Iida x reader (Aizawa's daugh...

De volzyx

348K 7.9K 14.5K

Y/n is the daughter of eraserhead and is very close with all the UA teachers. Her mother has passed away leav... Mais

Chapter #1
Chapter #2
Chapter #3
Chapter #4
Chapter #5
Chapter #6
Chapter #7
Chapter #8
Chapter #9
Chapter #10
chapter #11
chapter #12
chapter #13
chapter #14
Chapter #15
chapter #16
chapter #17
chapter #18
chapter #19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter #22
Chapter #23
chapter #24
chapter #25
chapter #26
chapter #27
chapter #28
chapter #29
chapter #30
chapter #31
chapter #32
chapter #33
chapter #34
chapter #35
chapter #37
chapter #38
chapter #39
chapter #40
Chapter #41
Chapter #42
chapter #43
chapter #44

chapter #36

4.3K 109 214
De volzyx

The sound of the door opening woke me up, I slowly opened my eyes and see Tenya still peacefully asleep.

"Good morning, some people will be here later to talk to you guys." the nurse announces.

"Oh, ok. Thank you." Izuku responds respectfully and I can hear him shuffle around, as well as Todoroki.

I loosen myself from Tenya's grasp and then slide out of bed.

"Y/n, where are you going?" Izuku looks at me concerned.

"just the bathroom." I rub my eyes and then put on the hospitals shoes.

walking to the other side of the room, I open the door, walk to the sink and slash some water on my face, with my good hand.

I turn around and see the bandage on my shoulder, then the one on my hand.

running my hands through my hair as I walk back to where all the guys are.

when I opened the door I saw that Tenya was now awake and sitting on the bed with his legs folded.

"Mornin." I say tiredly and go lay on the bed next to Tenya.

"Did you sleep, Midoriya?" Todoroki asks.

"No, not really." he says shyly.

"I figured. Me neither." he says quietly.

"thinking about that fight now, we did something pretty amazing." Izuku points out. "After everything that happened back there, it kinda feels like a miracle that we're even alive. with my leg messed up, I was an easy target. he probably could have killed me If he really wanted to."

"Yea, seems to me he let us live on purpose. I'm impressed though by you, Iida." Todoroki shifts his gaze over to me and Tenya. "He was actually trying to murder you, but you stood tall."

"that's not true. I was--" He says sadly, but is interrupted by someone opening the door. once again.

"Oh, so the inured youngins are awake." Gran Tornio says grumpily.

"Gran Tonio!" Izuku says happily.

"And manual, too." Tenya adds. I sit up to see a pro hero with a fish fin on his helmet.

"Idiot! I could yell at your for hours right now." Gran walks over to Izuku. "but before I do, you've got a visiter." he turns back around.

My eyes shift to the door, a very tall man with the head of a dog walks in, Hosu's chief of police.

"this is hosu's chief police." Gran announces.

we all stand up out of respect for him, Izuku trying to do the same, but he gets shut down.

"No, please stay seated, woof. So you're the UA students that brought down the Hero Killer, huh?" He says in a deep voice

"We are." Todoroki answers for all of us.

"I knew this was going to cause legal issues." I mumble and Tenya hears, he gives me a confused look as I pinch the bridge of my nose.

"Stain has some serious injuries. Severe burns and several broken bone, even some slashes." The chiefs eyes glance over at me. "Right now he's in the hospital under strict guard, woof. Here's a lesson you should have already learned. when quirks became the norm..." He goes on about how the hero laws cam to be and how it against the law for us to have used our quirks.

"Now wait a minute. If iida had not stepped in, Native would've been murdered. And if not for Midoriya, both of them would be dead. No one else even realized that the Hero killer was in Hosu. Are you saying we should have just stood by and watched people die!?" Todoroki says angrily.

"So it's ok to break the law as long as art goes your way?" The chief asks.

"But, sir, isn't a hero's job to save people?" Shoto retorts.

"This is why your not a full-fledged pro yet. It's obvious UA and endeavor haven't been teaching you near enough, and Aizawa, I personally thought would know better. What a shame." The chief responds.

"You damned mutt." Todoroki starts at the man angrily.

"Todoroki. Listen, he's right." Tenya tries to stop him.

"Stop there kid, you'll wanna hear him out till the end." Gran puts his hand up, Shoto stops.

