MyStreet: Starlight (OC Chara...

By KOTLCfannumber1

10.2K 223 155


In My Dearest Memories
Here In My Arms
Werewolf KISS?!
Always Be The One/Scars
Alpha... I mean Aaron!!
Kawaii~Chan's Secret
An Ultima's Bite/My Real Name
Her Dad
You Are My Son
Dream Come True
Now Kiss!
I Like You...
What Do I DO!?
Make Me Like You...
Choose.../Aphmau's Family Secret
Zuzu's Got a Girlfriend/Aaron's Choice
Aphmau In Pain/My Ears and Tail
Kawaii~Chan's Ex-Boyfriends
Hiding Aphmau
It's Time.../Zane Betrayed...
We're Engaged!
Lucinda Breaks In
Babes Hit On Aaron
The Business of Forever Potions
An Uncertain Future

Aphmau's Ex-Crush/Wedding Bells

258 7 5
By KOTLCfannumber1

"So let's run through this again," Lucinda says tiredly. All three of us---her me and Kim---are holed up in my room, as it's at the end of the hall and least likely to be disturbed. "Travis has the book, knows how to read it, has a very dangerous father who almost caught me, and we have no idea what to do."

"Bout sums it up." I admit.

Kim groans. "We have to get that book back!"

"He's already read it!" I say. "There's not much that getting it back would do!"

"Who's to say he's read the whole thing?" Lucinda asks.

"Where was the part that talked about turning souls into stones?" I ask. "M-maybe he's gotten to that part already?"

Kim shudders and hugs herself. "Can souls actually be turned into something?"

"Yes, they can." Lucinda says sadly. "And that section was near the middle. Why?"

"Because the red book mark was there." I say.

Lucinda gasps. "Oh, no! I marked that page so I could spell it away! I tried to rip it out, but it had a sticking spell on it, so I bookmarked it so I could perform the counter-charm on it!"

Dread seeps through my veins. "So... he's definitely read it."

"Yes." Lucinda says. "But it's complicated. You need a very specific machine, something called a Celestial Cannon, and that, as far as we know, doesn't exist any more."

"So, as long as we keep a close eye on him, he can't actually perform any of these." I reason.


I breathe a sigh of relief. "Good. Then we're safe here for the time being."

"As safe as we can be." Lucinda agrees. 


The next morning, I yawn loudly, pulling my covers off and making sure I'm definitely not wearing that horrid bikini and smile when I know I'm not. I smooth my purple skirt and comb my hair, pulling my headband on and opening my door to walk out.

And instantly identify Kim and Lucinda behind a window, Kawaii~Chan crouched behind a wooden pillar, and Sylvanna behind a couch. And all of them are watching Aphmau.

Curiously, I make my way downstairs and hover there, watching Aphmau intently, trying to figure out why they're all so intent on watching her.

And then I see it.

A wedding dress magazine.

"Ohhhhh, she's looking at wedding stuff!" I coo, crouching lower and watching Aphmau rifle through magazines and articles, and also moving from tab to tab on her computer.

"Ohhhh... I want to go over there... but I can't seem crazy." I mutter. Normally, I hate anything pretty-girly-shoppy, but it's Aphmau's. WEDDING.

"Ohh, screw this! I really want to help! But I can't let her think I'm desperate." I creep forward slowly, watching Lucinda, Kim, Kawaii~Chan and Sylvanna do the same, meeting them all in the center of the room and watching Aphmau until she looks up.

I grin.

She gives me a look that clearly says she thinks we're about to devour her soul.

"Hey, what are you vultures doing here?" Sylvanna demands. "Are you secretly trying to stick your nose into my daughter's wedding plans??"

"Sounds like someone has an agenda of their own!" I say crossly.

"I WAS HERE FIRST!" Kawaii~Chan yells.

"No, you weren't!" Kim snaps. "I've been watching her since last night!"

We all turn to stare at her.

She goes white. "I... m-m-mean... I... I dreamt I was here...Yeah!" Her gaze turns to us. "Why are YOU here??"


