Not My Life || Dramione.

By AGeekyFangirlIsHere

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AU- Voldemort wins the war, Marriage Law. Hermione thought that losing The War was one of the worst things th... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2
The Wedding Pics Continued.
Chapter 3
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
The Epilogue.
Bonus Chapter: Draco's Side.

Chapter 4

752 14 9
By AGeekyFangirlIsHere

A/N: Welcome back, here is the next chapter, I hope you like it.

This Chapter mentions some triggering things so if you don't want to read anything like that, then I would suggest maybe not reading. Please tell me what you think.


3 months later.

I wake up alone in bed, something that almost makes me sad, since my nightmares of Lucius started about 3 months ago, Draco has been comforting me, we cuddle at night and most mornings I wake up alone, which makes me sad to think that we are so close at night and in the day we are almost strangers. I get up from the bed and walk into the adjoining bathroom, I have a quick shower and get dressed into a pair of jeans, a white long sleeved top and some blue ballet flats.

I look at myself in the mirror, since being married I have gained weight and I look more like myself I have in a long time, my hair is long and wavy, almost reaching my bum, it looks healthier than it did 6 months ago. I stare at myself for a long time before I make a decision and turn away from the mirror.

I tug and my now shoulder length hair nervously as I enter the common room, Pansy looks up from her magazine and gasps slightly, making Ron look in my direction. "Wow, Hermione, that looks really nice." Luna says from Theodore's lap, I smile kindly at her before I sit down next to Pansy who gives me a small smile before looking back down at her magazine.

A couple of minutes later Blaise and Ginny arrive with small smiles at everyone as they hold hands. "We've got news, guys." Blaise says with a smile, we all look at the couple. "I'm pregnant." Ginny says softly with a small smile at she looks at Blaise who kisses her forehead gently. "That's great guys." Luna says with a smile as she pats her stomach softly with a smile at Theodore.

"I wanted to wait until everyone was here but Ron and I expecting also, we found out a couple of days ago." Pansy says with a smile, Pansy and Ginny hug each other with excitement and Luna claps her hands together happily.

In their happiness they didn't see me leave the room, I could feel panic start to rise in my chest, so I run as quick as I can to find a quiet and dark room before it envelopes me. I lie against the cool wall as I sob and breathe heavily, my mind showered in thoughts or horror and terror, my mind goes back to what happened to me a year and 4 months ago.

I go into these states every time anyone mentions being pregnant, it all started when Astoria announced her pregnancy and then a month later when Luna announced hers, now Ginny and Pansy were going to have babies. The thought of pregnancy or being pregnant doesn't scare me as much I thought it would, I think I'm scared that I will loose them, like with Leopold or that if I don't have a baby in the time limit then I'll be taken away from my friends and that I'll be hurt like what happened with Lucius.

I lay on the floor for a while, trying to calm my mind, without Draco around, I realise the only way out of my head is through pain, so I painfully start picking at my Mudblood scar, that will never fully heal, I scratch at it until blood starts to stem from some of the letters, I eventually start to calm down but I have no energy, so I stay laying down. I don't know how long I stay there until the door opens and light spreads through the room, my eyes are still slightly blurry from crying but I see a figure come towards me.

"I've found her." I hear a male voice call from in front of me, realising that it is Draco's voice, I close my eyes. "Hermione, can you stand up?" Draco asks me calmly, I groan and shake my head tiredly, I feel him take my arm, the one with the scar. "Hermione what happened to your arm?" Draco asks with a hint of concern, he must have noticed the blood on the white sleeves, he pulls the sleeve up and gasps quietly, I pull my arm away and shove the sleeve back down.

Suddenly Draco pulls me from the floor, I nearly collapse on my feet until Draco picks me up bridal style and walks out of the room, I notice my friends looking concerned and even Pansy looks worried, I turn my head towards Draco's chest as he carries me past them and back to our room, where he lays me down on the bed softly. I curl up and turn away from him. He leaves and then comes back a couple of minutes later, he sits on the bed next to me, he takes my arm and lifts up the sleeve which reveals my scar.

After a couple of seconds I start to feel stinging pains in my arm, I look at Draco to see him wiping my scar with some sort of cleansing liquid, I make a small noise of pain as he goes over the opened letters. "This will help stop any infection, the problem with cursed scars is that they become infected if they are reopened." Draco says softly as he finishes applying the liquid. I watch as he gets off the bed and starts to leave the room.

"Will you stay with me?" I ask quietly, I hear him turn towards me. "Sure, if you want me to." Draco says before he grabs a chair from by the window, he pulls it close to the bed and sits in it softly. Knowing he is there helps me to slowly fall asleep.

