as if to intimidate me. His actions were amusing, making me wonder if he knew how to handle a blade that large since he clearly, hadn't been involved in a raid of this magnitude all his life. I could see it in his eyes and in the way he carried himself. This was new to him even if he was a rogue.

His friend to my left carried more confidence in his actions with the barrel of an assault rifle pointed at my head. His expression faltered morphing into a frown as he looked at me before a sinister smirk of sorts curled his disgusting face.

"Yo, this is the higher-up we're definitely supposed to kill." he mused.

"This is his kid?" Skittish Rogue queried for confirmation and unknowingly confirming to me that my father was somehow involved in this raid. It wasn't surprising when faced with conveniently timed events that had transpired within the last number of hours.

They knew we were onto them. That we were suspecting them, and it would only be a matter of before we gathered enough solid evidence to lock them up for good or if their crimes be severe enough, an execution date would be set by the Council.

Vince had been arrested under the suspicion of conspiring against his alpha. I'm guessing the wife got scared, took the daughter, and dusted town. Maybe she went directly to Tobias and had him hire one of his rogues to gun down my grandfather, and possibly even me. And then the attack.

"I'm guessing my father, or even his wife, hired you to kill me, right?" I tossed to them in a taunting fashion, a slight smirk curling my lips because they thought they stood a chance at defeating me.

Even injured and limping, I could still take them. Just by the way they carried themselves, I could tell they weren't as experienced or trained. They talked a big game, and it was easy to do when you're the one holding the gun to another man's head.

The rogue with the gun chuckled, his shoulders shaking as though I'd given them the punchline to the joke of the century. His friend didn't look so confident, gripping the life out of the blade's hilt.

"Your dad must really hate you!" the rogue with the gun retorted nastily. "Killing you should be easy. I'm sure the other heads are already dead or dying as we speak."

My nostrils flared in anger. How fucking dare, he? This imbecile had the audacity to threaten my family when he was the one, inexperienced and hiding behind an assault rifle? He had no idea what he'd just done.

These fuckers trespassed into my home. Hurt the people I worked my ass off to protect and now he stood here, tall, and proud as if ripping away a pack's future and obliterating its hope for a prosperous one was something to be proud of!

"The feeling's mutual. I hate him and everyone associated with him."

I swung the rifle, knocking the assault weapon out of the rogue's grip. It went tumbling harmlessly to the ground turning the fight in my favour. Firing the gun might bring unwanted attention and before anymore fighting persisted after taking these rogues down, I had to get the bullet out of my shoulder. I had to get up inside that booth where I'd be safer than out on the open ground and hopefully, I could buy enough time until Carter, or somebody found me.

My strength was sapping quickly, and I was running on fumes. It was now pure will to survive that kept me going. The will to survive and get to my family in the hopes that they were still alive and kicking.

Dropping the rifle, I dodged low as the rogue came at me with a wild right hook. In the clear, away from his uncoordinated attacks, I straightened up and lunged forward, wrapping my hands and arms around his neck. A swift twist later and a sickening crack echoed, reach my ears as the rogue immediately went limp in my grip and I let him fall.

Skittish Rogue was now staring at me shock, appearing hesitant to approach me going by the expression of uncertainty he carried, like he knew he wouldn't walk away from this fight. I almost felt bad about needing to kill him but guess what? He had trespassed anyway. And he'd probably taken the lives of multiple innocent Black Rock wolves. So, why should I spare him?

How many children had he orphaned this night? How many fathers and mothers had he murdered in the name of some selfish bastard's power-hungry conquest? How many sons and daughters had he taken from the surviving elders of this pack?

We circled one another, assessing the other for weak points and points of attack. On me, there were several. My energy sapped, exhaustion dragging me down every breath I took, my body blaring with pain from old, new, and healing wounds, I was a perfect mess and incredibly vulnerable to any attack.

The trick was gaining the upper hand.

Skittish Rogue lunged forward and instead of dodging, I tackled him head on blocking the arm that wielded the blade, gripping his forearm and wrist, angling the tip of the blade downward. I brought my knee up and slammed it into his midsection repeatedly, enough times to have his body crumpling the half. The rogue groaned, and his grip on the blade's hilt loosened but I swiped it away before it fell out of reach.

Shoving rogue away, he stumbled to his knees. Gripping a fistful of his hair, he gritted his teeth against the pain making me curl my lip in disgust. Yanking his head back, the blade's edge kissed the skin of his neck and I made sure that he was staring up directly into my eyes. One I was sure, reflected the remorselessness I felt in that moment.

"This is for the lives you've taken."

The rogue's eyes went wide, and he gasped, but his screams didn't have the chance to escape and give me away as I brought the blade down over his throat. Blood spurted and overflowed, and I kicked the corpse away, turning my focus to the unconscious rogue I'd knocked out earlier.

