
By SusanGarod

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Love is the glue: it makes people want to keep their commitment to someone, no matter what happens, just a sh... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69
Part 70
Part 71
Part 72
Part 73
Part 74
Part 75
Part 76
Part 77
Part 78
Part 79
Part 80
Part 81
Part 82
Part 83
Part 84
Part 85
Part 86
Part 87
Part 88
Part 89
Part 90
Part 91
Part 92
Part 93
Part 94
Part 95
Part 96
Part 97
Part 98
Part 99
Part 100

Part 27

34 3 0
By SusanGarod

Gray blinked. Must be in a different universe, he thought. "She was just being sarcastic." He studied Regan's retreating back, puzzled by the fact that she had said such nice things to him when she could have taken the opportunity to kick him while he was down. This was the problem, she was kind, and he liked her, but was not happy about that!

"Regan?" Loretta studied her brother. He seemed less anxious. A bit perplexed, a different perplexity, and definitely more relaxed. That was due to Regan.

"Yes. Probably being sarcastic...."

Loretta shook her head and smiled ruefully, "No, I think she was being brutally,"  Loretta said, "if a touch embarrassing, honest." She got to her feet and walked toward her brother. She reached up on tiptoes and kissed his cheek, "Gray, go enjoy yourself." She smiled. "Regan was right, you look amazing! " She laughed, "And I bet that Caro will faint when she see you! I wonder if she will give me a raise, for introducing you to her!"

Gray snorted. Then he tipped his head back and looked at the ceiling. Blew out another breath. He looked over at Loretta, "This is ridiculous! I'm nervous about going out to dinner. How ridiculous is that?!" Loretta shrugged. Gray smiled sheepishly, " I am not a teenager! Was not ever nervous when I went out as a teenager!" He declared and shook his head. "And now, as an adult, here, tense and nervy and an idiot!" He muttered. "I've been on hundreds of dates." He kept shaking his head.

Loretta understood his position, she declared, "Well, it's like starting over, isn't it. Obviously it would be different. So much has changed. Our circumstances, for example. We had a farm. A good farm. Successful. Anyone would understand your outlook now. And the reason why." She told him and rubbed his arms with the palms of her hands. "But, for your information, Regan is right."

"About?"Gray glanced over at Loretta.

"Lots, including, you are a great brother" Loretta teased. "And Caro is a lucky woman!"

Eighteen months ago Gray had had women fawning all over him. But after the attack, where his grandmother had been killed and he'd been nearly beaten to death, his self-esteem had hit rock bottom. It was only tenacity that had him going out this evening. His first date in over eighteen months. His physical injuries were just memories, but he hadn't managed his mental injuries. His mental health took a toll. The attack had an impact on his outlook, his attitude, his perception. He was wary, a touch reticent and very careful with his personal life. Vigilant and guarded. And a cynic emerged.

"And you should leave before you change your mind! Again!" She ushered him towards the door.

He snorted. "See you."

"See you. Have a great time." Loretta smiled and Gray left the room.

By the time Regan had returned to the lounge, her face freshly scrubbed, new makeup applied, and her feet in her flat boots, ready for her next shift she found Loretta and Sam in the lounge.

"Well, I'll catch you both tomorrow." She said as she stopped by the doorway. "What have you got planned for the evening?" Not sure why she was asking. If she had an evening she would have an early night! She rifled through her hand bag and dug for her car key while her eyes remained on Loretta and Sam.

"Telly and then an early night." Sam said and studied her carefully. He wasn't sure what to make of her. For a few weeks he thought she fancied Gray, but in recent weeks she seemed to have taken a more platonic approach. Ever since Caro parked her car in front of the gate.

"Sounds wonderful. Enjoy!" Regan mumbled, and meant every word. She smiled, happy that she found her key. With a wave she began to head out.

"Regan, wait a sec." Loretta got to her feet.

Regan frowned, "Why? What's up?"

A few feet away, Loretta stopped. "Regan, I just wanted, well, I wanted to say, thanks." Loretta stated bluntly, albeit with a measure of awkwardness.

"For what?" Regan blinked and looked past Loretta to her grandfather.

"For what you said to Gray." Loretta said frankly.

Regan shrugged her shoulders. "I just told him the truth." She said ingenuously. Regan shrugged again. She didn't want Gray's sister or his grandfather to see just how much she cared for Gray. It needed to remain a secret. Otherwise life would get even more complicated, and more uneasy.

Loretta nodded in agreement before she added. "I know. I know." Loretta nodded again. "But he needed to hear it from someone who wasn't related to him. So thank you."

Regan frowned, "I never took him to be a shrinking violet when it came to dates."

"He isn't." Loretta muttered.

"I thought he'd be confident. You know, arrogant!" Regan puzzled. "But he seemed nervous."

"He never used to be nervous. Not until, well, till he and our grandmother were attacked." Loretta glanced across at her grandfather, not wanting to upset him. "Gray doesn't talk about it." Actually none of the three, Loretta, Sam or Gray, talk about it now. Loretta looked back at her grandfather, not sure if she could tell Regan about their history. Sam nodded. "We tend to avoid talking about the attack." Loretta said quietly.

