Senator and Soldier

By LeeraIvy

104K 3.5K 1.6K

Senator Riyo Chuchi is beginning to lose her faith in the Republic. After being the target of several assassi... More

Unwanted Protection
Friendly Faces
Dissatisfying Escape
Perilous Plans
Traitors Revealed
Justice Served
Delicate Gift
Into Our Own Hands
Heartfelt Interrogations
Deserter Ally
Republic Commandos
Uncomfortable But Welcome
Trying Meetings
Numerous Excuses
Embarrassing Endeavors
Festival of Light
Taking Chances
Double Sided Warning
Shattered Ball
Tick Tock
Illogical Reasoning
Uncharted Course
Healer's Touch
Alleged Conspirators
Resolved Resignation
Broken Trust
The Beginning of Change
Difficult Decisions
Gnawing Anger
Temple Bombing
Timid Steps
Take Two
A Likely Story
Suspects Renamed
Code Red
Social Calls
Traitors In Our Midst
Dark Clouds
Friends and Enemies
Multiple Dilemmas
Wonderful Turn of Events
The Unknown
Hardened Resolve
Growing Frustration
Dark Revelations
Hidden Plans
The Order
Burning Fears
Strained Loyalties
Darkness Calls
Mending Pains
Thank You
Broken Codes
Walking New Paths

The Price

3.3K 103 84
By LeeraIvy

Coruscant: 20 BBY
Senate Apartments
Commander Fox

Early the next morning, Fox was startled awake by Senator Chuchi. He sat up, feeling somewhat disgruntled. Senator Chuchi gave him an apologetic grin. "Get up. We're going to the Lower City."

Fox blinked his eyes in disbelief. "I'm sorry, what?"

"I want to go to the Lower City."

"Why?" He arched an eyebrow.

"Because I might learn something there." She tossed him his helmet. Fox tucked it under an arm and stood.

"I don't think that's a good idea. You need to let the Chancellor's committee handle this situation. By investigating, you're just putting yourself in more danger."

Senator Chuchi crossed her arms and raised her eyebrows. "You can't stop me from going."

"No, but I can report you to the Senate Guards and order them to bar your attempts to leave."

Her mouth dropped open, then shut in a frustrated expression. She placed a hand on her hip and pinched the bridge of her nose, as though collecting her thoughts.

"I know what I'm doing is dangerous, but I have to. I'm sorry, but I don't trust the Chancellor or his judgement. I most certainly don't trust his committee. Besides, I'm not the only senator to do something like this. Senator Amidala does things like this all of the time. One of my handmaidens is coming with too and we'll be going in disguise. No one will know who I am." She paused again. "I want to investigate their operations in the Black Market."

"Absolutely not." Fox crossed his arms and glared at her.

Her golden eyes flashed with frustration. "You were assigned to be my bodyguard, not my babysitter."

"It seems like you need a babysitter," he muttered to himself. "You can't go to the Lower City and you certainly can't go poking around in the Black Market."

Senator Chuchi raised her head and gave him a long look. "Fine. If you won't come with, then I'll go find Padawan Tano. She's usually willing to help someone who needs it." She whirled on her heel and headed back out of the room.

"Commander Tano isn't on Coruscant," Fox called after her.

"Then there are plenty of other Jedi who can help!"

Fox let out a disgusted groan. "How does Thorn handle these people?" He scrubbed at his face, then slipped his helmet on.

Clay was waiting outside of the door. "She seemed upset."

"She's making me upset," Fox snapped. He brushed past his brother and headed towards the Senator's landing pad.

Senator Chuchi and one of her handmaidens were inside her speeder already. They wore simple outfits with large hoods that could cover their faces. Fox hated to admit it, but they had made a wise choice in disguises. Senator Chuchi hid a smirk as he climbed into the speeder behind them. He caught a glimpse of the handmaiden elbowing the senator.

"This can't take too long," the maid said. "You have a session later this afternoon."

"Remind me when it's time to leave," the Senator replied.

The handmaiden turned around and extended a hand to Fox. "I'm Mairin. I'm sorry about my lady's stubbornness. It was actually my idea and she's hooked on it."

"Nice to meet you."

"I met your friends last night. They seem nice enough," Mairin said. "Although one of them, Jairo, I think, didn't say anything. What's the story there?"

"I don't know. He hasn't said a word since I've known him," Fox replied. Mairin gave him a thoughtful look before facing forward again.

In a short time, they reached the Lower City. Senator Chuchi parked the speeder in a semi secure location. "This way," Mairin said. The Senator let her take the lead and fell back in step with Fox.

"Remember not to call me Senator or my lady or anything like that while we're down here," she said.

"Don't worry. I won't forget."

"You actually took my offer and brought your friends to help." It was more of a statement than a question, Fox noted.

"It seemed like a good idea. If you don't want them there, I can ask them to leave. I have them filling in positions that your guards missed."

She shook her head. "It's fine if they're there, as long as they aren't breathing down my neck."

"You really don't like being escorted, do you?"

"Who does? As a senator, it's a fact of life for me. It's just a fact that I don't appreciate most of the time. It's become overbearing ever since the war began. More and more senators are at risk, thanks to the Separatists."

Fox bit his lip within his helmet, thinking. "I'm sorry. I wish my presence would be more of a comfort than a disturbance, but I have to fulfill my mandate."

She glanced at him sideways. "I know." Senator Chuchi pulled ahead and joined her handmaiden as they neared a shady building. They stopped just outside of it.

