Chapter 3: My Mother's resolute

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 The world everyone knew was dead; Liam had read through these ridiculous books countless times, and nothing made sense. What was he suppose to learn from their elderly mistakes, and their big hiccups that they had made on the surface. In the end, we humans made one humongous mistake, and that was creating the Darkness that now haunted his siblings and himself. Not in a bad way, just in a very pushy matter. Especially towards their younger sister.

 It' says she has the perfect heart for the Shadows that we humans had created. Liam thought that was total bull. If Oriana was truly the one for the depleted Shadow spirit; then why doesn't he or whatever its' gender was, take her heart already.

 Liam slammed the book shut and shoved it aside. Stupid thoughts kept creeping into his mind, filling his mind with pure doubt that anything good would come out of this. Books and their useless information. How does one get rid of such dreary illusions as the Dark One?

 His sister clearly didn't want the evil ethereal anywhere near her, and clearly stated that she wanted nothing to do it.

 Grabbing another useless book, Liam shifted in his seat on the cold floor, opening the dusty object he scanned and scanned. Would anything help the trio to escape this madness, would these books help their case?

Getting into the book, Liam didn't notice that his older brother; Vance, was peeking through his door. Or how his sister was already sitting across from him very quietly in her regal Indian-style; ever so often leaning closer and closer until they were mear inches away from one another. 

 Liam was to busy wraped up in his book, that he didn't notice that a little leaf had landed perfectly onto the bridge of his nose. Soon a sharp dose of peppermint hit him square in the face, making him fall backwards and losing his place in the book.

Scowling, he shook off the tiny leaf and noticed a little prescence, giggling her butt off infront of him.  And not to far, another voice was laughing too hard that they actually feel into his room. Knocking somethings over in the process.

This earned the twins a deeper scowl from their middle sibling. Growling, Liam gathered himself and the book and sat it aside diligently. Then took immediate action towards his little sibling. Even though she had the upper hand in fighting, she still had some weakness.

 Soon Vance's own body was wrestling about with them in their tickle war; after a few tiring breaths the trio had somehow managed to get themselves in a tight tangled mess. As if playing a game of twister; a game their mother had showed them once, for excitement and to see who was more flexible. Usually, their little sister would win, but never in a game of tickle war.

 This somehow loosened Liams' mood from earlier, and with a smile he laughed even more at how  ridiculous their state was. Soon two more voices were joining his, but that soon died when Vance's body gave out. Thus, the trio found themselves trying to pry one another off. 

 A small voice rang out, underneath the two oldest brother's, a little body gave out a 'huff'. Soon the mangled bodies came to a crash, crushing poor Oriana in the process. The two brother's carefully untangled themselves and picked up little Oriana, who squirmed in their hands. Even if she was the same age as them, they still were at least a head foot taller than her.

 Liam reached out to the little brunette who 'humphed' in response, once his hand reached its destination, he patted her small head. Gaining another grumble from the tiny triplet. Laughing, Liam reached behind him and grabbed a random book; luckily enough it was a book he was sure Oriana would love to read.

 Plopping the book in front of his sister, he saw her dim ruby eyes grow big with enthusiasm as always, when she received something new to read. The trio knew that out of them, Oriana loved books the most, and was always eager to get her hands onto anything that may have secrets within in them, books that she would be able to decipher. Without much thought, she opened the book before the two brothers' and sat lightly between the two siblings.

 The brother's smiled in delight that their sister would do such a thing, and listened carefully as she began to read.

                                                                        Mother's POV (short)

 The triplets mother sighed as she walked in at the sight of her obnoxious children sound asleep. Especially how Oriana somehow managed to snuggle between the two, she never knew how her little girl could sleep soundly between the two. Their death grips were not one to take on lightly. She had learn over the many years of having youngsters rushing into the bedroom because of a nightmare or just couldn't sleep. Years of relearning how to do things, oh how she wished she would've payed attention in that stupid class of hers.

 Shaking her head, Arion glanced at the mess the triplets had managed to make in the few minutes she had left them alone. Books were scattered everywhere and a crumpled rug was strewn in a complicated knot at their feet showing that they had a war of somewhat.

 Sighing, she didn't know what to make of them. Grabbing the only neatly folded blanket she had made for her Liam, she gently laid the light material across the trio, gaining a groan from a certain book lover. Both brother's reacted in time to snuggle closer to the one she knew they would always protect, even if it was a small groan from her little Oriana, she knew she didn't need to worry.

 All three of them were strong in their own ways. Smiling down at the trio, Arion carefully walked out of Liams' mess of a room; taking note to lecture her son later on about taking care of important books and such. Slowly she closed the door and left the little green lantern on; one that she found tilting sideways besides Liam's door, and said her 'goodnights' as quietly as she could.

                                                                        Liams' POV

 Liam peeked to see that his mother had left the little green lantern on, like always and sighed in contempt. Snuggling ever closely to his siblings, he shut his eyes once more, and thought about all the information he could gain. In order to rescue his siblings and himself from the grips of the Dark One.

 He needed to know, before that day comes. Or he would be too late, and they would both end up losing someone in the end. Who, know one knew, but Liam knew it would never be his sister. Not if his older brother and himself was there, standing in the way of it. Like always, protecting the one who never really needed protection, but vice versa.

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