"But, I didn't---" Aph tries.

"I've known her since high school!" Kawaii~Chan yells.

"I've known her since high school too!" Lucinda snaps.

"Me too! And I never accidentally cursed her!" I chime in.

"I'VE KNOWN HER SINCE---" Kim stops. "I mean, no one even cared if I existed in high school, so... yeah."

"THAT'S NOT TRUE, I WOULD HAVE CARED IF YOU'D PUT YOURSELF OUT A LITTLE MORE!" I protest, but everyone is yelling now, and I only catch a few words here and there. Lucinda says something about being most fashionable, and Aphmau says something then leaves, Sylvanna calling after her, "MIJA!"

This could be complicated.


"I gotta admit, I needed this break." I sigh. "I'm sorry if I bother you guys."

"Aw, don't worry, baby sister!" Garroth chuckles. "You're my least annoying sibling!"

"HEY!" Zane says.

"You're not the most annoying either, Zane."

"Oh! Vylad?"


I laugh. "He can be, I guess. Aaron, Travis, are you guys sure you don't mind me hanging out with you? I needed to get away from Lucinda, Kim, Kawaii~Chan, and Sylvanna. They're all in a frenzy over the wedding, and I actually found myself wanting to join in earlier today."

Garroth gasps.

"I know." I say sadly. "It was awful."

Zane shudders. "Violet, interested in wedding stuff? Oh, the horror!"

"Oh, shut up." I giggle. "You know what I meant."

"By the way, Aaron, congrats on the engagement!" Travis says.

"Thanks." Aaron says, smiling.

"I'M SO EXCITED!" Garroth squeals. "LIKE---none of my friends or anyone I know has gotten married!"

"Mom and dad are married." Zane points out.

"Yeah, but I wasn't born for it!" Garroth says. "This is going to be like, the first wedding ever between ALL of us!"

"Yeah, I suppose you're right." Zane says.

"I hope I don't cry at the wedding." Garroth says, sniffling. "It's just two people sharing their love for each other, forever! IT'S BEAUTIFUL!"

"Oh, calm down, ya big baby." I giggle. "If you're this enthusiastic about Aaron and Aphmau's wedding, how'll you react to mine? And Zane's when he gets hitched?"

Garroth's eyes sparkle. "CAN I BE THE FLOWER GIRL??" He squeals.

I have a vivid mental image of Garroth in a sparkly gold dress, his hair in pigtails, throwing pink rose petals on all my guest's heads. "Definitely not."

"How did your parents take it?" Travis asks Aaron.

"Oh, they don't know. We haven't really had a chance to tell them yet." Aaron says. "We're gonna keep it a surprise until we see them again."

"Awww, that sounds nice!" I say.

"I have to admit, I was surprised when Katelyn told me." Travis says. "I mean, you guys have been together for a while, but I... just never thought it would happen."

"Yeah. We're taking things at our own pace." Aaron says.

"Kawaii~Chan could learn a thing or two about that." Garroth says wisely.


"Ow!" Garroth complains, rubbing twin bruises from where Zane and I hit him on either arm.

"Speaking of which..." Travis says. "Zane, and Kawaii~Chan. Who coulda seen that comin', huh?"

"What does that mean?" Zane asks.

"I mean, like... she's um... y'know."

"What do I know??" Zane demands.

"A little too good for you." Travis suggests innocently.

"WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?" Zane yells, ignoring mine and Garroth's giggling so hard we're leaning on each other. "SAY THAT TO MY FACE, YOU WET NOODLE!"

Travis gasps. "YOU CALLED ME A NOODLE!" He moves for Zane.

"Guys, guys, come on!" I complain. "Please don't get heated---"

"Shhhhh!" Garroth says, pulling out popcorn. "No, let them fight! I haven't seen a good fight in ages! Huehue!"

Aaron rolls his eyes with me.

"Don't make fun of me because you know it's true!" Travis says, poking Zane's knees.

"You don't even know a thing about me!" Zane yells.

"I know that in high school you were a jerk to everyone!" Travis says.