"what I've said is the official stance of the police department. But any punishment would only be necessary if this went public. If it did you'd probably be applauded by citizens everywhere. But there's no way you could escape from being reprimanded." He says bluntly. "On the other hand, we could say Endeavor saved the day. Stain's burns would support this story completely, we could pretend you weren't involved, woof."

I let out a sigh of relief and Shoto calms down.

"this could be the last you'll hear of any punishments. it would mean no one would know about you, though. you'd receive no acclaim at all. the choice is yours. personally I know where I stand, I don't want to damage any promising young careers." the chief gives us a thumbs up.

"Either way, we'll have to take responsibility for being negligent as supervisors." Manual says sadly.

"I'm sorry. I should've listened." Tenya bows in front of him.

"Yeah, you caused us a lot of trouble." Manual mimics one of Tenya's hand movements and chops his head. "Remember that, and don't do it again."

"And I apologize as well." Izuku puts his head down.

"Me, too." Todoroki does the same.

"We'll leave it to you." I say respectfully.

"I know it's not fair. You won't enjoy any of the fame and praise you probably would've received otherwise." the chief bows. "But at least, allow me, as the chief of police, to thank you."

"You Know. You could've started with that." Todoroki says shortly.

I walk up next to him and punch him lightly in the shoulder, we laugh and everyone seems to be accepting what we were just told.

"Thank you for your time." I walk up to the chief.

"just doing my duty, I hope not see to see any of you again soon." he bows and then walks out of the room.

"i'm going, too. Midoriya, don't think I'm letting you off." Gran Tornio points a finger at him. "I hope to see you again, y/n. on better circumstances." he smiles before following after the chief of police.

"That was tiring." I breathe out, then slouch my shoulders.

"We took down the hero killer and we can't even get credit for it." Shoto complains.

"it's better than facing legal consequences. plus, I don't do it for the fame." I shrug and lay back down on the bed with my legs kicked out.

"I guess your right." he says calmly.

"I feel bad for compromising Manual." Tenya sits down on the bed beside me.

"he will be ok." I say sweetly and Tenya gives me a loving look.

"i'm going to go make some phone calls, I'll be back." Izuku gets up with a crutch and stumbles out of the room.

"how many people did he send his location too?" I ask.

"Apparently, a ton of people in the class." Shoto answers.

"Tenya Iida?" A nurse walks in the room with some papers.

"Yes. That's me." He looks over at her.

"Your test results are back, the doctor would like to see you." She moves out of the way and waves for Tenya to follow her.

"I'll be back, y/n." He bends down and kisses my forehead.

I smile and he follows after the nurse.

"is endeavor facing any consequences?" I sigh.

"Not that I know of. I just remembered the dorms. are you having someone pick up your belongings?" Todoroki asks.

"yea, my dad sent Present Mic to go get them." I answer.

after a while of me and Shoto sitting in comfortable silence Tenya comes back with a sad expression on his face.

"what did they say?" I ask nervously.

"my left hand.." he sits down on the edge of the bed and I scoot over next to him.

Before Tenya could say anything, Izuku walked back into the room.

"Oh, Hey,  Iida! I just talked to Uraraka." He says happily.

"Midoriya... Iida just got his test results back." Shoto says calmly.

"I might have damage thats permanent." Tenya says after a moment of silence.

"What? Permanent?" Izuku says wide eyed.

I go stiff and I stare at Tenya with concern.

"Both my arms were pretty torn up. But the injury to my left arm was especially severe. the damage was to my brachial plexus. Which just means I'll have trouble moving my fingers." He looks up at Izuku. "And my hand might have some numbness. Apparently, there's a chance it might be healed if I have nerve transplant surgery." he looks back down.

Tenya talks about how he knows what he did was wrong and that Stain was right.

"that's why, until I'm able to call myself a real hero, I'll leave my left hand as it is." Tenya finishes and I can't help but admire his determinedness to redeem himself.

"Are you sure?" Shoto asks him.

"Iida, I feel the same way." Izuku puts his scared hand up. "let's get stronger, together."

They both nod and I wrap my arms around Tenya's shoulders, burring my face into his shoulder.

"I feel, kinda bad." Shoto states.

"About what?" izuku asks confused and we all look over at him.

"Whenever I'm involved, someone's hand get's all messed up. Is something wrong with me? Am I cursed?" he asks himself seriously.

We all start dying of laughter.

"Todoroki,  I didn't know you had a sense of humor!" Izuku says in between laughs.