Gripping the blade tightly, I marched over and without a shred of regret, I yanked his head up and pulled the blade over his throat too. Quiet and effective. No survivors.

Just like how they'd intended for Black Rock's fall.

They'd been ruthless and remorseless. Thus, I would be the same.

Tossing the blade, I searched the others for any other weapons and found another blade on the first rogue I'd knocked out. I took that with me, stole one of the corpses' sheath straps, and grabbed up both rifles, slinging the straps over my torso. Carefully, I made my way over to the booth's ladder.

Doing a quick check of my surroundings for any immediate threats and finding none, I climbed the ladder up to the deck with much difficulty. My leg was acting up, my torso blaring with pain that shorted me of breath and my sore muscles screamed for comfort and rest.

I let out a puff of air once I was on the deck and crawled over to the leftmost corner of the booth. It was brighter there and would allow me to see better, the mess on my shoulder that throbbed and blared with a foreign object inside it.

Placing the rifles at my side, I gripped the blade's hilt in one hand and shifted the strap of my tank top with the other. Grimacing against the pain, I pushed a finger inside the wound to feel how deep the bullet went. Expelling a shaky breath, I gripped the blade tighter to focus my pain on that knowing the blade's width would do more damage if I used it to dig the bullet out.

My claws would work fine but even getting my them out was a task and it was only then I realized why.

The bullet had wolfsbane in it. Not like the kind that Teddy Pike had once injected me with, or the one they'd pumped into my system down in that basement. It was the usual kind that sapped my strength and rendered me human but because of my wolfsbane immunity and that I had my mate's hormones and enzymes zipping about inside, it was taking longer for the full effect to kick in.

Didn't mean it wasn't working.

It would explain why the pains in my body felt all the more excruciating and why I felt so exhausted. There was a war going on inside me with my immunity and Carter's healing enzymes fighting off the foreign substance that was pushing back just as hard. It was taking its toll on my body.

My claws barely extended, and I shoved my index claw inside the wound. Pain exploded in my shoulder and my legs kicked in reflex. Clenching my jaw tightly, I shut my eyes and carefully pulled the bullet out after a few minutes of digging around. Blood oozed, trickling over my shoulder, fingers, and hand.

Once the bullet was closer to the surface, I pulled it out the rest of the way with two fingers and tossed the offending object. My right side throbbed with a searing pain leaving my breathing short and heavy. Clutching at my shoulder, I knew it needed medical attention; a proper cleaning and stitches but for now, I'd have to cope.

Hell! I didn't even know if Lisa was still alive and if she were, what condition was she in?

It took a while but eventually, my breathing returned to normal and I could focus once again, peeling my ears to listen for approaching footsteps. A task not easily done in no short thanks to the rogues' brilliant idea of coating their weapons in wolfsbane.

I could feel my once heightened abilities reducing in sharpness. The soreness of my muscles wasn't due only to pushing my body past its limits since I'd refused to remain bedridden after being discharged. There was too much to do and much to find out. My healing was slower even with my immunity and Carter's healing enzymes. My sense of smell was already starting to lapse; the smell of blood, burning flesh, and burning wood becoming fainter.

It was quiet for a while. I heard nothing approaching but every now and then, I'd hear the chilling screams of a mother wolf, perhaps one whom had found her child dead amongst the chaos. Or even the sorrowful howl of a male finding his mate dead, or the angered screams of a father wolf.

It tore at my heart to be up here in this guard booth. I wanted to go to them and fight beside them, assure my pack that they hadn't been abandoned and that no matter what the enemy threw at us, I'd defend them until there was no breath left in me. The nagging instinct to protect them drove me up a wall knowing I was barely holding together, emotionally, and physically.

The stench of lost hope and sorrow hung heavy in the air, having been stuck in my mind for hours now. I could never forget it.

Clambering to my feet once more, I grabbed up the rifles, slinging one over my torso and cradling the other, slipping the blade into the sheath strap on my thigh. I surveyed the surrounding woodland. From this high up, I had an advantage of spotting danger before it got too close; an advantage that was slowly slipping away because my night vision was not nearly as sharp under the influence of wolfsbane, but still good enough that I'd pick up movement in the darkness.

Minutes passed by and it was quiet. There was no movement whatsoever, other than the one or two small woodland creatures. An owl flapped its wings, shooting off a tree branch to land on a tree closer to the guard booth. A small rodent scampered past, rustling leaves as it escaped through the wire fence.

Something was wrong.

It was too quiet. If those rogues had been posted this far into Black Rock territory, there should have been more crawling about the woodland in search of pack wolves hiding out or looking for an escape. Their plan, after all, was to eliminate Black Rock Canyon, completely.