(Draco's P.O.V.)

It doesn't take her long to fall asleep, I only get up when I know she is fully asleep, I leave the room quietly and make my way to the common room, where my friends and hers are still hanging out. Most of them look up when I enter the room, most of them look concerned. "How is she?" Blaise asks. "She's asleep for now." I say before sitting down with a sigh. "What happened?" Blaise asks, I stare at him as I think of my answer.

"I'm not 100% sure but I think she had a panic attack, she's been having nightmares for months now and this is the third time this has happened." I say with a frown, Blaise looks surprised with my answer. "She's not the Hermione Granger we used to know." Blaise says with a slight frown. "No, she's Hermione Malfoy now. Anyway what happened before she left?" I ask, Blaise looks at Ginny with a smile. It seems to me that Blaise has really started to fall for Weaselette, I'm happy that he has found someone who he truly cares about.

"Well me and Ginny announced that she was pregnant and then Pansy told everyone that she was expecting as well, the girls hugged and about five minutes later Ginny noticed that she had gone." Blaise says with a smile before frowning. I wasn't sure whether to mention that this was the second time someone had annouced a pregnancy and she had a panic attack, I had found her only minutes later and I had held her until she calmed down and could join the others. Watching Hermione have her nightmares was one of the worst things I've seen.

I worry that if I get too close to her that I'll develop feelings for her, which I think is already happening, something I hated when I thought about it but now I'm coming round to the idea of liking her, but I don't want to get hurt by her not liking me. I know a Malfoy having feelings for a Muggleborn sounds impossible and I almost hate the idea of it but something inside of me stops me from hating it. "I guess congratulations are in order." I say with a small smile as I step out of my thoughts. "Thanks Draco." Pansy says with a smile and Ginny nods her thanks at me.

(Back to Hermione P.O.V)

I wake up to find Draco not in the chair, I sigh softly before turning onto my back and sitting up, I sit in bed for a couple of minutes until I hear a soft pecking noise, I look at the window and see a brown owl with a letter in it's beak, I get out of bed and open the window, the owl comes into the room, I walk over to my desk and open a drawer, which has some owl treats, which I give to the owl before taking the letter.

The owl leaves soon after and I open the letter which is addressed to Hermione Malfoy which reads:

Dear Mrs Malfoy,

Just a reminder that your Monthly Pregnancy Test is tomorrow at St Mungos Maternity Ward, your appointment is at 11am, please arrive 15 minutes before.

Sincerely The Marriage Law Office.

I sigh and shove the letter into a drawer before I sit down back in the bed. I'm almost certain that I'm not pregnant, I would know the symptoms by now and I've had none.

The next day.

I look nervously at my watch as I sit in the waiting room of St Mungos Maternity Ward, I had arrived 15 minutes before my appointment, like the letter said and now it's been 20 minutes since I arrived. I had told Draco that he didn't need to come as I was almost certain that it would be another negative test. The test was quite simple, the Healer places their wand over my stomach, there is slight cramping before a light would shoot out of their wand, green for positive and red for negative.

It's another 10 minutes later until I finally get called. "Mrs Malfoy." A woman calls, I stand up and walk over to her, she gives me a small smile before she starts walking away, I follow her to an examination room. She nods to the bed and I get up onto it and lie down. "First some questions. How long have you been married?" The Healer asks as she gets out a clipboard. "5 months now." I say, I hear her quill writing down the information.

"So this will be your 5th test? Have you had any positive test?" The Healer asks without looking away from her clipboard. "Yes this is my 5th test and no I haven't had any positive tests." I say with a slight frown. "Have you been pregnant before the law?" She asks, this time she looks up and at me, I feel my heart thump in my chest as panic starts to rise in my chest, I take a deep breath and dig my nails into my palm.

"It's okay if you have, we've had lots of girls come to us who are still pregnant from their horrific pasts." The Healer says with a small smile. "Yes, I was raped." I say, saying those words make my heart feel lighter, finally letting my secret known. "How long ago was this?" The Healer asks. "The rape happened a year and 4 months ago." I say, she nods and writes it down.

"Did you have the baby?" she asks. "Yes I did." I say and my heart hurts to think of Leopold. "We don't have any record of a new Malfoy." The Healer says looking through some papers, I frown at her. "Malfoy?" I ask in surprise, how did she know? "We had two girls before you come in after working for Lucius Malfoy. Both of them terminated the pregnancy, with his knowledge." The Healer says quietly.

