Wolfdanes' Darkness (1)

By BiosDelta12

582 51 17

Our world was not always dark, it used to be full of vivid colors and the sun would beam down on us with its... More

Chapter 1: Our Mother's destruction
Chapter 2: My Mother's provenance
Chapter 2.2 : My Mother's misfortune
Chapter 3.0: My Mother's demented
Chapter 3: My Mother's resolute
Chapter 4: Our Mother's Surname and Promise
Chapter 5: Our Mother's paradox
Chapter 5.5 : Bonus Chapter - Character Time!!
Chapter 6: U.C.
Chapter 7: A Wolfdane's temper
Chapter 7.5: Bonus Chapter - Character Time (2) !!
Chapter 8: Part 1: Our Uncles's penance
Chapter 9: Part 2: Our Uncle's masked savior
Chapter 10: Part 3: Our Uncle's competence of time
Chapter 11: The Wolfdane's daily morning routine
Chapter 11.5: Bonus Chapter - Character Time (3) !!
Chapter 12: The Wolfdane's daily afternoon routine
Chapter 12.5: Bonus Chapter - Character Time (4) !!
Chapter 13: The Wolfdane's daily night routine
Chapter 13.5 : Bonus Chapter - Character Time (5) !!
Chapter 15: A Dark Creature's Abilities
Chapter 16: A Dark Creature's Oath
Chapter 17: A Wolfdane's Guardian
Chapter 18: Our Mother's future and past
Chapter 18.5: Bonus Chapter - Character Time (6) !!
Bonus Chapter: Character Time (7) !!
Bonus Chapter : Short
Bonus Chapter: Character Time (8) !!

Chapter 14: A Dark Creature's Evolution

5 1 0
By BiosDelta12

As my mother, Arion Wolfdane, walked in somewhat contempt at catching the new and odd creature that my siblings and I had somehow made, had a solid object clutched tightly by her side. The newly made piece dangling dangerously loose; to loose for my taste, by her pant leg, the creature chirping in its annoying voice that only mother and I could hear. Clutching my ears with my gloved covered hands, I peered down at the solid box and glared angrily at the creature. Silently wishing it would shut-its trap, and without a second thought the creature did so.

This gained my mother's attention immediately and soon I was praised once more by her love. Thus, leaving me to fix my already messy head of a mop mess. She loved doing that, making my bed head more messier than it should be. Or giving me way too much love that I actually have to scrub my poor cheeks red to get her famous lipstick that she loves so much, off that it sometimes leaves a permanent mark.

Groaning, I asked mom silently if she could tighten the piece tighter on the metal loop it dangled from. This caused her to snicker at my over cautiousness she calls it, and did so.

The creature was still silent, and I was peeved that it may have actually listened to my silent plea. Silence was nice, but this type of silence with just hearing my mother's and my footsteps echoing in the darkness was kind of eerie for its own good.

I coughed as some dirt kicked up from behind my mother's boots, and waved frantically to make sure I didn't loose sight of her, since my eyesight can only be so good in the darkness for so long. Sometimes I had to bring out my random bracelets that I had stuffed inside of one my pockets; so that I could see, since I had some of the Sun-glow in-cased inside of them.

As soon as I had my vision back, I noticed my mother was nowhere to be seen and a rather large hole was now placed within a few feet from me.

Great, now I have to deal with another one of those! And I'm pretty sure I didn't make anything... I growled silently and walked, well more like stomped towards the dark hole.

Mom! You down there?” No response. Great.

I silently called the little creature that I had somehow magically made and heard it chirp in response. The only bad thing about the response was that it was coming from the hole. The hole where my mother could of possibly fallen in and was probably unconscious. Great......

I prayed that she was alright and began the rigors climb down with what gear I had on my body. I dug my boots into the earthly wall before me, taking note that it was softer. So that meant that either A) someone took the time to dig the wonderful hole of hell, or B) there really was a creature around and it decided to lay its little self right before us.

As I got lower I felt the air getting cooler and a bit stuffy. I thought quickly on which type of creature could produce such density, or was it just how the Earth was when it got deeper. Shrugging I figured I should call my mother once more, but to no prevail nothing came.

Hey, creature that I made! Can you get free from your confinement!?” I yelled frantically, because I knew my mother didn't tighten the noose on the metal loop on her pants. She must have known something like this was bound to happen. After a few moments of silence, I was sure the creature was long gone, and I was royally screwed. Or maybe not.

Of course I can you foolish little human.” The voice was a little too close for my liking, and once I turned to face it I knew my heart was done for sure.