Just then, the wooden panels that made up of the booth's roof, creaked. I stilled, quieting my breathing as I clutched the rifle tighter, making sure that my movements were silent as I flipped the safety off. I turned, peeling my ears as I moved to the centre of the space, the assault rifle aimed at the roof.


It stopped, and I kept my footfalls light, shifting closer to the left side of the booth, directly under where I'd heard it.

There was definitely something or someone up there. The panels were not nearly aged enough to creak under the gust of the wind which surely could not to do anything other than gently rustle a few leaves.

The question was, how did someone get up there without me sensing it or hearing it? Or was I just too tired that these things were slipping my notice?



I swivelled around, aiming, and firing at the roof where I'd heard the sound emanate from the right side. The wooden lining splintered and no sooner had the gunshot sounded, a figure dressed in all black swung from the roof and right into the booth.

Brandishing a large blade like all the other times, my lip curled when I recognized the familiarity of the weapon the mask less, dark figure carried.

"Hush!" I seethed. Menacing gray eyes settled on me as a sinister smirk curled his mouth. Blonde hair glittering in the night's natural light, shadows falling across his face. It didn't matter that he was a submissive wolf. He still unnerved the shit out of me.

Hush lunged forward making me deflect the attack by throwing up the rifle to block the slash of the blade. Grunting as I shuffled back, Hush swung a second blade I hadn't noticed before, the edge of the sharp object barely kissing the fabric of my tank top.

"Why are you trying to kill me?" I shot at him, dodging low as he swung the blade out again. Moving away from him, Hush was backed into a corner with the barrel of the rifle aimed for his head. He held his hands up, the blades pointed down, but the smirk returned.

"You saved my mate and me at the beach house. Why are you trying to kill me now? Are you really working for Tobias?"

Hush's menacing exterior faltered and he expelled a deep breath as if he were exhausted. In the next moment, he dashed forward with incredible speed, and my finger pressed the trigger out of reflex. I was shoved, my lower back ramming into the wooden barrier of the booth, the rifle slipping from my grip. Pain exploded in my abdomen, my face stinging and throbbing as I felt a warm liquid drip from my nose.

I'd missed.

Hush had effectively dodged the bullet and gained the upper hand in the blink of an eye. He'd busted my nose too.

I don't understand. Why was he trying to kill me? Why save my mate and me from an assassination attempt only to aid in my kidnapping and now attempt to kill me? Why not kill me at the beach house to begin with?

He was more than capable since he'd turned the odds of this fight into his favour. In just the blink of an eye.

The rifle had been tossed out of the booth, landing on the earthen floor below with a dull, soft thud. Before I had the chance to recover, another blow was landed to my abdomen making me double over, the punch immediately followed up with a knee to the gut.


For a submissive, he sure could pack a punch. Then again, he was a ruthless rogue whose eyes were like staring into the bottomless abyss of nothing but cold, dark space. They held no emotion, and no indication of what he thought. He was an expert assassin who could lock his emotions down to the point he appeared to possess no soul. He could mask his scent perfectly, never once letting his concentration lapse. He apparently, was as light on his feet as he was merciless in a fight.

I had not heard him approaching the booth, nor did I hear any thudding sounds that told me something had landed on the roof.

He had all the makings of an elite warrior. And then his strength. He was high-born. From which pack? That's the million-dollar question.

High-born. Rogue. Extremely skilled and ruthless.

Perfect for killing off my father's greatest threat.


I heard two thuds and my eyes went to the direction of the sound, finding the two blades he'd brandished tossed to the floor. The rifle strapped to my back was yanked away, and I immediately brought my arms up to block the hit. He'd tried using the rifle as a weapon to hit me. He went for my midsection, but I dodged out of the way, going low and rolling to where one of the blades lay.

Of course, as fast as I was, Hush was even faster because I didn't get the chance to retrieve the blades; Hush had flung the rifle at my face. Grunting, I fell back, not nearly quick enough to escape the kick to my face.

Rolling to my belly, I tried crawling away but was yanked up to my feet a moment later. Bringing up my elbow, I jammed it into his midsection repeatedly until his grip loosened giving me the chance to turn about. I smashed my forehead into his ignoring the pain I'd caused to myself. He grunted, stumbling back, and reaching up to rub at his forehead.

Hush let out a frustrated groan, lunging at me once more but I feigned right and grabbed him from behind, pulling him into a headlock. He flailed about for only a millisecond before he gripped onto my forearm and suddenly crouched down, taking all of his weight down.

The action stunned me and gave him the upper hand as he flipped me over and I went rolling. Before I could crash into the mini wooden wall, I righted myself and grabbed the blade from the sheath strap on my thigh, whirling about to lunge at him.

But he was ready for me.

