Chapter 2.2 : My Mother's misfortune

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  Closing the journal with an unsatisfied 'humph', Oriana leaned back against the harsh wood beneath her. Flipping on her stomach, she reopened the journal once more and gave it another glance. Coming upon more of her mother's crazy tales of her young days. Reading the fine details of how her mother would beat the living crap out of so many people and leave without much of a scratch. 

   Is that really how Mother started out as? A she-devil-delinquent!?

  Oriana clutched her sides as she continued to read her mother's diary, and came across one of her deep secrets that she would never tell the triplets. Even if they begged her; she had a tight lid on her past. This much told Oriana that she knew Mr. Dark and Gloomy, that now lurks around their village; who insisted that one of her brothers' or her, has the perfect heart for them.

Geez, ethereal's really are persistent.

Shaking her head, Oriana turned another page to her mother's past and sighed when she finally got to a page that was at least somewhat clean.

  Should I even say clean? Giving my mother's handwriting a look over, I would have said that she didn't really care how her writing skills were. Reminds me of one of my annoying brothers...

Speaking of which, where are those freaks?

  A loud noise breaks Oriana's concentration. Making her have to put the book down or she would have ripped a page out. That would have been a disastrous move. On both parties; Oriana clenched her free fist in a tight grip and pushed the diary aside. Marching towards the stairs that lead to the attic, Oriana slid down in a fast motion that she almost slammed into a body. 

 This body happened to belong to one of her annoying siblings, almost ending her life in the process. May the Lord have mercy on her soul, if her mother ever found out that she was reading her diary and almost ripping a page. Who knew what ill attempt her mother would even dare to try on poor Oriana.

 Growling, Oriana glanced down at the body of her older brother Vance, she noticed that he was a mess from head to toe. This gained her attention immediately, giving her brother a hand up, Oriana patted his shoulders. Even if he was freakishly tall, she still had some advantages over him.

                                                                        Vance's POV (short)

 This caught Vance's attention, when his younger sister wasn't giving him a lecture on running like a mad dog, especially his state of appearance, he would've been dead long ago. He scratched the back of his head, and was just about to give an explanation, until their middle sibling came sliding into view. Just in time with the weapon that they were using against one another. Fully giving an explanation to their younger sister without a word, they both then knew hell would rain upon the two. 

                                                                                Oriana's POV

 They thought mom was the only one with terrible strength? Ha, who was the one that trained us individually? Who was the one that had to go through the hardest training? 

Me, that is who!! 

 She knew her anger would get her somewhere in life, but she was not expecting a couple of troubled spirits to come with it.

Time to put my own emotional strength to a test. 

 Cracking her knuckles, Oriana bounced on the balls of her feet; that were now bare and reveled in the feeling of her bare feet pattering against the harsh cold floor. 

Wolfdanes' Darkness (1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz