The Class Agreement

Por smooonie

1M 40K 17.3K

After disappearing for the rest of her senior year, Nova is an enigma most people don't want to mess with. S... M谩s

In Athena's Eyes: "Nova Is"
In Athena's Eyes: "Trophy Family"
End Note


15.2K 570 474
Por smooonie

"I asked her to move in with me," I said to Tommy, who was now staring at me like I was crazy. I finally decided to fill him in about our most recent troubles.

We were in our weight lifting class, cooling off from the small group workout we participated in.

"Um, what?"

I shook my head, disagreeing with his tone, "It didn't sound like a bad idea at the moment. It still doesn't."

"You don't even know her,"

"What? Yes, I do. I know more about her family now. I know about what she likes and doesn't like. How she feels about politics — her beliefs. I even know her ex for fucks sake," I rolled my eyes at the thought of Jason.

"Yeah, but you're not even in a relationship."

"Well, I didn't know you had to follow the playbook of relationships play by play," I responded sarcastically. "I'm just doing what I think would work."

He shook his head and wiped the sweat from his forehead with his towel, "You can't blame her for not knowing what she wants to do. That's a huge commitment. You must really love her if you're already trying to get her to run away with you."

"What? No. I don't love her," I said quickly.

He looked unimpressed with me, "You don't love her? Really?"

"I mean I care about her a lot. I'm trying to set up a possible future environment that allows us to ... have a better chance with each other. There's nothing wrong with that."

"So ... moving into a house or apartment — with each other — will help your chances with her?"

"Yes," I hissed.

"But you don't love her?"


"So you'd move in with someone you don't love? Just to have a better chance with them?" He placed his hands on his hips and smirked, "You are so oblivious."

"I asked for advice not your fucking judgment," I tossed my towel at him and walked away, frustrated and annoyed.



"I'm sorry!"

I picked up my bag off the ground and walked out of the small gym, ignoring him.

It's been two weeks since the incident — just concluding the first month of this semester and what a bang it was. The adjustment period for Athena didn't last very long as things went back to normal, well, as we knew it.

People had found out what teacher it was. The news wasn't shocking, mostly because I didn't know the guy and I never had him either.

I did notice that some of my teachers were a lot more distant from their students. It makes me question how innocent they really are. Either that or they just wanted to stay out of trouble. The less eyes on you the better. I could relate to that completely.

Athena and I stood true to cutting down our time together during our lunch period. It sucked and it was boring, but she felt safer and got extra work done sooner. I guess there was some benefit for at least one of us.

I was on my way to the girl's bathroom. The halls were vacant for the most part. I couldn't wait to get home and shower. Only twenty more minutes before the final bell rings for seniors.

"Just the person I wanted to get alone."

I looked up to see Oliver with a white bathroom pass in his hand. He was wearing shorts today and this dark blue long sleeve shirt. His hair spiked up in his usual faux hawk.

I rolled my eyes, ignoring him too. I was in no mood for this.

"Hey! I'm talking to you!"

I didn't respond. It wasn't until I was pulled by my shoulder that I snapped around and grabbed him by the neck, slamming him against the wall, my bag now on the ground, "Don't fucking touch me,"

He looked stunned for a moment—

"Nova Jolie! Oliver Shaw! What are you two doing?"

The sound of Athena's voice made me even madder. Of course, the one time she decided to leave her classroom and walk this way is when I have this douchebag in my grip.

I could see Athena moving closer from the corner of my eye. The longer I stared into Oliver's eyes the more his face morphed into Kendall's and the more I wanted to give him a nice black eye.

"Ms. Jolie, let Mr. Shaw go. Now."

Oliver pushed me before I could let him go, hard enough to get my hand off of his neck, "Fuck off loser!"

I pushed back, shoving him back against the wall, "You fucking started it!"

Athena got in between us, mainly standing her ground in front of me, "Both of you! Cut it out or I'm sending you to Gallagher's office!"

I scoffed, "Whatever," I muttered as I snatched my bag off the ground and briskly walked away.