A well-placed right hook to my face had me stumbling back, the sharp pain in my jaw making my grip on the blade loosen. It tumbled to the floor with a dull clatter, and I found myself flying backward a heartbeat later, pain exploding in my chest where he'd kicked me.

My lower back hit the barrier again, the wood snapping and collapsing under the impact. A panicked screamed ripped from my throat as I the image of Hush's form suddenly grew smaller.

Pain exploded throughout my body in the next moment, my breath shorting as if all the oxygen had been knocked out of me. Exhaustion washed over me as I coughed, feeling the burning sensation of multiple tiny cuts on my shoulders, the back of my neck, and arms. Wooden splinters from the broken wood, scrapes and cuts from nails pounded into the wooden structure.

I wanted to see my mate.

I wanted to see his cocky smirk and those pretty blue eyes I'd fallen for. I wanted to hear that deep, gravelly voice reassuring me that I hadn't lost. I wanted him to take me into his arms, hold me close, and tell me that this was all a nightmare. A figment of my imagination. Black Rock wasn't attacked. We hadn't been wiped out.

My eyes widened as Hush came into view, his slender, dark figure hovering on the platform overhead. But what terrified me was what he held in his hand.

How did I not notice the Glock he'd been carrying? There surely hadn't been one stashed anywhere on that platform.

"Please..." My voice was weak and strained. This can't be it. Not again!

Hush only smirked, something sinister and chilling. Without any hesitation whatsoever, he pulled the trigger, and something sharp embedded itself into my chest.

Panic seized me and it wasn't because I thought it was a kill shot. I felt a tear trickle down the side of my face, my vision becoming blurred as black dots suddenly swam in my view of the world.

I don't want to be taken again.

I don't want to be tortured again.

Please, goddess...

I want my mate.



I was coming to. My eyelids cracked open just a little and I registered a male's voice calling out to me.

"Bennett! Oh wait! There he is!"

Rage immediately filled me, and I curled my lip. Gone was any shred of haziness, red colouring my vision as I growled lowly, lifting my head to glare at the cunt who had dared to say my name.

I was in a moving car. I couldn't have been out for long because I recognized the roads on which they were driving. We were in heart of Pymbrooke Creek's undeveloped area, with one long road stretching all the way behind the goddess' back. On either side of the narrow street, if it wasn't large empty fields, it was tall trees, and overgrown bush.

It was night, and there were close to no streetlights along this stretch.

Squashed in the back seat of a moving vehicle with my worst enemy, I glared holes into my sperm donor's face. On either sides of me were rogues under Tobias'...or should I say, Vince's command.

At this point, who knew who was truly in charge?

Was Tobias even gunning for Black Rock anymore? Or was it strictly Vince calling the shots? Vince, his wife, and daughter? I wouldn't put it past them.

The one on my left, I recognized as a Pymbrooke rogue. I suppose, then, that maybe Vince was calling the shots and Tobias was simply providing the manpower.

My father wasn't powerful enough to buy and bribe a bunch of rogues into doing his dirty bidding as henchmen.

The rogue in the driver's seat was a fucking traitor. A former Black Rock wolf in the subordinate ranks, he'd managed to work his way up as a pack warrior under Vince's reign. But never an elite because he had tested negative on my grandfather's little personality test. Hot-headed and posing an affront to higher-up authority, he never did well with taking orders unless of course, the ones who gave the orders were exactly like him.

Aggressive, temperamental, and an abusive prick. He shamed the warrior ranks, and as a close friend to Vince's, I'd also been on the receiving end of some of his physical attacks simply because he was in a bad mood or I'd offended his ass when he'd stumbled into Vince's home, drunk off his ass.

I wonder what daddy dearest would do if I suddenly exposed his friend's dirty little secret? Each and every time this drunken fool had waltzed into that house, I'd notice the lecherous gleam in his eyes whenever he looked at Cheryl. And she looked at him the same way.

I would bet anything, that those two had fucked behind Vince's back at some point. And what's sweeter? Vince would never know because he had never felt the pain of being cheated on by his true mate because my mother was a decent woman. She'd met Colton after the bond was severed and she was forced out of Black Rock. Since Cheryl was my father's chosen mate, their bond was in no way as strong as the bond between true mates. He would never know if she cheated, if she lied, if she were in danger and bleeding out somewhere because they did not have that soul connection.

He would never know and could never begin to understand what I was feeling right now. The toxic anger flowing through my veins like a good poison; the rage that blinded me. The insanity that was slowly creeping in.

Carter was losing control, and fast.

My gaze flitted over to the infuriating bastard who was my biological father. He had changed out of the clothes he'd been wearing in the cell to an all-black attire complemented with a bulletproof vest strapped over his torso. In his lap, he cradled an assault rifle.