"Yeah, well back on MyStreet, you were STILL A JERK!"

"I've changed over the years!" Zane protests.

"Says who?? Nobody says you've changed!" Travis looks over at us. I've already joined Garroth in eating popcorn, and Aaron looks tempted to join.

I shake my head. "Uh-uh. You are so not pulling me in this."

"VIOLET!" Zane protests.

"HA! Even your sister agrees with me!"

"Hey, I never said that!" I say.

"Ya little lint-licker!" Travis mocks Zane.

"Hey, guys!" I hear. Garroth, Aaron and I turn to see Erik behind us. "Wassup???"

Cricket. Cricket.

"Oh no, Mr. Katelyn's dad!" Travis squeaks. Zane gives an evil santa laugh and whispers something to himself.

"What are you guys up to? And girl." Erik adds. I smile.

"Engaging in---polite conversation!" Travis says.

"POLITE?" Zane says. Ohhhh, I see his plan. "You just called me a lint-licker!"

"Well, you look like one!" Travis protests. "Plus you called me a wet noodle!"

"You look like one!"

"Wait... " Erik says slowly. "What's goin' on? I just came over to crack a cold one with the boys! Is this a fight?"

"No, sir, we are just yelling. Loudly. At each other." Travis says.

Aaron grabs some popcorn from me.

"It's totally a fight." I assure Erik.

"OOOH, YEAH!" Erik cheers, going over to my chair, as I'm the smallest. "Scoot over, I wanna see!" I move over to Garroth's chair and he lets me on with him.

"Wait. What?" Travis asks blankly.

"Defend your honor, Travis!" Erik says boldly.

"What honor?" Zane asks nastily.

"UUUUGH, WHY YOU---" Travis says. He starts repeatedly slapping Zane's knee, and they both yell and yell random nonsense until I catch Garroth eyeing my popcorn.

"No." I say, and lick it all.

"Aw, man!" Garroth says sadly. "I ran out of popcorn." he says sadly to me. "Be right back... since you won't share any.." He gives me puppy-dog eyes.

I lick my popcorn again.

Garroth sighs and walks back into the house.

"Hey, buddy!" Erik says to Aaron, who flinches and turns to him. "You smell that?"

Aaron sniffs and his nose crinkles in disgust. "Ugh. Is that peanut butter?"

"Yeeeaah! Like it? It's a new cologne that Sylvanna got me. Doesn't it make your mouth water?" Erik asks eagerly. I sniff a little and cringe, plugging my nose.

"Actually, that smells bad." Aaron says, choking. "Like really bad."

I cough. "Ugh, you need to wash that off."

"Oh! I mean, uh... Y-y-yeah! It bites." Erik says. "It's real bad. I just didn't have the heart to tell her. But, I wore it anyway."

"Yep!" Aaron agrees. "Sometimes, you just gotta take one for the team."

"Yeah..." Erik says.

I giggle. "What exactly has Aph gotten you that you had to suffer through, Aaron?" I tease.

He instantly freezes up. "I didn't mean---uh----that is---ummmm---"

I laugh. "Don't worry, I promise not to say anything. To either of your girlfriends." I add when Erik opens his mouth. "I'm not a snitch. You guys were nice enough to let me hang out with you."

"I don't understand how someone as sweet and hot as Kawaii~Chan can even be AROUND YOU!" Travis suddenly yells, and all eyes are back on Zane and Travis.

"I can say the same thing about Katelyn!" Zane fires back.

"Waaaait." I grin. "Are you saying Katelyn's hot?" I tease. Aaron snickers behind me.

Travis gasps. "You son of a biscuit-eating bulldog!"

"Violet, you are not helping!" Zane growls.

"Hey, I'm not the one calling Katelyn hot in front of her boyfriend and her d---" I start.

"Did you just call my sugar pea hot??" Erik demands, interrupting me.

"Ewww, no!" Zane yells. "She's probably as ugly as her father!"

Record screech. I turn slowly to look at Erik, who has fangs bared, eyes wide and angry, and a vein popping out of his forehead.