"This isn't a joke. I'm like 'The Hand crusher' or something." he says worriedly.

We starts bursting out laughing once more and I fall back onto the bed.

"when do we have school?" I ask as we all settled back down.

"tomorrow, I still need to visit my father's agency, too." Shoto replies.

"Do you all want to take the same train home?" I ask.

"Yea!" Izuku smiles.

"We should all go later today, I still have to pick up my stuff from Manual." Tenya sighs.

"ok, while you all do that. i'm going to get a change of clothes, I can not stand being in this hospital gown any longer." I complain.

"How are you going to do that?" Shoto asks.

"well, I can't change into my uniform, but I know that they have my hero costume somewhere." I think out loud.

"isn't is all torn up?" Izuku asks.

"Yea, I guess you're right." I jump off the bed and grab my phone.

I take a recording from the sports festival and look at Momo, copying her quirk.

Taking a deep breathe, I hold out my arm and start to from my signature scarf, once I was finished with that I created a black pair of sweat pants, a hoodie, face mask, and a simple pair of shoes.

"Did you just use Yaoyorozu's quirk?" Izuku asks.

"Yea, it comes in handy." I respond and then pick up the pile of clothes and walk over to the bathroom to change.

I put on the hoodie and pants, then my mask and my scarf on, and finally my shoes.

"Y/n, are you going out alone?" I hear Tenya knock at the door.

"Yea, just text me when you guys are ready." I open the door and see him standing there.

"Please be safe, I can't have you getting hurt again." he says strongly.

"Same goes for you." I give him a small nudge and he smiles.

"What are you going to do?" Izuku asks worriedly.

"I'm going to go see the after math of everything. and go shopping, do you guys want anything?" I glance at all of them and grab my phone off of the bed.

"No, thank you." Shoto responds calmly.

"i'm ok." Izuku gives a small smile.

"surprise me." Tenya bends down and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"Ok, i'll be back." I give Tenya hug and then wave before walking out the room, down to the reception.

"How can I help you?" The person asks respectfully.

"I would like to be discharged." I answer.


"Y/n Aizawa."

"Seems you're farther already called and gave you the go ahead to leave." they look up at me.

"oh ok, thank you. I'll be back later to get my friends then." I smile behind the mask.

"Ok, see you later."

I nod and then walk out of the hospital doors.

The fresh air hits my face and I take in a deep breathe and pull my hood up.

After walking down the street for sometime, with the occasional stares. I find an alleyway that would give me access to the roof tops.

I climb up the steel caged ladder and then find myself on top of a random buildings roof, I can see the whole city from here.

taking my phone out of my pocket, I drop Momo's quirk and then look up near by shops.

theres a small outlet mall a mile down, I glance over in direction and see some pro's patrolling.

I crouch down to make sure they don't see me and then start jumping from roof to roof, eventually I make it to the mall and jump down.

when I landed I saw a huge screen with the news playing on it, it was all about Stain and the creatures from last night.

with my phone still in my hand, I call dad.

"Hey, Dad." I smile.

"Hey, sweetie. what's going on?" He asks in a gruff voice.

"i'm just walking around Hosu, me and the others are coming home tonight, will you pick my up at the train station?"

"are you alone? and sure, Yamada already picked up your stuff."

"Don't worry, I have my scarf and a mask so no one will recognize me." I explain.

"How did the legal part of things go? are you in any trouble?" He asks.

"We got let off, with the promise to let Endeavor take all of the credit. which I don't have a problem with." I shrug.

"thats good, I'm sure you would've been fine anyway. that time do you think you'll need me to pick you up?"

"I'll text you when i'm about to get off the train, and also I want to tell you something." I take a turn and walk into another ally.

"What is it?" He asks worriedly.

"you have to promise not to get mad." I take a seat in one of the shadows.

"Depends on what it is." he says impatiently.

"Well, the reason I spend a lot of time with Tenya is because,,, me and him are more than just friends." I say hesitantly.

"So what does that intel?" he asks confused.

"We're dating." I blurt out and a moment of silence fills the call.

"is that so?" he ask after a while.

"yea, Tenya's a great guy. I'm sorry for not telling you sooner." I gulp.

"Yea, he's an ok kid. But if he ever hurts you, I'm going to get involved." he says with an edge to his voice. 

"Please don't scare him too bad, Dad. And thank you for being ok with this." I feel a since of relief.

