Chapter 12: The Wolfdane's daily afternoon routine

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Author's Note:

-Another short of Oriana's afternoon routine, know with U.C. - 


My leg twitched in aggravation as I stared out the window of the only bar that served my favorite drink, and know U.C.'s favorite bar. Thus, my leg continued to twitch in its' slight aggravation, hitting against the dark wall in rhythm with what music was being played. A woman's voice erupted behind me, causing my foot hit the wall and out of rhythm at that. 

The woman's voice erupted into a fit of laughter, causing those around her to also erupt in laughter. At what, god should I know, but all I knew was that her voice was one that would make a cat want to kill itself. How did the guys do it, to continue to be around her irritating voice, and god awful laughter. If you want to call it laughter.

Shaking my live-colored locks out of my face, I took a quick sip of my favorite drink and slammed it down with an irritated scowl. U.C.'s voice filtered into the air, catching my attention quickly. Was he talking to herI growled silently, looking around to find the young man at the woman's feet. What was he doing?! The small cup that had held my favorite drink was suddenly flying across the room, meeting the white-haired teens' head with such force, I was sure that he may have lost a couple of brain cells. That is if it wasn't for the dumb broad that suddenly caught him in her bosom with a yelp, that I was sure he was going to suffocate. 

Yeah, it may have been my fault that he landed there, but does he really have to lay there like a dead fish out of water. Growling, I stomped my way over to the small group, catching their attention, except U.C.'s; for it seemed he had passed out in the broads' bosom, and the woman didn't seem to fazed, but the men were slightly seething at the obeisance the boy was making of himself. 

My glare may have caught the men's attention, but it seemed like the broad and U.C. didn't notice I was there, that was until I made an attempt to grab U.C. did the broad put her hands on me did I not only snap, but I did end up breaking something. That something ended up being the wood paneling under the small group, men bodies went flying up in the air and the broads bosom was free from U.C.'s drooling face. I grabbed U.C. as he came down and swung him around enough that I was sure he was awake and ready to puke out his guts. 

I clapped my hands of the dust that erupted from the floor boards and U.C.'s drool and maybe some puke that may have flown a bit. That didn't get past the men that was in the group, for U.C. was soon surrounded by them in a small huddle and a fight was soon to be seen. It was bound to happen anyways, since the broad kept boasting herself around the men. 

Sighing, I turned from the mess I had recently made and quickly apologized to the bar keeper. Who in return didn't mind, but he knew my families reputation of destroying things without second thought. Sometimes I wonder if my family has any good reputations, besides breaking things, and breaking living objects that dared to disrupt the peace.  After leaving the bar and the fight between the men and U.C., I walked to my other favorite spot on the edge of town that wasn't far from the bar and waited for U.C.'s return. 

Men....Nah, more like boys..... Yeah, stupid boys....

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