"Ms. Jolie I'm not through talking with you!"

I rolled my eyes, curling my fists. Any other time I'd buy into the student role, but not right now. I just need to get to the fucking bathroom already.

"If I don't see you in my classroom after the final bell rings I'm writing you up," She said loudly.

Oh, come on.

I cleaned up in the bathroom as best as I could, pissed off. I knew I had to go to Athena even though I didn't want to. I just wanted to go home and not hear about how my "reckless" my actions were and that stupid lecture.

Some part of me had hope that maybe she wouldn't be as mad as she looked, but I was wrong. As soon as I walked through her door, she held a flame to my ass.

"What the hell was that? You're lucky someone else didn't run into that scene," Athena said. Hands on her hips. "And walking off? You do realize I can't let you talk to me like that in front of a student,"

I rolled my eyes, "Are you serious? I walked away for his sake. Not to embarrass you. Threatening me doesn't work either."

"You're here, right?"

"No, don't even. I didn't have to stop by. I came by cause I didn't think you're really be that upset."

"I have a role to fulfill here if you didn't notice."

"Role fulfilled."

Her eyes narrowed on me. She scoffed quietly, looking mad, "And what was that showdown all about? Why did you have Oliver by his neck against a wall?"

"The same reason he pulled my fucking shoulder to get me to talk to him. If he didn't touch me I wouldn't have to defend myself. What? Am I supposed to just let him assault me? Fuck off."

"I didn't say that you had to let him touch you. I'm just asking, Nova."

"You know I hope you were up his ass like this too," I pointed at her. "He's the one who started with me. Him and his shitty no good older brother,"

"What are you talking about? What does his older brother have to do with this? You know him personally or something?"

"Nothing. Forget I said anything."


"Forget it, Athena."

She grimaced, "And for your information, I did give Oliver a very strong warning. Since you're so concerned about it."

"I'm making sure I'm getting fair treatment,"

"Fair treatment?" She repeated, her tone acidic now. "I'm just making sure you don't get caught in another web."

"Well, I don't need you to look after me like I'm a fucking child!"

"Then stop acting like one!"

"You know what? Fuck this," I said walking away from her.

Some part of me half expected her to tell me to stop or even call my name to get my attention back, but she didn't.

I stormed out of the classroom. If there was one person I didn't need this from, it was Athena.

I was sick of everyone still painting me as the bad guy. This time I didn't actually do anything to the kid. He's lucky I didn't punch the fuck out of him and his dumb face. He'll end up like his brother if he keeps testing me.

And that's not a threat, it's a promise.

I didn't need someone watching over me, making sure I didn't get myself into trouble like I was incapable of being on my own. She's not my mother. No one is.


The door swung open. Athena had her arms folded still looking upset. Surprisingly, she's still in her clothes from school. Her long-sleeve black turtle neck and grey slacks. Her hair was back up in a low bun.

She stepped to the side and let me walk in. I watched as she shut the door and locked it. The awkward and tense silence gnawing at me. It was unusual for us to act like this. It was weird and it didn't feel good. I hated it. But I was still mad. And for some reason, I couldn't let it go.

She turned to face me, her expression blank. I hated that she was so good at keeping her expressions in check.

She spoke first, "Are you done being a child?"

I scoffed, my will to even apologize now slipping from my grasp, "Are you serious? I just got here."

"I mean, fuck this, right?"

My frustration was burning in my throat, "I came to say sorry!"

"And you should!"

"Yeah, now I don't wanna apologize! You ruined that for yourself!"

"Screw you! I've been trying my hardest this entire school year to make sure you stay out of trouble and the first thing you do is embarrass me!"

"I didn't embarrass you! I walked away! Isn't that what you all have been begging me to do?!"

"You don't get to tell me how I feel!"

"You don't get to pretend to be my fucking mother!"

I realized I was panting. I guess my statement put us at a standstill. My nerves on edge and my chest tight, my fists straining. I was angry. So angry. Athena's chest was rising and sinking so fast. She was hurt. I know she was. It made me feel bad.