Regan blinked. Followed by silence. Loretta went to sit beside her grandfather.

"My wife and Gray were attacked, I thought you knew that." Sam announced in the silence that had descended. 

Regan shook her head. "Er, no. I did not know that." Regan was shocked. "You were attacked?"

Sam said quietly, "My wife and Gray, well, they were the only two at home, at the time."

Loretta draped her arms around the back of his shoulder and leaned in.

"Granddad took me into town." Loretta softly.

Sam took a breath and continued, "A mob descended. They burnt the place down." He took another breath, "They dragged my wife and Gray out and beat them viciously, punched, kicked, machete."

Sam continued. "I'm told my wife died from the first blow." He took a breath. Loretta took her grandfather's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. Regan listened in quiet bewilderment.

Loretta said softly as she took over from Sam. "We returned to the farm, we could see the house was on fire." Loretta gulped, and bit her lips as the memories surfaced. 

Sam said quietly, "He was unconscious when we found him." He gripped Loretta's hand, and continued, "And Gray hasn't spoken of that day. Not sure if he doesn't remember or is choosing not to remember. Either way, he was hurt. Bad. Really bad." Sam took a breath and whispered, "Gray, God only knows how he survived. He has scars, on the inside and out."

Loretta muttered,  "Gray was in hospital for months."  Still biting her lips, she said more loudly, "You would not recognised him. Honestly Regan, he had so many injuries. They were shocking. Iam so proud of him. The fact he survived his injuries. The fact he battled tolive. Every operation was difficult. The fact he beavered to regain his health. The doctors thought his recovery from eachoperation was incredulous. He was so determined. I am so proud of him."

Loretta looked over at her grandfather and they smiled.

"Yes, we are proud of him." Sam took over and continued with the story, "We got out as soon as we could, because we knew he would need grafts, we needed help and we were not safe there."

"That is why you are here." Regan said quietly.

"Yes. We could not leave with our assets. Not sure we had any real assets left, but what was left, the remainder of the farm, well, we had to leave it  all. We left what was left standing there. Couldn't sell."

" We used our savings for his treatment, and when he was well enough, we left." Loretta said.


Sam frowned and looked across at Regan, "I wish you knew him before. You would like him!" Sam was sure about that. There was so much that they shared, in terms of values and viewpoints. "But he's gone from being an easy-going man to being a withdrawn, loner, actually a cynic really." 

"And he hasn't been out with anyone since the attack." Loretta said..

"I'm sorry. I didn't know." Regan started to understand some of his behaviour.

Sam got to his feet, and came toward Regan. He took her by the shoulders and leaned in to kiss her cheek. "Thank you." And he followed that with a hug.

Puzzled Regan looked at Loretta while his grandfather pat her shoulders.

He smiled as he stepped back. "A belated hug."

"Oh, er. Right."

"Yes. A belated hug. You needed a hug when we talked about that young boy. And I forgot to give you a hug." Sam said ruefully. 

"Well, thank you for the belated hug." Regan smiled.

Sam smiled again, "And Lore told me what you said to Gray. Thank you for doing that."

"As I said, I just told him the truth. Great choice and colour, Lore! Love the combination." Regan uttered. "What he wore suited him. He looked great."

He smiled again. "I am sure he was. But he hasn't exactly been friendly toward you, has he?" And that had puzzled Sam, for though Gray had become more aloof, he had never been offensive or rude. He had simply withdrawn into himself. But with Regan, Gray was different. He seemed to find things to complain about her, as if he was looking for things to dislike.

Regan shrugged. "As I said, I just told him the truth. He is fit! Like his grandfather!" She beamed at Sam. "I guess doing work on the farm, helps!" She chuckled, "In any case, he'll have a lovely evening with Caro." And as she said the words she added silently, and I wish it was me. Her lower lip trembled. "I am sure he will have a great date." She bit her lower lip to stop the tremble. She smiled softly, "So, erh, do you know where they are going?"

"I forgot to ask him!" Sam said at the same time

"Not sure." Loretta said. She was sure that Caro told her, but Loretta forgot.

Regan smiled, albeit it was pasted on. "Well, it doesn't matter. I bet they have a great time."

"Yes. True." Loretta agreed.

"Anyway, I need to go. I am already late!"

Sam frowned.

"Sorry about that." Loretta glanced at her watch.

Regan said firmly, "Not your fault!" Honestly, I stalled for ages in my bedroom, and I was thinking of staying in bed!" In fact she wanted an excuse to stay at home. Just a pity that there was no emergency at home. "Anyway, got to go."

"Take care, Regan." Sam said. He was definitely going to talk to his grandson. From his position, Regan had a lot more to offer than Gray's new girl friend!

"Thanks" Regan nodded. "You too. Have a lovely evening. Bye."

"Bye." Loretta and Sam chorused.

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