"I won't, i'll see you soon. love you."

"love you too." he hangs up the phone and I put it in my pocket.

I can't believe I just did that.

some guy takes a turn into the ally I'm sitting in and I slowly get up.

He's tall, with dark purple scars lining his face, raven black hair, with pricing blue eyes, they look like Endeavor's.

I start to walk towards him, hoping to quietly pass, he gives me a look before stopping right in front of me, blocking the way.

"I'm just trying to pass." I say emotionlessly and he looks down at me.

"what's a young girl like you doing out here alone?" He asks with a raspy voice.

"Just trying to get by." I look up at him with dead eyes.

"Me too." he responds with hidden pain in his tone.

"so what are you doing out here?" I ask trying to get him to let me go.

"nothing really, just tryin to get somewhere." he answers and takes a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket. "Want one?" he take one out and hold it between two fingers.

"I don't smoke, but thanks." I put a hand up.

"I don't normally, but with what's happening in the world it's hard not too." he turns to the side and leans against the wall.

"Yea, it's been rough." I move to walk away but he grabs my wrist.

"Stay, I haven't talked to someone like me in so long." he half pleads.

I stare into his eyes for a seconds, I can see all the pain and sadness that fills them.

"I can't stay for long." I take a seat next to him.

"What's your name?" he asks after a long drag of the cigarette.

"It's not important." I answer.

"I thought that for a long time, too, now i'm going by Dabi." he responds. "Did you see what happened last night, with all of the fake heroes rooming the city." he asks with disgust in his voice.

this guy must be a villain, glad I didn't give him my name.

"Yea, I did. Did you hear about the hero killer?" I ask.

"Yea, it's a shame he got caught." he takes another drag of his cancer stick.

"sure." I hide my frustration under a dead face.

"You should come with, we need more people like you." he glances down at me.

"Who's we?" I get back up on my feet.

"I can't say, but, I'm sure they don't want me to be late." he separates himself from the wall and drops the cigarette.

"I can't go with you, I have my own stuff to do. but it was cool talking to you." I step on his trash to put out the fire.

"Huh, see you some other time. maybe you'll reconsider." he shrugs and then walks away from me and down the ally way.


I walked out of the ally and made it down to the shops and got what I needed too. I got Tenya and all of the guys some sweets, and got myself some energy drinks.

The sun was starting to set and I started the walk back to the hospital.

My phone goes off in my pocket, so I take my free hand to see who texted me.

Tenya: everyone is ready to go, how did your shopping go, love?

Me: It went well, I got all of you guys some stuff. oh and get ready for my dad.

Tenya: what do you mean by that y/n?

Me: I kinda off told him that we were dating, over the phone.

Tenya: Oh my! that's ok! I'll be ready!

I smile and then see that someone else is texting me.

Izuku: What did you say to Iida? He's freaking out rn.

Me: I told him that I told my dad we were dating. is it bad?

Izuku: that makes sense. it's not bad, but it's a sight to see.

Me: I'll be there soon.

I put my phone back into my pocket and start to walk faster.

once I was in sight of the Hospital, I see everyone standing outside waiting for me.

"Hey!! Y/n!!" Izuku smiles.

"Y/n, you should have seen iida's facial expressions." Shoto says with a small smile.

"yea, anyways I got you guys some stuff." I look down at the bag I was holding and hand everyone their stuff, except Tenya.

"I would carry your stuff, but it seems my arms are out of commission." Tenya smiles and I pick up his bag.

"It's fine, I don't mind. Oh, and my dad is meeting us at the train station." I try to smile.

Tenya's eyes widen as I walk next to him and Shoto and Izuku follow behind us.

"He's not mad if you're wondering." I break the silence and Tenya lets out a breathe of relief.

"that's good to hear, i'm glad." Tenya smiles.

We all make our way to the train station, with Tenya and Izuku doing most of the talking.

"What did Gran Torino say when you picked up your stuff?" I ask as we walk over to where our train is.

"It was interesting, but it was mostly him wanting me to know more about one for all and All Might." He says quietly so only I can hear.

"I could probably help, but not much." I shrug and then we hear the train coming into the station.

"I wonder if we will see some of our classmates when we get back there." Tenya thinks out loud.

"Probably." I smile.

We all got onto the train and Shoto and Izuku sat next to each other, across from us. As me and Tenya sat together. I take off my mask and my hood.

"How are you guys getting home?" I ask all of them.