Then her face twisted into clear anger.

She looks so fuckable right now wait ... what? That's not what I'm supposed to be thinking or feeling—

"Get out," Her arm lashed at the door. Her finger pointing at the exit.

My mixed feelings weren't allowing me to think properly, I responded trying to remain stern, "What?"

If looks could kill I would be dead right now. And I wouldn't my dying at the hands or eyes of her.

"Get. Out."

I got in her face, her head now arched up to look at me. Bodies barely an inch apart. My anger was slowly turning into a strong lust. One that was starting to cloud my judgment and any other emotion that was coursing through my veins.

The next words I spoke were something of a last resort. Maybe not. I couldn't think straight and I didn't have anything else left in the tank, "Make me."

Oh, she was royally pissed now — way more than before. Her eyes reminded me of sharp daggers. They were almost black.

It felt like forever since one of us said something or did something. In that floating moment of time, where we somehow broke out into a rough makeout, I couldn't pinpoint who leaned in first. All I felt was her sharp lips devouring mine and her nails purposely digging into the sides of my neck.

Her mouth was hot and relentless against mine. I pulled at her turtleneck. She pulled at my shirt, forcing me to lean over into her lips more. The pace was something I've never experienced in my life.

I ended up lifting her, holding her tightly against my body while her legs wrapped around my waist. I couldn't properly catch my breath and I didn't care.

"Fuck me,"

I shook my head, unclear if I heard her correctly, "H-Huh?"

"I said bed. Now," She commanded. "Don't make me tell you again."

So I did hear her completely wrong.

I didn't waste any time carrying her to her room. The way she started bossing me around ... wow.

My brain was losing all of its proper logical function. I was still so annoyed with her and I know she was probably fuming, but I very much enjoyed this. I was also confused by her commanding tone and assertiveness. I wasn't understanding why I was gradually getting hornier and hornier by the second, but the rush was intoxicating.

We fell into the bed, Athena under me, our pace never slowing down. She practically stretched the neck of my shirt so much there was no way I could wear this back home or ever again.

I quickly popped the mangled shirt off and roughly grabbed the hem of her turtle neck. She followed through taking it off herself, messing up her bun along the way. Her hair fell past her shoulders and I dove in to claim her covered chest.

I pulled at the straps of her black bra, my face between her boobs. I took the skin into my mouth, biting it, hard.

"Fuck — fuck you!" She gasped. She pulled my hair, yanking my head back, forcing me to look in her eyes.

Her other hand gripped my throat. I almost moaned at how rough she was being. She forced me closer to her face and our lips crashed again, like magnets. It was then I had realized I was in for a very interesting night.

Somewhere along the lines of furious and ferocious kissing, her clothes came off. She was under me still, now completely naked. She yanked my briefs down, nails digging into my ass cheeks as her hips came up to meet my mine.

I groaned a little, the pinching of her nails adding a nice twist to the pulsing sensations. I joined her hips with mine, giving her what she clearly wanted. We both moaned into each other's mouths. The sound resembling each other so much we harmonized.

Slowly but surely she began grinding her hips against mine — our mounds rubbing together. This was a different feeling, one that I was hoping to get me to an orgasm.

We rub against each other, Athena's hips bucking up and down. Her nails found their way into my back. I hissed lightly feeling her nails deeper than usual. Her legs were wrapped around my waist and her ankles locked together on my lower back.

God, I was trapped and spiraling quickly. This particular way of getting off I was no real stranger too. Athena tried doing this on top of me a month ago, except I came in four movements of her pelvis with my briefs on.

This fully fleshed-out contact was completely different. It was warm and so, so wet.

"Keep going," I whispered, almost pleading. "I'm so close—"

"I shouldn't keep going," She said trying to harden her voice. It wasn't working. Not at this rate.