The creature was flying for crying out loud, and didn't exactly have any eyes, but it did have a huge mouth that stretched across its face, and there was some drool leaking from the corners of its mouth. It was a horrible smell at that too. It looked as if it was a giant bird with a mess of feathers that protruded out from its back with a heavy cloud wrapping around them with the same awful smell seeping from it. Arms were hanging with claw-like hands had the same type of feathers protruding from the crevasses of its fingernails and swirling back up around them up to its bony wrists. It was black with its feathers snow white with specks of a color he preferred wasn't there.

So you call me, then you judge my appearance. You foolish little human. Who do you think created me?” It floated aimlessly in front of me, a cloud of smoke seethed from of its mouth as it talked with a choking laugh. I knew who it was talking about, and that still didn't answer the raging question of why there was blood speckled across its mouth and claw-like hands.

Oh, this,” it raised its bony hands and then licked them with a grin, “Just a snack. Don't worry it's not your mother's.” It said with a hearty laugh.

I grimaced at all the possibilities of whose blood that could possibly belong to, but silently thanked whatever God was listening that it wasn't my mother's. I closed my eyes and sighed heavily, this next question was going to kill me.

"So then, whose blood does it belong to, Creature? And where is my mother!?" I gulped down heavy air that was building up within my air way, and listened carefully at the Creatures' next response with dread.

"Why do you insist on calling me Creature, little foolish boy? I do have a name. Kids these days..." it went silent and sighed if it could and made a gesture of a oncoming headache. 

"If you must know, this lovely substance belongs to the creature that was laying quietly in here. That is until your mother dropped in and surprised the little..Well, not really little, but the fellow was a bit peeved that she did so. And thus, here I am and not your mother. Tough one she is-" The Creature continued to ramble on, and soon I knew there was a tick coming on, and I was slightly getting irritated at the annoyances. 

"So, Creature," I called its attention again; calling it the name it so despised, gaining its' attention quick, "Where is she?!" My voice got louder, thus echoing in the vast hole. Which I soon heard an others' voice call out from below.

"She's down there, isn't she?" I asked irritatingly, and folded my arms over my chest. 

The Creature just laughed in response, scratching the back of its' head with its grotesque feather covered claw. Without a warning the Creature plucked me off the wall and headed down further to where the voice had called out from. At first I was scared for my life, since the Creature basically just ripped me off the wall, rope still in contact, but not for long. Its' claws was wrapped tightly around my torso, but not quite squeezing me to were I had to try and breathe. The smell wasn't that bad to top it off, and the feathers that wrapped themselves around its' body was very soft to the touch. 

I shook my head, and glared at the Creature. Ah, I shouldn't call it that anymore, huh? I kept glaring, but soon my glare turned into a confused glance, gaining the attention from the Creature it slowed its advance and if it could starred at me with a confused gleam. 

"What boy?" It sneered, and hovered in its spot, making me feel a little uncomfortable in the situation I just put myself in. 

I asked with quick haste, wanting the Creature to continue on towards hopefully my mother's voice. 

"What's your name?" 

"Thought you would never ask, Vance Wolfdane." 

I glared at the Creature, and thought that I preferred not to know why it knew my name. I wanted nothing to do with it know, just get to my mother and get out of there and leave the Creature to its demise out here in the unknown. 

The Creature continued with a sloppy grin, "Why my name is Carion, and I," it leaned in closer towards my face, no smell, "am your guardian from here on out. Oh don't worry, I don't usually appear like this. It's just a phase since you created me. You'll like the better version of me when we get out of here and back to Under-Light."  It then smiled at me and continued on towards the voice that suddenly got louder.

I knew she was ok then, and brought the Sun-glow bracelets out and threw them at where I thought her voice was spouting from. We where close and the Sun-glow bracelets were beaming around her body. 

"Ah, dear thought you would never get to him. Thank you Carion."  She was clearly talking to the Creature, and turned towards me with a very obnoxious grin. "Sorry dear, I thought you would understand who he was, since you talked to him and all. Didn't think you guys would make it either!" 

She really does take things way too lightly.... I shook my dark head, and starred at the Creature; no Carion that's his name. What did he want anyways? He's free from the solid box. And he can clearly kill us without a second thought. But then again he did say that he was my guardian. I knew that somehow this sole event had changed my life, but what I wasn't expecting was the fact that when we do end up going back to Under-Light, that we would have a new family addition. Someone Carion apparently knows by the sound of it and man was mom ticked. 

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