Now that I had awoken- my hands zip-tied behind my back limiting chances of breaking free with the wolfsbane having taken full effect and my mind still somewhat woozy from the tranquilizer- he had turned to face front once more. But he was grinning widely by the puffiness of his cheeks.

Oh? So, you think you did something right by kidnapping me? Again?

The last person in the vehicle, the one sitting on my right with a gun pointed at my head was none other than the only one here I actually respected.


Still. Why was he helping Vince when he'd saved me twice now? Our paths had crossed a total of four times, and he'd had opportunities to kill me. At the beach house. When I was taken from the school last Friday.

Saturday when Davin and I broke free, I had been sure that we were being followed as we'd made our way out of the Valley Heights' slum area. We were being pursued and yet, no rogue ever came close to capturing us because they had been cut down by an agile figure dressed in all-black and brandishing a large blade. A figure that kept out of sight and to the shadows but once, when we'd stopped to rest, I'd caught a glimpse of him somewhere up in the trees of the woodland.

And now. He could have killed me. Yet he didn't.

"Where the hell are you taking me?" I spat. Vince smirked at me in the rear-view mirror, a sinister kind that had a chill running up my spine. Glancing out the front windshield, I saw another car driving immediately in front of this one. It was safe to assume that car also carried more rogues or even traitors of Black Rock.

Turning my head left, I managed to turn my body slightly to catch a peek out the road behind us where four more rogues followed on bikes, the headlights bright and making me grimace at the shock it brought to my retinas.

"How about we negotiate a deal?" Vince started, drawing my focus onto him. He stayed facing front but continued to speak as though friendly conversations were common for us. "I severely underestimated your skill set and I think, you'd make a good addition to my conquest. With your skill set put together with his," Vince paused, jabbing a thumb in Hush's direction, "I'll finally have Black Rock where I want it. You see, Bennett, I have a vision for what the pack should be, and Joshua and Cate just didn't meet my standards."

His standards? Joshua and Cate were by far, one of the best alpha couples Black Rock ever had the honour of having. I'm going to assume that since they didn't fit what he thought they should, he launched an attack that orphaned Hunter, Jax, and JJ. An attack that orphaned several and killed countless others.

"So, you cut a deal with Tobias, I'm guessing? Who approached who?"

Vince grinned brightly. "I approached him. Caught wind about how he was looking to reshape Blackwater and take Black Rock. Of course, I couldn't have that. I want Black Rock, so I told him I'd help him so long as he killed Joshua and Cate. Foolish bastard still thinks I'll actually let him have Black Rock."

This fool is giving me so much!

"You're double-crossing Tobias?"

"Ah! You're not so stupid. Then again," he scowled, "you never were. Which is why I've always hated you and your brother. So much like your know-it-all whore of a mother."

My nostrils flared and my jaw clenched. There were many things I could tolerate but leave my mother, and my deceased brother out of this. Vince continued to ramble oblivious to the vile rage roosting within.

"Always looking down on my wife and daughter as if you and that irritating abomination twin of yours were so much better."

"You're not helping your case if you want me on your side." I pointed out.

"Who says I do? I change my mind." he sneered. Bipolar much? "I can't even look at you without wanting to kill you let alone work with you." Vince fired before he broke out laughing.

This man was psychotic.

"I'll say things worked a little too well in that first raid. Then again, my little princess wanted Jaxon all to herself and she finally had him. No obsessed beta to get in her way, and no annoying little Bentley to steal Jaxon's attention."

What the fuck?

He...he murdered them.

All for that fucking bitch!

Shaking my head and pushing back the tears as unwanted memories flooded my mind, a glare housed itself on my face. Chester may have been a horrible mate and a terrible friend. But he still had a family. He still had people who loved him. My brother...

My sweet little brother whose outlook on life had been so much better than mine. He was a ray of sunshine everyone loved and just like that, Vince had murdered my baby brother to make his bitch daughter happy. Vince had stolen that sunshine from so many of us. Jax, JJ, Maia, my mother, me. He hadn't hesitated.

His own flesh and blood he murdered because his precious daughter couldn't handle being told no.

What had we ever done to deserve this? Was this punishment for the crimes of a past life? How could fate be so cruel?

"What the fuck do you want with me, you fucking bastard?" I gritted out, tears of anger blurring my vision. Assuming he had something to do with the first raid was one nightmare. Hearing him admit that he'd coordinated the murders Chester, my first love, and Ben, my baby brother, all to satisfy some undeserving bitch angered me to no end.

I wanted to lash out. I wanted his fucking blood coating my hands for his crimes. I wanted him to pay for what he'd done to me and my family. And yet, there was always some fucking hindrance. I'd never stand a chance- injured, exhausted, and drugged up on wolfsbane- against four, maybe more, wolves with their full strength.