She grabbed my arms, "I shouldn't let you,"

I threw my head back, my nervous system tingling, lifting myself up on my arms a few inches. Her voice making all of this more unbearable. I was sweating and needing to breathe. Athena took advantage of my downfall, grinding harder, making each time we connected more intense.

"Look at me," She commanded. "Look at me when you cum,"

I gritted my teeth, my jaw tight like it was wired up. My head still arched to the ceiling. Oh, she was going to finish me, wasn't she? Was this the end for me? I had never felt something so chilling and twisted. If I were to go out like this I wouldn't mind.

Did I still have time to write a will?

She spoke firmly, "Now or you don't cum,"

I looked back down at her, her cheeks flushed and her lips somewhat bruised from our rough kissing. The bumping and grinding movements making my vision shake.

My mouth dropped open when I felt my entire body squeeze from the inside out. My toes curled and my knees were becoming jelly. Looking into her eyes made it even harder for me to keep it together. I tried to hold onto why I was upset — her sarcastic remarks and yelling — making me feel like I was a child.

Fuck I can't concentrate.

She was dragging me under, so far under. And I was letting her. I couldn't think — my breaths were shallow now and I tried to hold on for a few seconds longer, but—

—I swear I saw her smirk—

—I was losing my composure on top — fuck her, it isn't fair, her treating me like that. God, fuck her—

No, fuck me

—The anger I was carrying all day fading away, making room for this orgasm that's ready to break its way through my body.

—The way my world shook and my eyes closed — I couldn't feel a thing besides the spasms taking over every fiber of my being. Goosebumps lit my skin up and I cried out whatever animosity I may have had left inside my heart. My vagina felt like it was on fire.

The orgasm punched my lights out. I wasn't aware of what happened afterward. My consciousness had run away. Far, far away. And there was no way in hell I was chasing after it. It didn't return until ... how long? How long was I under for?

I was suddenly cold. It was the sweat catching the drift of cold air from the air conditioning, but there was also steady heat under me.

I realized Athena was holding me. My head was resting on her breasts. Her heartbeat was loud in my ear. She was breathing softly, playing with the ends of my hair. Her other arm wrapped around my back.

A shiver ran through my bones. I groaned a little, not ready to speak yet. My jaw felt so heavy. I couldn't move, I didn't want too.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

I replied with a soft groan. Hopefully, she understands that much.

She chuckled, "You were out cold for a few minutes."

I hummed a little, enough to let her know I was listening. That orgasm was ... the best one I've had so far. I really thought I was going to die.

I guess now would be a good time to apologize to her. She deserves it after that.

I muttered weakly, "I'm sorry ..."

"I'm sorry too. I ... just really want you to graduate, Nova. I really want you to stay out of harm's way."

I groaned lightly again, "I am ..." I definitely wasn't.

"Well, it didn't seem like it."

I found some strength to get up and turn over on my back. My head hit a pillow and I closed my eyes again, trying to gain control over my body that currently felt like one big heavy tree trunk rooted into the ground.

I opened my eyes to Athena placing a hand on my chest. She was leaning on her other hand, her elbow digging into the pillow. Her head was tilted and her eyes were searching my face. She looked like she was thinking about something. At least her facial expression is back to normal, for the most part.

"He was trying to get my attention in the hall. I ignored him until he pulled my shoulder to turn me around. I didn't start anything," I explained.

"Why was he trying to get your attention anyway?"

I thought about Kendall. He had a pretty decent reason to pick fights with me, but I wasn't going to tell her that. That had nothing to do with Athena. I replied, "I don't know if you know this, but I'm a pretty popular target."

But of course, it wasn't enough to deter her, "You mentioned something about his brother earlier. Who's his brother?"

"Athena, don't worry about it. I was just rambling and — it's nothing. Okay?"

She looked like she wanted to frown. She bit her bottom lip in thought before saying, "Well I'll be keeping a close eye on him. And you."

I yawned, "I don't expect anything less. I enjoyed that way of communicating by the way."

She hummed, "Don't get used to it."

