Chapter 13.5 : Bonus Chapter - Character Time (5) !!

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U.C. works under the same secret military as C4; who shall appear later, but U.C. has mentioned that the character is annoying, and likes to do so to U.C. . U.C. is an unknown type of person, who doesn't tell much about himself, except that it can be tell that he never really had much to do with the outside world. So he is learning from everyone in Under-Light town, and the Wolfdanes. Who he is suppose to keep an eye on secretly and report everything that they do to the secret military that he works for.

U.C. is a small boy at first, who seems as if he ran away from home, but in truth he doesn't have one, so the Wolfdane's “adopt” him.

Name: U.C.

Age: ???

Height: (at first appearance) 4'0 ft- (official appearance) 5'6 ft

Eye Color: (At first glance) Grey Garnet, (Actual Color) Ruby, (When using Psychic Abilities) Grey Emerald

Physical App.: His first appearance he looked like a runaway boy, very rugged with tattered clothing and very beaten up. Could hardly tell what his hair color was or his skin tone for that matter. When cleaned, he has smooth fair skin, with snow white hair that is usually short to neck and swept to the right side with side swept bangs that cover some of his eyesight; his hair usually is untamed, and it gives off a look as if he has wolf/dog ears. He likes to borrow Liam's headphones and listen to random music he gathers from various people. He soon gets his own set of headphones that have a red ring appearance to them and glow with the Sun-glow's radiance flowing through an extra piece on the case. His body built at first is sad and pathetic, but then he grows into a fit form for a normal looking 15 year-old, but no one really knows his age; so his built is usually seen as a slim runner built, but don't think twice if you get in a fight with him, for he can read his opponents moves and copy and come back with twice as much power as his opponents gave to him.

His outfit is usually a white button up shirt with a scarf of either green or red colors, and usually wears a pair of black lined goggles around his neck; mainly for appearance and saying that he belongs with the Wolfdanes' family. Since all Wolfdane's wear a pair of black-out goggles. He also wears black jeans or black cargo pants with a green and red bandana around both ankles and also wears a pair on each forearm. He wears black and white gloves with red gems on his knuckles, and his shoes are usually black boots that come up to his knees. He also wears a black coat with fur lining the hood and carries a grey bag with a red and green strap that crosses over his chest.

Hobbies/ Interests: Looking at colors, training with Oriana, playing with the Wolfdanes' Direwolf pups, learning what it means to be “normal”, and collecting different objects, gathering music.

Special Skills: Controlling Sun-glow, Fighting, Psychic Abilities

Pet peeves: C4, not being able to see color

Phobias: Unknown future, Abilities, the Wolfdanes



Darkest Secret's: Unknown past, and Abilities

Pets/ Partners: No Pets / Oriana Wolfdane

Theme Song: Imagine Dragons - Ready, Aim, Fire

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