I'd die if I fought them and unlike before, I actually had something I wanted to live for. And he was trying to find me. I could feel him reaching out to me using our bond. A shift inside me like a small tug in my heart and soul that told me he was hanging onto our souls' connection and pulling at it until he found me.

Vince grinned. "You're part of my plan. But so long as you're in Jasper Falls, I can't get you alone long enough to kill you. And once you're dead, my princess can finally have what she wants."

My mate.

Fuck Vince. And fuck his precious little princess. She got the last one even if she didn't fucking want him. She won't get this one even if she wants him. So long as there's breath in my body, I'll fight and kill anyone who tries to steal him from me.

"You really think it'll be that easy?"

"It is that easy, fool. Carter's going to realize that you're not worth all this trouble. You can't give him an heir to his rank and once you're dead, he'll realize Mandy is the better choice." Vince fired.

I love his delusions.

"Truly? It didn't feel like that when he fucked me last week and put his mark on me."

Vince's anger spiked and a moment later, my head suddenly snapped back, pain exploding in my face starting from my nose. Luckily, no more blood of mine was spilled. "You fucking dirty whore! You fucking slept with your sister's mate?"

Her mate? Don't make me piss myself, you deluded cunt.

A humourless laugh bubbled up my throat. I laughed for a good minute before finally sobering and simmering down. The fact that this asshole thinks he could actually kill me off and drive Carter straight into his daughter's arms was the joke of the century.

When I glanced back to Vince, he was scowling, looking two seconds away from actually killing me. Perhaps I was pushing my luck by provoking him, but I wouldn't let him go on thinking he could rip my happiness away like he did so many times before.

I'd once loved Chester. But Mandy had succeeding in turning my love for him into complete hatred. Carter was different. He'd been the last person I'd expected would stay by side and help me through my bleakest moments. But he fought tooth and nail for me, and I'd be a fool to let someone like that go.

As damaged as I am, he still found a way to love me. He helped me, and he accepted all of my flaws. Every time my self-esteem would plummet, he'd build me back up again and assure me that I should love my flaws because it makes me who I am, and that is somebody he loves and wants to spend the rest of his life with.

He'd returned my hope of a better life, a life full of hope, light, and love. He'd returned my hope of someday having a family of my own. How could I ever let him go? How could I ever let someone take him from me? Especially when I knew he would never willingly let me go.

"So, what if slept with him? He's my mate. The mark on my shoulder says as much. You're deluded if you think Carter will ever choose Mandy."

"He did once. Before you showed up and ruined your sister's happiness like the fucking attention-seeking whore you are."

I laughed again. If only he knew I had tried running away from Carter in the beginning. But that relentless bastard persisted in his pursuit. A gunshot wound to the head might've been the only thing that would stop him from pursing me. "He used her! They fucked, and that's all she was to him. Carter will never see Mandy as his mate."

Vince only smiled as if he were so confident that his plan would work. "He will. When I kill you, your bond will die and the mark on his shoulder will fade. Once he realizes she can offer him so much, a chance to father his own child, and be the alpha of Marcana with my daughter as his luna, he'll go right to her."

"You're a fucking idiot! You have no idea what you'll set into motion if you kill me. And alpha, huh? That's your plan? Take control of Black Rock and steal the alpha throne of Marcana from Tobias so your daughter can be luna. You're putting a target on your head, Vince."

"Everything will go according to plan once you're dealt with. Tonight."

"You don't get it, fool!" I tried.

He had no idea the chaos his perfect little plan for power will create. Going after Marcana was a death wish which would cause Lativa and Crescent Hill to retaliate. If they didn't see Vince as a traitor to Black Rock Canyon, they'd wipe out the last remaining wolves of my pack. Threatening Marcana was asking to be thrown into a tank of hungry sharks, and you're the chum.

And don't get me started on my death...

"If you kill me, your entire plan will fall apart. Carter will never join you. He will never see your daughter as anything other than the bitch who had his true mate murdered. Kill me and you'll unleash a beast this county doesn't need to see. You'll win nothing, Vince. My death will drive him insane and if he doesn't kill himself after avenging me, he'll fucking die trying."

"You're speaking too much. Knock him out." Vince spat and ordered. From the corner of my eye, I saw Hush flip the Glock he had pointed to my head so that he held the barrel. The butt of the gun was turned toward me-



And I could've sworn I heard a roar.

"Fucking hell!" Vince shouted as the car suddenly lurched forward. The rogue on my left flew forward, banging his face on the back of the driver's seat and then the side of his head against the window. My body lurched forward but no harm came to because Hush immediately pulled me back, shielding my head with his body.

The car swivelled off its track, tires screeching and skidding before it finally stopped, the rogue at the driver's seat making a mad dash to regain control of the steering wheel.

What the hell was that?