"I think my mom is meeting me." Izuku answers.

"I'm taking a connecting train to my father's agency." Shoto replies.

"My mother is going to come pick me up, I hope that she doesn't run into Mr. Aizawa." Tenya says with furrowed brows.

"that would not be pleasant." I add.

The rest of the ride was simple and fast, everyone had seemed to fall asleep.

Dad: I'm here.

Me: cool, my train is about to be there so ill see you soon.

Dad: Guess who i'm talking to y/n.

Me: who...?

Dad: Mrs. Iida, she's quite fond of you ya know.

Me: how long have you guys been talking!??

Dad: not long, she was mostly just asking about how her son is in class and then you came up.

Me: What did she say!?!

Dad: Nothin, just that you and Tenya are really, really close.

Me: well, he is my boyfriend.

Dad: >:(

I laugh and then put my phone away.

"well it seems the worst has happened." I say out loud and everyone wakes up.

"What?!" Tenya asks concerned.

"My dad is talking to your mom." I inform.

"How do you know?" Izuku rubs his eyes.

"He texted me about it." I say to him.

The train stops and I grab me and Tenya's bags as we get off the train.

all four of us walk to the center of the station and I see a women with long green hair running over to Izuku, she must be his mom.

"Oh!! Izuku, I missed you so much!!" She cries.

"Mom, my friends are watching!" Izuku says embarrassed as he hugs her back.

"Hey, Dad!!" I rush over to him and give him a hug.

"Hey, kid. I missed ya." he leans down and kisses my forehead.

"missed you too." I give one final squeeze before letting go of him and he returns to his normal cold, tired self.

"Oh, Tenya!! Y/n." His mom rushed over and gave Tenya a gentle hug and a hand on my shoulder. "It was odd not having you kids around."

"Hi, I'm Izuku's mother, you must be his classmates parents." The sweet lady that was hugging Izuku walks over to all of us.

"Mom, this is Y/n, iida, Todoroki, Mr. Aizawa and Iida's mom." Izuku introduces.

"Mr. Aizawa, isn't that your teacher?" She asks him.

"Yes, mom. he's also Y/n's dad." He answers her.

Dad and I nod and then Tenya's mom starts a conversation with her and they leave the rest of us to ourselves.

"I have to get going." Shoto tells us.

"See you later, Todoroki!" Izuku waves.

"Have safe travels, Todoroki!" Tenya waves as well.

"Bye Shoto, be safe!" I give him a quick hug and he smiles before walking away from the rest of us.

"Mr. Aizawa, thank you for letting me be with your daughter. I promise to take care of her!" Tenya tells Dad abruptly.

"Hm, you better." Dad says coldly as he puts an arm around my shoulders.

"Don't you kids have school in the morning? it's getting late." Izuku's mom says in a motherly tone.

"Yeah, we should get going. Tenya, your brother is home from the hospital now." His mom smiles.

"That's great!" Tenya says loudly.

"That's amazing Iida!" Izuku congratulates him.

They get into their own conversation and the green haired woman walks over to me and my dad.

"I'm Inko Midoriya, it's nice to meet the man that is teaching my son." she hold out her hand and Dad shakes it.

Dad nods respectfully and she smiles.

"It's also nice to finally meet his friends! Can I give you a hug?" she looks at me loving me.

"Yea, sure! just watch the shoulder." I go in for a hug and she gently hugs me back.

"I heard some of you got hurt, i'm so sorry." she says worriedly.

"it's ok, nothing I can't handle." I give her a smile.

"I saw you at the sports festival, you were amazing." she compliments.

"Mom, dont bombarde y/n." Izuku tells her.

"im not, im not." she puts her hands up.

"we should get going." Dad says plainly.

"It was nice talking to all of you!" Inko cries out.

"Nice meeting you." I smile at her.

"Bye, Y/n. I'll see you tomorrow!" Izuku gives me a side hug and then walks away with his mom.

"Tenya, we should getting going, too." His mom tells him.

"Yes, mother." He responds and they come over to us, just as izuku and his mom did.

"Here's Tenya's stuff." I hand his mom his bags.

"Thank you, y/n. you're an angel." she smiles gratefully.

"I'll talk to you later, y/n." Tenya says boldly as he looks down at me.

"ok, get home safe." I lean up and give him a hug before walking away with my dad.

"Too many people." He mumbles.

"Yea, i'm exhausted." I respond.

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