"I don't think you should come in with us," Mairin said. "We should've thought of it sooner. People will recognize that you're with the Coruscant Guard. They might even know your rank and that would jeopardize us. They would guess someone of importance was here. You'll have to wait outside or something."

I knew something like that would happen. Fox gritted his teeth and rolled his eyes. "Fine." He pressed a button on his wrist comm. Instantly, Senator Chuchi's lit up as well. "Now I can track you. Press this button if you need me." He took her wrist gently and pointed to the button.

She nodded and snatched her hand back. "Come on, Mair. Let's hurry." They disappeared into the building, leaving him behind.

Coruscant: 20 BBY
Black Market Trade Center
Riyo Chuchi

He can track me? Riyo's thoughts ran rampant as they made their way through the building. She pulled her hood farther up, shrouding her face in darkness.

"Hey," Mairin's hand rested on her shoulder. "Don't get too worked up. It's a precaution and he does have orders to obey."

"I know, but it's a little unnerving," Riyo answered.

    Several Weequays and Rodians pushed past them. Mairin led Riyo farther back into the building. There were makeshift booths and offices close by. Mairin led her towards one. A Nautolan stared at them with apparent disinterest.

    "What do you want?" He drawled.

    "Information," Mairin replied. "We'll pay for it too."

    "What kind of information?" He leaned forward, interested at the mention of money.

    "Separatists and the Trade Federation," Riyo whispered in reply.

    A cocky grin crept onto the Nautolan's face. "Well, you've come to the right place. We'll have to meet somewhere more private, though. There are eyes and ears everywhere. Meet me in the back of the building in ten minutes."

    Riyo nodded and stepped away from the booth. "We'll pay you when you've told us what we want to know." He didn't reply, but his smirk was answer enough. "Do you think he actually knows something?" She whispered to Mair as soon as they were out of hearing range.

    "I asked a friend of mine and that Nautolan was the only name I was given," Mair replied. "He must know something."

    "What friend?" Riyo arched an eyebrow.

    "A clone who's arrested him before."

    "Why isn't he in jail then?"

    "He escaped." Mairin rounded a corner and opened up one of the back doors. They stepped out into a dirty alleyway. Riyo glanced around suspiciously. A few Mandalorians lounged around, but made no moves towards them.

    Minutes later, the Nautolan came out to meet them. "So what exactly do you want to know," he asked.

    "Do you know of anyone in the Trade Federation who might be Separatist Conspirators?" Riyo asked. "Members who aren't publicly known about," she added.

    "You're smart," the man chuckled. "I know there are a few, but I don't know their names."

    "Just tell us what you do know," she urged.

    "I need a down payment." He held out a hand expectantly. Riyo rolled her eyes and dropped a few credits into his palm. The Nautolan took his time counting them before continuing. "From what I've heard, these conspirators are still on Cato Neimoidia. They work undercover there and have been smuggling funds to the Separatists, as well as getting rid of trouble makers."

    Riyo perked up at that. "Do you know the names of their targets?"

    "There was one I heard about recently. Riyo Chuchi of Pantora. Their assassination attempts failed but I'm sure they'll try again. Cad Bane was stupid and got caught. He's always looking for glory. That's why he went after a group of senators instead of just the one."

    Riyo turned her face away as the Nautolan moved closer, trying to look beneath her hood. "Do you know who hired Bane?"

    "I have no clue." He held out his hand again and Riyo dropped a few more credits into his palm. "Here's the last of my information for you. These Mandalorians are very eager to make a bargain for some money." The Nautolan grabbed her arm and yanked her hood off. Riyo struggled in his grasp and stomped her foot down on his.

    He cried out and released her. Riyo took off running with Mairin right beside her. "He knew who we were from the start!" Mairin exclaimed. "I'm sorry, Riyo. I didn't know!"

    "It's all right but we've got to get out of here!"

    Riyo let out a shriek as a thick wire wrapped around her ankle. With a swift jerk, she was pulled off her feet. She hit the ground hard. Riyo clawed at the cement, breaking her fingernails as she tried to stop herself from being pulled back. One of the Mandalorians fired at Mairin.

    "Riyo!" Mairin shouted.

    Riyo waved her off. "Go find Fox!" She turned her wrist over, but her comm was gone. The Nautolan must have stolen it from me! She realized. The Mandalorian landed behind her while the other flew after Mairin. Riyo kicked his leg as he tried to grab her foot.

    With a snarl, the Mando whipped out a blaster and stunned her. Riyo felt him throw her over his shoulder before her vision faded away.

Coruscant: 20 BBY
Black Market Trade Center
Commander Fox

    Fox leaned against the building, watching the people go by. A few of them gave him disgusted looks. "Filthy clone," one of them spat. He ignored the comment.

    Mairin burst around a corner suddenly, followed by a flying Mandalorian. Fox leaped to action. He whipped his blaster out and stunned the Mandalorian. He quickly cuffed the Mando and stole the weapons he could see.

    "What happened?" Fox demanded.

    "There's no time to explain. They kidnapped Riyo," Mairin panted. "I'll tell you later but we've got to follow them."

    Fox nodded and shook the Mandalorian awake. He pulled off the man's helmet and forced his face up. "Hey, where were you taking Senator Chuchi?"

    The Mandalorian chuckled a bit. "To my boss."

    "Where is he?"

    "I don't talk to artificial life forms," the Mandalorian sneered.

    "Oh, you'll talk to this one." Fox pulled him to his feet and pressed a blaster against the back of his neck. "Start talking."

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