Chapter 18.5: Bonus Chapter - Character Time (6) !!

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Carion is Vance Wolfdanes Demon Guardian; that Vance had made since being a Wolfdane and one of the prophesied pure hearts that could cure the Darkness. 

Carion is a lazy Demon who cares for his own self and Vances' well being, as any of the Demons' that are created by the Wolfdane Triplets. He is also strong-willed, but very unenthusiastic about being told how to do things, but if it deals with the Mother Wolfdane then he does so, but very rarely by anyone else. Carion has a hardened heart, and takes things as a joke when it comes to life and death situations, since he can't exactly die. 

Carion also inherited some traits from Vance when he was created, such as going on adventures or talking when he really shouldn't and opens his mouth, because its to big to shut. He rants on and doesn't mind others' thoughts, and he also loves to start an argument when he knows that he can win them; well because in his eyes, humans are infuriating creatures. He also loves to annoy Vance, and pick on his cooking skills. 

As Vance see's him, he believes that Carion is very lazy, leans on people too much, and is unmotivated to do his duty. But when Carion gets motivated he usually wants something in return. He also views him as an easy going guy, and gets embarrassed easily when under the influence; especially under alcohol which can affect Demons' apparently well enough.

Name: Carion

Age: (Appears) 22 (Human Form)

Height: 6"0

Eye Color: (At first glimpse) Ocean Blue, (Actual) Gold

Physical App.: A tall Demon; with wings that vary from size to type angelic like to very bird type wings, but are black, and has feathers that done around his wrists, and ankles too. With a slim built, and a very pale complexion. Long midnight hair with random blond/white streaks and pulled back into a simple low ponytail, with bangs that hang low towards his eyes which were glowing gold irises or sometimes they would shine a piercing blue, with slit pupils, and sharp teeth. He has claw-like hands with gloves that seem like they are permanently attached to his skin.

His outfit is mainly just a jacket, ranging from the colors of purple, red and black, and a pair of black hakama's, or regular black jeans. Rarely would he be seen with shoes, and if so usually seen with the traditional zori's; Japanese sandals. And when he's being civil his chest is mainly bound by cloth/wraps, and he has an either short or long jacket with slits cut out in the back for his wings and on his jackets are two clip on areas for a cloak to be laid over his wings; usually black, red, or browns. He wears the hakama's short or long; usually black.

He can also change his form to his original form- Creature; a small ball bird like-creature, with wings to large for its body, and a very wide mouth with no eyes.

Hobbies/ Interests: Bothering Vance, Laying on Vance, doing anything to annoy Vance, eat, sleep. Guarding Vance, and playing with the other Demons of the Wolfdanes.

Special Skills: Dark Psychic abilities, flying, Dark Mask Shadow- he can create a mask made out of shadows and can create anyone's worst nightmares, Dark Orbs- he can create random size orbs of mainly dark matter or Sun-glow origins and can create a void of destruction wherever they land, material obstruction- meaning that whatever Vance imagines he can make into reality, absorption- meaning that he can absorb other Creatures' that are lower than him, he can also change his form to his original form. Telepathic abilities- mainly only Vance, but sometimes he would talk to the other Wolfdanes.

Pet peeves: Hato, not having his favorite jacket he got from unknown girl from his first visit in Under-Light, being ignored

Phobias: Not wearing his favorite jacket, not understanding humans actions, being back in a small space.


The Wolfdanes

The Other Demons that were created by the Wolfdane Triplets

Darkest Secret's: The Darkness

Pets/ Partners: Vance Wolfdane

Theme Song: Welcome to the show -Britt Nicole

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