"Ohh. Wait. Are you... her father?" Zane asks nervously, standing up.

"YES!!!!" Erik growls.

"Whoops." Zane says. "W-well, it's not like I'm interested in Katelyn..."

"Is she too UGLY like her FATHER for you??!"

"N-no! She's just not my type!" Zane yells.

"Did I miss anything?" Garroth suddenly asks, scooting back onto his chair with me. I pluck a piece of popcorn from him.

"You missed everything." I assure him, munching on my piece.

"THAT'S IT! We're going to settle this in the RING!" Erik yells.

"What." Zane says flatly.

Sure enough, five minutes later, we're standing on the beach as Erik puts the finishing touches on a metal-and-rubber wrestling cage.

'WHAT THE---" Zane yells.

"You're going to face Travis in the ring!" Erik orders. "This is the only true way wrestlers can settle their beef!"

"We have! No! Beef!" Zane insists.

"You insulted Katelyn and said she looked like her ugly father!" Travis yells.

"HEY!" Erik yells.

"Now, I must avenge her!" Travis says bravely.

"I'm not doing this." Zane says stubbornly. "It's so childish!"

"So is your mask." Travis says smugly.

Zane gives a long and loud gasp. "BRING IT."

"But first!" Erik sings. "A warm-up fight! Just so I can show you boys how to fight! Aaron, can you please help me?"

"Huh." Aaron asks, giving him the evil eye. Erik drags him into the ring and makes him take his jacket off, while Erik takes his shirt off and starts flexing, looking kinda dumb.

"Uhhh... you wanna fight me?" Aaron asks, looking kind of concerned for Erik's mental health. And after seeing Aaron fight E---HIM last year, I don't blame him.

"Ab-so-lutely!" Erik yells. "Humans and werewolves don't normally face off! But I'm ready to destroy you!!"

"All right." Aaron sighs.

"Now," Erik turns to Zane and Travis. "Watch how it's done! Aaaaaah!" He charges Aaron and picks him up, tossing him on the ground. But Aaron's up in a second, kicking Erik in his stomach and sending him flying.

"Wow. Aaron is really holding his own!" Travis says admiringly.

"I can't wait to punch you." Zane mutters.


But I see Erik's hand going straight for Aaron's mouth, and my heart stops. "Zane---" I start, grabbing his sleeve, but Aaron's already bit him and lifted him over his head, throwing him down. He pants for a minute then says, "You okay?"

"Oh, NOO! Aaron, you bit me!" Erik says dramatically, showing the teeth mark. My grip on Zane's sleeve dissolves.

"Oh, man!" Travis says, sounding worried. He should be. "I'll go--go get some ice for that!" He runs off as Garroth, Zane and I exchange fearful glances. But Aaron doesn't look concerned.

"Does this mean I'll---BECOME A WEREWOLF??" Erik demands, his eyes sparkling for some reason.

Aaron laughs. "No, not at all!" We all breathe a sigh of relief.

"WHAT?" Erik yells. "WHAT D'YOU MEAN?"

"That only happens when I bare my fangs." Aaron explains, and I want to laugh at Erik's crestfallen face. I wouldn't be surprised if he's doing this to get Sylvanna's attention. "And honestly, I've got a pretty good grasp on it, so, you don't need to worry." Aaron continues.

"B--but I..." Erik says, his eyes filling with tears. Yep, it was for Sylvanna.

"Here's your ice." Travis says, coming up with an ice pack.

"Ohhh, maaaan!" Erik says, then sighs. "All right... Travis! Zane! YOU'RE UP!" He climbs out with Aaron and, once we've got the ice on him, Zane and Travis start their fight.

"Wow, it's gettin' intense!" Erik says proudly.

"I mean, as intense as it gets." Garroth says, in awe.

"Should we stop them before they kill each other?" I suggest.

"They'll get tired eventually." Aaron says. And so we all continue to watch as Zane and Travis slap each other repeatedly and throw bad comebacks at each other. I smile. Who knew boys were such dorks when it came to 'fighting'?

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