"He doesn't know, I was going to tell him but I didn't think a baby deserved to die because of him." I say, my mind still reeling from finding out that I wasn't the only girl he had hurt. "When was the baby born?" The Healer asks me. "2 months before the marriage law announcement." I say as I once think about Leopold, I start feel tears spring to my eyes. "What happened to the baby and what was the gender?" The Healer asks before she places her hand on top of mine comfortingly.

"A boy, I took him to an orphanage without anyone knowing when I went shopping when he was two days old." I say as the tears run down my cheek, the Healer hands me a tissue which I use to wipe my tears. "I am going to keep this report to myself and put you down as not having a child before this." The Healer says with a small smile, she casts a spell and there is a copy of the report and then suddenly the answers change on the one copy. "Why would you do this? don't you have to report this?" I ask her, she gives me a smile.

"You've been through enough." The Healer says with a small sigh. "Thank you, ma'am." I say with a small smile. "Please call me Alex." she says with a smile. "Anyway we should finish the report." Alex says a second later, I nod and finish the rest of the questions, simple questions. "Okay then, time for the test." Alex says before moving closer to the bed and placing her wand over my stomach. I groan slightly at the cramping and close my eyes to calm myself of the pain, I see a flash of light but I'm not sure what the colour is. I open my eyes and look at Alex who is placing her wand on her desk.

"Congratulations, you're pregnant." Alex says with a small smile, I gape at her in surprise. "Are you sure?" I ask, she chuckles. "It was a definite green light that came out of my wand." Alex says, I look down at my stomach in amazement. "I haven't had any symptoms or anything." I say with a slight frown. "Some women don't have any symptoms until later in pregnancy, I would say you are 2 months pregnant." Alex tells me, my eyes widen in shock.

"That far along? When I had my first I had symptoms until I was about 6 months pregnant." I say with a small frown. "Every pregnancy is different." Alex says, I nod. "From now on I'll be in charge of your pregnancy and labour, so I need to know a little about the first birth." Alex says, I take a deep breath. "What was the pregnancy like and how was the birth?" Alex asks. "The pregnancy didn't effect me much until I was quite far along, it was quite easy. He came a month early, the birth was absolute agony but I don't think I had any problems." I say as I think back to that night.

"A month premature? How long was you in labour?" Alex asks. "Yes and about 6 hours." I say with a frown. "Okay, well I think that is all I need to know for now. I'll have you come back in about 3 months but you can owl me any time." Alex tells me as I sit up from the bed and get up. "Thank you for everything today, it felt so good to tell someone about what happened." I say with a smile. "It's no problem." Alex says as she walks me out of the room and out fo the ward before she calls another name from her list.

Later that day.

I pace nervously around mine and Draco's sitting room as I think about how I'm going to tell Draco that I'm pregnant. I haven't seen him since I left this morning and I'm not sure where he is.

10 minutes later, Draco enters the sitting room, I look up from my book that I decided to read to keep my mind from running. "Oh, hello." Draco says as he pauses his movement to look at me, I give him a small smile. "I'm glad you came actually." I say, Draco raises his eyebrows. "Why? How did the hospital go?" Draco asks quickly, I sit up straight and place my book on the sofa. "That's what I want to talk to you about." I say nervously, Draco moves closer to where I sit, he stands and looks at me.

"Draco, I'm pregnant." I say with a small smile, I'm nervous for his reaction. Draco seems to freeze before he stares at me, he looks quickly to my stomach, maybe to see proof that I'm not lying. "Are you sure?" Draco asks, I can hear a slight nervousness in his voice. "I asked the same question, but yes I'm sure." I say with a slight chuckle. Draco stays silent for a while with his hand on his hips, it's obvious a lot of things are going through his mind, I'm almost scared he is going to be angry despite this being a law.

"I'm going to be a dad?" Draco asks softly with a small smile. "Yes, Draco." I say with a sigh of relief that he seems fairly happy. Suddenly he kneels next to my stomach and gently places his hand on my stomach, I'm surprised by the reaction but it makes me happy and I smile at him. "Wow." Draco says with a smile, despite the fact I barely have a bump to feel, he seems happy just know that his child is growing in my stomach.

I watch him for a couple minutes before he stands up and looks at me, I bite my lip nervously as he looks at me, suddenly his hands reach for my face and he pulls his face towards mine and kisses me roughly on the lips, I'm surprised but I don't pull away until he does. We stare at each other for a couple of minutes until he sits down on the sofa and looks me in the eyes, for the first time I see his eyes properly, they are grey but right now they shine like silver.

Before I really know what to or say Draco pulls me closer and once again kisses me but gentler this time, I feel myself relax into the kiss, then just as quickly as it started it, it ends and Draco leaves the room before I can say another word, which leaves me reeling.


A/N: Well what do you think? Please leave a comment on what you think or anything about the story.

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