Chapter 9: Part 2: Our Uncle's masked savior

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Note: This is a little after Chapter 8, were the siblings have grown up to at least their teen years and were the Darkness starts to make its move. - - Mainly going by Ajax's point of view of how he sees his family being affected by the Darkness itself - 

 - BiosDelta12


 Ajax could feel the steel blade meeting with his collar bone, and for the first time he truly felt afraid of what his older brother was capable of. Ajax tried his best to pull back from the sharp object that made its way across his chest, but only the last bite of it was just scraping his skin. The only deep part of the wound was near his collar bone and a little ways down almost near his fast beating heart.

 What had just happened to make his older brother to react in such a way, Ajax wouldn't know until his sister got back home. She always knew why brother would act out and always had a way to calm him down, even though she would suffer too, she would always be able to pull him out of his stupor. But as the treading moments passed of just his brother standing across from him slightly crouched, as if he was ready to strike once more, but this time Ajax was sure that this last strike might be his last.

 He didn't know if he was ready to accept death so soon. He had things he wanted to do as a young-teen, like asking that girl Senka out, and defeating both of his siblings and proving that the Wolfdane's aren't what the village needed. To him he thought everyone who looked towards the Wolfdane's were a bunch of weaklings, and he despised weaklings.

 Even though right know he was in a weak state, he would never back down, with or without his sister there to save him, he would defeat his brother out of this ridiculous stupor he had gotten himself into.   

 Reaching for his own weapon he had received on his birthday not too long ago, Ajax held in a breath as he watched his brother's every move, not quite sure what to say to a lunatic who has lost it. If only his sister was here, she would now what to say. Thinking of his sister, Ajax thought of the rather tall blonde for a 15 year-old, swaying in time with the rhythm of the random music she always listened too. Especially when he saw the two older siblings sitting quietly listening to each other's music when something was bothering them.

 He noticed they always shared something, whether it be music, fist to fist, or head to head in their position. They always had something in common. Right know that was their temper, were one minute their cool the next they completely loose it. What was it that drove the two to this level, no one would know? That's why Ajax wanted to help out the two siblings, but in order to do so he needed more intel.

Stupid Wolfdanes' being so hot-headed.

 Then the thought occurred to him, almost like he was hit again by one of those green rocks his sister always seemed to find. He knew how to defeat his brother, or more like how to get him out of his state.

 With ease he let his hand slide away from his hidden weapon and made a dash for the house. Soon his older brother was on his trail, and Ajax knew he didn't have much stamina left, especially after that blasted clean cut his brother had dealt on him. It was bleeding profusely through his navy blue hoodie, the clothing tattered from where the sword had sliced through, he could feel the sharp bitter winds pierce his wound. With what wind there was underground, Ajax never knew where exactly such an element came from, but whenever it would pick up he knew someone was the cause for its abnormality.

 Bloody scientists that had been shoved into the village had somehow made an elemental control device that controlled how the weather would be, as if we where back up top. Ajax knew that it was farce since his sister had a knack of finding all sorts of dirty secrets this village had. She knew the ends and outs of the place like the back of her hand. Hands that were meant to protect the village, not destroy like most villagers' or the bloody government that resided in the village said they were suppose to do.

The Wolfdane's were the village's and the government's guard dog. Never to disobey, always doing as the say, never question anything they said.

Except this generation of Wolfdane's somehow had backfired on everyone. That even included the Wolfdane family themselves.

 Shaking his head, Ajax rushed his legs to go faster than ever. To home, to where the object he desired to have was waiting for him inside his sister's closet. He knew he would never hear the end of this, for snooping in his sister's room, just for that.

 A shadow casted over Ajax's fleeting form, causing him out of his thoughts he saw the weapon that had already met his skin coming down in an arc above his head. The metal rang out as if it wanted to taste his flesh once more, Ajax made sure that that would never happen again. Grunting with the pain biting at him, he raised his arms above his head, trying his best to block what damages could of happened, he felt the full force of the blade rip through his sleeves and only stopping midway. Causing the blade to break in two near the tip though. That was enough for Ajax, as he felt his body colliding with the ground and hearing a near by collision of another body hitting full force from the blow.

 A large dust cloud formed around the two, Ajax was sure that the government would be sending out someone to figure out what's causing such ruckus throughout the town. Coughing some blood up, Ajax reached over to his aching shoulder only to feel a sharp twang of pain hit him when he moved. Confused, Ajax glanced down at his body, uncertainty rested in his mind as he checked his body for any other injuries and yet didn't find any.

 Maybe it was from the blow to the ground, or the impact of the sword meeting his arm at full force. Shaking his own blond locks out of his face, Ajax glanced up to see that the dust clouds had started to slowly recede from the craters the brother's had made.

 Waiting with eagerness, Ajax slowly got on one of his knees, just in case he had to bail once more. The clouds soon dispersed revealing a very pissed off brother with a broken- no shattered sword – and only the hilt was seen grasped tightly in his bloodied hand. Blood had caked his left arm, and his clothes were too tattered almost into rags at the most. His hair a total mess, and his eyes blank, Ajax knew he was probably going to endure more pain pretty soon.

 Getting up ever so slowly, Ajax felt his body screaming in agony, but he brushed it off. Aero was more important right now, along with what village was left; Ajax knew he had to get to that really soon, or there wasn't going to be an Under-Light- soon to be an underground city- to go to in the future.

 Grunting, Ajax made a move to leave but was soon met with a larger body standing before him. Colliding with the body he felt himself slipping backwards, and only colliding into another's, but this one was softer and the hands that peered through under his flailing arms was that of an expert who could catch anything they wanted. When the two collided he felt the wind once again meet his tortured body, making him shutting his eyes at the quick pressure, he dared to look at his savior.

  Bright orange floated in front of his eyes and green strands whipped around the two making it seem as if it were emitting a glow that he had seen once before. With startled thoughts of what it could've been, Ajax tried his best to see his saviors face, but was only met with a gas mask. Which made him yell out in surprise, causing the other to falter in their movements to only glare down at him through the mask's eye sockets.

 Sky blue met two different colored eyes; the left was a piercing hot-red with a black ring around the iris and the right the opposite of the other, deep eyeliner by the looks of it was ringed around the eyes and it seemed as if the person never slept in weeks. Judging by the paleness, Ajax could tell this person never let their skin meet any source of light, ever. But even if it seemed as if the person had bags under their eyes, he could feel the strength in their arms just by being carried by them.

Wait, why was he being carried? What happened to his brother? The village, the government spy that was crouched behind one of the buildings his brother had mercilessly destroyed?

What happened in those few seconds of him almost blackening out? And why was the wind much sharper around him?!

Wolfdanes' Darkness (1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant