Chapter 16: A Dark Creature's Oath

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The walk back to Under-Light seemed as if it would never end. Just how far did I go out? I couldn't seem to get a finger on it, except for the fact that mother just kept saying it was at least two to three days walk back. The threatening of the female Wolfdane was slowly exceeding, but fortunately for Carion and I had finally caught sight of a tall building through the dread of the woman yelling profanities at Carion for pulling a stunt like that. Unlike the buildings that usually shielded the town, this building had seemed to scream out that it had survived on tithes from a very obnoxious fight, that may have looked like it just happened not to long ago, so the three of us headed on in, greeted warmly by the buildings keeper. But that didn't stop mother from asking a million questions as to why the building was in such a shape. The buildings keeper finally recognized who the two of us were and almost screamed if it hadn't been for Carion, who just slapped a claw-like hand over his mouth.

Nonetheless, a man with large wings and claw-like hands would hardly be allowed inside Under-Lights' town borders', mother allowed it. Carion didn't exactly care if the people that did stare at him with uncertainty, but did cover up as much as he could, and mother just spun a few lies that he was a special case. Thus, we got out of a riot that could have happened, when she also explained who she was to the buildings keeper, he then understood fully and explained in well details of what had happened to his poor building.

Mother did appreciate that the buildings keeper didn't scream and make a scene, and replied that she would make sure that his building and other buildings that were damaged in the measly battle would get repairs from the government a.s.a.p. The buildings keeper was ecstatic and kept apologizing to mother and I and hollered for a party and drinks were on him. This made everyone very happy and a little to relaxed around Carion and didn't mind when he ended up taking off the jacket in the end.

It actually ended up with a very big celebration, and a lot of drinking was done. I did my best to stay away from the drunks who liked to bring in the newbies who had a low tolerance for alcohol, like me. But I was very lucky for mother and Carion stepped in and challenged anyone to a drinking game. This had lasted for a long while, and this made it easier for people to talk around us Wolfdanes, and Carion.

Thank god for whoever brought him some clothes later on. Which he ended up making his own style with them, honestly all they gave him were some handy downs that other travelers had left and never came back for them. I tapped the back of his head lightly, and mumbled that he should be thankful for at least some. He grumbled a thank you to whoever brought them to him, which I couldn't see the person since they were so small and hiding in front of Carion's larger form and out of my sight.  

What do you mean!?”

Yeah, there was a huge explosion and loud roaring noises that erupted everywhere. It was almost as if the Earth was crying out~” A drunk had exclaimed to me in rush slurs.

Another drunken man came out of nowhere and hiccuped very loudly. “Something else amazing happened~” he hiccuped as he took a quick swig of his mug, and splashed some of the contents by my own mug. Making me get up quickly before it could stain anymore of my outfit. I didn't particularly like alcoholic beverages on me, didn't mind on others but this alcohol was one of a kind that stains like a mother and the smell. I preferred Carions' wing smell then this, which was saying something.


I didn't quite seem to follow what the man was trying to say, but I did understood some of the slurred words and hurriedly rushed to mother's side.

When I found mother she was in a heap of a mess and so was Carion was spreading his wings out in frustration, it had seemed as if there was a brawl about to explode between the two. That was no good, especially what news I had to give to mother. She was not going to be excited and her mood would really darken and I was sure that hell would truly explode.

Carions' wings suddenly sprouted out from the jackets cover and shown in a very dark lovely matter that I sworn I had seen only in books. Books about angels and demons, and any other creature that had wings like birds that Liam had read to them when they were kids.

His own form started to grow into a very scary way, as if he was shifting back into his Demon-like form. A large dust cloud was forming around Carions' wings, and I knew that smell was going to most likely kill everyone in the building; or inn actually. I had to calm Carion down, or who else knows what he'll bring out. This was enough for me at least.

Carion, you have to stop! If you don't stop I'll-” I couldn't think with the smell reaching my own nose, but I knew if I didn't say something to stop Carion in his tracks of fully transforming into his original form then what was the use of him being my guardian. That was it!

Carion-” as I said the words that I only knew would fully gain his attention, I noticed the difference of his state; mentally and physically. It was dying down in quick measures, and everyone that was in the inn was soon coming back to. Except mother who was just plain asleep, she somehow was able to do that in dire situations, unintentional or not.

That was a mean trick you pulled there Vance Wolfdane....” he huffed and folded his wings back under the jacket that somehow survived the destruction of his wings tearing it almost into shreds. The jacket laid neatly against his wings almost looking like a cape in some form, and it just about fitted his image.

Sighing, I reached up and yes petted his head. Flicking his forehead, I gave Carion a small smile and lead him towards a sleeping lion.

You asked for it. Now let's tell mom what I just learned about a couple of rascals who probably won't hear the end of it from this sleeping lion.” Shaking the sleeping lion, I took a few paces back and the next thing happened without even having to know.

I prayed silently and waited for mother to calm down, but when news hit her ears she was once more on a rampage and screaming her head off. Charging without a second thought, she left Carion and I back at the inn and was gone before we put one foot out of the door. Apologizing to the inn keeper, we both made our way towards the dust cloud, but not before a small woman made her way out calling our attention. She handed Carion another jacket, one that fitted his form much better than mine did, with a silent thank you, and before Carion could say anymore she was gone.

Seems you got a crush, Carion.” I laughed jokingly. I only got a grunt for an answer from Carion, who was staring at the jacket as if he didn't exactly know what to do with it. I nudged his side, he retaliated with a shove of his own, causing me to almost fall but I didn't come into contact with the ground.

I may be a Demon to you, but I'm your guardian. Just remember that Vance Wolfdane.” He shrugged on the newly jacket and threw mine back at my face that I had to once more gain my footing. The object was in tatters that it didn't seem like it was worth saving.

 “Gross...” I tossed the tattered jacket into a near by box, and quickened my pace to match Carions', who only looked back at me with a genuine Demon smile, sharp teeth and all. Wait, when did he have sharp teeth?!

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