A raucous cacophony of gunshots firing could be heard outside of the vehicle that had now stopped, coupled with the sounds of agonized screams. Shrugging off the rogue shielding me, I took the risk of raising my head ever so slightly just to get a peek of what was happening through the window on the left side. My eyes widened and I immediately ducked back down when the body of one of the rogues following on bikes came flying into the side the vehicle.

The force of the impact cracked the window but luckily, it hadn't shattered.

The screams had died down now, and there were no more gunshots being fired. It was now eerily quiet outside and slowly, we all sat upright, immediately taking to surveying the surrounding darkness that shrouded the vehicles like a thick, inky black mist.

There were no streetlights, the only sources of such coming from the bike and cars' headlights and the moon that shone overhead.

There was nothing outside. Just darkness, and laying scattered on the road were the four bikes and...

My breath hitched.

What the hell hit us?

The bodies of the four rogues; two had been mutilated beyond recognition, one of which had no head and a missing arm which were lying some feet away from the rest of the body. The third rogue had his head and a leg twisted at stomach-flipping unnatural angles. The fourth rogue was dead too, but an inkling told me he died before his body was slammed into the side of the vehicle.

The sight was grotesque, and I fought hard to restrain my emotions and keep the gates shut on those unwanted images of the first, second, and third raids on Black Rock. All of that blood, and the dead bodies of our fallen brothers and sisters. Decapitated, butchered, and mutilated, broken, burned.

And to think I was sitting in this car with the man responsible for it.

He deserved a fate much worse than what he'd forced upon us.

Glancing out the other window past Hush, the car in front of us had also skidded to a halt. Both vehicles faced the treeline rather than the dark road ahead. The attack had left us shaken, myself included and what rattled them more than me was that outside the vehicles appeared quiet and calm.

There was no movement at all. Just darkness shrouding both vehicles, the scattered bikes, and the mutilated rogue bodies.

"What the fuck was that?" Vince spat; his tone vexed but not nearly enough to mask the truth of how frightened he was by the sudden, peculiar attack. I bore no reaction other than a blank face, trying to keep those images stuck in that tiny little box at the back of my mind.

I focused on a few breathing exercises I'd learned in therapy and kept my eyes shut until my heart rate returned to normalcy. The four rogues had their guns out, peeking out the windows for incoming threats. A glimpse of what attacked us and caused that much havoc.

"I don't know." Vince's friend, and Black Rock's traitor replied uneasily, looking left and then right out the front windshield.

They were spooked.

Hush however, sat at my right unmoving. He was breathing quietly, his disposition cool and calm while he kept his eyes focused out his window. The barrel of the gun was no longer pointed toward me.

"There is something out there, though. Think they sent someone after him?" the Black Rock traitor followed up, glancing over to Vince for some kind of response. Vince looked back at me with a scowl.

"Maybe. But they have nothing in their arsenal that could cause that much damage."

I wouldn't be so sure, father dearest. I warned you.

Gunshots from the vehicle ahead of us suddenly echoed throughout the quiet road, accompanied by screams of the rogues inside. The skin-crawling sound of metal scraping could be heard, the vehicle shifting and moving closer toward the car we were in as if something big and strong were pushing it.

"Out! Everyone, out! Now!" Vince barked, already shoving his friend in the driver's seat out of the car. The Pymbrooke rogue on my left, threw the door open and jumped out of the backseat, immediately turning about to grab hold of me.

Gunshots, screams, metal scraping, shattering glass, and a vicious roaring mixed together, making my heart pound in my hearts as anxiety flooded me.

We were out after a few seconds of struggling to get me out with my hands tied behind my back and harbouring multiple wounds. Hush followed swiftly and soundlessly, getting out just as something came crashing into the vehicle making it shift forward. The two windows on the right side and the back windshield shattered making us stumble back, the rogues whipping out guns and moving away further while dragging me with them.

More gunshots from the other vehicle sounded, and an agonized scream echoed through the darkness. The thing that had jolted the car forward just now, I realized was a door from the other car. Blood pooled and dripped off the leather seats of the other vehicle, the windows that were still intact had been sprayed the colour of red.

But that wasn't even the most terrifying sight.

It was the thing in the backseat, hunched over the now decapitated head of the screaming rogue. A dark form that looked like a giant, bulky man, but at the same time, it was not that. Feral growls rumbled, echoing throughout the darkness as bright blue eyes that seemed to glow in the moonlight pierced the darkness.

The vehicle shook with its weight as the creature slowly clambered out, stepping down on all fours. Yet, it was not in its full wolf form.

Or should I say, he.

He was in his werewolf form but by the feral gleam in those blue eyes, he was more animal than man than I had ever seen him. Now that he was so close, the bond sizzled and zapped, my body and senses alert of his every move.

"Shit!" I heard Vince curse, loading his assault rifle, and aiming it at the werewolf. Panic seized me but before I could do anything, an unknown voice spoke, and I immediately put a face to the voice since I had never once heard him speak.

"You want him for your daughter, don't you?" Hush spoke. His voice was quiet and smooth, yet somehow, powerful and intimidating. "That beast is Carter Hayes."

"Fuck!" Vince screamed in frustration, tossing down the assault rifle. The large werewolf with a pelt of deep brown growled menacingly, carefully assessing the four rogues surrounding me.

"We won't stand a chance against him in that frame of mind, Vince." Hush spoke again. "You were a fool to think you could get away. The stories that surround that kid; he's a living urban legend."

Carter suddenly growled, pouncing forward. His large frame skidded across the hood and he landed in front of us, the group of four rogues immediately shuffling away and taking me with them. Carter didn't seem to like that, his blue eyes centred on me for a moment before it flitted over the four rogues. Growling menacingly, he stalked forward and for each step he took, the rogues pulled me back one.

Carter growled. He didn't like what they were doing.

"The three of you leave. Get to the safehouse. I'll handle this." Hush informed suddenly, and when none of the three others moved, he glanced over and arched an eyebrow. "You want to live, don't you?" Hush motioned his head right as we moved further around the back of the car. Carter followed, crouched on all fours, watching their every move.

Hush suddenly grabbed hold of me as the others clambered into the vehicle. The engine started and the car skidded off, but Carter didn't go after it, not while I was tied up with a gun pressed to my head.

I hated that they were getting away but there wasn't much I could do.

With the sound the vehicle's engine fading into the distance the further it went into Pymbrooke, silence engulfed us and part of me wondered why Hush hadn't pulled the trigger. Didn't he say he would handle this?

Then again, how many times did the opportunity present itself? So many times he could have killed me. It was in Vince's plan, and despite Hush's chilling words of 'handling' this, I knew he wouldn't kill me.

And that made me all the more curious. What was he playing at? He wasn't going to kill my father's greatest enemy, and yet, he was still helping them.

"He won't kill me, Carter. It's okay." I assured the pissed off werewolf slowly stalking forward. He growled in response, perhaps far too feral in his mindset to give a coherent reply. I knew what he was thinking and how this looked.

His mate was injured, tied up, in the grasp of the enemy, with a gun pointed to his head. He couldn't trust Hush, and frankly, neither could I. But I knew he wouldn't kill me. Carter didn't. He hadn't attacked yet because it was the knowledge that Hush possessed the power, the choice, to pull the trigger or let me go, that kept him back.

"Listen to your mate, beast." Hush advised. Carter snarled, barking in return. His blue-eyed gaze stuck to the gun pointed at my head, almost as if he didn't believe in the words, I had just told him. Hush expelled a deep breath. I felt him move against my back. He turned his head to the side looking down the dark road where the vehicle had sped off, the red taillights nothing more than tiny dots on the black horizon.

Hush then moved the gun away from my head and pointed it upward, pulling the trigger. Carter growled menacingly and I ducked from the loudness of the sound that rattled my eardrums but I realized what he was doing. He returned the gun to the strap on his thigh, switching it out for one of the blades he carried.

A moment later, it slipped between my palms, the cold steel stinging my skin. The ties came undone and I immediately stepped away, turning to face him as I walked backward. I came to stand at Carter's side and with me in the clear, Carter stood in front of me, snarling and snapping at Hush who wore a blank expression save for the amusement that blazed in his usually void gray gaze.

"What's your game?"

Hush smirked, slipping the large blade back into its place, the sheath strap on his left thigh. He ruffled the front of his hair and shrugged in nonchalance, an equally nonchalant expression coming down over his face.

"I have a hidden agenda. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. You were a job. We have a mutual friend. I'm not supposed to let you die." he listed off with a bored tone before pausing and glancing back over to us after having made his short list. "Shall I continue?"

"I don't trust you."

"I didn't ask for your trust. You should get out of here, though. Pymbrooke is crawling with rogues. Take the bikes and get back to what's left of your pack."

"You're going back there? If they find out that you didn't kill me-"

"It won't matter. They're dead men walking anyway. It's just a matter of time before the executioner brings down his axe." Hush flitted over to my mate who stood like a sentinel wolf, acting as a barrier between me and the supposed threat. The rogue winked knowingly before he expelled a deep breath and turned, ready to walk off in the direction the others had gone.

"Be seeing you, Bennett Reid." he added on with a careless wave, his black-clothed figure disappearing off into the night.

Confusion settling over me, I shook my head and glanced over to my mate who growled softly at Hush's retreat. That rogue was quite an intriguing fellow.


Finally! Long overdue!!

Until next time:

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