I pushed myself up, leaning back on my elbows. She moved over, giving me some space. I could feel that my hair was a mess, "Why do I get the feeling that you're still upset?"

"I'm not," She said dryly. How convincing.

"Athena ... I'm sorry. I really am. I didn't mean to embarrass you or say those things earlier. I was just ... really mad and it felt like you didn't believe me."

"I know I just ... I get scared and I don't want you to get roped in. With all this shit going on in school, it's not safe. I apologize for insulting you ... you aren't a child. I'm just—"

"Overprotective?" I finished for her.

She shook her head and fought a smile, "I guess you just bring that out of me."

I scooted closer to her, my bodily functions back to normal, but I was seriously low on energy, "Guess I can't say I don't appreciate it."

She placed a kiss on my arm.

"Wait ... did you ... you know?"

"Hm?" She brought her head back up. "Oh, you mean did I cum? Yes."

I laughed, "Can I ask how? I, um, don't really remember."

She grinned, "We came at the same time. Your orgasm just overpowered mine by miles."

I scratched my head, "Holy shit. Sorry if crushed you."

When I looked back at Athena my eyes her traveled along her body and I remembered that we were naked. I licked my lips subconsciously. I don't think I've ever really sat down and looked at her body — without making a move of course.

The warm lighting of her room added to the angelic effect. She was staring back at me, her eyes quickly moving up and down my body too. Guess we both have the same idea.

"I guess since we're done screaming at each other, I can finally tell you about what I have planned for your birthday," She said.

"My birthday? Athena, no. You don't have to — I said it was okay."

She finally sat up properly, my eyes dropping to her chest and back down to her hips. Her curvature so perfect and enticing. I was mesmerized—

"My eyes are up here," She pointed at them.

"Ah — sorry."

She smirked and placed her hand on my thigh, "Next weekend me and you are staying at Hiatus Hotels. There's a popular gay club and several bars and restaurants on the strip. I thought it'd be a perfect celebration for you ..."

My mouth dropped open a little. A surprise vacation? For me? For just my birthday? Something that I didn't even deem important to me anymore. She would do that? For me?

"Athena — I — you shouldn't have, really. I mean, that sounds expensive and—"

"No, no. It wasn't that expensive—"

"Yeah, but you have better things to do than take me out," I argued. "Really, it's okay."

She folded her arms, "I already bought the hotel room for three nights. We're going. I am looking forward to being away for the weekend, you know."

Suddenly I was beyond joyful and excited. We're going to have a weekend together. That wasn't new of course — the countless nights I spent here in her home — but we were going to be away from home. Which meant that we could be out in public. We could be normal.

We could have fun outside of the confinement of her home.

"Also it's three hours away and I'm not driving," She added quickly. She smiled in apology.

I laughed, "I'm glad you had that figured out. We'll take my car then."

"We leave Friday. I'd like to be on the road by eight. Be ready."

Even though I was beyond excited I also wanted to make sure that Athena wasn't overextending herself, "And you're sure you won't be putting yourself behind with work for this trip?"

She nodded, "I'm positive."

"Thank you ..." I paused, trying not to cry. "I — I don't know what to say."

She leaned over, wrapping her arms around my neck. I grabbed hold of her and flipped over. Our naked bodies meshing together. I didn't know how to express my thanks at the moment. All I could do was kiss her.

To think she was probably trying to tell me this all day ... it made me feel worse about all of this fighting.

"God, I'm so sorry I was being an angry cunt," I whispered while pulling away.

She brushed my hair behind my ears, "It's okay. I wasn't exactly being very nice either."

She pulled me back to her lips. A vacation with my favorite person. It sounded like a dream. One that I didn't think would come true any time before summer break.

I already imagined it in my head. Us walking down said strip together. Going out to dinner and cuddling back up in bed during the late hours of the night. Maybe getting drinks and getting drunk together for the first time. All without the worry of anyone knowing us — finding out about us.

I was thrilled and I knew all of this exciting news was going to leave me restless until next Friday came.

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