Pushed Aside

By Talexbabe

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Side Series (Book 1) Zayvion has been an outlier his whole life. He's a Hybrid between an Incubus and an Ang... More

Prayers and Fish
Roomates and Searching
Before We Begin
Playing and Promises
Breakfast and Interviews
Fatigue and Chains
Thoughts and Firsts
Training and Panic
Working and Laughs
Guilt and Listening
Talks and Distress
Secrets and Advice
Findings and Peace
Walks and Contemplation
Fear and Looks
Courage and Asking
Embarrasment and Options
Calling and Time
Patience and Surprises
Rides and Talks
Flirting and Blushing
Amusement and Smirks
Excitement and Nerves
Dates and Mistakes
Tears and Friends
Home and Disappointment
Ignorance and Pettiness
Threats and Apologies
Dinner and Leaving
Surprise and Kisses
Fear and Habits
Drinks and Confusion
Stopping and Pain
Sobriety and Repeats
Bodies and Promises
Coffee and Irriation
Venting amd Feelings
Homecomings and Distractions
Heartbreak and Decisions 
Judgements and Exposure
Waiting and Allies
Home and Surpirses
Discussions and Apologies
Dinner and Amusement
Outtings and Giggles
Homecomings and Talks
Claiming and Marking
Laziness and Tattoos
Lunch and Friendships
Cameras and Riding
Seconds and Cuddles
Meetings and Warnings
Parents and Relationships
Essays and Change
Learning and Endings
Whats Coming Next
Smut Chapters
What To Read Next

Nerves and Questions

1.4K 116 33
By Talexbabe

Zay's POV

I walk back over the my spot on the floor and turn my head to say something to Elliot, but when I turn to that direction, I see that he's already interacting with the customers around him, smiling and greeting them and trying his best to direct them in the right direction to where they wish to go.

I feel my lips twitch in pride and my heart swoon a little at the crooked smile his lips always seem to hold.

The three days that I've seen Elliot this week are breaking me down little by little and it hurts so fucking good. It's like having what you want right at your fingertips but as soon as you graze it with your hands, it's pulling out of reach once more. And it's an addicting game.

This is the first time in my life, when someone isn't tripping over themselves and others to get to me and serve me and my body any way they can.

And as much as it's weird and very discombobulating, I can't deny the small rush of excitement at the chase. I've been waiting for this man to enter my life for years and now that he's finally in reach, I won't let him go, even if it hurts a little but to watch him be so oblivious.

I turn my attention away from the man and back to the customers around me with a smile on my face, even if my mind is somewhere far away. Ten feet to the left to be exact.

"Good morning and welcome to the Rescue Aquatic Center, I hope you enjoy your visit!" I repeat the words every two minutes, sometimes making eye contact and others, just letting them walk past as I repeat the words to air. Most that come here have been here countless times before and only want to say floto old friends and welcome the new rescued that come in every other day.

Not that many people try to stop and ask me questions and I'm grateful for that, knowing that I'm in no shape to be overly useful.

Even though I claimed that I enjoy the chase and being around Elliot, even if he's not begging to touch my body, I'm still suffering. Since I'm a Hybrid I won't die if I don't get the sex I crave, but the lack of it in my life this week has drained me. I need constant cups of coffee and about twelve hours of sleep to feel remotely okay.

Though, if I really need it, I'm sure my father could send some Ambrosia down, being good friends with one of Hermes sons and all.

Everyone always wants to talk about God and the Angels, but it's those sexy ass Greeks that have all the good stuff.

I stifle a yawn as someone else walks my way, and I open my mouth to give my usual greeting as always, but this time, the person stops in front of me. When I look up and pay attention, it's a man around maybe nineteen that's standing there with a smirk in his face. When I sniff him, I can tell that he's Enchanted and I sigh to myself, knowing that while some of them are cool, most only know how to flirt the traditional way.

Disrespectfully and hands on.

"Good morning and welcome, what can I help you with?" I ask him, keeping my smile professional. If it was any other time, maybe I could go for a random rough fucking, but now, the only person that I want touching and controlling my body is oblivious to the fact of what he is to me.

"Why don't we go somewhere a little more private?" He asks me, leaning in to get closer to me and I lean back before taking a step away form the man, my skin crawling at the sexual tension being sent my way.

"I don't require your services. Enjoy your visit." I tell him with a sickly sweet smile and a stern voice, but the Enchanted asshole doesn't want to take the fucking hint. His hand comes up to touch my waist to pull me in and I feel bile rise in my throat at someone else touching me with sexual intentions. He smiles creepily at me as he tries to bring my body closer.

"Come on baby, don't be like that." He tells me and I want to cut his dick off and shove it down his throat, but before I can do just that, the smell of Lemons and Sage comes from my left. When I turn my head, I fine Elliot standing there with a frown on his face and arms folded across his broad chest.

"Is there something I can help you find?" He asks the Enchanted, his six foot something delicious body towering over the creep.

"I was just talking." The man says as he backs up a few steps with narrowed eyes. As much as they're hot headed and often times rude, they're a lot smarter than people give them credit for when it comes to picking fights.

"Conversation seems to be over. Enjoy your stay." Elliot says to the guy and stands with me to make sure he's gone before he turns to me and his face softens a bit. "I hope I didn't mess up your uhhh... feeding. You seemed uncomfortable." He says though I notice how his frown deepens as he says it, making my lips twitch.

"You didn't mess up anything. That asshole was being a creep." I tell him and he relaxes.

"Well that's good." He says before he smiles and he's on his way back to the marking on the floor ten feet away. But this time when he's over there, it feels like miles. I groan as I think to myself how much of an idiot I probably looked like to him.

The only thing that makes me feel slightly better is the fact that Elliot was jealous of the man. He may think I didn't notice or maybe he didn't know himself but he came over here for selfish reasons.

I saw the frown that deepened when he talked about him interrupting a potential feeding.

Or maybe it's all just wistful thinking.

The next hour or so continues without a hitch, greetings and smiles flying about as everyone comes in. Whenever I check over towards Elliot, he's doing fine.

Customer service must really be his thing because even visitors that always have something to say, no matter how many times they've been to our aquarium, leave him with a smile on their face and no complaints. A few people stop to ask me about the direction of the bathrooms or certain exhibits. And even more asks me about the newcomers and those that are going back to their homes this week.

Loyal costumers get a membership here at the aquarium that allows them to come see the old animals off and welcome the new at half price and they get three free animal shows a month.

You would think being an aquarium and all that wouldn't be sure a big deal since it's our job to be with animals, but we often get donations and such. I never knew how many animal lovers lived in this city until I began working here. You have people from Witches to Daemons that have memberships and as far as I know, this is the one place in the city that's off limits for the Enchanted Games.

Other places are avoided from fear or repeated, but the Aquarium is off limits to everyone no matter the status.

And I think that's fucking cool, if you ask me.

Just as one of our most newer customers leave me from doing questions, Elliot approaches with a weary smile. "Hey I have to go to the bathroom." He says and I smile before nodding.

"Okay. I'll cover." I assure him and he gives me a grateful look before he's turning around and heading in the direction of the bathrooms. I walk a little ways to the left to get in the middle of our top stations and resume my job even if an idea enters my mind and it's going a thousand miles per hour. Maybe Elliot getting a little jealous is a good sign that he's starting to fall a little in to the Soulmate Bond.

With an idea in mind and nerves in hand, I make my decision and try to hype myself up for when he comes back.

I don't have to wait long, though I wish it was a little longer as fear shoots up my spine and into my throat. Elliot comes towards me and wave to let me know he's back but before I let him go to his spots on the floor, I call him over towards me with a nervous smile.

"What's up?" He asks me once he's close enough for me to talk without having to yell. For the thousandth time since I met my Chain, I feel my cheeks heat up as I avoid his eyes.

"Would you like to go somewhere after work? I know a cool cafe nearby." I tell him, my voice less confident that usual and when I get the courage to look up, Elliot looks like a deer caught in headlights before he clears his throat and awkwardly rubs the back of his neck.

"Uh.. I would but I have this thing after work with my.. girlfriend." He says and I feel a punch to the gut. Girlfriend. That's what that look was about from Beth earlier when I zoned out in the locker room.

"Oh okay. Have fun." I tell him with as much as a normal smile I can muster. I give him a slight wave that he hesitantly returns before I walk back to my spot in the floor ten feet away.

I am thoroughly fucked and embarrassed and I can't wait for work to be over.

Aw my poo baby Zay. He just wants his Chaun to like him back so they can fall in love. Do you think Elliot actually got jealous or was it all in Zay's head. What do you think is going on in Elliot's head?



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